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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1904)
Lincoln ' c/- VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , JUNE 10 , 1904. NUMBER 22 tote to tote to IAre you in the market for some Furni- Jjture ? If you are , or will be , we have something worthy of your attention. to Notice the following : * ? ? Bed Room Suits , oak $16.00 to § 28.00 c $ Iron Beds , in colors 4.00 to 12.50 4 Dressers , golden oak and elm 10.00 to 15.00 H Large Arm Rockers 2.50 to r.oo it $ % Sewing Rockers , cane seats 2.00 to 3.50 ? Parlor Tables , oak 1.50 to 5.50 Combination Cases , i sawed gold 4 ? en oak 12.50 to 20.00 * ? * We also carry a new and up-to-date line of Baby Buggies and Go Carts. 0 $ i ? Our goods are continually going out and new goods to tote arriving daily , therefore we have no old stock , but tote always something new. Call and inspect our oods. tote tote to i ? tote * * tote tote to f RED FRONT MERC.J CO tote tote tote tote VR For Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine S Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. A § Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most 3 desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. TAILOE Tl m AND CLOTHIEK. S MPAI lYlJGr\JL * p | Are the best on the market : Neat , ornamental and serviceable. 81 They'11 last for years and save you money in fuel. You all start them in a moment and turn out the flame when ; III cooking's done. No waste or fuel : No waste of time : ] S HI heat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick Meal gig JJK Stove on exhibition. I FRANK FISCHER 1 HJ DEALER IN j General Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking. ® Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Wational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The T NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN" A General Banking Exchange and i25OQO. Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. " J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON , .G BJiier. GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * Von f and r frTAL THE TOWN U. O'Bryan was in town Monj day on business. H. R. Shockley is home again fron Hecla , Nebr. Ed Brown is in town this week visiting relatives and friends. " \Vm. \ Piercy was in town last Saturday greeting old friends. T. C. Hornby is erecting an im plement shed back of his store. J. II. Quigley moved his cattle over on the reservation last week. Miss Leta Stetter returned last Saturday from the University at Lincoln. Claude Jones departed Monday morning for St. Louis to take in the sights at the fair. Wallace McDonald came down from Crookston Monday to attend the normal during the summer. TV. A. Kimbell is taking the place of Claude Jones at the barber shop while the latter is at St. Louis , Mr. Query is putting down a well for S. Moon this week at his residence in the west part of town. Joseph Kreycik , Barney De- Nay er and Mr. Kief , of Arabia , were in town Tuesday on business. AVm. Hcelan called at our of fice Monday to greet the editor and offer congratulations and best wishes. An enjoyable time was given to the young people last Saturday night by a dance at the Valentine House. P. Sullivan , of Merriman , was in our city last Friday on business. We enjoyed a pleasant visit with . him at our office. 1 Leonard Sparks returned home tf. Monday morning from Orchard Lake , Mich. , where he has been n attending school. a B. Tinkham , Jess McVey and \ A. G. "Ward drove up from the a hay flats , southwest of TVoodlake , ic Tuesday , on business at the land office. Misses May and Nellie Gunder- son , from Cody , are visiting at the a home of their aunt , Mrs. Breukif : lander. Miss Nellie is going to a attend normal here this summer , di dit * t The ladies of the Fort gave a j ; , lawn social on the hospital grounds last Friday for th'e benefit of char- ity. Quite a number of townspeople - , ; people went down and a large sum \ was taken in. , IK Last Friday night about mid si night a fire started in the kitchen in of the hospital at the Fort , but C was discovered in time to be putout tile } out with no damage except burn lo ing the kitchen. tl ; The city is putting in water cc pipes , extenting from Howard as Layport's residence west to Mrs. Cole's , and north from Howard Layport's to Mat House's. AY. H. McCloud has the contract for digging the ditch at 70c per rod. c cc ; The company horse that was purchased of McLaughlin Bros , C ( last fall died last Sunday evening near Yank O'Bryai/s while Geo. so ; Tracewell was on the way to Yank's with him. The cause of his death is unknown. He was a ef : fine black horse and there was no cj , insurance on him. A ball game was played here be11 tween Ainsworth and Valentine ball teams last Thursday afternoon. The weather was fine for a game vc and .the clouds obscured the sun seas as to equal a huge umbrella for er shade. Ainsworth nine got the best of our nine and though perac haps having no better ball players , they have a better orgnization. The score was 9 to 3. j Henry Vansteenis had a good crowd at his sale last Friday and he was well pleased with the re sult. He called at our office Mon day while in town and says he is undecided yet as to where he will go if he should leave Cherry Co. Contest notices can be printed in the VALETINE DEMOCRAT by the request of the party filing the contest. It is the privilege of the contestant to have notice printed in the newspaper he may designate which is published in the county wherein the land is located. If it is desired that your contest notice be printed in this paper , please state that desire to the U. S. land office officials. M. 0. Metzger , of Merriman , called at our office Monday while in town and the Editor enjoyed a pleasant , visit with him. Mr. Metzger , together with his brother Fred , owns the ranch formerly owned by Alex Dobson , located seven miles northwest of Merri man , and are brothers to Wm. and Albert Metzger , of King , 40 miles south of Merriman. Mr. Metzger reports stock doing well and the range is in excellent condition with prospects of a big hay crop. Hay hands will be in o-ood demand from the 1st of July through haying. The Stockmen's Telepone Co. is making fair progress with their line. The poles are laid from here to Simeon , waiting to be set up. The company hope to be connected with Simeon within a month or so and to Kennedy shortly afterward. Chas : Reece- was out to Brownlee last week for the purpose of secur ing ] twelve more shares and ex tending < the line on to Brownlee from Kennedy. This line will beef f.o of great advantage to the stock men in that country as it will en able them to communicate with Valentine whenever they wish , and it will save numerous and ted ious trips which otherwise would be unaviodable. Tuesday afternoon , J. F. Swain brought something wrapped up in paper to this office , saying that c f the editor thought it was worth idveitising to advertise it. He lidn't name the article but said was an article of woman's wcai hat modesty forbade him to speak. 3ur long acquaintance with Mr. Swain encourages us to believe hat he found the article as he said. \YQ are unable to understand how ic would come into possession of such an article of woman's wear n any other way , while out in the country travelling around to see he farmers. If the owner of an.y est wearing apparel will come to his : office to inquire for a black jorset we won't ask any questions to how she lost it. Court Kotcs. The following is the list of cases Hsposed ] of at the special term of ourt , June S. it.'i. Terry vs Beamer , foreclosune ; jonfirmed. J. G. Wilson vs Nina Y. Wil- on , equity ; confirmed. So. Omaha National Bank vs S. R v. Stewart and W. Vf. Wood , 'i. quity ; continued , latter given 30 i lays to answers , 10 days for reply. W. A. Parker vs A. and R. .logers , attachment ; judgment 00 granted. Lulu Scott vs Homer Scott , di- -orce ; granted. W. E. Haley vs Lorin C. Bark- 3 i * , foreclosure ; confirmed. Anchor Bank vs C. H. Webster , ction on note ; decree for plaintiff udgment § 2,850. Bertha Reese vs Francis G. ieese , divorce ; granted. t JMay be had by using * Canned Goods. Note the following. & to Deviled Shrimp , Deviled Chicken , Potted Tongue , Deviled Ham , Veal Loaf Dried Beef , Lobsters , Sardines , " Salmon , Lake Shad , Hamburger Aales. J ' ifr Davenport & Thacher Large stock of Hamilton Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold nt greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX B. VIERTBL CROOKSTOJN . 'KEBHASKA The BEST for table use and at popular prices. - Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W.A. PETTYCREW ' , GENERAL MDSE. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Eoasts Dry'Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bar-on , 1'rc.sident. CHAULKS SI'AICKS , Cashier. J. W. STKITKK , Vice 1'resideiit. OKAII L. Uui'rroy , Asst..Cashier Interest paid on Unit deposits. Valentine State Bank , | Capital , S2. . 00 Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus , $1,000 I Persons seeking a place of safety for their Oilice Hours money , will profit by investigating the | 9 A. M. to 4 1' . M. methods employed in our business. . CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at * our we handle the best srrade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery ead the Advertisements.