\ \ per cent * increase that would mean railroad property assessments at about S per cent instead of 0 per cent , with all other property still assessed at 20 per cent. TALKING OF TAXES. In the meantime the railroac representatives are busily telling the people that the railroads are already paying more than thei : share of taxes that they are en pitied to a reduction instead of an increase. Perhaps a reference to the re ports made by the railroads to the tate auditor will be illuminative Take , for illustration , the Union Pacific. Its 883 miles in Nebrask were assessed in 1903 at $6,900 pe mile. And the net earnings o : of this road , on on this same mile age , for the previous year , deduct ing taxes , operating expenses , etc ' amounted to § 5,400 per mile ! * * What assessor would assess i farm that cleared its osvner § 5,400 a year , at § 6.900 ? What farmer with a net income from his farm of § 5,000 would expect to escape with an assessment of less than § 50,000 ? In 1902 the Union Pacific was assessed at § 6,982 per mile , and its income for the previous year was § 4,711 per mile. Consider the figures in another light. Between 1898 and 1903 the only increase made in the assess ment of the Union Pacific railroad in Nebraska was an increase of § 100 per mile on the main line considerably less than 1 per cent During the same period the net in come of the road increased 70 per cent. Figured by years , the net income of the road increased 15 per centf rom 1898 to 1899 , 12 per cent more from 1899 to 1900 , 13 per cent more from 1900 to 1901 , and 14 per cent more from 1901 to 1902. Yet , with all this increase of in come , there was a paltry increase of assessment of § 100 per mile on the main line. For all the talk of the Union Pacific's tax experts that the road is "paying more than its fair share of taxes and is entitled to a reduction" the fact remains that it earns , in one year , almost SO per cent of the entire amount at which it is assessed. What is true of the Unio\i Pa cific is true of almost all the other railroads and , of some of them , true in even greater degree. Av eraging them all together the plain and simple fact remains that other property is assessed in Nebraska , today at a full 20 per cent of its actual cash value , while railroad property is assessed at about 6 per cent. cent.The duty that confronts the state board , if honestly performed , - l * " " * would raise the railroad assessment X from 6 per cent to 20 per cent , or , in other words , would a little more than treble the valuation of the railroads. World-Herald. ' More Local. Born , Friday morning , May 13 , -1904 , to John Wolfe and wife , a baby girl. t H. K. Brown had his right arm broken by a horse kicking him , yesterday morning. . The flag pole on the corner by McGeer's saloon is being moved 4 feet farther out into the street to day. Mrs. R. M. Faddis returned from Omaha Monday night. She is almost completely recovered from the operation. Frank Fischer's new building is being rapidly pushed forward. The carpenters are busy putting on the .upper joists. E. Robert Schulze was in town Tuesday making final proof. Hans Osterman and M. Schafer were down with him as witnesses. . M. Walcott , C. H. Cornell and J. C. Peltijohn left for Lin coln Tuesday morning to attend the republican state convention. Swift's Pride soap is perfectly made of pure soap ingredients. For all washing purposes , it is the most effective laundry soap made. R. O. Bailey , of Omaha , will deliver a lecture in the courthouse next Saturday evening at S o'clock on ' 'Fraternal Insurance. " Ad mission free. A miscellaneous social will be given at the Prairie Bell school house ( better known asliPike" ) Saturday evening , May 21. Come j everybody. Girls bring supper for two and we will do the rest to prove that "Variety is the Spice of Life. " The proceeds will go to buy library books for the school. CIU IEB , Teacher. A. H. Stees is in town today. Win. Gulick was up from Wood- lake yesterday. He informs us tliat he is going to Ouster county soon and this fall will go to the worlds fair at St. Louis. Grant Boyer recently construct ed a violin that is a dandy. It is made of good material and has a fine tone. Much credit is due Mr. Boyer for being able to construct such an instrument. Court opens next Monday , May 23 , Judge Wcstover presiding. " There are no very important cases this term. The petit jurors are as follows : Louis Tiiniiis .1 R Gaskill J J Newberry Earl Comstock Teter llempel Jacob Martin J E Tettycrew S It Uabcock C L Dwver U Walters II F Miller Sherman Wright M D Cyphers W D Clarkson Gee Coleman . Paul Kennicott D L Gamer Henry Faulhaber Samuel Fuirhca'.l J D Spall Matt l > oltz Frank Bresee Chas IJoberts V E l.rainard Last Saturday Dr. Lewis , as county coroner , was summoned to Mcrriman to hold an inquest upon the body of A. C. Sheard , of Oma ha , who was found dead in bed. He was travelling for the Chicago Wholesale Co. of Omaha , and , ar riving in Merriman rather late , went to bed. Next morning , after repeated calls , the door was forced open and he was found to be dead. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict of heart disease. The body was shipped to Omaha Mon day morning. Died , at Kennedy , May 10 , ' 04 , at the home of his grandparents , S. . Spain and wife , the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ganow , age four days. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Simeon. The parents have the sympathy of ; he entire community. ' 1 is but a little faded ilower , ] > ut , oh ! how fondly d ar ! 'Twill bring me back one golden hour Through many a weary year. Where is the heart that does not keep Within its utmost core. Some fond remembrance , hidden deep , Of days that are no more ? COXTIIIUUTED. CuthoHc Church Announce- nieiit. Sunday next , being the Great Festival of Pentecost , an early mass will be said at 7 in the morning - ' ing , during which the holy Eucharist - charist will be distributed. Sol- high mass at 10:30. : The last day for the performance of the Easter duty is Trinity Sunday 29th inst. Confession will he heard on Saturday - day evening. j Weather Bnrean Report. The following data , covering a perion of 13 y.ars. have been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Net ) . They are issued 10 show the conditions U at have prevail fd. during -month in question , tor the above -eriod of years , Ittct intixt not lie. coit- Ntrned otf a forrctifit of the weather con ditions for the coming month : Month , MAY , for 15 years , TEMI'EKATURE J Mean or Normal temperature , 57 = " The warmest month was that o1900 with an average of 03 = The coldest month was that of 1SU3 , with an average of 51 = The higest temperature ' . \nsO. P oloth 1894 ' " lowest " " 23 = - 2nd 1880 The earliest date on which first "killing"frost occurred in autlim , Sept. 12th. j Average date on which lirst "killing" frost occurred - , curred in autiim , Spt , 18th , j ] Average date on wivch last "killing" frost occurred - i curred in sprint ; , May 9 h. | The latest date on which last "killing" frost occurred iu spring , June 21st. i j rRECiriTAiiox ( rain or melted snow. ) Average for month 2 20 inches , j Av. No. of days with 01 inch or more , 10. Greatest monthly precip was 3.98 inc in 1893. " " " . " " I Last 0.17 1891 Greatest amount of precipitation recorded in j any 24 consecutive hours was 1.9G inc on 18th 1897. , Greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any ' 24 consecutme hrs ( record extending to winter of 1S84-83 only ) was 12 7 me , on 7-sth 1892 ' , ] CLOUDS and WKATIIEK Av No clear dys , 10 ; partly cloudy 10 ; oioudy 10 \vixu Prevailing winds have been form the N j Av hourly velocity of the wind is 11 mi hour Highest velocity of the wind was-76 miles from ' the sw on 2lst 1903. < J. J. O'DONNELL. , Official in Charge Valentine Station D Inquisitive. j "I'd like to know" began the little boy. boy."Well "Well , what would you lke to know ? " asked bis mother. ( "I'd like to know why sweetbreads ' haven't any bread in 'em and sweetmeats - J meats haven't any meat in 'em. " Bal- ] tiinore American. Moiramcnts of Woe. ] "Did you notice Mr. Jones' new t teeth ? " asked Mrs. Sharpeye. "I never saw anything so ghastly. They look : like gravestones. " j "Yes , " said Miss Sinnie Cal , "I pre- j sume he had them placed in memory of bis lost ones. " New York Press. . ' Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. is hereby KIVPU that I I have filed with the Clerk of the Hoard of County Commission ens of Cherry County. Nebraska a petition. ac compamed by si bond duly attested. &aid petit im praying that I be granted a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Crookston. in Minnechaduza Precinct. Cherry County , Ne braska. for the term of one year , from and afte June 20 , 1904. 17 ' _ ' ABIJAII U. OVERMAN. Dated May 9 , 1304. THE * Oijly Double Track Kailroinl ur.ttveen Jliasottri Itirer antl Cliicayo. Direct line to St Paitt-JIinneajt' oliti. Direct line to ISlttck Jlills. Ajijtly to iicarftit ayent for rtttc * nifipn ( Uifl time vanta. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per lim each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cent per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware anc wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders 20-tt All kinds of garden seeds at the Red Front Merc. Co. Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 26 The Red Front Merc. Co. carr.y a full line of bulk seeds which are all new fresh seed. If you want good seed make them a call. Pianos and Organs with a ten year guarantee from reliable fac tories , sold for cash or payments. J. 0. BE ATT r , 18 ( At G. II. Hornby's store. ) High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 10 Selling out Hardware and Fur niture on account of going out of hardware business in 90 days. Call ( for cash bargains. 14 : GEO. H. HOIJXBT. Ve have just received a complete . plete line of wagon woods , such as spokes \ , felloes , rims , hounds , bol sters , axles , tongues , etc. Also wagon skeins , buggy stubs and box j fittings. Quality and prices guaranteed. At Red Front Merc. \ Co. Are you a sport ? Of course you are. Then watch the Red Front Merc. Go's , windows for the most complete line of fishing tackle ever shown in the town. 10 Foil SALE Two stallions , ser viceable ages , also two yearling saddle bred stallions. METZGAH BROS , 15 4 3 King , Neb. Are you going to need any barb wire or field fencing ? If so call on the Red Front Merc. Co. for prices. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it'will ' be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. Low Rate Excursion Tickets to Atlantic City , ST. J. , Via the North-western Line , will be sold with favorable return limits , account of Annual MeetingsAmeri- can Medical Associations , etc. , to be held June 4 to 10. For dates of sale , tickets , etc. , apply to agents Chicago & North-western R'y. IS 2 Stayed or &to ! ii Sunday night , May 8 , 1904 , one sorrel rel mare , weight 9 ( 0 Ibs. , with colt , branded cross bar on left shoulder , white strip in face ; also one gray horse , weight 1100 Ibs. , branded S on left flunk , hide knocked off the root of taiL $5 will be paid for in formation leading to recovery of horses. J. S. SHAFER , 18 Valentine , Neb.m 'V JJ I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the one mile south of SIMEON , NEBR. , on . 1904 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the following de scribed live stock : 2 good work mules | V1 5 broke mares , weigh from 1000 | to 1300 Ibs 3 two year old gelding s 4 unbroke mares 1 saddle gelding 2 broke saddle ponies 3 yearling horse colts _ _ Deering mowing machine Terms : Cash , N DAVE HANCOCK , Clk. G. E. TRACEWBLL , Auct Get your Clothes cleaned and pressed and make them look like new. Careful attention given to both ladies' and gent's clothing. i The R. H. Robertson , Tailor. One door north old City Hotel. Meals Lunches Short Orders KANGAROO- I * First class meals at all hours , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E.D. Cohota , Prop. ; 4 * i > ' ? > 'f&rk.ii5Ji . /v > < S3iiCv\lr M2S. CECELIA STQ77E , Orator , Entro Nous Club. 17G "Warren Avenue , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian trouble ? _ The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only -waj to get -well. I , however , strongly- objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I , for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at Lest. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of "Wine of Cardui for me to try , and he did so. I began to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. "Wi th int eighteen weeks I was another t being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suifer- ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a § 1.00 bottle of "Wine of Cardui. g4 $ S The Continued Descent. De Caddc The family of my brothetf- in-laiv , the prince , is descended from Julius Caesar. Fitz Bile And it hasn't finished de scending yet , has it-New Orleans Times-Democrat 23 head of cows , 3 to 6 years old , with calves by side 29 head of 2-year old heifers 6 head yearling heifers 6 head yearling steers 2 head of 2-year old steers 1 Thoroughbred Hereford bull 4 years old 1 Standard hay rake The Loup Valley Hereford Kauch. Brownlee.Nebr , Prince I.oabrtd 131093 and Curly Coat H2ioi : at head of lierd The bleeder or l in\er. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. I can fill orders foi bulls of all ao > > at any time. lianch four miles north-west of Bnwn- lee , Nebr. C. H. FAUIJIAUKU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , | Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton I Aborts bulk 85 per cwt $10.00 too | Screenings 70c " $13.00" i Chop Feed . . . . 1.05 " $20.00 " Corn .95 " $18.00" Chopcorn 1.00 " $19.00" Oats 1.20 $23.00" i Beige , ] S | Tubular wells and windmiJh. | ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLiG INSTRUCTION 1 Examination Third Saturday of each j month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA John Nicholson , i I > entist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House , Miss Geneva Garrett I Trained Nurse From Chicago. 9 yrs. experience. - At Levi Handy"s. ' v- H. M. CE AMER , City Delivery-man , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to aud from the depot and all parts of the City. LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valcwtiue or Wood lake VOKK I'IIOJIITLY AIT.EI KU 10. A. N. COMPTON ( Physician and Surgeon .Office . at Qiiigloy & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every JUespect Eiu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonie , Uerpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream Edward 8. Furay Physician and Surgeon . Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. * 10un2 Eobert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT JL.AW. g3f Ollice over Red Front GENERAL , LAW PRACTICE "Valentine , jC M. WILSON , Proprietor of Valentine Dray , Will do all kinds of draying" , express atid freight work. Special attention given to fine furniture. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Kebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. J. L. ASHBUBN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. TIME TAJBLK Great JVortlieru Iine at O'jueill , ZVcIn- . Going Cast , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a.m. Arrives 9:50 p. ra. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Connections with Elthnrn trains east and west-bound from all ' ' points west or O'A'eill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond , Through connections ft-rSioax Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west. Buy local ti kets to O'Neill. FBED KOGEBS , G , p , A.