A prominent Southern lady ,
Mrs. Blanchard , of Nashville ,
Tenn. , tells how she was cured
of backache , dizziness , painful
and irregular periods by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : Gratitude
compels me to acknowledge the great
merit of your Vegetable Compound. I
have suffered for four years with ir
regular and painful menstruation , also
dizziness , pains in the back and lower
limbs , and fitful sleep. I dreaded the
time to come which would only mean
suffering to me.
" Better health is all I wanted , and
cure if possible. iLydia E. Pinlc-
ham's Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happiness in
a few short months. I feel like another
person now. My aches and pains have
left me. Life seems new and sweet to
me , and everything seems pleasant
and easy.
" Six bottles brought me health , and
was worth more than months under
the doctor's care , which really did not
benefit me at all. I am satisfied there
is no medicine so good for sick women
as your Vegetable Compound , and I
advocate it to my lady friends in need
of medical help. " MRS. B. A. BLAN-
CUARD , 422 Broad St. , Nashville , Tenn.
$5000 forfeit If original of above loiter proving
genuineness cannot be produced.
S4.OOy S3.5O , S3.0O , S2.5O
"W.L. Douglas shoes
are worn by more
men than any other
make. The reason
is , the3r hold their
longer , and have
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
Sold Everywhere.
* Tronic for mime nml price on bottom.
Jiouglas uses Curuua Coltsldn , winch is
every where conceded toliethe fiiiestJatent
Xjcntheryetprncliiccd. Fast Color Eyelets used.
Shoes by mul,25 rents extra. Write for Catalog.
W. L. DOUGLAS , Brocfctoii , Mass.
Western Canada's Wheat Fields Pro
duce J.t Magnificent Yields Free
Grants of Land to Settlers.
The returns of the Interior Depart
ment show that the movement of
American farmers northward to Can
ada is each month affecting larger
areas of the United States. Time was ,
says the Winnipeg Free Press , when
the Dakotas , Minnesota and Iowa fur
nished the Dominion with the main
bulk of its American contingent. Last
year , however , forty-four States and
districts were represented in the offi
cial statement as to the former resi
dence of Americans who had , homesteaded -
steaded in Canada. The Dakotas still
head the list , with 4.00G entries , Min
nesota being a close second with 3,887 ,
but with the exception of Alabama and
Mississippi and Delaware every State
in the Union supplied settlers who. in
order to secure farms in the fertile
prairie country of Canada , became citl-
.zens of , and took the oath of allegiance
to , the Dominion. Last year no less
than 11,841 Americans entered for
homestead lands in Canada.
From the Gulf to the Boundary , and
from ocean to ocean , the trek to the
Dominion goes on. Not only the wheat
growers of the central Mississippi val
ley , but the ranchers of Texas and
New Mexico , and the cultivators of the
comparatively virgin soil of Oklahoma ,
are pouring towards the productive va
cant lands of the Canadian Northwest.
It is no tentative , half-hearted depart
ure for an alien country that is mani
fested in this exodus ; it has become al
most a rush to secure possession of
land which it is feared , by those im
perfectly acquainted with the vast area
of Cana'da's vacant lands , may all be
acquired before they arrive. There is
no element of speculation or experi
ment in the migration. The settlers
have full Information respecting the
soil , wealth , the farming methods , the
laws , taxation and system of govern
ment of the country to which they are
moving , and they realize tbat the op
portunities offered in Canada are in
every respect better and greater than
those they have enjoyed in the land
they are leaving.
Canada can well afford to welcome
cordially every American farmer com
ing to the Dominion. There is no ques
tion but that these immigrants make
the most desirable settlers obtainable
for the development of the prairie portion
tion of the Dominion. Full informa
tion can be had from any authorized
Canadian Government Agent , whose
address will be found elsewhere.
Some Better.
"How is your mother this morning ,
Nellie ? " asked a. neighbor of a little 4-
year-old miss.
"She's better , thank yon , " replied Nel
lie , then added : "But she isn't so better
as she was. "
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Stronger Among ; Germans than Amer-
cann in I/arcc Cities.
That the Germans have come here
to stay and that they 'have money to
spend is shown by the extent to which
they are acquiring their homes. A
recent article of this series brought out
the striking fact tha't , despite the re
cent arrival of many Germans on
other shores , German-American farm
ers own their farms more extensively
than do farmers of American stock.
Even more striking are the facts of
German home ownership in the cities.
In the nineteen cities of over 200-
000 population 20.9 per cent of the
native American families live in their
own homes , against 28.1 per cent
among the Germans of these same
cities. In the following table the per
centage of home ownership are shown
for both native Americans and for the
Germans :
t ' owning homes.
AmerGer -
* lean. man.
New York 17.3 15.2
ChicaRo 17.5 32.2
St. Louis 15.2 28
Philadelphia 22.2 2G.r
Milwaukee i . . . . 20.1 39.7
Cincinnati 14.9 24.2
Buffalo 2G.2 42.3
Cleveland 27.7 44.0
Baltimore 24.3 39.3
Detroit 28.2 49.5
Newark 29.9 25.8
Pittsburg 22.5 38
San Francisco " . . . 18.7 2G.8
Rochester * 'J3.8 47.5
Louisville 21.4 40.1
Jersey City 1 ( > .8 2G.9
New Orleans 19.2 32.3
Toledo 30.0 54.2
Alleshany 13 32.7
St. Paul 20.3 31.8
Indianapolis 27 50.5 I
Boston 24.3 27
In only two cities of the list , New
York and Newark , is home ownership
more prevalent among the Americans , j i
Some cities show very surprising advantage - i
vantage for the Germans and as : i rule
they are those cities in which the Ger
mans are strongest. Take Milwau
kee , for example , where one-half the
people are German. Nearly twice as
many Germans , relative to their mini- !
bers , own their homes in that city as |
do the native Americans. Very '
similar results are shown in St. Loute
Cincinati , Cleveland. Buffalo and other ,
cities of strong German citizenship.
A study of these facts must convince
the reader that the German is an ex
ceedingly prosperous American citizen.
Mahin's Magazine.
AVomen's AVoes.
Much of women's
daily AVOC is due 1o
kidney trouble. Sick
kidneys cause back
ache , languor , blind
headaches , dizziness. '
insomnia and urinary
troubles. To cure
yourself you must .
cure the kidneys.
Profit by the experi
ences of others who
have been cured.
Mrs. William W.
Crown , professional
nurse , of 1G Janes
street , Paterson , N.
.T. , says : "I have not
only seen much suf
fering and many deaths from kidney
trouble , but I have suffered myself.
At one time I thought I could not live. '
My back ached , there were frequent
headaches and dizzy spells , and tlic
kidney secretions were disordered.
Doan's Kidney Pills helped me from
the first , and soon relieved me entirely
of all the distressing and painful symp
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mrs. Brown
will be mailed on application to any I
part of the United States. Address
Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y. For
sale by all druggists ; price 50 cents
per box.
The Progressive Japs. '
The learning of Japanese will be
greatlj * facilitated by the abandonment
of their peculiar way of writin'g and ( "
printing their language. Ten years age j
the universities inaugurated the reform - |
form : next year the use of European j
( English ) letters will be begun in the
public schools , and this will soon lead
to their general use. Nev York Tri
Economy in Threshing.
The fact that there is more grain put
into the straw stack than there should
be , is something that merits the earn
est attention of the up-to-date farmer.
Is it not possible to save the wastage
of grain and time which attends the
use of old-style machinery ? This is
something that should command the
careful consideration of every farmer.
In line with the thought we call at
tention to the ad. of Nichols & Shepard
Company , Battle Creek , Mich. , found
in anotfier column.
It would seem that the time has
come when this great channel of wast
age on the farm should be eliminated.
An Explanation.
"I'd like to know why it is , " said
young Ardupp to his tailor , "that every
time you make a pair of trousers for me
you get them a little short ? "
"I suppose , " replied the knight of the
featherless goose , "it's because I usually
find you that way when I present my
bill. "
I can recommend Piso's Cure for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given me
great relief. W. L. Wood , Fannersburg ,
Ind. . Sept. 8 , 1901.
Ho Certainly Does.
"What is your idea of an. average
man ? " asked the youth.
"An average man. " replied the .sage ,
"is a man who thinks he is better than
the average. "
If you want creamery prices do as
the creameries do , use JUNE TINT
Lorraine was left an orphan at the
age of 12 , and was cared for by his
brother , \vho instructed Irim in wood
Mr * . Wlnslow'B Boomxa Bnor for Ohlldram
teathing ; soften * the gum * , rsdnee * inflammation , al >
Uj pain , care * wind colic. 35 ceatt a bottl * .
The Leeward Islands are now export
ing large quantities of preserved fruit
K > 3 t psg
Republicans Divided.
The spasmodic efforts of the fac
tions of the Republican party in sev
eral States to throw off the incubus of
the "stand pat" protectionists has an
other revival , especially in Massachu
setts , Iowa , Minnesota , "Wisconsin ,
North and South Dakota and to some
extent in Illinois. They are demand
ing that the Republican National Con
vention declare for reciprocity , espe
cially with Canada. Hundreds of
manufacturers and business men of
Massachusetts have signed an endorse
ment of such legislation , also , to en
dorse ex-Congressman Foss for dele
gate to the Republican National Con
vention. The Boston Transcript of
April 2 , a Republican newspaper , pub
lishes half a page containing the
names of hundreds of tnose who
signed such endorsement and the
Transcript adds that there were hun
dreds of others. In the city of Brock
ton a partly personal canvas was
made to obtain signatures , for the
purpose of ascertaining if reciprocity
sentiment was general or only spas
modic. The result was convincing.
Practically every business man approached
preached signed the endorsement The
Republican machines in Massachu
setts and the other States , notably in
Icnva. are lighting tooth and nail to
prevent the spread of reciprocity sen
timent and to defeat Mr. Foss in Mas
sachusetts , Governor Cummins , of
Iowa , and Governor La Follerte , in
In Iowa the protectionist ring is
making an especially bitter' tight
against Governor Cummins and the
Protective r.-iriff League , through its
organ , the Economist , says of him :
"Cummins and his followers have
shown themselves to be the enemies
of true Republicanism. They have
inaugurated a policy of rule or ruin
ar.J they should be compelled to lake
the con.setiiiences. Over and over
again , with brazen effrontery and a
degree of zeal worthy of a better
cause , he Governor Cummins has
attempted to force upon the Republi
can party in his own State and in
the nation as well , doctrines and poli
cies that are in opposition to settled
Republican principles. "
When it is remembered that Gov
ernor Cummins demanded that the
tariff that shelters the trusts must be
reformed , it explains the viturpeni-
tion of the Economist whose life de
pends upon contributions from the
This factional fight in the Republi
can ranks can be viewed with equa
nimity , if not delight by Democrats ,
for it may result in many Republi
cans voting for the Democratic can
didates when they see their demands
spurned by the Republican ring lead
ers. There is no more hope for these
Republican reformers now than in the
past , though they are more numerous
and insistent than heretofore. The
only hope of tariff reformers is with
the Democrats who favor all and any
reforms that will lessen the burden
upon the taxpayers and lighten the
trust load of high prices which the
people now have to bear.
Ship Subsidy Again.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania at
their late State convention deplored
"the condition of American shipping
and , "the fact that nine out of every
ten ships which brought our imports
and bore away our exports last year
were foreign vessels , built abroad , of
ficered and manned abroad , a part of
the potential naval reserve of foreign
governments. " This depressing fact
seemed to have weighed upon the mind
of Senator Quay who dominated the
convention and who wrote or was re
sponsible for the platform , for the
platform continues , that it favored
"the building of an American merchant
marine.that American built ships and
American seamen may have the car
rying of at least a fair proportion of
American passengers and freightage. "
This apparently patriotic utterance
did not evidently lighten the gloomy
feelings of Senator Quay , nor even
one of the hundreds of his satellites
that attended the convention. No sug
gestion was made of any hope of a
way to improve this desperate con
dition , the convention wishes to leave
it to the voters to discover the rem
edy. But this lack of foresight , or
statement of what would quickly re
lieve the American ship trust mag
nates from the slough of despond , vas
well known to Senator Quay. Only a
short time before the platform was
concocted he had promised Griscom
and Cassett respectively , the ship
trust and railroad magnate , that such
a plank would be included , so that
when the ship subsidy bill was re
ceived in Congress all the Pennsyl
vania delegation could justify their
votes for subsidy. The prospect of
a good large subsidy always cheers
the drooping spirits of a Pennsylvania
Republican , but it does not always dote
to publicly resolve for , it , so Quay
left the A'oters in the dark and left
them to brood over the decline of the
American marine.
Quay and the trust magnates know
there is millions in it , if the subsidy
bill can only be passed , but the people
ple are rather ticklish on stibsidies ,
they know they will have to pay the
big bill and are not so enthusiastic ,
for the old flag and an appropriation ,
as Quay and the ship trust magnates
are. In some other States the same
tactics will be used to bolster up the
discredited ship subsidy and if Pres
ident Roosevelt does not carefully
watch the incubation of the national
platform by Senator Lodge , he will be
committed to the scheme as the Penn
sylvania delegation are.
Only eternal vigilance will prevent
the subsidy hunters from loading the
taxpayers with this enormous expen
diture for a long term of years and
their persistence would have been re
warded ere this if the Democrats had
not been on guard against it.
Trust Investigation.
Congress has ordered Secretary Cor-
telyou to investigate the Meat Trust ,
but by what he says he is not going
to do in carrying out the orders of
Congress leads one to believe that he
will not discover much that the trust
does not want him to find out. He
announces there will be no public ex
amination of witnesses and that he
scorns to stoop to detective work.
When Secretary Cortelyou reports to
Congress next winter what he has dis
covered , perhaps Congress will be none
the wiser.
We all know that the Meat Trust
is a "bad trust" for that trust afnl
the railroad merger were , the only
ones that President Roosevelt and his
Attorney-General could discover that
were bad enough to commence pro
ceedings against , but neither of these
were bad enough to prosecute under
the criminal section of the anti-trust
law. /
If Congress had ordered Attoniey-
G.eneral Kuox to indict the Meat Trust
magnates for criminal conspiracy in
restraint of trade and they had been
convicted and given the term in jail
that the law provides for such crimi
nals , the trust magnates would be
glad to amend their doings. Such pun
ishment would turn this bad trust
into an innocuous one and Secretary
Cortelyou would have been saved a
world of trouble.
How will Secretary Cortelyou find
out anything about the Meat Trust ,
that is not already known , if he will
not "stoop to detective work ? " When
he or any of the 10.000 people em
ployed in his department , 'interview
the trust magnates , the bad side of
their doings will hardly be disclosed.
When the railroads are asked about
the secret rebates and special rates
that the Meat Trust is said to enjoy ,
the corporation magnates will not
want to convict themselves.
Secretary Cortelyou evidently has a
A'cry exalted idea of his own impor
tance but he will have to come off
his high horse and get down to de
tective work to obtain any evidence
of how the trust manipulates the mar
ket for cattle and dictates the pricii
of meat. Perhaps if he consulted At
torney General Ivaox , he might IK-
given the evidence presented to the
court upon which the injunction was
granted against the combine. Why
did the Republican leaders in Congress
ask the evidently umvilling Cortelyou
to obtain evidence of the Meat Trust
exactions , when Attorney General
Knox must have just what Congress
says It wants ? Perhaps the Republican
leaders know that Secretary Cortelyou
would not "stoop to detective work"
and thus no evidence would be forth
De Amioiul Flays Republicans.
lion. David A. De Armond , of Mis
souri , in a speech in the House , said :
"Who is it of you who will pre
dict what the President will do if
given four years in his own right
at the White House ? Who of you i ?
it that will dare to enter the field of
prediction and say what he will not
do or say anything that he will not
do if given four years in his own
right up there ?
"You want 'stability. ' Are you pro
posing to get it ? You are in favor of
stability now , the stability of inaction ,
the stability of political cowardice.
Brave men individually , Ui/five / men in
the moral field and in the intellectual
field , have allowed themselves , by tha
system that has become distinctively
Republican in this day and generation
to become political cowards in deal
ing with the questions of the day. * '
The Wise Tariff Experts at Work.
The wisdom of the gentlemen who
construe our tariff laws is beyond the
comprehension of the average voter.
The law permits free entry of animals
intended for breeding purposes , but
a man who tried to import a Ply
mouth Rock cockerell was compelled
to pay a duty of 3 cents a pound. The
wise tariff adjusters pondered and
studied over it for weeks , and enough
red tape was unwound to fill a bushel
basket. But it was decided that a
chicken was not an "animal , " there
fore it could not come in free. This
recalls Secretary Shaw's decision that
frog's legs should be classified as
poultry for revenue purposes. It may
take a long time to decide these little
things , but when iron , steel , or sugar
happens to want something the mat
ter is settled off-hand , and always ir
favor of iron , steel or sugar.
We cannot control the evil tongues
of others , but a good life enables us
to despise them. Cato.
A Nurse Says : " Pe-ru-na Is
Tonic of Efficiency. "
Mrs. Kate Taylor , a graduated ,
nurse of prominence , gives her ex
perience with Peruna in an open
letter. Her position in society and
professional standing combine to
give special prominence to her ut
terances. .
CHICAGO , ILL. , 427 Monroe St.
l'As far as I huvo observed Peruna
" is the finest tonic any man or woman
can use who is weak from the after
effects of any serious illness.
"I have seen it used in a number of
convalescent cases , and have seen sev
eral other tonics used , but I found that
those who used Peruna had the quickest
"Peruna seems to restore vitality ,
increase bodily vigor and renew health
and strength in a wonderfully short
time. , " MRS. KATE TAYLOR.
In view of the great multitude of
women suffering from some form of fe
male disease and yet unable to find any
cure , Dr. Hartman , the renowned spe
cialist on female catarrhal diseases , has
announced his willingness to direct the
treatment of as many cases as make
application to him during the summer
months , without charge. Address The
Peruna , Medicine Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
TOWER'S garments and
hats are made of the best
materials in black or yellow
for all kinds of wet work.
The FREE Homestead Lands of
Star Attractions
for 1904
Millions of acres of magnificent Grain
and Grazing Lafids to be hod a ? a free
gift , or by purchase from Railway
Companies , Land Corporations , etc.
The Great Attractions
Good Crop * , delightful climate.
plendld school ay-stem , perfect
social conditions , exceptional
railway advantages , andivenlth
and affluence acquired easily.
The population of WESTERN'
CA. NA.DA. increased 128,000 by immi
gration during the past year , over 60,000
being : American ; .
Write to the nearest authorized
Canadian Government Ajrent for Cana.
dlan Atlas and other information : or
E. T. Ilolmss S15 Jnckson St . St. Paul , Minn.tW. H.
Roge rs Box 116 , Watertown. South Dakota ; AV. V. Ben-
nett. 801 New York Life Building , Omuha. Neb.
or relative- ; , may learn something to their ad
vantage by audresslnir THE AMERICAN
TIJACEH , Hazelton , Iowa.
QROOt-CL-V-rJ rj vt
The average old-style small cylinder
thresher wastes enough grain and
time to pay your thresh bill.
Why not save the grain ordinarily
put into the straw stack ? "Why not
save the time which the ordinary
threshing outfit wastes for you.
This can be done by employing the
It has the Big Cylinder , with lots of
concave and open grate service.
It has the Man Behind the Gun , that
does most of the separating right at
the cylinder.
Besides these , it has all the separat
ing capacity of other machines.
It runs right along , saving your
grain and saving time , regardless of
There has come improvements in
threshing machinery the same as in
everything else.
Of the Skin and Scalp
Speedily Cured by
Baths with
To cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales , and soften the
thickened cuticle , gentle ap
plications of CUTICURA
Ointment to instantly allay
itching , irritation , and inflam
mation , and soothe and heal ,
and mild doses of CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood.
A single SET , costing but One Dollar ,
is often sufficient to cure the most
torturing , disfiguring skin , scalp , and
blood humors , eczemas , rashes , itch-
ings , and irritations , with loss of hair ,
from infancy to age , -when all else fails *
Sold throughout the -world. Cnticun Soap , 25c. , Oint
ment , SOc. , Keiolvent , SOc. ( in form of Chocolate Coiled
Pills , :25c. : per vial of 60) . Dfpott : London , i7 Charttr-
house Sq. ; Paris , 5 Rue de la Pair ; Boston , 137 Columboj
Ave. Potter Druz * Chem. Corp. . Sol * Proprietor ! .
or Send for "The Great Humor Cure. "
A CerUin Oaro for Fr
Constipation , Headache *
Stomach Troubles , Teething
m Borders , and Destroy
Mother Gray. Worms. They Break up Coli&
NOMB in Child1 ? 2 < Eour * . At all firusdila. 25cti
ren's Horns , Sample mailed FREE. AddraM ,
WeirYorkCitV. A. S. OLMSTED. Le Roy. N Y.
's Eye Water
GUIDE containing 48 pages cf valuable In
formation. OFFICIAL MAP and fall instruc
tion how to got a claim on the KOSEBDD KES-
EKVATIOX. Forbes Locating Agency , Bono-
steel , S. D.
S. C. N. U. No. 19 19 0
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
ave Your Thresh Bill
As the modern self-binder is. ahead
of the old reaper of forty years ago , so
is the Big Cylinder and Man Behind
the Gun ahead of the small cylinder
old-style thresher.
The old-style thresher with its small
cylinder and limited separating capac
ity , has stood for years without much
crowning improvement in threshing
It is built for modern , up-to-date
work ; to thresh well ; to thresh fast ;
to save time and grain and money for
the thresherman and farmer. It does
it. There are reasons why. Send for
our new book on threshing , it gives
them and it is free.
it is the only machine that has the
Man Behind the Gun , and saves enough
grain and time to pay your thresh bill.
Builders of Threshers and Engines. Battle Creek , Mich ,
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.