Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 02, 1904, Image 4

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Thur iaj ) , Juwe 2 , 1904 Vai
as Hecond-class matter
fn not paid in advance , Sintfr ooptfs 5c.
Display Hdvertlstvu 1 inch single column 15c
per issue or 6,00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
xnd Socials for Revenue 5c per line per issue.
Brands , 1 Ji inches-S4.00 per year in advance
additional space $3-00 per inch per yearjengraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
tonally known are. requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If over 6
months In arrears.
Notices of losses of stock freelto brand adver
Senator M. S. Quay , of Penn
sylvania , died at 2:48 : Saturday af
ternoon , May 28 , 190i , of chronic
, gastritis.
The B. & M. and St. Joe and Gr.
I. have filed their report and it
was printed in the Bee of Thurs
day , the 18th inst. Here is a
sample : The St. Joe & \G. \ I. val
ues its section tools at § 320 : its
track-material at § 150 ; and its supplies -
- plies at $200. It has besides § 340
. of other personal property. This
is the full value ; the assessed val
uation will be one-fifth of this
amount or § 182 for section tools ,
track material , supplies and other
personal property for 312 miles of
road. Vote the republican ticket
straight , give them all the leverage
possible. Minden Courier.
Why should the republicans find
so much fault with Hearst ? He is
the very kind of a man they insist
ed , four and eight years ago , we
needed for president. He is a first
class business man and is able to
manage successfully large and in
tricate business enterprises. His
immense wealth ought to be , to
them , his best recommendation.
They are charging that he is using
cold and clammy cash to buy sup
port , but Lord ! a good republican
ought not to object to that , as only
the other day , in congress , Dazell ,
a national republican leader , ad
mitted that the republicans , in
1S96 , had bought the support of
lloorke Cochran for McKinley ; if
it was right then why should it be
wrong now ? Teddy marched up
San Juan hill , so did Hearst.
Teddy is one of the blue bloods ,
so is Hearst. Teddy is rich , so is
Hearst. Teddy is a college gradu
ate , so is Hearst. Teddy is a man
in the vigor of well natured man
hood , so is Hearst. Teddy believes
in doing things , so does Hearst
and he does them too. Say my
dear republican friends what is
the matter with Hearst ? Wahoo
Shooting : tlie GJ-aloots.
That popular hoodlum sport
known as charivari recevied a check
mate at Williamsport , Pa. , the
other day that is worthy of note.
A bridegroom's house was sur
rounded by a yelling mob , which
finally swarmed up on the roof of
his modest dwelling singing dis-
cordent tunes with great gusto.
At length the groom wearied of
the situation and , with the remark
that it was about time to pass the
refreshments , took down a shot
gun , loaded it with pppcorn , and
fired on the marauders. They
scampered ; their songs of revel
changed to cries of pain , but the
bridegroom was not satisfied. He
made the coterie of hoodlums take
up a collection , which he claimed
was damages for rough usage of
the roof of his house , and , the
money having been paid over , the
party adjourned.
This is one way of shooting civ
ilization into benighted hoodlums.
More Lpcal.
- W. P. Davis , of Georgia , Neb. ,
' died ] May 25,1904 , at the age of
81 years.
Swift's Pride soap is just a plain
.laundry soap , plainly wrapped.
made of in
It i ? carefully pure
gredients. Ask your dealer. , , ,
W re cjg
1 Feed grinder ,
At 1 Slightly Used Wagon ,
2 Two = way Pumps ,
A Lot of Native Posts.
a Building Material "Hardware
We carry everything in the line of Building Material and Builder' * Hardware ; such as
te Lath , Siding , Shingles , Doors ,
Windows , Nails , Lime , Cement ,
which we buy in car load lots. Call and leirus figure with you on Build ing Material.
Wagons and Buggies
Always carried in stock. We quote a few of the different makes handled by us :
New Moline , Mitchell , Fuller & Johnson , Ban
ner , Milburn , Wide and Narrow Tired
Spring Wagons and Buggies.
When in need of a windmill call and ex-
\A/ i tt fm 5 1 1 T
VV inUilllllb. ainine the Eclipse. We have always on
hand a stock of Pumps , Pipe and Stock Tanks.
Farm Implements.
1 Biding and Walking Cultivators , Riding Disk
Cultivators , Disk g Knife listed corn Cultivators.
Sole agents for DEERE Implements and Hancock Disk Plows. Repairs for farm implements.
DBEtrto :
L. C. SPARKS , Mgr.
FOUND On the old Bill Wilson
place at Reige , a pocketbook con
taining some money. Owner can
have same by calling at Henry
Brandt's and proving property.
A. W. Clarkson , who died in
Spokane , Wash. , May 27 , 1901 ,
of heart disease , at the age of 42
years , was an old resident of Cher
ry county , having come here in
1885 , where he resided until 1900
when he went to Washinton and
engaged in the telephone business.
Mr. Clarkson was born in Illi
nois and at the age of 14 moved to
Kansas where he was married. He
leaves a wife , one daughter , Ger
trude , age 17 ; two sons , Earnest
and Earl , aged 13 and 9 years re
spectively. Two sisters , Mrs.
House and Mrs. Harvey , a broth
er , W. D. Clarkson , and his fath
er and mother , Mr. and Mrs. J. j
M. Clarkson , survive him. Mr.
Clarkson was a member of the A.
0. U. W. and the Degree of Hon
or , carrying § 2,000 insurance in
the former and § 1,000 in the latter.
THE DEMOCRAT unites with the
friends of Mr. Clarkson in ex
pressing sympathy to the bereaved
The Long Pine District Ep worth
League Convention met in Valen-
entine May 25-26th with about 20
delegates present from Springview
Norden , Stuart , Longpine , Ains-
worth and Atkinson. The dele
gates were met at the train by a
number from the home league ,
who took them to their places of
entertainment. The convention
opened Wednesday morning with
Rev. Julian of Longpine in the
chair. The address of welcome
by J udge Walcott assured all that
they were more than welcome in
our town and homes , that the latch
string was always out and that
there was no frost on the door
knobs. This was ably responded
to by Rev. Connell of Ainsworth.
Then followed several papers on
the qualifications of good Ep-
worth League officers and the con
vention adjurned for dinner. In
the afternoon were several more
papers on the opportunities for
department work , and a splendid
talk by Chaplain Stewart of Ft.
Niobrara. In the evening Rev. D.
J. Clark of Chadron delivered a
splendid address on the Detroit
international convention , after
which a reception was given at
Judge Walcott's for the visiting
lelegates. Thursday morning's 1
Dusiriess session was full of lively
interest and enthusiasm and the
reports showed all leagues in good
condition in every respect. The
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year : President , Rev.
A. T. Carpenter , Valentine ; 1st
vice pres. , Miss Gertrude Jordon ,
Valentine ; 2nd vice pres. , Rev.L.
W. Horton , Stuart ; 3rd vice pres. ,
Miss Isabella Havens , Atkinson ;
4th vice pres. , Miss JessieRipley ,
Springview ; sec'y. , Miss Maggie
Martin , Ainsworth ; treas. , LeRoy
Barnes , Ainsworth. Ainsworth
has the convention next year. In
the afternoon , Junior League
work was presented by Mrs. Geo.
Hornby in "A Model Junion Lea
gue" and in the evening Rev. Jul
ian delivered an address and in
stalled the district officers , which
closed the convention.
Unexpected Death.
Last Monday evening about nine
o'clock Mrs. P. W. C. Lawson was
suddenly stricken with paralysis ,
while sitting in a chair at her home
on Main street and remained un
conscious until her death , which oc
curred at one o'clock next morning.
Mrs. Elizabeth White Lawson
was born at Culpepper Court
House , Va. , in 1837 , and was mar
ried to P. W. C. Lawson in 1876.
rhey came to Ft. Niobrara in 1SS1
with Lieut. Paddock for whom they
were working. Several years lat-
bhey moved to Valentine where
they have since resided. Details
Df Mrs. Lawson's early life are
irery meagre , she having been a
slave until the beginning of the
3ivil war.
Her sudden death was a surprise
; o everybody , as only a few hours
oefore she was talking and joking
with her friends. During her resi-
lence here Mrs. Lawson made
lumerous friends and she will be
> adly missed from the community.
The funeral was held from the
M. E. church , at 10 o'clock Wed-
lesday morning , Rev. Carpenter
) fficiating. A large concourse of
iriends , despite the inclemency of
he weather , followed the remains
; o Mt. Hope cemetery where in-
; erment was made.
THE DEMOCRAT and the entire |
community extend sympathy to
he bereaved husband and relatives
> f the deceased.
Catholic Church Announce
On Sunday next , mass will be
aid in Valentine at 10:30 : a. m.
Japtism and churchings at 2 p.m.
, nd catechism class at 3 p. m.
382,000 Acres of Government
Lands in the Rosebud Res
ervation to be Opened for
Tiie Chicago & North-western R'y
is the direct line to Bonesteel , on
the reservation border. Copy of
pamphlet "New Homes in the West"
cpnfaming maps and full informa
tion as to the allotment of these
fertile lands and how to reach them ,
furnished by any agent of the North
western Line or will be mailed to
any address on receipt of two (2) ( )
cents in postage , by J. A. Kuhn , Aa-
s't. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. , C. & N.
\V. R'y. , Omaha , Neb. 20 3
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the friends
and neighbors who so kindly as
sisted us in the last sickness and
burial of our beloved father , W.
P. Davis.
Bates to Indianapolis.
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold with fav
orable return limits on account of
National Prohibition Convention to
held June 28 to 30. For dates of
sale , etc. , apply to agents Chicago &
North-western I'y- } 20 4
Order of Hearing on Petition lor Ap
pointment of Administrator.
To the neirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Nettie E Brosius. deceased
On reading the petition of Eliza Brosius
prayiHy that the administration of said estate
he granted to Charles H. Cornell as administrat
or. It is hereby o dered that yon. and all
persons interested in said matter , may , and
do , appear at the County Court to be held
in and for said county , oa the ISrhday of June
A. D. 1901 at 10 o'clock a m , to show "cause. If
any there be , why the prayer ol the petitioner
should not be granted , and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and thai the hearing
thereof be given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing : ! copy of this order in the
Valentino Democrat a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county , for three successive weeks
prior 10 said day of hearing.
Witness my hand , and seal of said court , this
' 2nd day of June A. D. 1904.
, 20 3 County Judge.
Order to Show Cause on Home
stead Petition.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Xeb-
In the matter of the estate of Miflhn P.
Brosius , deceased.
To Jesse S. Broslus , William T Brosms. Clara
E. Howr , Viola Brosius. Walter Brosius. lialph
K. Brosius and Leroy S. Brosius , and to all per
sons interested in the estate of said decedent.
Whereas , a petition duly verified , has been
fi'ed in this Court alleging that Miiliin 1' Bros-
ttis. late of this County , died intestate , in said.
County , leaving a homestead in said County ,
and that Eliza P. Brosius , the petitioner , is the
widow of said decedent , and praying that such
proceedings mav be had as are required by law
for the descent of said homestead.
Now , therefore , I do appoint for hearing the
ISth day"of June. 190J , at 10 o'clock in the fore-
uoon , at my oflice in the County Court House ,
as the time and place for a hearing upon * aid
petition , and all persons interested in said Es
tate may then and there appear and show canse
if any tnere be. why the prayer of said petition
er should not be granted.
It IB fun her ordered that notice be given to
: he heirs of Mflhn r. Brosius , deceased , before
: he time of said hearing , and that notice be giv-
jn to all persons Interested in siid estate of
he pendency of said petition and the time and
ilace of said hearing by causing a copy of this
) rder to be published for3 weeks prior to the
: ime set for said hearing in tha Valentine Dem
icrat. a weekly newspaper printed and in gen-
jral circulation in this County.
Witness in > ofllcial signature this 2nd
rtEAL day of June , 1931
, 20 3 County Judge \
Valentine , Nebraska
RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr.
Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot.
Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Club
, OST.
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. Blue Eibbon Bottled Beer
a specialty. : : : : : : : i
Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
cr flp Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars.
Contractors and Builders , Carpentering.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
QSP'Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers
Spacious barn conveniently located , for splendid accom
modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors
es fo feed.
( Successors to Traceweil & Bonser. )
Valentine - - Nebraska.
VaJ en.tine - - Nebraska
Y ext
We print .Letter Heads , Xote Heads , Bill Heads ,
Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale
Bilk , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work
guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection.
Valentine , Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
No. i Standard Alleys.
A healthful , innocent sport.