The Talentine Democrs VALENTINE , NEB. I. M. RICE , Publish HANGED IN BELFK SPECTACULAR SUICIDE OF MA IN CHICAGO. Body Was Pound Dangling at tl End of Rope in the Steeple AVhc Congregation Assembled for Se vices Sunday Morning. The dead body of a man dangling Ihc end of a rope in the belfry of tl Emanuel Baptist church , 2320 Michigs Avenue , Chicago , was the gruesome sig' that met the eyes of the congregatit as it assembled for Sunday .services. Tl police were notified at once , and the bet ; was cut down and taken aAvay. In one of the pockets of the dead man coat a memorandum book was foui .bearing the name and address of Willia Johnson , Pittsburg. Written on a fl 'leaf of the book Avero the followii words : J W li , I see that nothing but ir death Avill satisfy the outraged publi Therefore I Avill give it , but I will be ir OAvn executioner. " It is supposed that Johnson had bee hanging in the belfry since Friday nigh Avhon he was last seen to enter tl church. He had been employed on di iferent occasions by the pastor to repa the electric lights at the top of the stei , plo. Friday he Avorked all day at tl top of the belfry , and Avhen his AVOI Avas finished , it is believed , he deliberut ly climbed inside the steeple and hangc himself. William Johnson was a Avell ICIIOAV electrician and steeple climber of Pitt : burg , Pa. His father died about month ago. ASSASSINATED IN DENVER. Ex-Policeman's Body Pound Liter ally Riddled with Bullets. Lyle Gregory of Denver , Colo. , an 02 policeman , was assassinated early Sui day morning Avhen he Avas returning horn from a social visit with friends. Hi body Avas riddled Avith bullets and h died in his tracks. It is belioA'ed that th assassin used a repeating rifle , and hi aim Avas true , for in all ten bullets pei : etrated the murdered man's body. X positiAe trace of the assassin has bee 'found. The murder occurred in a section of th city inhabited by the Avorking class. Grejj ory AVUS ulone und unarmed. Mrs. John Combs , a neighboring AVC man , Avho heard the shots , also heard th cry , "You murdering blackguard , " am thought the A-oice AVUS that of her bus band , whose return home she was a\vait ing. Combs was later found at a bowl ing alley and placed under arrest , but in evidence of guilt has yet been traced t < him. FATALLY WOUNDS SWEETHEART Illinois Young Man Shoots Because She Refused Him. Xora HoAvclls , nged 17 , daughter of . ' prominent farmer residing four mile ; soutlnvost of Yates City. 111. , Avas she und fatally Avounded shortly after = o'clock Sunday afternoon by Williun Louden , a young farmer with whom sh < had been keeping company for sonn time. time.He He called for her Sunday afternoon while Mr. und Mrs. IIoAvolIs were at thi house of a neighbor , and they drove aAvaj in a buggy , and Avent to a field about : i mile distant , Avhere Louden stopped the horse uud dismounted from the buggy. Louden then asked the girl to marry him , and upon her refusal shot her Avith a re volver , the ball entering the abdomen , penetrating the liver and lodging in mus cles of the back. He then placed her in the buggy and drove to her home Avhere a younger sister gave the alarm. Louden drove to his own home , AA'here he Avas arrested. FOUR YOUNG PEOPLE DROWNED Suspension Traimvay Over Truckee River Breaks. By the breaking of one of the spans of the suspension traniAvay across the Truckee River at Lawton Springs , five miles Avest of Reno , Nov. , Sunday , four young people , Maurice Jacobs , a young business man of Reno ; Miss McMillan , daughter of a prominent business man of Reno ; Mrs. E. S. Ede , Jr. , and C. T. Tilsman of Chicago , AA-ere precipitated from the car into the swollen stream and droAvucd. The tramAvay consists of two steel cables stretched across the river , upon Avhich a car runs Avhich is much used by pleasure seokcrs. The four young people ple entered the car to cross the river. When they reached midstream one of the strands parted. One piercing shriek was heard and the four Avere observed for a few moments struggling in the rapids. AH efforts to save them were futile. Chicago Bookbinders' Strike Ends The ticup of Chicago bookbinders end ed Saturday. The conditions that ex isted prior to the strike Avill continue. Japanese Treat Prisoners Well. Four hundred and fifty Russian prison ers , sixteen of them officers , arrived at Matsuyama , Japan , Sunday morning on the steamer Colombo. Nine officers and 2SG men were Avounded. All of the pris oners expressed great satisfaction at their unexpected good tl-catment. Grateful for Kind Treatment. , The Japanese officers , who Avere shot at Liao Yang as spies , bequeathed § 500 to the Russian Red Cross in considera tion of their kind treatment. WILL NOT CONSENT. Masters and Pilots Refuse to Go Work. A Cleveland , O. , special annoum that President Livingstone , of the Lt Carriers' Association , Friday night sued a lengthy statement concerning 1 four weeks' conference which ended a total failure to agree Avith the Mastc and Pilots' Association. After detaili the points which have been made put before , he tells of the last session , wl : the advisory board of the Masters a Pilots , after listening to the argumei of the owners , agreed that the offer last year's Avages AVUS fair , and that tli Avould go back to their different lodj or harbors and use every effort to have accepted. The owners felt confident that this : tion on the part of the advisory boa AA'ould result in a settlement , so much indeed , that the manager of the largi lake fleet announced his appointments masters. To his great surprise he AV notified Friday morning by District Cf tain HoAvell that none of his mast < would appear. Ho well further announc that as the referendum A-oto had be against the acceptance of the propos wage scale , all negotiations that h been hud Avere declared off , and that th would not sail any boat except upon t stringent conditons and the schedi which they originally presented , with full season's pay ; an increase to mastc of almost 14 per cent on the Jjjrgejt v sels , and a mucjj. greate ? increase snijlljerj gjso That the matter of wag \y6uld be Increased so as to give the pay for a full season regardless of wh they report for duty. Mr. Livingstone adds : "The lake carriers can only lament condition by Avhich of an average crc of about tAventy , three men , by virt alone of the government licenses , a tying up the entire business of the lak < and this , including the men trusted the personal representatives of the ow crs , vested by IUAV Avith high and respo sible poAvers ; action Avhich is stoppii wages to the amount of many thousan of dollars each day to the vessel cre\\ und said to deprive not less than 100,0i men of employment in the vario branches connected Avith the traffic. " LAND RUSH DATE. Rosebud Reservation to be Opene on August 8. A Washington special says : Preside Roosevelt Friday morning signed a pro lamation opening to settlement on Au 3 the Rosebud country lying in Grego : oounty , S. D. After deducting the lands withheld "he state for school purposes , the pro amation opens to settlement about 3Si XX ) acres. Under the provisions of the proclam : ion registration Avill begin July 5 at i. m. , at Chamberlain , Yankton , Bon iteel and Fairfax , and continue until ) 'clock Saturday evening July 23. As has been stated heretofore , the lai vill be disposed of by draAving. Tl IraAving Avill take place at the Chumbe ain land oifice , commencing at 9 o'cloc Thursday morning , July 2S , and coi inue for such period as may be nece : ary to draw from the box the envelope : ontaiued therein. BUTCHERED BY TURKS. Armenian Villages Destroyed an Inhabitants Put to Death. An official dispatch to the Paris foreig 'fiice ' from Constantinople confirms tli eports that the Turkish troops ha\ nirned villages throughout the Sassou istrict of Armenia , killing the inhabi nts. The French ambassador has joine vith the Russian and British ambassj ors in sending consuls to Erzeroum i he hope of limiting the destruction an loodshed. IIoAvever , official advices , althoug rief , indicate the Avork of extormiuai ig the Armenians occupying the nioiir fiinous district of Sassoun is practicall ccomplished. ARMOUR GIRL IS WELL. 'ather , Returning from Europe Tells of Gratitude to Lorenz. Ogden Armour of Chicago , Avho return 1 to Xew York from Europe on th laiser Wilhelm IL , said he had the bes ews to take home concerning the healtl E his little daughter Lolita , Avho is un er the personal care of Dr. Lorenz. "Lolita , " said Mr. Armour , "is im roving rapidly. In .fact , I might as wel ly that she is well , though it will bi iser to leave her Avith Trof. Lorenz un 1 she has learned to Avalk with mori ise and grace than at present. Shi in fine spirits and her cheeks are a ! Seeming as a rose. We are delightet ith her improvement and feel deeply : ateful io Dr. Lorenz. " Mexico to Give Road $7OOOOO. The Mexican government has issuec i order for the payment of $700,000 a ; ibsidy to the Kansas City , Mexico ant riental Raihvay , promised when the iad should have completed the first 10 ( lometers of the line in Mexico , Avhicl is been accomplished , according to c legram from President Arthur E. Still- ell , who is now in the east. Plenty to Supply the Loan. Philadelphia banking houses that have sen invited to become partners in the iderwriting of the $50,000,000 Japanese an were advised Thursday that each > use would get not more than two-sev- .ths of the amount of its subscription. Strike Virtually Over. The shipping strike at Marseilles , ranee , is A'irtually over. The captains , gineers and other officers of the mer- ant marine have agreed to resume their ' .ties on the shipping company's condi- I11S. Bonesteel , S. D. , is Booming. The president's proclamation setting ig. S as the date for opening the Rose/ d reservation is highly satisfactory tb mesteel , S. D. , people. Forty build- rs are under course of construction. D1ETZ IS DEFIANT. Sheriff's Force is Dallied at Came on Dam. A. Milwaukee Sentinel special frc Ilayward , Wis. , says Deputy Sher Giblin returned Thursday night from t scene of the conflict where the despei do , Dietz , holds forth. Mr. Giblin sa it is almost impossible to get Dietz alii as he is intrenched behind the locks the dam with a commanding view of t surroundings. Dietz had , he said , . < cured a fresh supply of ammuniti from Bayiield , thus enabling him to ho out for a long period. The lumber company has abandon the work and discharged its men , th taking quite a force away from the siep Sheriff Peterson and a few deputies on now remain upon the scene. Mr. Giblin's story of how he and li deputies were ambushed by Dietz pu the latter in a desperate light. As t ! party , including Elliott , was approachii the dam Dietz and another man disguisi with blackened faces and hands steppi from behind a tree and began firing up < them. One bullet passed through tl hat of the driver , momentarily stunnii him , and he fell out of the wagon , whi their team took fright and ran. Deputies Giblin and Elliott spent tl night ten miles below their objecti1 point , but returned next day to the lur ber camp in sight of the dam. While the were eating dinner with the drivir crejr. jbHli "aid Dietz fired through tl " window of the camp"the bullet strikij a man named Tracy , shattering the boi of his left arm. A few shots were r turned by the deputies. They ralso e : press the opinion that Wcisenbach , tl settler aiding Dietz , is seriously woum ed , if not killed. Twenty-four Krag-Jorgensen rifles an 720 rounds of ammunition sent from Asl Land by a militia officer are at the e : press office consigned to Sheriff Pctorso. The express agent has been notified 1 hold the consignment until he receive orders from Gov. LaFollette. The Chippewa Lumber and Booi Company has abandoned its drive : Cameron dam on acount of the Dicl trouble. About 150,000 logs lie hig and dry , as Dietz will not allow the gate closed. The trouble may delay all ope ations of the large mill if continued Ion ; FIFTEEN PERSONS HURT. Collision Between an Electric-Ca and a Passenger Train. In a collision at Whittier , Cal. , be tween a Santa Fe passenger train and a slectric car , fifteen persons were injure < several severely , but none , it is believei fatally. The injured were passengers o the electric car. The injured were a residents of Whittier and Los Angeles. The Santa Fe was late and running a ligh speed. The electric train approach 3d the crossing , which is at right angle : o the Santa Fe tracks , at full speed SVhen within a reasonable distance th notorman , so he declares , applied th irake , but it refused to work , and th ; ar dashed against the side of the train The impact broke the train in two , crusli ng in the side of the smoking car , am : ore away the platform of a day coacli The motorman stuck to his post and wa ininjured. STOPS WEDDING AT ALTAR. iVoman Declares Groom to be n Her Husband. Just as the priest in St. Mary's Catho ic church at Dubuque , la. , Avas in tin ict of pronouncing Mary Hartman an < roseph Frick man and wife , Mrs. Mar : lusch arose from a seat in the rear am hrilly shouted : ' 'Stop that marriage ic is my husband. " The priest and all stood aghast whil < he woman forced her way to the altar Seizing Frick's face with both hands slu crutinized it closely. "It is he ; he is my husband , " she ex laimed over and over again. This ere ted a sensation , and the priest refuse * o proceed with the ceremony. Fricl ras told he would have to establish hi ? tatus as a single man before the mar iage could be solemnized , and he is no\v waiting affidavits. 'RISONERS ' ATTEMPT SUICIDE trange Coincidence in Hyde Park Police Station. Mrs. Helen Shelly , a trained nurse who ves in South Chicago , and R. W.'Dav- uport , a dentist , both prisoners at the [ yde Park police station , attempted to Jinmit suicide Thursday at almost the inie moment. Mrs. Shelley tried to hang herself with small pocket handkerchief and was early dead when found. While the physicians were attending er , Davenport was found suffering from its and bruises about the head. He is lid to have tried to butt his brains out ? ainst the stone wall of his cell. They re believed not to know one another. Coal Men Are Fined. The appellate court at Chicago has af- rmed the sentence fining seventeen mem- ? rs of the Northern Illinois Soft Coal ssociation $500 for participation in ille- il combinations to fix the price at hich coal should be sold. Injunction Against Strikers. District Judge Smart , at Ottawa , Kan. , sued a temporary injunction restrain- g the striking Atchison , Topeka and inta Fe shopmen there from damaging e company's property or interfering ith its employes. aimer House Passes from Family After nearly forty years the Palmer ouse , for a long time the best known tel in Chicago , has passed from the ijids of the Palmer family into the con- si of the Chicago Hotel Company , rc- ntly incorporated. Chinese Murderers Sentenced. * The jury in the case of Wong On and oug Gt w , charged with the murder of an Quong , in January last , found the isoners guilty. They were sentenced be hanged July 22. STATE OJ ? NEBRASE NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CO DENSED FORM. Three Found Guilty Heeler , Gr and Bradley Convicted ol * Ba Robbery at Lyons Big Rewai Offered for Their Conviction. The trial of George Keeler , Then Gray and Samuel Bradley , alias Bui for the burglary of the First Natio Rank at Lyons last November , termin ed Saturday at Tekamah by a verd of guilty as charged in the informatl The evidence was all circumstanti but the chain was well linked and c < nected them with the taking of the tei and two-seated carriage at Lyons tl carried them to within four miles Hooper , where they left the team a walked into Hooper , but were met on 1 road by parties who knew George Ke er. They were also identified by a : loonkeeper at Hooper , also the operal and several other-parties there bef ( they took the train for Omaha , win they were seen and known to have plei : pf gold , which they spent with a fi liand. They were later arrested at Ka sas City. K Judge Hopewell conducted the prose ( tion , assisted by County Attorney TE loT. loT.The The defendants were represented by M. McFarland , of Omaha , and Jud Gillis , of Tekamah. The attorneys for the state are recei ; ng many compliments for the stro 2ase that they wove out of the evident Court adjourned until May 14 to he arguments on a motion for a new tri ; The passing of sentence was reserv iintil that date. It is thought that t rio will receive sentences from ten .wenty years each. Rewards aggregating $2,050 were c 'ered for the conviction of these bai obbers , the American Bankers' Associ .ion backing their prosecution. This i van ! will probably be divided betwei Sheriff Bauman of Fremont , who is ere ted with running the gang to earth , ai : he Kansas City detectives , who effoc > d their arrest. The three men captun it Kansas City two months ago , whe hey were evidently preparing to rene heir attacks on country banks. SHOT A MADMAN. Was Attempting to Break Into House While Insane. George Williams shot and killed C. < 3renham thirty miles south of Woe -.ake on a ranch. The coroner was ca d and found that Brenham , while i : ane , had broken into the house and hs ieen killed by Mr. Williams. The d leased , apparently in his right min ame to the ranch about dark and wis ! d to remain over night. Supper AVJ ; iven him , but it was thought best tin ie should sleep in the barn. During tl light he came prowling around tl louse three or four times , pounding c he door and demanding entrance. ] he morning he burst the door loose froi ts fastenings and came rushing into tl oo m. Mr. Williams pushed the table betwec hem for safety , but to no avail. Seein e could do nothing else , Williams dre is revolver and shot him twice , the fin hot striking the arm and the secon assing just below the heart. The ma < lan then left the house and went to tl ; arn , but was found dead next mornhij The coroner's jury completely exone ted Mr. AVilliams. who , acting thus i elf-defense , was forced to kill a ma . ith whom he had been on most friendl 2rms for the last five years. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY. 'rouble Caused by Wife of One o Participants Leaving Home. Jesse Young , colored , late Tuesda iiot and perhaps fatally injured .Tame otts , also colored , in the north part o Nebraska City. Young accused Betts o arting him from his Avife and an altei ition ensued , when Young suddenl tilled his gun and shot at Betts fu mes , two shots taking effect , one in th 'ft and the other in the right side. Betts was considered a harmless am ' ard-working man , while Young ha ? en in trouble a number of times. Youu ] in custody. ROBBERY AT WILBER. urglars Enter Saloon and Blow Saf < Got Small Amount of Money. The safe in Pasek & Shary's open > use saloon at Wilber was blown opei ith nitroglycerin and $70 in cash stol i. Three charges were fired at inter ils of about twenty minutes , and tin b was so delicately done that no prop ty except the safe was damaged , am was only at the last explosion tha tizeus were sufficiently aroused t < ach the ground in time to see two fel ws making away with the plunder. Badly Cut by Wire. Earl , the 10-year-old sou of W. E arts , who lives on the Weller farm , on ile south of Stella , met with a seven icideut about dusk. He was running it to the barn to open the gate and for t about a barbed wire fence that had en put up that morning. He ran into with full force , tearing the flesh eleai the bone from the upper lip nearly tc e ear. It required a number of stitche ? close the wound. . Held Up , Robbed and Shot. Two highwaymen held liquid robbed school teacher named James Walsh at ardy , taking $180 from him and threat- ed to kill him if he started to run. Af- : securing his money the robbers start- to leave him , and Walsh , thinking he aid escape , started to run. whereupon e of the men shot him through the east. He will probably die. Farm Fire at Moorefield. Fire destroyed the barn and sheds of id Palmer & Son. one-half mile east of jorefield. Three horses , 600 bushels of in , harness and other equipment was rned. The origin of the fire is a mys- y. Loss , about $600 : no insurance. Scarlet Fever Follows Smallpox. Che Greeley Center board of health s issued an order closing the schools on : ount of scarlet fever. AH cases are arantined as reported. This comes ± as the last case of smallpox is re- sed. BURGLARS VISIT CARROLL , Robbers Enter Town , Force Ba Vault and Fight Citizens. At 1 o'clock Wednesday morning 1 town of Carroll was thrown into exci ment by an attempt to rob the First 1 tional Bank. At that hour the reside of the upper floor of the Merrill buildi in which the bank is located were awi ened by a loud noise and heard the sou of blows , which caused the house to brute. These sounds were followed by explosion and this by tire from a revo er. By the flash of the gun the pee ; saw men standing as guards for the r < bers around the house. There was one revolver in the bui ing and this was fired at one of thein until the shells were exhausted , but i parently without effect. While this fusillade was in progn the cashier of the bank was called up telephone and notified of the trouble. 1 responded by bringing a number of an ed men , but by the time they arrived t robbers had driven away in a wag which stood in the middle of the strc during the fight , and in which they a supposed to have come to town. The inside safe they failed to penetra and the money of the bank is intact. PREFERS DEATH TO POOKFAR ! Woman Tries Drowning When Druj gists Refuse Her Laudanum. Mrs. Henry Spearing , an elderly w man , who for sonic time has been a pu lie charge at Central City , undertook commit suicide Saturday by drownii herself in the Platte River. It is sa that for a day or two she had been tr ing to buy laudanum from the druggist Early in the morning she left tl place where she had been staying in Ce tral City and went to the Flatte. Tl authorities being advised of the circiu stances , began a search and found In about 10 o'clock near the river bai with her clothing saturated with wate showing she had made an unsuccessf attempt to take her life. She said si objected to being taken to the poor fan : KELLEY HELD FOR MURDER. Evidence Against the Prisoner i All Circumstantial. James Kelley. who is charged with tl murder of Arthur Snowden. near Hun plirey last March , had his preliininai lieu ring before Justice O'Brien at 'C < lumbus and was held to the district com without bail. Fourteen witnesses wore examined o behalf of the state and the evidenci ivhilo circumstantial , is very strong. Kelley was remanded to the custod if the sheriff and will be kept in jail ui .ler guard until court sits , when Count Attorney Latham will try and have th ? ase tried. The chain of evidence cot : iects him with the murdered man Avit the exception of the actual commissio if the crime , of Avhich there are no wil losses. 5TRONG CASE AGAINST BARKEf Circumstances Tending to Show H Killed Brother and Wife. The Avork in the Barker murder trial a Sod Cloud is progressing nicely. Th ury has been secured. County Attorne , Dvermun made a clear statement of th use and Attorney Mercer for the defens iresented the case , stating they had u naterial allegations to prove more thai he fact that Frank Barker AVUS not a Dun Barker's house on the night of th nurder. Damaging evidence against the pris nor has been given. The details of th hiding of the bodies by Eli Bennett Aver- 'ully brought out. The court room AVUS packed Avith eage istenors. It is supposed the evidenci nil all bein by Thursday. MAY FACE SERIOUS CHARGE. Tiece-Wife is Dead and He May bt Prosecuted for Manslaughter. The niece-wife of Ferdinand Wolf dice Saturday morning at the county pooi arm at Central City. The death of the Avoman has agair roused popular indignation againsl Volf , and it is more than likely that r barge of manslaughter Avill be preferred gainst him for neglecting to properlj are for her. Wolf has been bound ovei : > the district court on the charge of il- Willy living Avith his niece , and his case : ill come up for trial at the term o ) ourt Avhich convenes May 1C. Farmers to Build Elevator. Prominent farmers and business mei : t Bradshaw have organized the Brad- iiaw Farmers' Grain and Elevator As- iciatiou. and have asked for an elevator ite on the Burlington Railroad. There as beeu considerable complaint by the irmerg and business men over the grain tuation , and it is charged that the evatoru at Bradshaw are in a pool. Killed by the Cars. In attempting to board a moving train" : i the Union Pacific" at Lexington , a man limed Krebs fell under the Avheels and iid both legs cut off below the knee. He ied shortly after being carried into the ation. Krebs was on his way from alifornia to Pittsburg , Pa. Krebs had rved twenty years in the regular army Grand Island Commerical Club. The business men of Grand Island ive organized a commercial club. The ub's efforts Avill be devoted to securing > w industries and to promoting the wel- ire of the rity and county in whatever anner possible. A brief , effective con- itutiou AVUS adopted and officers elected r one .pear. Chancellor Andrews' Son Insane. The Lincoln authorities are looking for son of Chancellor Andrews , of the ate university , who is wandering about e state. His father has filed an in- nity complaint. Drowned in Irrigation Ditch. The 9-year-old sou of Frank Yoder , a ttleniau living six miles AVCSC of Kim- .11. was drowned Sunday in an irrigat- S ditch. Team and Buggy Stolen. The team of Ed Ingram , who lives st of Louisville , was stolen from the tch rack at that place Monday evening , was a bay and dark browu hitched to spring AA-agon. A coat which was in e buggy was found on the road leading svard Syracuse. Church at O'Connor. V Greefey Center telegram says : The Connor church burned Saturday after- on. Only a part of the furniture was red. Loss estimated at § 5,000 , partly" rered by insurance- Short Notes. - A ladies' band is the newest feature of Norfolk musical circles. The board of education has re-elected all the former teachers and advanced the- salary of each one $5 per month. The residence of J. Spencer , Avho re sides near Barneston , AVUS struck by- lightning and badly damaged. The fain- ily oscapcd uninjured. The city of Kearney took on a gala nppeuranco in honor of the Grand Army of the Republic encampment , which Avas- held there for three days. E. D. Hall , an employe in the Burling ton shops at Alliance , Avho becuhie violently lently insane , AVUS taken to the usyluia at Lincoln by Sheriff Reed. The vicinity of Plymouth , Jefferson County , AVUS visited by a cloudburst , und it is estimuted that between three und four inches of Avnter foil in u short time. Joe Stolopurt AVUS convicted in the- county court at Bussctt before a jury of illegal voting at the recent municipal election , und AVUS filed $50 and cohts. He Avill appeal. The Tecumseh fire department has re ceived a new hook and ladder truck from the factory at Chicago. The vehicle is thoroughly equipped , including fire extin guishers , und cost $450. At un enrly hour Wednesday morning fire destroyed the residence of P. M. An derson , who resides four miles north of Filley , Avith all its contents. Loss , $2- 000 , with $1,100 insurance. It has been decided to hold a Fourth of July celebration at Auburn this year. It is the intention of the club and of the citizens of Auburn to have the best pro gram over given at a celebration in that city. city.One One of the newest and most flourish ing enterprises in West Point is the ar tificial stone plant. The output is of su perior quality und is being extensively used for the foundations of now build ings in West Point. A large crowd gathered at the ceme tery at Schuyler to witness the dedica tion of u monument erected by the Wood men of the World at tlie grave of Kev. Alexander Robinson , a prominent mis sionary und preacher. County Treasurer Wlieutley paid off $4.000 of the bonded indebtedness against the court house of Johnson Coun ty. There now remains but $ KMH)0 ) of the original bonds in the sum of $40,000 voted for the purpose of erecting tlie building. In a runaway at Alliance Adam Dil- ling , u rancher north of town , sustained a broken arm und AVUS rendered uncon scious for several hours. His team run into a telegraph polo with such force that the polo AVUS broken off about half the < iistance up. It is rumored at Beatrice that the Bur lington Company may conclude to put in use gas engines on the branch line be tween Crete and Beatrice Avithin the next Tew months. It is said those engines are joing successfully used by one or two pouds in IOAVU. Col. II. C. McMuken of Plattsmouth claims to have discovered u Avny of exter- ninuting the gopher pest at very little ex- ) onse. He hus found that placing u po- ute dosed Avith strychnine in the hole vhero the gopher holds forth is .sure loath for the animal. D. W. Cook of Beatrice shipped four rarloads of fat cutll * to the Kansas City narket. The animals averaged 1,500 mtiiids each , and it is unquestionably one f the finest bunches of cattle shipped rom Gage County in some years. Isa'c Calmer , u Avoll known stock raiser living tear Odell , also shipped 200 head to the nurket. The board of directors of the Loup . 'alloy Agricultural Society have decided ipon September 20 , 21 , 22 and 2. { as he dates for holding their annual moot- rig at Ord this year. The finances of he association are in excellent condition ud HA-C stock premiums Avill be propor- fonatoly increased. A four days' ses- ion Avas decided on. Messrs. Johnson und Graham , the 'resent ' OAvners of the Ames townsite , re having surveys made und the lots in he now town Avill soon be on the market , 'ho business lots will bo southeast of the Jnion Pacific depot. No effort Avill be lade to Avork up u boom or any special ffort to sell lots. Several business ouses are likely to be built this season. During the past ton days thirty Avolves ave been killed in the vicinity of Gret- a. The animals are increasing at un larming rate , and farmers are sufferiii" roatly from their depredations. Small igs and poultry are being carried off , 10 Avolves having grown bold enough to pproach u furm yard in daylight. Res- lents are advocating the raising of the ounty upon them. Campbell Bros. ' circus seems to be ailed by a little of hard luck early in ie ouset of its season's Avork. While pitching in on the sidetrack from Inch to unload at Schuyler , one of their utcars left the rails and bumped across e ties for a distance of fifty yards or ore , finally dumping a portion of its ad , one of the largest and heaviest can- is wagons , and wrecking it. Master Charles Campbell , 10-year-old > n of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Campbell of ecumseh , broke his right arm. He was the haymoAv endeavoring to unwind ie Avire from a bale of hay. The Avire uck under the bundle and he was tug- ng at it , standing in close proximity to ie little door in which the hay is pa s- 1. The hold of the wire was suddenly oken and he fell over backAvard , out of e doorway to the ground , fourteen feet 'low. The district court of Cheyenne County ; hich has just closed at Sidney , decided e case of the Courthouse Rock Irriga- m Company against Willard & Dugger. fie irrigation company sought to enjoin e defendants from diverting Avater om Pumpkin Seed Creek to irrigate eir lands. Defendants claim a right to e use of the Avater for irrigation as ri- : rian proprietors. The court sustained 4h e defendants and refused to grant the % rit of injunction prayed for. , A. meeting of the business men of iend decided to give a Fourth of July lebratiou and carnival this year that > uld surpass anything ever attempted that section. i.t the meeting of the board of Dakota tunty commissioners an agreement was iched between the Sioux City Bridge impany and Dakota County and school strict No. 11 , South Sioux City , where- the assessed valuation of the Xeb-as- end of the Sioux City bridge was fix- at $60,000 for the year 1903 , and the Be amount is to be continued as the essed valuation.