Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 02, 1904, Image 8

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Mutual companies pay losses i. . i u
No discount 1. M. RICE , Agent
Order of Hearing on Petition i'o
Appointment of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Nel
State of Nebraska , County of Cherry , SB.
TO the heirs ; < i to all persons Interested i
the estate of 8j > v ester E. Orr , deceased :
On reading the petition of Mrs. S E. On
praying that the administration ot said estate I )
granted to Hugh Boyer as administrator.
It is hereby ordered that you , and all person
interested in said matter , may , and do. appea
at the County Court to bo held in and for sai
county , on the llth day of June , A. D. 19 < X
at 10 o'clock u. in. to show cause , if any there b (
vrny the prayer of the petitioner should not b
granted , and that notice of the pendency of .sal
petition and that the hearing thereof be given t
all persons interested in said matter by publisli
iug a cony of this Order in the Valentine Demi
crat a weekly newspaper printed in said count }
for three successive weeks prior to said day o
' Witness my hand and the seal of sai (
SEAL court this 'J3rd day May , A. D. 1901.
r W. K. TOWNE ,
19 3 County Judge.
In the County Court in and for said Cherr
In the matter of the adoption of Matilda Jam
Kirimerson and William Richard Emmeibon
minor children.
All persons will take notice that on the 18tl
day of May A. D. 11HM. Andrew Jackson Plume
and Matilda Jane Emmerson riumer , his wife
liled their petition lor the adoption of said Ma
tilda Jane Emmerson and William Kichard Em
merson. and that on the same day Margare
Emmerson. surviving parent of said minor chil
dren , liled her relinquibhment and consent U
the proposed adoption ot said minor children b' '
said Andrew JacKson .Plainer and Matilda Jani
Emmerson riumer. his wile ; thai said mattei
will be heard by the Couuty Court , at the COUM
ty Judge's Olllce in the Court House at Valentin *
in said Cherry County , on the 2tstdav of .him
A. D. 11KM , at 10 o'clock in the forenoon , at w hicl
time and place objections to said proposed adop
tion will be heard.
It is further ordered that service of this notic <
be had by publication of the same oihce eacl
week for four successive weeks in the Valentine
Dernpcrat , a newspaper printed and published
in said Cherry County.
Witness my hand and official seal this
SEAL 23id day 01 May A. D. 1904.
19 * County Judge.
Tbe Food Value of Nuts.
Nuts are not only the cheapest sourcp
of energy ; they are the best. They are
made up of fat and what is called "pro
tein. " The little husks on the nuts are
not nourishing , but they should be eat
en with the nuts because they help in
But nuts ore so hearty a food that
they should never be eaten except as
the chief dish at a meal ; they should
not be taken at the end of a heavy
meal nor between meals. It is quite as
foolish to eat nuts after a meal as it
would be to eat a beefsteak after a
three course dinner.
Nuts can be made into soups , can be
used in sandwiches , salads and in oth
er combinations boh attractive and
wholesome. They should be eaten with
salt and eaten with all sorts of fruit. A
whole wheat pudding with chopped
nuts in it makes a meal by itself.
Nuts will keep you warm , give ener
gy , and , if you do not work too hard ,
they will increase your flesh , but do not
eat nuts to any amount unless you give
up meat , for they are a substitute , not
a food accessory.
A Troublesome Ant.
In the state of Colombia there is a
large ant ( Atta cephalotes ) which
causes a great deal of injury to planta
tions. It attacks and carries off indis
criminately all kinds of foliage , and no
sort of vegetation seems to come amiss
to > it. The quantity of foliage carried
off by these ants is immense. A natu
ralist recently investigated the uses to
which the ants put this mass of vege
table matter , and he ascertained that
they employ it to make hotbeds upon
which their eggs are deposited to be
hatched tiy the heat produced by the
fermentation of the leaves. The ants do
not eat these portions for food , and the
larval are fed upon a carefully selected
diet. Once the brood is hatched ihe
ants clear away the hotbed , carrying
out of their nest all the decomposed
vegetable matter. This is thrown out
in heaps apart , and in the large ant
hills these heaps will contain bushels
and upward.
The First English Slave Trader.
Sir John Hawkins was the first Eng
lish slave trader. He formed a com
pany composed of the leading men of
London and fitted out three small ships ,
which sailed in 15G2. Later Queen
Elizabeth lent Hawkins Jesus , a large
ship of her own of 700 tons , aud tool-
shares in the second African company.
She not only equipped the ship , but put
100 soldiers on board to provide for
contingencies. On the second voyage
Hawkins bought 400 negroes and had
a narrow escape from losing them ow
ing to the lack of water when he was
near the equator. But , as he piously
recorded in his log , "The Almighty God
would not suffer his elect to perish and
sent a breeze which carried them safe
to Dominica. " This was the beginning
of the slave trade , which lasted for
more than two centuries before it was
finally suppressed.
Tartans of Scotch Clans.
Many Scotch clans have several tar
tans , such as a common tartan , a huntIng -
Ing tartan and a full dress tartan. Ear
ly in the day a highlander of position
dons n kilt of plain tartan , and in the
evening for dinner he puts on his full
dress tartan , with sporran and richly
jeweled dirk. For example , the Mac-
pherson dress tartan is black and
white , with a narrow red line , and the
hunting Macpherson is a small blue
and b'lack and red check. The Stuarts
have three tartans , and the design of
their hunting tartan in dark blue and
green is particularly fine. Each clan
has its own badge. The Duff men wear
holly , the Gordons an ivy leaf , the
Stuarts an oak leaf , and so on.
Via the Norlk-wesfcbrn Line wilj 1
sold June 4 , 9 and G with favorabl
return limits , account of Annua
Convention Traveler Associatioi
ot America. Apply to agents Cui
cage & North-western R'y.
* < A4 ' * . * ! < < y. x. .5 .
Via the North-western Line , will u
sold with favorable return limits
account of Annual MeetingsAmeri
can Medical Associations , etc. , t <
be held June 4 to 10. For dates o
sale , tickets , etc. , apply to agent
Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 18 i
The Rosebud Reservation
lands are to be opened in July. Ful
particulars as to dates and place
for registration and places for draw
ings and final entry , requirement !
of the U. S. Homestead laws , maps
etc. , are contained in a pamphle
"New Homes in the West , " issued b ;
the Passenger Department , Chicagi
& North-western R'y. Call on an ;
ticliet agent of the North-westen
Line , or a copy will be mailed t <
any address on receipt of two (2 (
cents in postagp by J. A. Kuhn , As
s't. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. , C. & N
W. R'y. , Omaha , Neb. 20 3
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebrask
On loft
side. Hor-p
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
U. G. Criger.
Merriman Neb.
Brand recorded
No. 1087.
cut on si
ieft hip
Range 10 miles
south of Merri
man on the
D. Bray
Roseoad S D
Cattle branded qi
left thigh or hi ]
same as cut
Horse bran <
same on the lef
Postofflce address
Byannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range 10 miles
north of Hvannisi
A'lenSons '
Ft Niobrara.
Brand registered
No 870
Horses branded
> u left hip
Range , Niobrara
river 12 miles east
jf Valentine
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
also 16 on left side
with zz on left hip of
some cattle ; also S46
on right side. Horse
brand , rake and 16
on lelt shoulder or
hip. 25 on left jaw
Home ranch on
) ewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of
rort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska.
A , Benson
Address Arabia
Range North of
Niobrara river.
Sawyer Bros.
Postofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr.
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses Uj ? on
left shoulder. Some
"tockEP1 ! left side
ift taigh. Range on Snakfi
50 YEARS *
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether nn
Invention 13 probably patentablc. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest acency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive
tfcclal notice , without chnrce , in the
A handsomely Hlnstrntod weekly. J.nrpcst cir-
dilation of any scientific journal Tet ms ? 3 r
yenr ; fonr months , fl. S
Vnnch Office. G2.i W St. . Ya&htnvinn. D a1
\ irtmitu , I * _ i
< ©
. . 'Me fijid ror
uraiidrti > i
lelt side or shuul
1 Brand register-
K.uige VI n , It
southwest of
.YT rrinutit on the
oa Iul1 8Itl
Range eighteen mile
.north . of Hvaunis
J.W. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nebi
Other brands :
3X I + -
Horses branded
X , - < or + o
left shoulder ; O left thigh. Range o
Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek.
P. II. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle brande
as cut-on lef c aid
Some Qyon id
" " on left jaw o
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Sandy Williams.
Merriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
Tostofflce : Gregory. Nebr.
Cattle on te
Horses on left
Some stock
yet bearing my
former : brand as
shown below.
St. Francis Mission
Postofflce address : Crookston. Nebr , or
&L Rosebud , S. D.
. . . . . . .
K * .t Cattle -andei
as in cut ,
Some cattle ii
S D branded enl
on left hip.
Ranee : Nortl
of the Minneclia
duza , Smileswes
ot Crookstou , an <
'on ' Bull Creek.
Any information regarding cattle branded a
above will be thankfully received by Win. Skellj
Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose
bud. S. D.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock brandec
same as cut back o
right shoulder amen
on right hip
Range on tin
F. W. Jersig
Valentine. Nebr
Cattle branded a <
shown [ in cut or
left side , loin or
Range between the Gordon and Snake
south of the Niobrara river
J B Wallingford
Cattle branded
3ime as cut ; also
some branded
on leftaip.
Postofflce a'dress
Brownlee , Neb
On left side or any
part of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
oil' ; horses branded
' same on left lilp.Also
has stock branded H
| on side or shoulder ,
Sor'JK or W orO IVL
| orO or FZ. Also
he-following , the first one being on side and hip
G.H. Seager
! \jstoflice address
Cody , Neoraska
Jattle branded as on
ut on left side , hip
, nd shoulder ; horses
iauge , Snake Creek
J. J. Peck.
Cody , Nebr.
On both sides.
Horses C on
AGO left thigh.
Range Head Pass'
Oreek s D
its JSL ,
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Rosebud , S. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe undci
'fM-s i rniiili <
Mt M-i '
Garner Urotners
A.iivwhiT.- .
Horses on leli
Range- North
F. T. Brackett
Rlege , Nebr.
Brand Registered
Brand right side
) r hip
Horses same on
right .shoulder
Range , Niobrara
6 miles south of
Seth Gary.
Merriman , Nebr.
On botli side and
hip. Herd mark ,
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek and Little
White River.
a W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on lelt hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Frank T. Lee.
Brownlee , Neb ,
Cattle on lefl
side ; horses same
on left shoulder ,
Range Foui
miles northeast ol
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded as
in cut on right side.
Range ; 6 miles east
of Simeon on Cronin
Koan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
piivtiie mark , slit
111 left ear
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
south of Kilgore
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also
Range Lake Creek
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
on left
, Range 6 miles
south of Irwin.
Postofllce address
Gregory , Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
north of Gregory
F. C. & M. O. Metzger.
Merriman Nebraska.
Cattle branded on
leftside ; Horses
branded on left
thigh ,
some are
E on
si-le. Range
) n Snake 35 miles south of Merriman , Others
angoS miles northwest of Merriman.
Charles Richards.
Merriman. Neb
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horsep J3 n
left Jaw
the N lobnira .ui'1
N. S
oanie as cut on lelt
side and hip , niid on
Ipft shoulder of her
left side
H on right hip an4 arn $
0on " lelf slilu. .
* > % VVfej.i.r tV1 jJ * * li > ' * y
v /V i > * 3 * v5 * Tr > * p
Q on left hip of horses
p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses.
Q on left hip of horses.
R M Faddis& Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some bramlpj
left thigl
Horses 00 " "
or thigh j
SomePIfgaon lei
sliou IgiSSi Idei
or © Itlifgb
on right thigh or shoulder.
Postofflco address
Cody , Nebraska
On left side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Range , north and
south of Niobrara
verl2-miles south
west of Cody
Frank Rothleutner
Postofflce addresj
Cuttle oranded on
side as on cut same
on hm.
hm.Some [ on lefl
.side. .
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Range north and
south ot Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
G. W. McFarland
Valentine , Nebr
Cattle branded
as in cut on left
Old stock 2 Y
Range : four
miles east of Fort
Niobrara , north
and south of
Berry bridge the
C. E. Wright.
Valentine Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 374.
Brand anywhere
on right side.
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
searing any of these brands.
Morey & Hewett.
aordon , Nebr.
Srand registered
:292. : On left hip
) f cattle. Horses
same left should-
; r ; also OAQ
eft side.
ilange South of
Shake 35 miles
le of Gordon.
Eobert Quisenbery
Postofflce address
Simeon , Nebr.
K left hip on
Y cattle.
Horses same on
right shoulder.
Range on Snake
Jos. Bristol
Valentin , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle br.imlrd
rvB connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightside
Some cattle also
have af on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two baas
across hind quar
orses branded SOSon , left hip. Some cattle
anded AW bar connected on both sides and
It hln of
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
Poatofflce address
Brownlae , Neb
JUke cut on either
left side or hip ; alao
nif H rn
on ! { hip
, * ' r o.oo j ; ; :
.Stiifgitsaasxixvxvznit * * * * " * ' . . < 5t > ?
w * rr V.iOl anyone unlawr.nlv htr : > lii K
in tL M5 orands.
, ( ohn
Valentin * * . Nelir.
t' r - > t\ \ { *
I. lull II 1 | )
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Some brande < l'v
on left shouldnr
-otrn- > _ Q )
tt ft > . .di'
Range oTiuTes southwest of Valentine on north
side of Mobrara river.
Postofflce address
Crookston , Nab
Cattle branded PE il
on either hip or
right side.
Horses PE on left
Range On Minne-
chaduza 5 miles
east of Crookston.
Postofllce address
Pullman , Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S ,
See block
Range Stever
and Stephenson
Lakes and South
$300 reward will be paid to any person for In
formation leading to the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons stealing cattle with the
above brand.
Postofflc address
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark left ear
[ clipped and ritrht ear
plitherses ; c anded
isame on left sli oulder
[ Range on Niobrara
landMediclne Canyon
D. Stinard.
Valentine , Nebr.
State Brand reg
istered 1554.
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
east of Ft. Nio
brara ,
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Sartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
worses I
Range between
Gordon on the FJJ ,
&M V..R. R. ane !
lyannis on B , & M R. R. in Northwestern
Ellsworth. Nebraska.
Metzger Bros. ,
Gregory Ne&
Cherry Co
Branded on left
aide and thigh.
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don and Snake
Creeks ,
A. Iteicara of $25O will be paid to any
nrson for information leading to the arrest and
nnal conviction of any person or persons steal-
* o
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on leftside as iu
cut , 6-inch bet
aud 2inch circle
Brand registered
br cd
ieft shoul-l
der. 2W *
inch circle , i-in
box. Registered 876. Range 6 railes soutn ol
Lrwm on Niobrara nver.
Postofflce address
Pullman , Neb
Branded on lef t hip ;
lorses same Herd-
nark-double dew-lap
Range south
last of Brush Hill
right > iide and hip
& * P tEJL-J&SJ3uu53y&
Also have stock branded
a right side and hip
on right hip
ange-Southwestern Cherry
> unty
Pullman , Nebr
'Cattle ' branded JY
on rightside v
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
J.F. Swain.
Sparks , Nebr.
ittle branded on
tt side as shown
Ranee South
Sparks on Nio-
ara river ,