Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 12, 1904, Image 1
t-Iistoticsl Society * ; VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. MAT 12 , 1904 NTTMBEE 17 < We can help you to do this if you will only do your part. We have on hand now a line of | REFRIGERATORSi different sizes and styles , also a line of ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft * * ? VENSI 3 2 * 1 * S all of which we are anxious that you < ? should see. Prices right' , quality 4 ? guaranteed. We also carry a large * ? line of * ? < ? . 1 ? ? Screen Doors , Woven Wire Cloth , etc. 9 * 2 < 9 13V EEMEMBEE Close Out Prices < ? < ? tut NOT Close Out Goods. 6 * i * ? < ? < ? < 9 IRED FRONT MERC. co. | 4 * : \ Wear Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine I Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. i Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most jj desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Ha s , Shirts and Furnishings. D.8TI TAILOE . . ANDCLOTHIEEJ All Kinds of Coal ! 1 " " " " a pi w Stoves and Eanges. , | Prussian Stock Food. Garden Seeds J $ Guns and Ammunition. IK ! A general line of serviceable Hard ware of well known makes that I are substantial , bought for use and wear and will bear inspection. % FUBNITUKE and UNDERTAKING. { FRANKF DEALER IN GENERAL HARDWARE Chartered as , a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1834. August 12. 1002 , | litDI Valentine , Nebraska. ( SuceesBor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking $35,000. Exchange and , Collection Business. C. H. CoBNEiiiy President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTCTIOT ON. flashier. GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * Can Safk-hr You in Pelrc and Werkmatiship Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau j Valentine. Nebraska , week ending c a , m , . May 0,1901 Maximum temperature 78 degrees Minimum temperature , 41 degrees Mean temperature. CG degrees , Total precipitation , 30 J. J. O'DONXELL , Official in Charge , G. W. Burge was in town trad ing Saturday. John Keiss was , in the city the first of the week. Lieut. Donald and wife are back again at the Fort. Queen Moon was quite sick the latter part of last week. Born3 to Chas. Gassen and wife , May 3 , 190i , a lllb boy. E. C. Cole was down from Cody last Monday on business. Floyd Pettycrew was quite sick . the latter part of last week. D. A. Piercy , of Kennedy , was in town on business Monday. F. H. Baumgartl , of Crboirston , was in the city last Saturday. Jesse Gorsuch . . and wife were in * i town visiting the first of the week. Jack Whipplc was clown from the reservation the first of the week. John Bachelor was visiting with his family in town the first of the week. t week.'s 's Rivers Stillwell in brought some 1 fine fish from Dewey Lake last _ Monday. S. L. Ellis , of Simeon , was in town on businuss the latter part of last week. - Hon. Frank Eothluetner - was down from Kilgore the latter part of last week. Judge "Walcott returned from a business trip to Lincoln and Oma ha Monday night. Max E. Viertel , the Crookston : merchant was in the city Friday I t evening on business. v Mrs. K. Peterson called last t ; Saturday to pay another dollar in advance for THE DEMOCRAT. Mrs. Bruce Moore , of Cody , visited Mrs. Caton at Judge Towne's the first of the week. c ; Mrs. Chase , of South Carolina , 1 ; was in town last week visiting her son v/ho is in the llth Infantry. Miss Orvilla Carey has been quite sick at her home in the west part of town the past two months. . Theo. lillson called on us last a Saturday while in from his farm and handed us a § on subscription. Mrs. R. M. Faddis , who was operated on at Omaha for appendi citis , is reported as getting along nicely. Bill Gillaspie was in from Ches c < terfield last week and said that everything was looking fine on the Boardman. ai la W. E. Haley has been quite tc sick the past week. He caught a tcn : bad cold that came near turning ) into pneumonia. w The new City hotel opened last ai Saturday under the management of Geo. Shaw and wife , who solicit a share of your patronage. bl John Britt , of Britt , called "last to ) Saturday and handed us the almighty - ' ni mighty dollar for another year in tv advance to THE DEMOCRAT ; Q Mac Cramer tells us that he has . purchased one of the Eclipse wind th mills of the Ludwig Lumber Co. and finds it very convenient. Mrs. Nettie Barker daughter of o5 o5C TVebb Hilsinjrer and wife , came up C < from Tekamah last Friday night ar to vMti with' relatives' sod D. P. White , of Kilgore , was in town last Saturday to doctor for stomach trouble or some ailment of a similar symton. T. S. Smith stopped on" in town last Sunday v to visit his many friends. He was on his way to the Hills where he has a better position. Geo. Corbin returned from Oma ha last Thursday night , after see ing his wife pass a successful operation. She is getting along nicely at present. * We overlooked the item last week that P. F. Simons and wife were the proud possessors of a 10 pound baby boy , which arrived Monday , May 2 , 1904. "Wash Honey , of Woodlake , was in our city on business last Satur day and called at our office for a visit. Mr. Honey has not been in the best of health the past few months. Mrs. McCrea and Mrs. Carey called at THE DEMOCRAT office last Saturday to scold the editor for not printing all the news. We have been at fault and took our scolding cheerfully. C. S. King , of near Simeon , called at this office Tuesday to have some sale bills printed for a big stock sale which he will have at. ihe John D. Spaul ranch , 1 mile south of Simeon , Wednesday , June L , 1904. Notice his sale ad in this . paper. , * Lee Layport and C. H. Cornell ire putting down brick sidewalks n'front of their residences. This s a step in the right direction and ) thers should follow their ex- imple. Such walks cost a trifle nore , but when once laid will last L life time. W. A. Clark , of Englewood , S. D. , formerly a resident of. Cherry ounty , and Mat Hamilton , of Dead wood , stopped off in Yalen- ine last Friday for a few days * isit with Ted Ormesher south of own. They had been to the re publican state convention in S. D. One evening during the fore art of last week , Geo. Hunter's ) icycle was stolen. Xo trace ould be found of the wheel until ast Thursday , when a lad by the lame of Carey was seen riding it. ? j J.e was immediately taken to the marshal and stated that he had nirchased it from a bum at Crooks- on for 85. He was a manly look- ng boy and his statement was .bsolutely believed. Some of the loboes that infested the town last reek probably stole the wheel * The high school picnic was held ast Saturday , Two large hay acks were crowded with scholars * ? he high school band led the pro- ession and stopped in front of the State bank and played a couple of ne marches. The boys did well nd the school is to be congratu- ited on having enough material 3 make up such a band. The pic- ic grounds were on the river. uring dinner a couple of toasts 'ere given by "Lawyer" Walcott nd "Doctor" Lewis. All report good time. I Win. Stqadman's little six year Id boy , Kobert , had the misfortune I fall off a horse last Friday eve- ing and break his right arm in t' vo places. Mr. Steadman was I t'I nray at the other ranch on the nake at the time and his wife I ok the boy up to the ranch on ie Snake from south of Kenndy , i"T $ ' id Mr. 'Steadman drove in" to town ith them , getting here about S clock Saturday morning. Drs. ompton and Lewis set the broken m and we hope the ' little boy will 3t alobg mcfely. i Triscuits ' 7 ; v- " ' ' . 49 Cero Fruto ' 49 49 Grape Nu 49 Quaker Oats . ftft 49 ft 49 Qream of Wheat ftft 49 Malta Vita ftft 49 Mcda'vine Flakes ftft . Shredded Wheat Biscuits ftft ft f ? Ralstonrs Breakfast Food ftft < * Pcttijohn's Breakfast Food ftft ftft ft < # ftft * ? ftft r 4 ° & Thacher 4 * Davenport ? For the next \ "SPV A Tt 'T/ 3s\ DAYS We will sell all kinds of Overshoes , Mittens and Caps & ' AWe i - > V - w' We must make room for our spring goods which are-Be ginning to come in. Yours for business , MAX E. VIERTJSL CIlOOKSTOiN NEBRASKA § K roceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed ? W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSL JTIZENS MEAT MARKET ' HENRY STE7TER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast ; fcaoon FuKfi WHITTEMOUK. President. CJJAULE& SPAKKS'-Cashier. J. W STKTTKU , Vice President * OKAH L. Ditirrox , Asbt.Cashier ' ] Interest paid on time \ \ deposits. Valentine State Bank , | Capital , & 2S.OOO Valentine , Nebraska. . | Surplus , 81OOO * ' Persons seeking a place of safety fpr "their [ Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. . in - . .methods employed ourbusiness. 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