THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Thursday , June 9 , 1904. Entered at the PostrOfflce at Valentine , Cherry eounty , Nebraska , as Second-class matter. TERMS Subscription % l.oo per year m advance ; $ l.M When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c. Display advertlslEg 1 Inch single column 15c per Issue or SG.OO a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutlon- xnd Socials for Revenue 5c per line per issue. - Brands , I& inches S4.00 per year in advance additional spaceSS-OOper inch per year jengraved blocks extra ; § 1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per Bonally known are. requested to pay la advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 0 months in arrears. Notices of losses of stock freelto brand adver- { isers. A. "Straight Republican. " The Albion ( Neb. ) * Argus quotes from the Washington Prospector as follows : "We have been subjected to a great deal of guying since the re publican convention , and many want to know where we stand af ter the magnificent victory of the railroads. We are the same dash ed old fool we have always been. We are for the ticket. If it is necessary to get a railroad ring in our nose , our nose yearns for the ring. If it is to hell with the people ple and hurrah for the lobby , we are at the front with hell and hur rah. The ticket is going to win , of course ; it cannot be defeated. We will all take 'off our coats and work for it without desiring , or expecting , any other reward than the consciousness that we have been loyal to a party , a trifle fray ed at the edges , but when truly represented standing for the best principles of humanity , the best interests of the common people. " Can it be possible that the edir tor of the Prospector was raised in the Nebraska school of republi canism ? He writes just as a num ber of Nebraska republicans who are faithful to the raikoad corpor ations of this state would write if they were determined to be candid. World-Herald. More Local. Nels Eowley was in town the fore part of the week visiting rela tives and friends. W. A. Allen , of Sparks , called yesterday with a dollar in advance for THE DEMOCRAT. Thos. Hudson , the U. S. mail carrier to Sparks , called on us yesterday on insurance business. Wm. Ballard was in town get ting shaved Tuesday. C. M. Sag- 'esser does the work neatly while you wait. Ed Eichards , of Oasis , was in toq&n yesterday and handed us a § for advance subscription to THE DEMOCRAT. ] \Irs. Carlisle and daughter came up from Topeka , Monday night , to visit with E. D. Clarke-and wife for a few days. W. S. Barker and wife returned from their trip to the World's Fair and visiting with relatives and friends , Tuesday night. Judge Harrington came up from O'Neill and held a special term of Court yesterday in Valentine. Several divorces were granted. 'There will be another sparring match here the 18th between Billy Rhodes , of Omaha , and Hamp Ire land , of Ft. Niobrara , which prom ises to be a very fast go. W. A. Parker and son Don , of Woodlake , were in town on busi ness yesterday and called to con gratulate the editor and spend a few moments is social conversa tion. tion.John John Jackson , of north table , was in town yesterday and called at our office | o offer congratula tions and hand us a couple of dollars lars for THE DEMOCRAT { rick he says is well worth the money it 'costs. Out best wishes also for 'Mr. Jackson as well as to all oth ers who appreciate our efforts to publish the best local newspaper in\he West in readable , interest ing and history making articles. ? ? r yx < ? 32c j 1 Feed grinder , MMfT / "VW" 1 Slightly Used Wagon , cost. 2 Two-way Pumps , A Lot of Native Posts. Building Material g Hardware "We'earry everything in the line of Building Material and Builder's Hardware ; such as Lath , Siding , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Nails , Lime , Cement , which -we buy in car load lots. Call and let us figure with you on Building Material. Wagons and Buggies Always carried in stock. We quote a few of the different makes handled by us : New Mqline , Mitchell , Fuller & Johnson. Ban ner , Milburn , Wide and Narrow Tired Spring Wagons and Buggies. 'icif j _ | 1 1 When in need of a windmill call and ex- W iHQilllllS. ajnine the Eclipse. We have always on. - - hand a stock of Pumps , Pipe and Stock Tanks. Farm Implements. Biding and Walking Cultivators , Riding Disk Cultivators , Disk | Knife listed corn Cultivators. Sole agents for DEERE Implements and Hancock Disk Plows. Repairs for farm implements. rte LUDWIG LUMBER ( jo. L. C. SPARKS , Mgr. Geo. W. Monnier was in town yesterday from south of Kilgore. AVm. Hetzgar came up on the train Monday night from Cedar Creek , Nebr. , to spend the sum mer on the ranch south of Merri- man. He recently visited the World's fair. S. F. Gilman came up from Neligh , Monday night , to super intend the repairing of the electric light plant. The lights were shut off yesterday evening and will re main off about 10 days. I. M. Rice and wife returned Monday night from a four week's visit at the "World's Fair and with relatives and friends in Kansas. Lawrence will visit at the home of his aunt , Mrs. Florence De- Wyke , during the summer. Dan Barnes , one of Cherry coun ty's assessors , called on us yester day for a social chat. Mr. Barnes is as enthusiastic as ever over this year's Junior Normal and came to make arrangements for his daugh ter to attend and selected a place for her to board. M. G. House , formerly a resi dent of town but now living out on the north table called to have some insurance written on his farm property yesterday. Mr. House owns 320 acres of nice land a short distance northwest of town and is milking 10 cows. This proposition will solve the ques tion of Cherry county's future and everyone should prepare to adjust himself to conditions and keep in step with progress in dairying. Our trip to the World's fair was over the B. & M. road from York , Nebr. , and return. The route is most direct , the road bed is good and the train service most complete. The officials and train men are most courteous and oblig ing. We cannot speak too highly of them and would recommend to all visiting the Fair from North western Nebraska to get onto the Burlington road and avoid delays and inconveniences. Take the through train ; and it seems to be their object to land you in St. Louis at the earliest possible mo ment. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be said at Nenzel at 10 o'clock a. m. On Tuesday next 14th , Catholic service will be held at Arabia in the school house at 10 a. m. Miss Anna Melton , who has been a missionary for 15 years , will give a lecture at the Presby- byterian church , Sunday evening , June 12 , at S o'clock on "Her Work in Turkey. " There will be special music also. Everybody invited. Down the River. Mrs. Martin Becker went to Valentine last Saturday. Mr. Porath is going to put down a well for Jacob Sauerwein. Mrs. Broad , of the north table , has been dangerously ill the past few days. Charley Polen was hunting for a stray horse in these parts one clay last week. Messrs. Nollett , Taylor , Shel- bourn and Becker all took hogs to market last Saturday. There will be a school entertain ment in the Polen district , June 10 , in charge of Miss Ella Polen. Mrs. Louis Nollette and son Al fred intended to go to the Mission last Saturday but were disappoint ed by the rain. While driving last week , the team driven by Merten Bryant ran away , throwing him out and breaking his arm and collar bone. From all reports he is getting along nicely. YOUNGSTER. Bailey Briefs. v The prospects are good for a big crop of hay. J. P. Gardiner was at the churn ranch last week. Fred Walker was rounding up his horses last week. Goodin Bros , moved into their new house last week. Considerable alfalfa has been sewed in Bailey this season. Elmer Probasco has erected a new house on his homestead. / W. H. Sellers went to Merri- man the 7th to do some trading. Dan Adamson will give a dance next Friday night in his new house. Jas. and Rosa Mone took in the dance at Goodin Bros. Monday night. Chas. and Lulu Sellers and Lilj j lie Goodin took dinner with G. L. 11 Hauver last Saturday. There will be a picnic in the Gil- lespie grove June 10 , a ball game in the afternoon. Everybody in vited. Bailey had about four inches of rainfall last week. The water is still standing in the low places in the meadows. If it is more blessed to give than to receive , most mortals would dis count the blessings and receive more than they give. Chas. Sellers went to Cody the ith to meet his sister Lulu and Lillian Goodin who were return ing from Casper , Wyo. GUESS Wno I A3i. 382,000 Acres of Govenment Lands in the Rosebud Res ervation to be Opened for Settlement. The Chicago & North-western R'y is the direct line to Bonesteel , on the reservation border. Copy of pamphlet "New Homes in the West" containing maps and full informa tion as to the allotment of these fertile lands and how to reach them , furnished by any agent of the North western Line or will be mailed to any address on receipt of two (2) ( ) cents in postage , by J. A. Kulin , As- s't. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. , C. & N. VV. B'y. , Omaha , Neb. 20 3 Rates to Indianapolis. Via the Northwestern Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold with fav orable return limits on account of National Prohibition Convention to held June 28 to 30. For dates of sale , etc. , apply to agents Chicago & North-western R'y. 20 4 Real Estate Transfers P S Sing to Chas and John Larson , wd , 5300 swue senw s 33 35 John W Weeks to Chas E Gibson , aasig'n of tax sale Si mv 17 33 32 John W Elliot to Thos W Cramer , rel , ne 18 34 23 Fred C Stocer to Lizzie Ladely , deed $1200. nne swne senw 8 29 35 Virginia CThacher to Dora Pease , wd$75 , lot 18 blk 3 Thacher's add to Valentine. Virginia C Thacher to Minerva It Harden , w d § 150 , lots 19.20 blk 3 Thacher's add to Val entine. Notice to Creditors. j HIE STATK OF NEBRASKA i , In the County „ CHKKIIV COUNTY , P3 Court. In the matter of the ectate of Elizabeth Ke- maly. decefised. To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby notiiied , That I will sit at the Countv Court Eoom in Valentine in siid Coun ty , on the 2nd day of July 1904 at 10 o'clock a. m to receive and examine all claims against said eetatu with a view to their adjustmeut and itlowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 2nd day of Ju iy A. D. 19C1 , and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 8th day of August 1S33. Witness my hand and the seal of safd County Court this 8 th day of June , 1904. * SEAL W. H. TOWNE , * 214 County Judge THE VALENTINE HOUSE i t Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot. I Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Club " " "JL" , osr. All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B. HULL HE OWL SALOON W.A.TAYLOR. Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars * VALENTINE X NEBRASKA HENRY TAYLOR. GRANT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes CSPTTork shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE - = NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to' feed. jr SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bouser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. aCKMi HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS * Valentine - - Nebraska ring Your Next Order Here. "We print Letter Heads , Xote Heads , Bill Heads , Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale Bills' , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection. THE DEMOCRAT Valentine , = Nebraska. W. T. Bishop , . 'LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE The Wilber Barn / Your Patronage Solicited ; VALENTINE BOWL LLEY No. 1 Standard Alleys , A healthful , innocent sport , OPEN DAILY FROM I O'CLOCK TO 11 O'Ote P. M.