Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 12, 1904, Image 7

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A club Mrs. Dan-
_ prominent woman , . - _
forth , of St. Joseph , Mich. , tells how she
was cured of falling of the womb and
its accompanying pains and misery by
Lydia E , Piniham's Vegetable Compound *
"DEAR Sins. PINKHAM : Life looks dark indeed when a woman
feels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes of ever
being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was
advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of the
ivomb. The words sounded like a knell to me , I felt that my sun had
set ; but Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound came to me as
an elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my
good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine
daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for
the help I obtained through its use. " MRS. FLORENCE DANFORTH ,
1007 Miles Ave. , St. Joseph , Mich.
A medicine that has restored so many -women to health and
can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respect. This
is the record of I ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , which
cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever pro
duced. Here is another case :
"DEAR MRS. PIXKHA I : For years I was
troubled with falling of the womb , irregular
and painful menstruation , leucorrhoea , bearing-
down pains , backache , headache , dizzy and
famting spells , and stomach trouble.
"I doctored for about five years but did
not seem to improve. I began the use of your
'medicine , and have taken seven bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound ,
three of Blood Purifier , and also used the
Sanative Wash and Liver Pills , and am now
enjoying good health , and have gained hi flesh.
I thank you very much for what you
have done for me , and heartily recom
mend your medicine to all suffering
women. " Miss EMMA SNYDER , 218 East.
Center St. , Marion , Ohio.
Women would save time and much sickness if they would
Write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distressing symp
toms appear. It is free , and has put thousands of women on the
right road to recovery. .
Mrs. Pinkham never violates the confidence thus entrusted to
her , and although site publishes thousands of testimonials fron\
women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine ,
never in all her experience has she published such a letter without
the full consent , and often by special request of the writer.
the letters and signatures of
FORFEITif wo cannot forthwith produce original
above tealinioiiuila , which trill prove their absolute genuineness.
JLytlia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. , Juynn , Mass.
e Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Were Welcomed to
during last Year
They are settled and settling on the
Grain and Grazing Lands , and are pros
perous and satisfied.
Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said : "A
new star has rit-en upon the horizon ,
and is toward it that every immigrant
who leaves the land of his ancestors to
come and seek a home for himself now
turns his froze" Canada. There is
.fc'JbCIEIS Homesteads given
uxvuy. School * , Churches , Kail-
ways , Market * . Climate , every
thliiGT to be desired.
For a descriptive Atlas and other in
formation , apply to SCrEniXTEXDEXTlS-
inoilATlOS" , Ottawa , Canada ; or authorized -
rized Canadian Government Apent
K. T. Holme J 815 Jncfcson St. , St. Paul , Minn.tW. H.
Roger * , Box 116. Watertown. South Dakota ; . V. Ben-
sett , , 801 Kew I'orkLife Building , Omahu , IMOD.
Given Away ]
Write UB or ask an I
Alabsfitlne dealer forj
' particnlare and f roe s&mplo cord of
The Sanitary Wall OoatlnCT
DeatroysdlaeisegermBBiidTermln. Key
rubs or scales. You can apply it mix wita
cold water. Beautiful effects in white and
i delicate tinU. Kotadiae&oe.breedlnfont-j
I ofdat hot-water iu preparation. Buy [
I AlabSBttne in 6 IS. packages , properly la-1
btlled , of paint , hardwire and drug dealers , t
I" Hlnt on D ooratine. " emA our ArtiU'
Ideas free. AIAE1SIWE CO , Cru J Esjldi , Ilci. ,
U105 Wrier SL , 8.1/ '
It is stated that the Chinese population
of to-day numbers about 426,000,000 of
Bouls , including 8,500,000,000 in Manchu
ria , 2,580,000 in Mongolia , 6,430,000 in
Tribet and 1,200,000 in Chinese Turkes-
, tan.
Her Job.
Simpson Young's wife is certainly a
good manager.
Sampson Of household affairs ?
Simpson Xo ; of Young. Pittsburg
Be "Warned !
Heed X a t u r e's
warnings ! Pain tells
of lurking disease.
Backache Is kidney
pain a w a r n i n g
of kidney ills. Uri
nary troubles , too.
come to tell you the
kidneys are sick.
Constant weariness ,
headaches , dizzy
spells , days of pain ,
nights of unrest are
danger' signals
warning you to cure
the kidneys. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills ,
which have made
thousands of perma
nent cures.
Frank D. Overbaugh. cattle buyer
and farmer , Catskill , N. Y. . says : "Doc
tors told me ten years ago that 1 had
Bright's disease , and said they could
do nothing to save me. My back ached
so I could not stand it to even drive
about , arid passages of the kidney se
cretions were so frequent as to annoy
me greatly. I was growing worse all
the time , but Doan's Kidney Pills
cured me , and I have been well ever
since. "
A FREE TRIAL of this , great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Over
baugh will be mailed on application to
any part of tlie United States. Address
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. For
sale by all dealers ; price 50 cents per
Dr. H. K. Carrel reports the total
church membership in the United States
for 1901 at 28,090,637.
Idea was born in 1898.
It commemorates the. centennial of
Louisiana purchase from France , 1803.
U. S. purchased that strip of tejjri-
tory , Gulf of Mexico to Canada , iafhd
from Mississippi river to crest of the
Rocky Mountains.
The Mississippi valley belonged to
France by right of discovery and ex
Louisiana was ceded to Spain , secret
treaty 1702 , and 37 years later returned
to France at the demand of Napoleon
Bonaparte , Oct 1 , 1800.
President Thomas Jefferson purchased
Louisiana territory , outlined above , of
Napoleon for $15,000 000 , who used the
funds for equipment of his armies.
The treaty was signed at Paris April
80 , 1803.
Louisiana territory embraced 1,000,000
square miles.
In 1898 , following an editorial in a
St Louis paper that the greatest centen
nial event of the age should be celebrated
In a fitting manner , Gov. Stevens of Mis
souri called a delegation from the States
now constituting the Louisiana territory
at St. Louis , Wan. 10 , 1899.
Ninety-three delegates voted unani
mously to hold an exposition , interna
tional in its scope , in St. Louis.
The U. S. government was invited to
assist , and it ] was settled to spend $15-
000,000 in completing the exposition , the
amount of the original purchase. The
government paid one-third , St Louis one-
third and the balance was raised by pub
lic subscription.
Trees were felled , hills were leveled ,
the course of the river , De Peres ,
Aug. 20 , 1901 , President William McKinley -
Kinley issued a proclamation inviting the
world to participate in the mammoth ex
The grounds cover 1,240 acres , an area
two miles long and one mile wide , nearly
twice as much as the World's Colum
bian Exposition at Chicago.
The main exhibit palaces at St. Louis
have tinder roof 128 acres.
When the time arrived for the com
pletion of the exposition it was found
necessary to postpone it another year.
Nations were asking for more space' for
their exhibits and the affair had been
multiplied in its proportions until at the
time of its completion now , it has cost
about 50.000,000 , and is the largest ex
position ever given on earth.
Secretary of War Taft , in his speech
at the opening of the St. Louis world's
fair , said :
"From each of the great expositions
of the world can be dated the world's
familiarity with some marvelous inven
tion so quickly adopted in our life that
the change that it effected has almost
passed from memory. And while the
buildings and the machines and the con
gresses and the beauty and the glamor
and the pomp of such a celebration and
exposition as this shall pass into mem
ory , and every material evidence disap
pear , the measurement that they make
of progress , noted as it is in the history
of the world , becomes a benefit to man
kind , the value of which cannot be ex
* 'We have at this , the centenary of
the purchase of Louisiana , entered upon
another and a different kind of expan
sion , which involves the solution of oth
er and different problems from jthose pre
sented in the Louisiana Purchase. That
they may not and probably will not be
solved by conferring statehood upon the
new territory is probable.
"Augurs of ill and ruin to follow from
the experience and the solution of the
problem are not wanting , but they never
have been wanting in the history of this
country , and they never have been al
lowed to control the fearless grappling
of new problems by Americans. We have
probably reached a period , in the great
wealth and power , which we have" achiev
ed as a nation , in which we find our
selves burdened with the necessity of
aiding another people to stand upon its
feet and take a short cut to the freedom
and the civil liberty which we and our
ancestors have hammered out by the
hardest blows. For the reason that this
centennial of the Louisiana purchase
marks the beginning of the great Philip
pine problem , the government of the Phil
ippine Islands has felt justified in ex
pending a very large sum of money to
make the people who come here to com
memorate the vindication of one great
effort of American enterprise and expan
sion under the conditions which surround
the beginning of another.
"Those who look forward with dark
foreboding to the result of this new ad
venture base their prophecies of disas
ter on what they think is the weakness
of the American people. Those who
look forward to its success base their
judgment on what has already been ac
complished in the islands , and on what
they know the American nation can do
when an emergency and an inevitable
necessity present themselves. Without
being blind to the difficulties or the dan
gers , it gives me the greatest happiness
to know and to say that the President of
the United States , whom I unworthily
represent to-day , is glad to take his stand
among those who believe in the capacity
of the American people who , aroused by
the call of duty , to solve any problem
of government , however new , which' de
pends solely on the clear-headedness , the
honesty and the courage , the generosity
and the self-restraint of the American
people. "
Brief News Items ,
Radium has been found in a mine neai
Butte , Mont.
A society of Columbus , Ohio , will look
after Armenian orphans.
More Indiana counties will get general
rural free delivery of mail.
Aii unknown donor has given Amherst
College a Henry Ward Beecher lecture
The Ohio Legislature appropriated
35,000 for a State hospital for the treat :
mcnt of cases of tuberculosis.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Campbell were
arrested in Lawton , O. T. , on the charge
of murdering their baby the night of its
birth. March 2.
A 5-year-old boy , an adopted child of a
family named Wetheral , was ground to
death in a corn sheller at Ashby's grist
mill in Leavenworth , Kan.
Joint services for Senator Mark A.
Hanna were held by the 'two houses of
the Ohio Legislature. Senator Charles
Dick delivered the principal address.
Most of the Ailments Peculiar to the
Female Sex are Due to Catarrh
of the Pelvic Organs.
* - - - - - - - < > -
Rachael J. Kemball , M. D. , 334
t Virginia St. . Buffalo , X. Y. , is u
graduate of the University of Buffalo ,
class 1884 , and has been in the prac
tice of medicine in that city since
then. She writes as follows :
"My conviction , supported by
experience , is that Peruna is avalu- ; -
" ! able preparation for all catarrhal
; ; affections. I have taken one bottle
of Peruna myself and just feel fine.f
< il shall continue to take it.-Rachel
t J. Kemball , M. D.
< \
Peruna has cured thousands of cases
of female weakness. As a rule , how
ever , before Peruna is resorted to several
other remedies have been tried in vain.
A great many of the patients have taken
local treatment , submitted themselves
to surgical operations , and taken all
sorts of doctor's stuff , without auy
The reason of so many failures is the
fact that diseases peculiar to the female
sex are not common-
Female Trouble
Not JJ recociiiyed as being
Catarrh. ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
are lined by mucous membranes. Any
mucous membrane is subject to catarrh.
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
same as catarrh of any other organ.
What will cure catarrh of the head will
also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs.
Peruna cures these cases simply because
it cures the catarrh.
Most of the women afflicted with pel
vic diseases have no idea that their
trouble is due to catarrh. The majority
of the people think that catarrh is a dis
ease confined to the head alone.
This is not true. Catarrh is liable to
attack any organ of the body ; throat ,
bronchial tubes , lungs , stomach , kidneys
and especially the pelvic organs.
Many a woman has made this dis
covery after a long siege of useless treat
ment. She has made the discovery that
her disease is catarrh , and that Peruna
can be relied upon to cure catarrh
wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus.
lHjaifl1 V There is nothing-so emptinff and satisfying -
JL/dlilLj' fying as Ljbby's Luncheon meats.
There are many delicious ways Libby's Peerless Dried Beef , Potted and Deviled Ham
's ( Natural Flavor ) Food Products
Send for our book , " How to Make Gpod Things to Eat. "
Libby's Atlas of the World sent postpaid for five zc stamps.
Libby , McNeill & Libby , Chicago , U. S. A.
"Straw" Hats Made of Paper.
A novelty in "straw bats" is prom
ised by French hatters for next season.
Straw hats are to be made in future of
paper. There will be two kinds of
straw colored hats ; a cheap one , to be
obtained at the modest price of 10
cents , and a more expensive one , to be
bought for 35 cents. The latter looks
exactly like the genuine article. The
paper of which it is made is untearable
and unaffected by rain. The hats are
being manufactured at Lyons.
How to Clean Laces.
To clean , delicate laces , take a large
glass jar , cover with old cotton and
spread the lace carefully on it. Set the
bottle in warm Ivory soap suds and leave
for an hour. If stains are difficult to re
move , place in the sun and they will dis
appear. Rinse by dipping the bottle in
clear water.
Strictly Business.
He Do you believe in fortune telling ?
She Well , I don't know much about
such things , but papa believes in it.
He Is it possible ?
She Yes. He says the mercantile
agencies are fairly accurate.
By the Short Cut.
One of the great newspapers is print
ed in an office that has three full
stories blow the ground level , the enor
mous presses resting on foundations
even below this depth.
An "old subscriber" came to look at
the establishment one day , and the
business manager showed him round.
They had inspected the editorial and
composing rooms and the business
offices , and last of all they went to
look at the engines and presses.
The stairway leading down to the
basement had several landings , and to
the visitor it seemed that the journey
would never end.
"Well , " he gasped , as they stood al
last on the very bottom floor , "I see
you have arranged to get your news
from China by the shortest route ! "
Mrs. TFlnalow's BOOTHTKO BTSOT tea Ohlldrea
teething ; softens the znnu , reduces inflammation , al
tars pain , cores wind colic. 25 c au a bottle.
People are seldom man and wife half \
their lives without wishing to impart {
their sufferings as well as their pleasures
to each other , The Kentons.
Promoted by
hsmpoos of
And light dressings
great Skin Cure and
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
stops falling hair , removes
crusts , scales , and dandruff ,
destroys hair parasites ,
soothes irritated , itching sur
faces , stimulates the hair fol
licles , loosens the scalp skin ,
supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet ,
wholesome , healthy scalp ,
when all else fails.
N. B. Complete External and Internal
Treatment for every Humor from Pimples to
Scrofula , from Infancy to Age , consisting of
CUTICURA Soap , Ointment , and Pills , may
now be had of all Druggists for One Dollar.
Sold throughout the world. Guticura Soap , 23c. , Oint
ment , SOc. , Keiolrent , 50c. ( In form of Chocolate Coated
fiQt , 2Sc. per vial of 60) ) . Depots : London. 27 Charter-
houie Sq. ; Paris , 5 Rue de la Faiz ; Boiton , 137 Columbus
Ave. Potter Drug & Chcra. Corp. , Sole Proprietor ! .
OS-Send for " How to Preierve , Purify and Beautify
the Skin , Scalp , Hair and Hand.-
Removes Tan , Plmples.Frecklea ,
Jloth Patches. Rash , and Skin
diseases , and every blemish
beauty , and
of 66 years , and is
so harmless VFO
taste It to be sura
it Is properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of similar
name. Dr. L. A.
Savre said to a
lady of the baut-
ton ( a patient ) :
'As you ladies
will use them , I
'Gouraud's Cream'
as the least harmful of all the Bfcln preparations. "
For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers
in the U. S. , Canadas. and Enrope.
FERD. T. HOPKIHS , Prop'r , 37 Great Jones St , N. Y ,
Washington , I > .C.
. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal 2z aalBer U.S. Pension Bureau.
I 3 yn In civil war XS4lB < UaaUiucckuiiii.att.Tii > afe
GUIDE containing 48 jinges of valuable in
formation. OFFICIAL MAP and full instruc
tion how to get a claim on the KOSEBUD KES-
EltVATION. Forbes Locating Agency , BOES-
steel , S. D.
There is no' satisfaction keener
thar > being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest storm.
_ If he will not supply rou f .
aend for our free ' slalogue of garments pr > d hata.
S. C. X. U. No. 2O lOOi
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
The never ending cures of
made by
St. Jacobs Oil perfect remedy