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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMQGRA1 I. M RICE EDITOR Thursday , May 5 , 19O4. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine. Cbern county , Nebraska , as Second-class matter. TERMS Subscription 81.00 per year in advance ; $ l.H When not paid in advance. Single copies 5c. Display advertising 1 inch single column I& per Issue or $0.00 a year. Local Notice" , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution xnd Socials for KevenueOc per line per Issue. Brands , 1W ' ' ches $4.00 per year in advanci additional space $3-80 per inch peryearjengravec blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not pei sonally known are requested to pay in advanc < 10 per cent additional to above rates if over ( months in arrears. Notices of losses of stock freelto brand adver tisers. C/all. "We have not received official call from Chairman P. L. Hall , oi the Democratic State Central Com mittee , but we would suggest that a democratic county convention be held in Valentine on Saturday , May Mth , for the purpose of selecting delegates for the state democratic delegate convention , which meets in Omaha , June 1st to elect delegates to the St. Louis democratic National convention July 6 , 190i. The representation for Cherry county , based upon the vote cast for Hon. J. J. Sulli van in the general election of 1903 is 6 delegates. It is to be hoped that each precinct in the county will be represented. M. CirnisTENSEX , Chm. I. M. RICE , Sec'y. Caucus Gall , We would suggest that the dem ocrats and those believing in the principles of the democratic party or interested in the\ \ success of that party , that they hold meet ings in their respective precincts to select delegates to attend the county convention in Valentine , Saturday , May 14,1904 , for the the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the state democratic dele gate convention in Omaha June 1 , 1904. The representation will be based upon the vote cast for Judge Sullivan at last election. Each precinct is entitled to one delegate and in addition thereto one delegate for each 10 votes or major fraction thereof. I. M. RICE , Sec'y- New York , May 4. To DEMOCRAT : Hearst has carried eight out of ten Con- 'gressional districts in Chicago. This insures Illinois to Hearst by overwhelming major ity. Illinois has been secured by Hearst de spite opposition of local and state demo cratic machines. It means Hearst , if nom inated , would carry Illinois by 75000 ma jority.W. W. F. ISMOTT. 1900--4 Years Old -1904. This is the birthday of THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT under the -management of I. M. Rice , the present owner of this paper. UanciH May "be Talc- en XJnclex * Kinliaid WashingtonD.C.May 3. Nine million acres of land in northwest ern Nebraska will be taken up by settlers as a result of the Kinkaid bill which President Roosevelt sighed on the last day of congress. Although the measure effects no state but Nebraska , it is of a spec ial importance to that state , and will result in a marked increase in the population of the land in north western Nebraska , and in the assessed valuation of property. The measure provides that 640 acres , or one section of land , may be taken under the homestead laws. .Formerly only 160 acres could be taken. As the land in northwest 1 ern Nebraska is suitable chiefly for grazing purposes , it waj im- We Have Just Received a full line of the celebrated JOHN DBEEE Farm Impl Consisting of Plows ; Cultivators , both walking and riding ; Listers , riding or walking ; Qo = Devils with knives or discs ; Harrows ; . End Gate Seeders , etc. We are enabled by buying for spot cash in car load lots to make exceptionally low prices. Call and get prices and see the DEERE Improved Farm Machinery. ) \ I I II I i 1J I > L. C. SPARKS , Mgr. AK&KM possible for a settler to make a living on one-fouth section , but with 640 acres at his disposal , a homesteader can keep enough cat tle or sheep on his land to make it worth while for him to take land in that part of the state. Sixty days after April 28th , the Nebraska land will be opened for settlement , under the provisions of the new law , and it is believed by Congressman Kinkaid ? that all the government land in Nebraska will be entered under the new act before next fall. Nebraska lands which are capable of irrigation may be set aside by the secretary of the interior , un der the reclamation act , and as most of the irrigable land has al ready been taken up the new law will apply to grazing land only. The Eosebed country containing 416,000 acres in South Dakota , which will be opened under the Burke act , just passed is immed iately north of Nebraska land , which is to be opened , and a great rush of settlers is expected into the two states within the next months. The president will issue his proclamation , opening the Rosebud country within a week or ten days , so that the land may be entered on or about July 1. World-Herald. More Local. , "Wm. Ballard was in town yester day. day.Bob Bob Gillaspie was visiting in town yesterday. J. R. Lee was up from Brown- lee Tuesday on business. Dr. Compton paid a profession al visit to Cody Tuesday. Jerome Broad was transacting business in town Saturday. C. H. Cornell made a business trip to Georgia last Monday , Mr. and Mrs. Dave Archer were visiting in town Tuesday. Ben Hobson had a couple of loads of grain in town Tuesday. Ei L. , Heath , editor of the Cody Dow Boy , was in town. Tuesday HI business. Mr. and Mrs. Jelly were in ' ; own trading yesterday from their * lome down the river. Mrs. W. E. Haley , accompanied i > y her little daughter Martha , vent to O'Neill ' last Tuesday morn- ng to visit relatives for a week. 2 D. A. Hancock arrived in towr | Monday night after a weeks visil in Missouri. Mrs. R. A. Man-all started this morning for Boone , la. , to attend the funeral of an aunt. O. B. Wilson went out on the north table the first of the week to do a job of plastering1. Claude Jones moved his house hold goods last Tuesday into part of Mrs. Lenaugh's house. Earl Petty crew bought a fine Pole Angus bull at the State Farm and brought it home with him. E. L. Bruch , manager of Dr. Wortman's drug store at Long Pine , spent Sunday in town visit ing the Doctor. Swift's Pride soap is the safest and purest soap you can use in your laundry. It protects the clothes , yet cleans them thoroughly. Serg. Reed , of Co. K of the llth Infantry , called at THE DEMOCRAT office the past week and had some printing done fdr his company. The high school band gave a concert Saturday night that was very fine. The boys are doing nicely and we hope that they wil keep up the good work. N. B. Swietzer , a government surveyor , came in Saturday to spend a day or two with his fam ily. Carl Keelcy and Albert Ayers - ers came in with him , as a couple of civil service men have taken their places. Cfaas. Faulhaber , of Brownlee , writes us that cattle are looking fine and that he got 95 per cent of calves this spring. He encloses $5.00 for another year for his stock ad and states that he can fill orders for bulls of all ages at any time. Many high scores were made at bhe bowling alley last month. The high scores were as follows : Sloyd Quigley 197 , Will Morrissey - sey 198 , I. M. Rice 200 , U. G. McBride 202 , A. M. Morrissey 203 and W. A. Kimbell 205. > Mr. Kimbell received the prize of § 5. Chas. Hudson , Pole Hudson , Ben Peterson , Wm. Allen , Jr. , Fohn Grooms , Robert O. Jones , nd David Green each brought in . wagon load of hogs yesterday rhich they sold to J. F. Swain nd delivered them at the stock ards. They brought $4 per cwt. Mrs. John Stetter left for Lin coln yesterday morning to nurse ! her daughter , Miss Leta , who is j seriously ill. The many friends 1 of Leta hope for a speedy recov ery. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Faddis de parted for St. Joseph hospital at Omaha last Sunday morning where Mrs. Faddis will be operated on for appendicitis. The many friends of Mrs. Faddis hope that the oper ation will be successful. We desire to call the attention of our representative in congress that Fort Niobrara should be en larged and a suitable appropriation be made for the same. Nine com panies are now stationed there , while there is only room for eight. John Porath , the well driller , returned today to Cherry county from Carroll , Neb. , and will put down tubular wells for those in need. He shipped his goods and well outfit in a car , and having room , bought a couple of fine pedigreed bulls and brought them along for his father. Josh Hitt and G. E. Tracewell have decided to hold their big stock sale June 17 or 18. About 400 horses have been listed with them and they expect to advertise large ly so as to catch buyers from everywhere. Those who want to list horses for this sale should see either of these parties or write to them at Valentine. The following Indians left for St. Louis last week , where they will partake in a big wild west show : x Hollow Horn Bear Point At Him LivIupBear Big Turkey Scout Shoo ting Cat Little Hattk Sees Red Leading ffawk Knock Crazy Elk Sorrel Horse They are among the best dancers on the reservation and undoubted- y will furnish many real Indian dances. Twenty-seven women and childred accompanied them. The first ball game of the season took place at the Fort Sunday be- iweefl the town nine and the llth "nfantry nine. Kimbell and Ode 3orill were Valentine's battery md did fine work. Kimbell struck Hit 12 men , while the Fort pitcher j 'truck out. only four. The score stood 18 to 6 in favor of Valen- : ; ine. The team is well organized ; his year and will soon be pre pared to play most any nine in , his part of the country. THE VALENTINE HOUSE r Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot. Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Club , 3XT. All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported "Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Kibbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Eye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B- HULL THE OWL SALOON W.A.TAYLOR. JI M v r i ? Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA HENRY TAYLOR. GRANT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes OSPWork shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. ' SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. o/f/oo 14 HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska Bring- Your Next Order Here. We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads , Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection. THE DEMOCRAT Valentine , = Nebraska , W. T. Bishop , LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. VALENTINE BOWLING ALLEY f ! ! / it No. 1 Standard at Alleys , ice a A healthful , innocent sport. . tit. IPEN DAILY FROM I O'GtGGK TO 1 1 O'iMQK P.