Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 12, 1904, Image 5
hi Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. . . . filed with Hid Clerk of the Board of County Commission ers of Cherry Connty , Nebraska a , petition , ac companied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that I be jiranted a license to sell malt , Mlnnecbaduza vious 11luora . at Crookston , in Cberry County , No Smfe 10 term ° f ° ne year > rom an ° after O , 1904 Dr. Headrick gives special at tention to car , throat , nose and catarrh. Everybody come and treat your best girl to ice cream and straw- b erries at Bethel hall Friday night. At a preliminary hearing Mon day before Judge Towne , Wm. Harris , a colored man who runs a joint , or ranch as it is called , south of the race track , was bound over to the district court for shooting rp. John Cook of the 25th Inf. on March 20. It seems that the Corporal had ordered some beer , which he hadn't paid for , and in a mix up which resulted , Harris was cut with a knife , Cook was struck on the'head with a ball bat and-Harris grabbed a revolver and shot , four times at Cook , two of the s bullets passing'- through Cook's body while the latter was running from the Harris ranch and being followed by Harris. A Sergeant Hearst pursued Harris and took the gun from him. Doirn the River. Martin Becker and wife went to Valentine Saturday. Perry Bryant and Al Clark were in town Monday. .Mrs. Paul Charbonneau is visiting with her sister , Mrs. Eoby. Eaymond Sharp and Jesse Mitch ell took a few head of cattle to Val entine to ship Saturday. John Shelbourn/Sr. and Louis Taylor took in some cattle Satur day. The Bever creek school and the Harmony school will give an enter tainment and picnic ill the grove known as the Perkins' grove. The dance athe \ Prairie View school house was a success and a fine time was reported bythose present. Died April 24,1904 , at the Meth odist hospital in Omaha Miss Net- tie Brosius died from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. She was buried April 27 , the services being conducted by the Degree of Honor. We join in the sympathy of the entire community for Mrs. Brosius and familj in their sad be reavement. YOUNGSTER. The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society will serve ice cream and cake at the home of Mrs. Quigley - ley Monday evening May 1(5 ( , at 7 o'clock. Everybody is cordial ly invited. Very liow Bate Excursion Tic kets to tleyeland. Ohio. Via the ! North-western line will be sold at reduced rates May 13 , 15 , 16 and 17 , limited to return until June 10 , inclusive , account of-.Na tional < Baptist Anniversaries. Ap ply to agents Chicago & jNorth- western It'y. Halt Kates * to A imal Gcrmau BaptiKt Carthage , Mo. , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion' tickets will be &old at one fare for round trip May IS to 24 inclusive , limited by extension to return until June 30 , inclusive. agents Chicago & North western K'y- Dr. Headrick's offer to treat patients - tients is very liberal not asking for his fee in advance , see special an nouncement in this paper. SALE Two stallions , ser viceable ages , also two yearling saddle bred stallions. METZGAR BROS , 15 4 King , Neb. Are you going to need any barb wire or field fencing ? If so call on fte Red' Front Merc. Co. for j prices. Get your Clothes cleaned and pressed and make them look like new. Careful attention given to both ladies" and gent's clothing. The R. H. Robertson , Tailor. ? One door north old City Hotel. Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KANGAROO I T " 1- . ] < e ± /-St- RESXA.TJI2-ATVT First class meals at all hours , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E. D. Cohota , Prop. 3. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine Nebr. , - . * HBNEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith. Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. Business Notices. Notices under this beading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. " All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-ti All kinds of garden seeds at the Eed Front Merc. Co. . | The lied Front Merc. Co. carr.N d lull line of bulk seeds which are. aii iiew irebh seed , li you \\ani good -seed make them a call. " ' i - - i Pianos and Organs with a ten year guarantee from reliable fac tories , sold for cash or payments. J. 0. .BEATTY , 13 ( At G. i-I. Hornby's store. ) High grade. Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 13 Selling out Hardware and Fur niture on account of going out of1 hardware business in 90 days. Call for cash bargains. 14 GEO. H. HORNBY. We have just received a com plete line of wagon woods , such as spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol sters , 'axles , tongues , etc. Also wagon skeins , buggy stubs and box fittings. Quality and prices guaranteed. At Red Front Merc. Co. Professional Cards. The Loup Valley llerefcrd Ranch Brownlee.Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131603 and GurJy Coat 112-201 at bead of berd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety , Ixird Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates io my berd. I can lill orders foi bulls of all ages at any time. Jtanch feur miles north-west of Brown- lee , Nebr. C.n. FAUI.HAKEU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00Ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 tot Screenings 70c " $13.00 Chop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00" Corn . .95 " $18.00" Chopcorn 1.00 " $19.00" Oats , . . .1.20 " $23.00 " JOHN POEATH Keige , Kebr. Tubular wells and windmills. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. .Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street. * W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Rverv < ( . I I ; > < 11 ' u j { . In > i n ' * * / * / / , / * < / ; / / i Physician an * Surgeon Ojflce Fraternal HoU or El- Holt's Drug Storv. , , . Hobert ( jL. Easily , . * AT 5 , A * * > * ce over Ked I'Yont GENERAL , LAW PRACTICI- Proprietor oil Valentine Dray , . Will ( K > all kinds of draunsr , t-xprt--- and freiy'it work Special atietm < > i nirn to tine furniture H/DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparnienl of T. ( \ Ilornliv1 * ; store. Will ho in Kosj'ljiu ! agenc.v rlul.v : rd , Oct. 2nd and , Jaii. J , IDOi. Doctor Headrick OF OMAHA WILL VISIT Valentine , Friday and Saturday , May 20th and 21st at the Donoher , W e * re in no > ense "traveling doctors " We are established in Omaha ami nave oi'c\ipled \ thf same location since 1891 We have patients in all parts of Nebraska , who cahnot visit our Omaha Office. To accommodate these we visit a few central points , thus savinp our pa tient" a lontr t-xnen-ive trip to Omaha , and at the same time ivinjr them the 15real hf'netit of a personal examination and consultation , which is absolute- itre * \A e can refer you to a number oi cured patients in your own locality f Our Practice is Limited to Chronic Diseases. We eive special attention to diseases of the ear , nose , throat and all catarrhal diseases , deafness , lung and stomach diseases , diseases of women , nervous diseases , weakness of men , heart diseases liver and kidney diseases , rheumatism , piles , etc. . . .Special Offer. . . If you are suffering from a chronic ailment for which you been treated without success , let us make an examination of your' case by our modern and improved methods and tell you whether your case is a curable one or not , and if you can be cured we will take you as a patient and treat you for a nominal fee , to be paid as you receive benefits. We do not ask you to pay for promises , but only for permanents benefits received. We supgest that yon call as early in the day as possible , enabling- to gfive you more time for an examination and consultation , which will be absolutely free. C. M. HEADRICK , M.D. I e I will sell to the highest bidder for cfishj L one mile south of SIMEON , NEBR. , on 1904 , commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the following de scribed live stock : 2 good work nrnles 5 broke mares , weigh from 1000 to 1300 Ibs 3 two year old gelding s 4 unbroke mares * 1 saddle gelding , 2 broke saddle ponies : 3'yearling horse colts 1 Deering mowing machine r 23 head of cows , 3 to 6 years old , with calves by side 29 he&d of 2-year old heifers 6 head yearling heifers 6 head yearling steers 2 head of 2-year old steers 1 Thoroughbred Hereford bull 4 years old 1 Standard hay Terms : Cash. DAVE HANCOCK Clk. Q. E. , . . . TRACEWELL , Auct. We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1S04 to users of I/ion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads , cut from the packages , be good , as heretofore , for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers , but urns * l * the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contests , which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can sead m as many estimates as desired. There will be . TW © The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Pair , ' the second relates to TatMl Vote For President to bacast Nov. 8 , 1904. $20,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests , making $40,000.00 on the two , and , to make it still more interesting , in addition to this amount , we will give a } ? hi ft to the one who is nearest correct on both contests , and thus your estimates have two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Five Lion-Heads i &fi Printed blanks to * & > * & & cut from Lion vote on found in Coffee Packages and every Lion Coffee Package - 2 cent stamp entitle you age , The 2 cent stamp ( in addition to the reg covers the expense of ular free premiums ) acknowledgment to to one vote In you that your es = either contest : timate is recorded. sssaE&gsa.1 WORLD'S CONTEST PS5ESJDESS7BAL VOTE CONTEST , What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. What vfll bo the tcMl Popular Vote cast for President ( vote * World's Fair ? At Chicago. JulsM. JS93 , the attendance was 2o.\J- . c' ! ! cjiiuid.ttecombined' ' at tli" election November 8 , 1904 ? la For nearest correct estimates received in Woolsoa S ; > ice Com wrion. J'5CJ-a.G53 people vote ' . for President. For nearest cor- ' pany's office , Toledo , Ohio , on or before June 30th , Ijn-l. we will io-t csti-raitf.s received \Voo1son Spice Co.'s. office , Toledo , O. , first for the estinr.te . - . . - . .rbefoiNo - . 5 , 1904 , will first for the Kive prize nearest correct : , ccccucl pri.-.o t - ; ho or..rbefoi - - trc Rtve prize nearest cor- next nearest , etc. , etc. , as ollovs : rc-.c ' . -/ , second prize to thonextnea' follows : , 1 First Prize S2.500 00 1 Second Priza 1 OOO OO 2 Prizes 3600.0O cc.oi 1 .OOO.OO 6 Prizes 200.0O i , OOG OO 1O Prizes a00.01 1 .OOO 00 j 2D Prizes 5O.OO 1 OOO. 00 8O Prizes 2O.OO I .onc.on 125O Prizes 1O.OO 2.50O.OO 1800 Prizes 5.00 O.OCO.OO 2139 PEIZES , TOTAL , S20.000JDO 2139 PHIZES , io Grocers1 Olerks ( ses p&riieuSsi COB SFLITE & 1TA1LED PARTICULARS i SPfCE C ? . ? ( CONTEST TOLEDO , OHIO S2ESS5IS ; ' ? JE5 : ! 1 , ft E H.M.CRAMEK , , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages bauled to and from tbtflt $ > rt and aU parts of tbe City , LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood kike Miss Geneva Garrett , ' ' Trained Nurse From Chicago. 9 yrs. experience. 'At Levi Randy's. " ® ! : , f 1