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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1904)
1 ' VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. KEBBASKA , JUNE a , 1904. NUMBER 20 49 49 49 49 We can help you to do this if 'you 49 49 will only do your part. We have on v49 hand now a line of 9 tS f"1 P" IP * * i sr 1REFRIGE TORS < ? 4 ? § ? . different sizes and styles , also a line of ? S SOLINE STOVES ? $ * S < 9 < ? 4 ? 6ASOLINE ST VENSc c > 4 ? all of which we are anxious that you < ? should see. Prices right , quality * ? guaranteed. "We also carry a large 4 ? line of * ? 4 ? 49 4 ? Screen Doors , Woven Wire Cloth , etc. 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 KEMEMBEK Close Out Prices 49 49 but NOT Close Out Goods. 49 49 49 if. 49 49 IRED FRONT MERC. co . 2 5 * * * * & or Soring : Wear Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine NeckWear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Come inland replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. 5 ) I I B ANDCLOTHIEK. I Al-I Kinds of Coal ! j I Cn j Stoves and Eanges. | [ Prussian Stock Food. Garden Seeds. ! | Guns and Ammunition. I ' M ! A general line of serviceable Hardware of well known makes that | ! are substantial , bought for use and wear and will bear inspection. | [ FUENITURE and UNDERTAKING. | FRANK FISCHER I DEALER IN GENERAL HARDWARE Chartered as a State Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1802 , m FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) 'CAPITAL PAID IN * & / * A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Yice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier. GET. YOUR We Can Satfofo wwvwvwv TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture ( . Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending c a , ra , , June 1,1904 Maximum temperature 8" degrees Minimum temperature , 39 degrees Mean temperature. CO degrees , Total precipitation , 12 J. J. O'DONNELL , Official in Charge , T. A. Yearnshaw was up from Neligh last week. Scott Alexander is visitin'g with friends in this city. Miss Martin had her building wired for electric lights the past week. The Misses Donoher have im proved their residence by a coat of paint. Mr. Vincent , of Woodlake , was in town , Monday , shaking hands with friends. I. M. Rice , editor of this paper , and his wife will be home Sunday or Monday morning. Robert Ray came down froni Chadron to visit with relatives and friends for a few days. Edwards , Wood & Co. have moved their office upstairs in the Fraternal hall building. Miss Grace Bonnel and Alfred Lewis have gone for a visit of a few days in the country. Taylor and Boyer have about completed a fine residence for L. H. Overman at Crookston. Robert McGeer has made quite an improvement to his saloon by the addition of a steel awning. Mrs. Chas. Price returned from Lansing , Mich. , Tuesday morning after a couple of months visit there. Henry Becker , Dave Fowler and John Granger were Valentine vis itors from the north table last Sat urday. Bud Wilson , in company with the Francke boys , went to the lakes last week to try their luck fishing. Charley Anderson's youngest child , who has been quite sick the past week or two , is slowly im proving. " > a Miss Ruth Stetter has been quite Q ill the past week , but under the care of Dr. Brown is speedily re- t covering. T W. H. Wilkinson , of Kennedy , drove in , Monday , to do some trading and to visit with his num erous friends. , / The basement of Val Nicholson's new house has been completed and the building will be finished as soon 3 as the lumber arrives. t Chas. Breuklander has resigned his position as night clerk at the ' Home Bakery , which is now filled by his brother Herbert. tl tla Messrs. Wesley and Mert Hols- a claw were up at Crookston the lats ter part of last week , plastering L. H. Overman's new house. , Pete DeCory , one of the most prosperous ranchman on the reser vation , was in town last week , trading with our merchants. tl ; si Mr. Swietzcr , the surveyor , is ) in town this week. Oliver Wai- cott will return with him and accept ) cept a position for the summer. Si Decoration day was observed in Valentine last Monday under a the auspices of Wood Post No. 208. tl ; The graves at Mt. Hope cemetery tla1 tlT were decorated in the morning and a1 a1b those at the Fort in the afternoon. b Speeches were made during the b day by Col. Towle , Rev. Carpenter - , § ter and Capt. Lenihan. In the b evening the Valentine band played several selections which , were duly TS I A payment of § 9.00 each to the Indians was issued at Eosebud last Monday , where a large number gathered and held'a big pow-wow. Howard Layport has been laid up with the rheumatisn for the past month , but at this writing is able to move around by the aid of a cane. Oliver Walcott is filling the place of Mike Clynes as night clerk at the Ponoher hotel for a few days , while the latter is away on a va cation. Robert Quisenberry was doing some trading in this city the fore part of the week. He took home with him a load of rock salt for his cattle. Bert Hammond has been im proving his residence on South Cherry street by building an ad dition , 18x2tt , thereto. Taylor & Boyer did the work. A citizens meeting was called , Monday night , for the purpose of deciding whether or not Valentine would celebrate this year. It was decided in the negative. TediOrmesher brought in his as sessor's book Monday. He as sessed both Schlagel and German precincts and his books show that he has made a good assessor. Arthur Turnbull , While roping some cattls , caught his hand be tween the saddle horn and the rope and as a result was in town week having the hand doctored. . J. ej. O'Donnell , who has been in charge of the Weather Bureau office at this place since January , has orders to return to Barbados , West Indies. He will be succeed ed by James A. Barwick , who comes from Flagstaff , Arizona. THE DEMOCRAT joins with Mr. O'Donnell's friends in wishing him a pleasant trip and reassignment ment to Valentine when transferred again. He expects to leave in a week or ten days. An interesting game of ball was played at Ainsworth last Thurs day between the Valentine team and the Ainsworth nine ; the score of Y to 5 resulting in favor of Ainsworth. Our boys declared they never had a better time , nor were ever shown more hospitality bhan by the Ainsworth people. A return game will be played here soon , when our boys expect to re deem themselves and show the Ainsworth boys how to play ball. Henry Vansteenis , who resides miles west of Woodlake , was in town < the fore part of the week making arrangements for a big sale that he will have at his place , Friday , June 10 , 190i. His sale id appears in another column of this paper. Mrr Vansteenis has ilready sold his land and after the sale ; will seek a new location in aopes of benefiting his wife's lealth , which is quite poorly. He ook her down to-Omaha Tuesday norning to be doctored. Mr. Owens , superintendent of he ONeill schools , and Prof. Wat son were pleasant callers at this ffice Tuesday afternoon. Mr. 3wens will be one of the instruct- rs in the Junior Normal here this summer , after which he will go to Hamilton , Mont. , where he has iccepted.a position as principal of he'schools at that place. Prof. Watson informs us that tuition to ittend the normal will be absolute- y free as last year. Board will DC furnished at the dining hall for "i2.75 per week. Good rooms may 36 had from Toe to a § 1.00 per veek. The normal will last ten veeks , beginning June 13th and' mding August 19tb , O- Force Push ' 49 Triscuits < 49 Cero Fruto 49 49 Grape Nute i * 49 Quaker Oats & 49 Cream of Wheat Malta Vita Medavine Flakes Shredded Wheat Biscuits I * Ralstonrs Breakfast Food Pettijohn's Breakfast Food & Thacher Large stock of Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly 'reduced prices for next 30 days. Come , and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX B. VIERTEL CROOKSTOfc The BEST for" table use and at popular prices. Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed (9 W.A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE(9 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast BRCOTI" FUKD WHITTEMOUE. President. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vice President. ORAII L. Brtrurox , Asst. Cashier Interest paid on time deposits , Valentine State Bank , Capital , S23OOO Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus , 81,000 Persons seeking a place of safety for their Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. methods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods .Lunch Counter. * f * Are now at their best and All you want to eat"at our we handle the best grade. Jjunch Counter. . . . . . S Home Bakery ' . f s K fs K ? y > : Kaf Read the Advertisements.