Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 12, 1904, Image 4

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Thursday , May 12 , 1 O4.
Entered at the Tout-office at Valeuttne , Oherrj
eonnty. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; S1.5C
When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertlslPK 1 Inch single column 15c
per Issue or $0.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
tnd Socials lor Revenue 5c per line per Issue.
Brands" . IK ii-ches S4.00 per year In advance
additional space $3-00 per Inch peryearjengraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not pei
sonally known are requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over t
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free"to brand adver
Convention Call.
We have not received official
call from Chairman P. L. Hall , of
the Democratic State Central Com
mittee , but we would suggest that
a democratic county convention
be held in Valentine on Saturday ,
May lith , for the purpose of
selecting delegates for the state
democratic delegate convention ,
which meets -in Omaha , June 1st
to elect delegate to the St. Louis
democratic National convention
July 6 , 190A. The representation
for Cherry county , based upon
the vote cast for Hon. J. J. Sulli
van in the general election of 1903
is 6 delegates. It is to be hoped
that each precinct in the county
will be represented.
I. M. RICE , Sec'y-
Caucus Call ,
We would suggest that the dem
ocrats and those believing in the
principles of the democratic
party or interested in the success
of that party , that they hold meet
ings in their respective precincts
to select delegates to attend the
county convention in Valentine ,
Saturday , May 14 , 1904 , for the
the purpose of selecting delegates
to attend the state democratic dele
gate convention in Omaha June 1 ,
1904. * The representation will be
based upon the vote cast for Judge
Sullivan , at last election. Each
precinct is entitled to one delegate
and in addition thereto one delegate
for each 10 votes or major fractior
thereof :
I. M. EICE , Sec'y.
jttinlcaid Homestead Hia > v
The following is the bill as re
ported by the conference com
mittee and adopted by Congress.
"That from and after sixty days
after the approval of this act , en
tries made under the homestead
laws in the state of Nebraska , west
and north of the following line ,
to-wit : Beginning at a point on
the boundary line between the
states of South Dakota and Ne
braska where the first guide merid
ian strikes said boundary ; thence
running south along said guide
meridian to its intersection with
the fourth standard parallel north
of the base line between the states
o'f Nebraska and Kansas ; thence
west along said fourth standard
parallel to its intersection with the
second guide meridian west of the
sixth principal meridian ; thence
south along said .second guide
meridian to its intersection with
the third standard parallel north
of the said base line ; thence west
along said third standard parallel
to its intersection with the range
line between ranges twenty-five
and twenty-six west of the sixth
principal meridian ; thence south
along said , intersection with the
second standard parallel north of
the said base line ; thence west on
said standard parallel to its inter
section with the range line be
tween ranges thirty and thirty-one
west ; thence south along said line
to its intersection with the bound
ary line between the states of Ne
braska and Kansas , shall not exceed -
coed in area six hundred and forty
acres , and shall be as nearly com
pact in form as possible , and in no
event over two miles in extreme
length : Provided , That there
shall be excluded from the pro
visions of this act such lands with
in the territory herein described
. as in the "opinion of the secretary
of the interior it may be reason
ably practicable to irrigate under
the national irrigation law , or by
private enterprise ; and that said
Secretary shall prior to the date
above mentioned , designate and
exclude from entry under this Act
the lands , particularly along the
> Torth Platte river , which in his
opinion it may be possible to irri-1
gate as aforesaid , and shall thereafter - !
after from time to time open to
entry under this Act any of the
lands so excluded , which , upon
further investigation , he may con
clude cannot be practically irri-
gatted in the manner aforesaid ,
tfec. 2. ' That entrymen under
We Have Just Received
a full line of the celebrated JOHN DEERE
Farm Impl
Consisting of
Plows ; Cultivators , both walking and
riding ; Listers , riding or walking ; Qo =
Devils with knives or discs ; Harrows ; \
End Gate Seeders , etc.
We are enabled by buying for spot cash
in car load lots to make exceptionallyxlow
prices. Call and get prices and see the
DEERE Improved Farm Machinery.
L. C. SPARKS , Mgr.
SEEg g g 2 !
the homestead laws of the Unitec
States within the territory above
described who own and occupy the
lands heretofore entered by them
may , under the provisions of this
Act and subject to its conditions
enter other lands contiguous t <
their said homestead entry , whicl
shall not , with land so already en
tered , owned and occupied , exceec
in the aggregate six hundred anc
forty acres ; and residence upor
the original homestead shall be ae
cepted as equivalent to residence
upon the additional land so enterec
but final entry shall not be allow
ed of such land until five years af
ter first entering the same.
Sec. 3. That the fees and com
missions on all entries under this
Act shall be uniformly the same
as those charged under the pres
ent law for a maximum entry al
the minimum price. That the
commutation provisions of the
homestead law shall not apply tc
entries under this Act , and at the
time of making final proof the en-
tryman must prove affirmatively
that he has placed upon the lands
entered permanent improvements
of the value of not less than one
dollar and twenty-five cents per
acre for each acre included in his
entry : Provided , That a former
homestead entry shall not be a bar
to the entry under the provisions
of this Act of a tract which , to
gether with the former entry ,
shall not exceed six hundred and
forty acres : Provided , That any
former homestead entry man who
shall be entitled to an additional
entry under section two of this
Act shall have for ninety days af
ter the passage of this Act the
preferential right to make addit
ional entry as provided in said
Approved , April 28,1904.
in Acres of" Unap
propriated and Unre
served Publics Lands
in * ne Following-
Greeley 1,760
Custer 3,905
BoxButte 1,651
Cheyenne 478,817
McPherson . . ' 561,356
Dawes 148,820
Scotts Bluff 136,211
Duel 647,317
Sheridan 480,391
Blaine . -.219,912
Sioux 862,252
Logan : : 174,059
Brown 422,641
Hooker 316,158
Kimball .108,492
Keith 129,755
Cherry 2,320,900
Grant 178,419
Thomas 245,261
KeyaP.aha , , .25,927
Rock 220,302
Valley 400
Chase \ 44,251
Lincoln .Y 232,266
Dundy ; . . * . - . - . . - . - . . . -.113,440
Perkins 14,344
Hayes 15 1
Boyd 2,52C
Hitchcock 1,997
Wheeler 198,70C
Holt 154,320
Loup 207,78C
Banner 4
' The first issue of The Keya Paha
County News came to our desk
last week asking for exchange. It
is published at Springview , Nebr.
by Mrs. Pearl Skinner who shows
by the first issue that she has
I ability , and will be successful in
getting patronage and subscrip
tions is our prediction.
Dr. Headrick's visit Friday , May
20th and 21st.
, Wm. Lee was up from Brown-
lee the past week.
Dr. Campbell , of Cody , was in
, Valentine Tuesday.
| J. A. Sparks spent a few days
in Valentine the past week.
I Wm. Gulick has traded for the
McNamee hotel in Woodlake.
The C. & N. W. is building an
addition to the Woodlake depot.
Rev. Carpenter went over to
Springview this week on business.
J. A. W. Johnson , of Kilgore ,
was in our city on business Tues
Miss Dora Davis , of York , came
up Monday for a short visit in
Remember the ice cream and
strawberry social tomorrow night
at Bethel hall.
Mrs. S. A. Rice and grand-son
started for the former's home in
Kansas Wednesday morning.
Vern Stevenson has accepted a
position with T. A. Yearnshaw at
Neligh. He will move his family
down the last of this week.
Strawberries and ice cream to
morrow night at Bethel hall , serv
ed by the Methodist Sunday
school. Everybody come.
No more blue Mondays after you.
use Swift's Pride soap. Good in
hard water and good in soft water.
Order today for Monday's wash.
W.P. . Taber took his wife down !
to live with her folks at Rising ,
Nebr. , Monday to try to regain
her health. Mr. Taber is one of ,
the teachers on the reservation , j
Mrs. Taber has been suffering for
some time with .stomach trouble .
Dr. Headrick's practice is limit-
I ed to Chronic Diseases. See special -
, ial notice.
The high school band furnished
music at a reception given by the
I Degree of Honor. The boys f ur-
| nished good music and Valentine
has at last a band of which we
may feel proud.
i Soney Ford returned from the
state penetentiary at Lincoln Sun
day night , having received a full
pardon from the governor. On
Xmas eve 1902 he shot and killed
Allan Rothchilds at a dance * hall
on the river. He was convicted
and sentenced to 7 years. After
hearing the pleas of the county
prosecutor and the district judge ,
Gov. Mickey pardoned him.v
The car load of hogs shipped
from here last week by J. F.
Swain topped the market in So.
Omaha last Monday. Part of the
hogs were sold to Mr. Swain by
Chas. and Pole Hudson , Ben Pet
erson , Wm. Allen , , Jr. , John
Grooms , Robt. O. Jones and Dav
id Green , of Sparks. Cherry
county and the sand hills are all
right when it comes to raising live
The east bound passenger was
five hours late Monday morning
on account of a wreck up near
Buffalo Gap , in which two engines
were upset but no one reported
hurt. As the train speeded along
the way near Merriraan , a section
gang failing to remove a hand-car
from tlie track , it was struck and
dumped" off by the cow catcher ,
breaking several bars and smash
ing the hand-car.
Rice = Davis.
Isaac M. Rice and Miss Dora
M. Davis were married to-day ,
Thursday , at York , Nebr. They
immediately started on a trip to
St. Louis where they intend spend
ing a week or ten days at the
world's fair. After a short visit
at other places they will be at
home in Valentine , Nebr. , after
June 15.
Low f < * t < * Excursion Tickets
Via the Northwestern Line will be
sold May 17 and 18 , limited to re
turn until May 21 , inclusive , ac-
xmnt of Republican State Con
tention. Apply to agents Chicago
& North-western R'y.
Ice cream and strawberries at
Bethel hall Friday night begin
ning at 5:30 : p. m.
Valentine , Nebraska
RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr.
Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot.
Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Clnb
CSrOO , IDS' .
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. Blue Eibbon Bottled Beer
a specialty. : : : : : : :
Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
if 3 ? Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
Contractors and Builders , . Carpentering.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
S Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop.
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
New Rigs Good/Horses / Careful Drivers
Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accommodations - .
modations to-the public who want to drive , or have horses
. ' ' ' : / * *
es to feed. !
( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) ' " " '
Valentine .
- - Nebraska.
: lla-laoe : atocw
VaJentine - - Nebraska
ring Your Next
Order Here.
We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads ,
Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale
Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work
guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection.
Valentine , = Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn /
; 11
Your Patronage Solicited. It
No. 1 Standard Alleys ,
A healthful , innocent sport. fl 'is