Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 26, 1904, Image 4
THE VALENTINE DEMflfRAl ! I. M RICE EDITOR Thniwlny. May 26 , 19U4. jttiio Pott oILce atValw- ' .tat" . NelnMto. BewnJ-clasa IK'- ' * Subscription Sl.OO per year in advmcp ; ? i.H When not paid in advance , Single coj.lf-3 Cc. Display advertising 1 inch staple uinn l k per isbje or $0.00 a year. Local NotlcevObituarlRS , Lodge r < elution inrt Socials for Revwiue 5c per line pt-i . = s e. I'rands , l& Inches 84.00 per year In advanct additional spaceSS-GOper inch per year ; engravec blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not pei sonally known are. requested to pay In advance 10 per cent additional to above rates If over C months In arrears. Notices ol losses of stock freelto brand adver tisers. tisers.Who Who Pays the Tax ? Who Runs the StateJ Ever since John P. Baldwin , attorney general in Nebraska for the U. P. railroad , gave it out two years ago that "We have agreed on Mickey as our man , " it has been charged that Governor John H. Mickey was the pliant tool of l.l -Jthe railroad bosses. Now , there 11' are people who ask themselves the question , what do the railroads care who is governor ; what do they care who is state auditor ; who is secretary of state , or in fact , who fills any of our public offices. If these people will watch the proceedings of any legislature they will soon discover why it is the railroads through their law and political departments look after the politics of the state. If they had been at Lincoln during the last session of the legislature they would have found that the same John N. Baldwin , who selected Mickey as "our man3 maintained a headquarters at Lincoln during the entire session of the legislature. Scarcely less prominent was B. T. White , attorney general for the C. & N. W. railroad in Nebraska. As for the other great railroad , ' the Burlington , it out did the other two in the number of attorneys and paid political bosses that it maintained at Lincoln during the session ; If you cannot understand why the railroads should be interested in the selection of candidate for the various state offices , will you explain why it is that the railroads are so interested in the delibera tions of our legislators that they maintain an expensive lobby at the state capitol during the entire session of every legislature ? Does the Union Pacific railroad take such an interest in the welfare of Nebraska that it will send its gen eral attorney to Lincoln to advise the members of the Nebraska leg islature merely for Nebraska's good ? If it does , it is safe to pre sume that the C. & N. W. , the Burlington and the other railroads operating in Nebraska are equally generous and that it is purely for the love they bear us that they send their general attorneys , their free pass distributors and their professional lobbyists to look after our legislature every time it con venes. If this is true , perhaps it is safe to assume that it is for the same unselfish reason that they have furnished their man Charley lligg to act as assistant to the state board of equalization. Charley Rigg has been in the employ of the railroads of this state for years past with no other business or duty assigned to him than to look after the Nebraska legislature when in session ; to see that it makes no mistakes of commission or of omission. And when the legisla ture is not in session he has hung around the state house looking af ter the railroad assessments and kindred matters in which the rail roads are interested. With this ' " notorious record staring the mem bers of the board full in the face they select Charley Rigg as their assistant to gather data and com1- ' pile statistics , from which a valuation - * * tion of .the railroads' this state may be made. There is an old saying that figures wont lie , but the fellow who said that liars would figure , came just as near to the truth. Now , does anyone doubt t 'I 1 Feed grinder , 1 Slighly Used Wagon , 2 Two - way Pumps , A Lot of Native Posts ? N ' - ? i\ D * We carry everything in the line of Building Material and Builder's Hardware ; snch as ' a Lath , Siding , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Wails , Lime , Cement , which we buy in car load lots. Call and let us iigisre with you on Building Material. Always carried in stock. We quote a few of the different makes handled by us : New Moline , Mitchell , Fuller & Johnson , Ban ner , Milburn , Wide and Narrow Tired Spring Wagons and Buggies. 1 1 When in need of a windmill call and examine - \ \A7l-frTJ 1 lOOmillS.When W lOOmillS. amine the Eclipse. We have always on hand a stock of Pumps , Pipe and Stock Tanks. < 'Farm Implements. Biding and Walking Cultivators. Biding Disk Cultivators , Disk g Knife listed corn Cultivators. Sole agents for DEERE Implements and Hancock Disk Plows. Repairs for farm implements. I LlJDWIG L. C. SPARKS , U that when Charley Rigg gets through figuring up the maze of figures which his associates in the employ of the railroads prepare for the information of the board he will not be able to make it ap pear that the railroads are already paying more than their share of the tax. Railroads that sell in Wall street for more than one hundred thous and dollars per mile , taking their stock and bond issue , will be found worth but twenty for taxation pur poses and then the board will make its levy on one-fifth of this. When our present iniquitous tax measure was before the legislature the rail road lobby was there to see it passed. Ib was just the measure they wanted. They realize that the expenses of the state must be met , so they passed the present measure which lays a heavier bur den upon every tax-payer in the state , except the railroads , than the old law did , while with "our man Mickey" and "our man Wes- ton" and "our man Rigg" to make the assessment on the railroads , their taxes will be less than before. It costs the railroads money to maintain high salaried lobbyists ; It costs them money to look after the politics of the senate , but they can afford to spend it it's worth the price. What they save in 'one year's taxes will maintain" a lobby for ten years and the people foot the bill. Isn't it about time the people selected their "own men ? " Isn't it about time they run the politics of the state themselves ? Isn't it about time the railroads were as sessed like other tax-payers ? More Local. J. IT. Swain was up from Sparks Tuesday. John Britt , of Britt , was trading in town Monday. Miss C. Frush went up to Hot Springs Monday night. Senator O'Rourke , of Gordon , is in town attending court. Archie Pettycrew is painting lis house and out buildings. John Neiss was down from his ranch on Eock creek Tuesday. Judge Hamar , of Grand Island , s here this week on court business. Louie Ltetter returned frorn ichool at Kearney last Friday light. i Gordon Burge was in town last Tuesday hunting up old acquaint- i ances. Wm. Ferdon , of Brownlee , was in town the first of the week on business. V Dr. Campbell , of Cody , was in the city the first of the week on business. Persons having papers or maga zines to give away , please leave them at Bethel hall. The east-bound passenger was eight hours late Tuesday , on ac count of a washout up the road. Wallace McDonald went up to Crookston last Monday night after closing a successful year In our school. Mesdames Jacob andHenry Stet- ter , accompanied by Jacob Tobien , left for Richmond , Va. yesterday morning. Jesse Spaulding has resigned his position with the Electric Light Co. and will leave for his old home at Neh'ght this week. i Swift's Pride soap is perfectly made of pure soap ingredients. For all washing purposes , it is the most effective laundry soap made. Dr. Wortman , having closed out liis interests- here , left yesterday morning -for Longpine. From bhere he will go to the Big Horn Basin on business. John West and sister Leo were tdsiting friends and relatives in ; his city the latter part of last tveek. Leo recently graduated : rom the Woodlake school. The Genuine "Koyal. " Never sold in bulk. Never put in other people's cans. Never sent out except in our egular tin-can package under our veil known red'and yellow label , ' ) earing the words "Royal Baking : > owder. " Salesman who offer baking pow- ler as "The same as Royal , " 'Packed for us in our cans by the loyal Co. , " etc. , are trying to leceive you. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co. , New York. Catholic Church. Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be aid at Crookston in the Prairie Jell school house at 11 a.m. Next < iunday is the last day for the per1 1 Drmance of the Easter duty. c Cloyd Quigley departed Wed nesday morning for a visit with relatives in El Paso , Texas. He expects to be gone three weeks. FOUND On the old Bill Wilson place at Reige , a pocketbook con taining some money. Owner can have same by calling at Henry Brandt's and proving property. Joseph Pickett , an-old timer in Valentine , came down from Cody , Saturday morning , where he has 1 fyeen visiting old friends. He is at present residing at Puget Sound Washington. Grover Francke now holds the championship for catching black bass. Last Sunday afternoon he caught one that pulled him into the water. The bass was finally landed and weighed 7 pounds l- ounces. The cream business in and about Valentine is becoming quite an in dustry. Several of the leading separators are sold here. The Sharpies Tubular sold by Ludwig Lumber Co. is indeed a unique machine , having a low supply can , an automatic oiling device and a simple three part bowl , also hav ing all the gears enclosed. While swimming Saturday after noon , Fred Jones met with quite a serious accident , which may re sult in a permanent injury. He tried to pull Abdallah West ( who didn't want to go ) into the water and they engaged in a little friend ly scuffle. Abdallah tried to jerk away , and in some way hit Fred in the eye with his elbow , knock ing him down. As Fred fell he [ lit the chute with his forehead , cutting a deep gash. He hurried jp to town to a doctor and had the tvound dressed. , | i The friends of Miss Leta Stetter ivill be glad to hear the following jxtract from a letter received here : rom Miss Hess , formerly a teach- jr in our schools and now a teach er in the University. The extract s as follows : "I wonder if you people in Valentine know what a ecord Leta is making. I don't jelieve that a girl ever made a greater advancement in two years han she has done. She has grad- sd themes and literature papers all rearand has been admitted to the Cnglish club , a very strict and hon- irary club. She's also doing a ; reat deal of writing aside from ier University work and a great is published. " I THE VALENTINE HfUSE Valentine , Nebraska r RATES $1.00 to $1.25 C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Oppo ito tlio CourtHouse , 2 blocks north of Dopnt. Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBraver Canadian Club , ; KT. All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Kibbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass He wars Scotch Whiskey tHE | JAMES B. HULL HE OWL SALOON W. A , TAYLOR- sF v iF Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER * r Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE ZC NEBRASKA HENRY TAYLOR. GRANT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes i shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. rk SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. HEAQQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS VaJentine - - Nebraska - y our [ Next We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads , Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection. Valentine , Nebraska W. T. Bishop , I IE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. ALLEY No. 1 Standard Alleys , A healthful. Innocent sport. PEN DAILY FROM i O'CLOCK TO i I 8'OLGGK P. IYJ