Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 05, 1904, Image 2

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    The Valentine Bemoci
1. M. RICE , Ptiblie
At First it Was Thought He Mi
Have Been n Slember of the ]
torious Taylor Gang Which Or
ated in Missouri.
Tacoma , Wash. : A diary kept
"Bob" Taylor , the hermit captured a
a battle Avith a sheriff and posse , ma
it appear that he has killed others si
February , 1903. One entry , unda
reads :
" ' ' Killon and
"Today I killed 'Feller'
The last AA-ord is unintelligible. '
sentence may mean , "I killed a fello
and the rest may refer to killing i
shooting. It is believed the prisonei
the missing Taylor of Lena County ,
who , after murdering several persons
crimes which he Avas sentenced to
hanged in 1896 , escaped and disappc
cd and for Avhom heaA'y rewards were
Long life , as a hermit may haA'e
fected his mind , for there is said tone
no doubt that he is partially demeiitec
Taylor , who killed W. W. Ba-
Tuursday. and wounded Sheriff Denlu
Friday , denies being a member of
Taylor gang of desperadoes , one of AVI
escaped from the Lynn County , Mo. , ;
In 1S9G. His story is fully corrobora
by Jailor Lincoln , who is now guard
the prisoner in Tacoma. Lincoln v
jailer at St. Joseph. Mo. , when Gee :
Taylor escaped , and says the prisoi
bears no resemblance Avhatover to i
Missouri desperado.
The account in Taylor's dairy found
his hut of having killed tAvo men ,
says , refers to Barnes and his comp ;
ion , whom he shot Thursday.
Taylor admits having shot a man IK
Jamestown , N. D. . but claims it was
, accident , and that the man Avas 01
slightly injured.
Taylor says he was at one time a co
boy in Montana , and that until the pn
ent time had not committed any crime.
South Dakota Urged to Prompt
Select Its Portion.
Washington : Commissioner Richan
of the general land olliee , appreciati :
the interest in the opening of the ROJ
bud reservation , has called upon ( in
llerreid of South Dakota to make sell
lions in the toAvnships reserved for sr
cial purposes as soon as possible.
A telegram was sent to the govern
Saturday stating that a list of selectioi
- equal to the loss should be filed at on
with the local land office for transnii
sion to the department , where specii
bases Avould be assigned to the separa
The losses alluded to relate to tie s
lection of school indemnity lands , Avhic
were selected by Indians in taking the
The state of South Dakota is entitle
to 5,004 acres by reason of allotment
and 1.243 acres on account of fraction :
Twenty People Injured on a Si
Louis FerrySteamer. .
St. Louis , Mo. : The hurricane'roof o
the ferry steadier Alanzo C. Church co'
lapsed early Sunday evening while th
steamer was oroAvded Avith sightseer
viewing the United States gunboat Nasli
ville at anchor in the 'riAer harbor here
and about tAventy people Avere injured , j
number of them being reported in a exit
ical condition.
No stop was made at the Nashv5II <
OAving to the heaA'y flood current running
As < the ferryboat rounded the Nashvilh
and was starting back to the dock tin
croAvd on the upper dock rushed to tin
steamer's side and out upon the hurri
cane roof. The strain Avas too great ant
the roof collapsed , precipitating a large
number of people twenty-feet to the decli
below , which Avas also croAvded. In
stantly a panic ensued.
World's Fair Special Train "Wrecked
in Missouri.
St. Louis. Mo. : An Iron Mountain
train running as a Avold's fair special ,
struck an open sAA-itch at Ivinimswicke ,
Mo. , thirty-six iniles south of here. Sat
in-day and Avas Avrecked.
Engineer Bailey was killed and Fire
man Gumbert Avere fatally injured. Nine
bodies have been removed from the
wreck. Six passengers are seriously and
tAventy slightly injured.
The wreck occurred while the train
was going at excessiA'e speed. The en
gine turned completely over , pinioning
Engineer Bailey beneath tons of steel.
Master Mechanic Tabor was riding on
the engine and AA-as instantly killed. The
baggage car was thrown nearly 100 feet
from the Avreck and is entirely demol
Four Hunters Drowned.
Duluth , Minn. : Four men , employes
of the Davidson & McRae ranch , in Ait-
kin County , were drowned in Rice Lake
eight miles southwest of Kimberly , Minn.
They were out duck hunting and their
boats capsized.
Tragedy in a. Box Car.
Council Bluffs , la. : Three men and a
boy Avere burned to death in a box car
in the Northwestern yards here about 1
o'dock Monday morning. They are be
lieved to have been tramps trying to steal
a ride.
Glover to Swim the Channel.
Baltimore , Md.- Samuel Glover'who
swam across Chesapeake Bay. Avill UOAV
try to cross the English channel. He lifts
just signed an agreement with Dr. Ord-
( way of the London Athletic Club to that
Steamers Collide ; Thirteen Drown
Falmouth : The Spanish steamer Zazo-
pirakbatavas sunk off the Scilly islands
'Saturday evening in a collision AA-ith the
( British steamer Cresyl. Thirteen mem-
jbers of the crew of tlm azopirakbat
f { were drowned.
* *
* * " jf
- & - *
' ' , < .
i i- * . - -
lust Die for the Murder of Augti
Rock Rapids , la. : For the death
August Schroeder , his wife's former h
rand , near Doon , la. , June 30 , 19i
Charles Rocker was Friday afternc
ound guilty of murder in the first deg ]
ind condemned by the jury to suf
leath for the crime.
It is the first time in , the history
.he judicial district that a jury has i
? osed the death penalty , and it is indii
ive of the jury's confidence in the gn
f the accused.
The case went to the jury at 0 :
j'clock Thursday evening. The jury i
Sberated until 1:30 o'clock Friday aft
loon , most of the time being consumi
t is understood , in consideration of t
juestion of penalty. Under the lei
aAAr , the jury must say whether the <
fendant shall suffer death or life impi
mment in cases of conviction of murd
n the first degree.
It was some time after the jury repo
d to the sheriff that they had agre
lefore the court officials were assembl
to receive the verdict. The neAvs of t
igreement spread through the tOA
[ uickly and by the time the court AV
issembled to hear the reading of t
rerdict , the room was packed by an i
tensely interested throng.
Clerk of Court McNab received t
rerdjct from Foreman W. K. H. Mel
ley , and read these words :
"Verdict No. 1 We , the jury , find t
lefendant. Charles Rocker , guilty
murder in the first degree as charged a ;
further find and determine that the t
fendant be punished witfi death. "
It is doubtful if Rocker AA-ould ha
ver have been brought to justice had n
the involuntary AA'orkings of his ov
tonscience incriminated him. After a
of brutal anger and a spree last autum
lie acted out in his sleep the murder
Schroeder , and Mrs. Schroeder , who
Rocker had taken as his Avife , fore
aim to tell the Avhole story of the crim
She had until that time believed Schrc
3er had committed suicide as Rock
: -laimed. But now she found not on
'hat Rocker Avas guilty , but that he h ;
leceived her in their marriage , haA'ii
i Avife from whom he had not been t
vorced , and a family of children living
Dundee , Minn. She decided to testi :
igainst him and as a result appeared
the trial and dramatically condemn *
her husband as guilty. This more thsi
any other testimony tended to convi
him ; in fact , it is doubtful if a coiu-i
tion could have been secured Avithout In
? Aidence. An indictment is hanging ovi
her for complicity in the crime but it
doubtful if she AA'ill be prosecuted.
Strong Firm Goes to the Wall an
Its Chief Partner is Very Sick.
New York : The deputy sheriff Frida
took possession of the otlice of Wooden
fc Co. , members of the consolidated stoc
exchange , on an attachment for aboi
? 5,000.
Up to a feAV days ago the firm had e >
lensJA-e Avire connections to bnr-ches i
: arions cities , and AA-as generally sui
) osed to be doing a large business. A
: he home of W. E. Woodend a physicia
laid he Avas to ill to see anyone exeep
lis physicians. Mr. AVoodend has bee
irominent at several horse shoAvs.
After the attachments issued Frida ;
in involuntary petition in bankruptc ,
fas filed against Win. E. Woodend. brok
r , doing business as Wm. E. Woodent
c Co. The petitioning creditors are tin
ladden Rodee Company , a Wisconnii
'anama Company Gets $4OOOOOOC
and Turns Over Deed.
Washington : Uncle Sam has paid tin
10,000,000 to the neAV Panama Cana
lompany and the title to the canal prop
rty rests Avith the United States. The
eeds are in the possession of Assistant
.ttorneys General Day and Russell , AA-K
ill leave Paris for Washington in a feAV
ays. The money was paid to the canal
wnpany on the authority of Attorney
enoral Knox , by a French syndicate
ud a draft for the $40,000.000 , drawn
i the treasury , is HOAV on its Avay tc
CAAYork. .
This secret and unexpectedly speedy
? tion was taken by President Roose-
? lt's order to prevent further delay in
e transfer through possible court pro-
edings by the feAV dissatisfied stock-
dders of the Panama Company.
Attempted Murder.
Jeffersonville. Ind. : An attempt Avas
tide to assassinate D. M. Robbins , cau
date for mayor on the independent la-
r ticket. Robbins Avas seated in his
me when tAvo bullets crashed into the
ndow , one splintering the chair on
lich he was sitting and the other d -
) lishing a lamp. No arrests have been
Push Cart Ice Cream Poisons.
Cincinnati , O. : George H. Harjord ,
vertising manager of the Columbia and
alnut Street theaters , says he Avill sue
> city for damages because the officers
ve not enforced the pure food laws ,
fl his 8-year-old daughter was poisoned
eating penny ice cream bought from a
sh cart man.
Clears Priest of Assault Charge.
Sellefonte , Pa. : The RCA- . Father
itor Zarek , arrested last Sunday on
> charge of beating Andrew Sofka ,
s exonerated. District Attorney Span-
r announced that , as the coroner's in-
> st revealed that the boy died of peri-
; itis , the commonwealth had no case
linst the priest.
Tramp Fasts for Seven Days.
Write Plains , N. Y. : Imprisoned in a
ight car for seA'en days without food
drink , and half suffocated , a tramp
o gave his name as John NeAvell was
cued by railroad men on the North
lite Plains terminal of the Harlem
Testament Saves His Life.
effersouville. Ind. : D. M. Robbins ,
speudent labor candidate for mayor ,
lares a vest pocket edition of the NOAV
tament saved him from being killed.
) istol bullet was fired through a Avin-
' , hit the testament in his breast
ket , and fell to the floor.
Treasure Not on Lost Ship.
t. Petersburg : The admiralty denies
: treasure amounting to $6,000,000
t down with the battleship Petropav-
k. No Russian warsliip carries more
i $50,000.
Germans Have Suffered Very
ere Losses.
Berlin : Col. Duerr ( concerning Avh
return from German Southwest Afi
conflicting reasons have been given )
rived at Hamburg Thursday and ins
the impression that he Avas a very s
The commandant of the Grootfont
district , German Soutlnvest Africa ,
bles that the Germans there have ?
fered most severe losses , and lack
necessaries of life. He adds :
"I beg for immediate assistance. "
A semi-official publication says the
thorities here do not expect further
gagements Avith the Hereros until
German forces see the opportunity
striking a decisiA'e UOAA- .
The Cologne Zeitung prints a Bei
dispatch evidently inspired and desigi
to defend the government against
charge of lack of energy in suppress
the rebellion.
"The government pursued a polic ,
says the correspondent , "of letting i
Southwest Africa authorities detenu
Avhat forces they needed , and sent
they requested. "
Methodist Board of Foreign Missio
Will Not Accept Gift.
Chicago : The board of foreign missk
of the Methodist Episcal church has
pudiatca the gift of $80,000 proffered
its funds in the will of W. AV. Cooi
of Kenoslm and Chicago.
Mr. Cooper , an enthusiastic member
the church and interested in ts missi <
firy efforts , lost his life in the Iroqm
theater fire on1 Dec ? 30. It is understo
in Kenosha that the church board
fused the bequest "because Mr. Coo ]
met his death in a place of amusenu
not countenanced by the church. "
Notification that the gift was refus
las reached the county clerk at Kenosl
[ n his letter to the court A. B. Leonai
secretary of the board , gives no n-as
.or the action more than to state that
ivas the unanimous decision of t
: hurch body.
sland Republic is Again Stirred t
KencAved Hostile Activity.
Cape Haytien. Hayti : The Dominici
jovorinnent cruiser President * * has :
ived here. On the Avay from Puer
lata to this port it stopped at Mou
2hristi , on the north coast of Santo L
uingo , and fired several shells at tl
'orts , Avhich are held by revolutionist
Flie latter replied and obliged the crui
r to cease the bombardment.
Gen. Jiminez is expected to return
> ante Domingo soon Avith Avar nun
It is reported that an agreement 1 *
een entered into by the Haytien exile
o make a joint effort to re-enter Hay !
nd Gens. Salmn-e. Font-hard and L
omte , all former candidates for the pro
lency , are preparing plots.
Toung Man Impersqnates Wealth
Chicagoan and Gets Gems.
Chicago : A diamond robbery involvin
ie loss of $1,100 Avorth of jewels by
romineiit Chicago firm is puzzling Phil
rton detectives.
An order purporting to come from
ealthy Chicago man Avas given over tli
> lephone requesting that certain style
f gems be sent to the residence for th
ispection of his Avife.
Shortly after the diamonds Avere d (
rered a young man called at the lions
id said that the jeAvels had been left b
istake. He presented the firm's busi
jss card and Avas giA'en the diamond ;
o trace of the man or the jewels ha
ion obtained.
ired of AVaiting for Gastronomic
Husband. Wife Boards Train.
St. Paul , Minn. : A Toledo ( O. ) traA-el
g salesman left his family in the Mo
Hi station Availing room Thursday Avhih
went to a lunch counter for a piec <
pie. When he returned they hat
ne , and after rushing around the sta
n , pie in hand , shouting their names
learned they had taken a train ,
riie man boarded the rear platform a ?
B train got under headAvay , but had tc
op the pie to do it.
teodore Gottlieb , Who LjRl't Chicago
cage Ten Years Ago , Returns.
xenosha , Wis. : Mourned as dead for
} last five years , Theodore Gottlieb , a
mer resident of Chicago , called at the
ire of his brother , Jacob Gottlieb ,
eduesday afternoon and made himself
OAVII. He is a Avealthy railway owner
Cape Town , South Africa. Gottlieb
fc his home in Chicago ten years ago.
i says he Avas in the war with Spain ,
1 was reported among the killed at
n Juan.
No Beer Fumes for Babies.
Kansas City , Mo. : By a decree of cli-
< ie granted to Mrs. Daisy Hayes ,
Tuesday , James A. Hayes , the defend-
7 is restrained from visiting their tAvo
Idren within forty-eight hours after
has taken a drink of liquor or beer.
2 children , girls , Avere placed in the
ther's custodv.
Blame Death to Mother.
inghamton. N. Y. : Mrs. Henrietta
Witt AA-as arrested at Sidney , Dela-
: e County , charged with the'murder
her 17-year-old daughter , Florence
ckintosh , by poisoning her AA'ith ar-
Peanut Koaster Exploded.
finoiia , Minn. : A HCAV kind of acci-
t Avas invented hett > Thursday. A
nut roaster bleAv up. doing $1.500
lagc and injuring one person. Agi-
on Las begun for a city peanut iiispec-
others Death Was an Accident.
edham , Mass. : Harris E. Dexter , a
ear-old boy , Avas acquitted of the
der of his younger brother , Parker ,
boys Avere alone at home AA'hen Par-
was shot , and Harris claimed the
iting was an accident.
Discover Five Dead Indians.
. Louis , Mich. : Workingmen exca-
ng for a sewer in Morrison avenue
trthed the skeletons of five adults ,
arently that section of the city was
site of an Indian cemetery in the ear-
Alleged Murderer in Jail Jan
Kelley is Suspected of the Ivilli
of Arthur Snowden Prisoner f
fuses to Say a Word.
Deputy Sheriff Lachnit returned to
Jumbus from David -City Avith James I'
ley , who is charged with the murder
Arthur Snowden at Humphrey on Ma
28. Kelley will talk to no one , remain
absolutely silent on all questions. Coui
Attorney Latham says the evidei
against him so far is entirely cireumst
tial , but is quite strong.
SndAvden was found murdered in Hn
phrey Township March 28. His rema
were sent to a medical college at Line
and Avere not identified until just rece
ly. His parents are said to live at Ke
Kelley has just completed a ten-cl "
sentence at David City for robbing 1
general merchandise store of E. A. Cri
of that city of about $5 worth of weari
apparel. He was found with the/goc
in his possession near the stock yai
and pleaded guilty. While he was se :
ing his sentence Sheriff West received
description of the supposed murderer
Arthur Snowden 'near Humphrey ,
March 28 , which was a complete descr
tion of his prisoner. The officers
Platte County were notified , and advis
when the sentence would expire.
f pen request from the authorities
Platte County the prisoner was agii
arrested by Sheriff West , as the suppos
murderer. Deputy Sheriff H. C. Lat
nit of Platte County , accompanied
Sheriff Bauman of Dodge County , we
down to David City and immediate
identified the prisoner as the man wai
The prisoner gives his name as John
P.enton , but it is known that he lias go
under the aliases of James Miller , .lam
Kelley. James Thompson and Jam
She-riff West was for a long time chi
> f police of David City , and is now ser
ng his second term as sheriff of Butl
bounty , and he says that Benton is.
lis opinion , one of the touchest crimina
le has ever seen or had charge of. She
ff West believes he will receive the $4 (
eward offered by the supervisors i
Platte County.
iVind and Rain Cannot Stop the Bi
In spite of a heavy rain , accoinpank
> y a cold , driving wind , which raged a
lay Sunday , Prosser's 200 populatio
vas increased by HOO excursionists , wli
ame from various points between Mai
: ate , Kan. , and Presser to celebrate tli
ustallation of the Missouri Pacific
.lily passenger service. A receptio
ommittee met the excursionists at tli
tation. Three bauds were present.
At 1 o'clock the 2-year-old ox. "whic
ad been roasting over a wood fire sine
in the morning , was brought in an
lid upon the platform in Woqdman ha
nd two butchers dispensed generou
ortions to the hungry visitors , who ii
luded men , women and children. Sui :
ay's was the first passenger train t
nter Presser in twelve years , and tli
aergy with which the Prdsserites strov
) entertain their visitors , in spite o
: orm , marked their appreciation of th
ounty Assessor Gets After Mer
chants at Nebraska City.
County Assessor Grant Zimmers I
iving a great deal of difficulty in get
ng correct assessments from the vari
is merchants in Nebraska City and oth
towns in the county. He has in {
jmber of cases dwnanded the invoice ;
: stocks and proposes to let none 'evade '
.e law this year.
The county surveyor and city official.
e making a survey of the railroad prop
ty in the county and they propose tc
tve the railroads1' pay their full share
taxes as well as other corporations
ing business in the county.
Horses Killed by Lightning.
Messrs , Hockett , Gaddis and Scott
light at Grand Island on Friday last
irty-seven head of western horses.
ruing them in a pasture three miles
> st of Harvard , Saturday. Monday
miing when going to look after them
irteen were found dead along the wire
ice , the supposition being that they
d all been killed by lightning , every
lication being that they had dropped
Aged Man Gets Bad Fall.
Ulen Barnes was severely injured at
ble Rock by the falling of a scaffold.
s arm is broken near the elbow and
> re are three bad cuts on his head
1 face. As he is about 70 years of
i the injuries are regarded as 'very se
ll' ; . W. G. Ward , who was on the
iffold. also fell , but his injuries are
y slight. _
Grain Looks Well.
Tork County farmers are rejoicing over
fine rains of last week. Winter wheat
ooking better than at any time in sev-
1 years and promises another bumper
p. Oats is looking fine and believed
be better than most farmers hoped
. Ground is in fine condition. Many
mers are preparing their ground for
To Form a Commercial Club.
.t Grand Island a declaration for the
anization of a commercial club has
n signed by thirty-five business men
1 others interested in the progress of
city , and it is expected that an or-
ization will be perfected at an early
Robbed in Broad Daylight.
i broad daylight A. Myers , a guest at
Millard Hotel at Omaha , was robbed
? 200 at the point of : i revolver and
robbers escaped through a crowd of
pie in the hotel lobby and drove away
i hack.
Gets Caught in Shafting
t the brick plant of Glasgow & Dye
Peru Dave Gilliland , in putting on a
11 belt , backed against a key in a line
"t , which tore his clothing all off ex-
: the lower part of his trousers. He
idly bruised , but not serionslv hurt.
Warm Weather , However , is Ned
in Nebraska.
The latest Nebraska crop bulletin , ]
lished at Lincoln , says :
Low temperature continued during
week , averaging from 7 to 10 degrees
low the normal throughout the state
The rainfall for the week was
heaviest for the year , and ranged f
about .25 of an inch in the northwcsi
part of the state to over 4 inches in s <
southeastern counties. In the southw
ern section , where the dry condit ;
have continued for many weeks ,
rainfall for the week ranged from 1 1
The fine rains of the week will pi
of much benefit to winter wheat
spring grain , pastures and gardens , e :
cially in the central and western secti
of the state , where the soil had bec (
very dry. The continued cold has retr
ed the growth of all vegetation. AVii
wheat , however , has grown fairly A
and is in excellent condition exc
where damaged by dry weather h
number of southwestern counties.
the southern half of the state oats i
some spring Avheat are beginning
grow. Considerable corn ground has b
plowed and this work was progress
rapidly until delayed in most localities
the heavy rains which occurred the lat
part of the week. Garden truck is
ginning to come up and fruit buds
swelling in the southern sections
Smaller Boy Grabs Hold of Gun Wh
it is Discharged.
An accident with a 22-caliber rifle
the Lutheran orphans' home , just e
) f Fremont , Tuesday noon , resulted
the death of Basil Itupin , aged 15 yea
in inmate of the home.
Young Rupin had been shooting so
pigeons and was walking across 1
rard at the home , holding the gun
Joth hands. A smaller boy , Peter Sis :
iian. grasped the stock of the weap
iml tilted the barrel upward. It AV
Hschargcd and the ball entered Uupi :
ight eye , passing thence into tl > e bra
[ -le lingered for several hours and di
n the evening.
Young Rupin has been at the home i
.welve years , having been placed in
vhen ho was X years old. His moth
s dead but his father is still living a
etudes at Topeka. Kan. He was t
ildest boy in the home and the accide
vould not have happened had it not beer
or the smaller lad , who isbut < j yei :
Villiam Turley Starts on Seventeei
Year Sentence.
William Turley. eonA-ic-ted at Grai
sland of murder in the second d
ree of Xorman T. Bliss and sentenced
I'venteen years in the penitentiary. AVI
Wednesday afternoon .taken to Linco
y Jailer Wickwire. AVhile he joke
ith the ticket agent about not ueedii
return ticket , since he Avould haA'e son
retty close relations with the state , -
.ineoln for some time , he Avas neverth
ss scmeAvhat moved and said that if 1
ad to remain in the penitentiary 1 (
ears he would still insist that he did IK
loot Bliss Avhile his back was turned , j
as testified to and as the shot-riddlt
othing indicated.
None of the members of his fami ]
ere at the train Avhen he departed , L
living short notice of the same and sin
! y Avriting a letter.
hose Near Lush ton May Make Show
ing Before Equalization Board.
Farmers living near Lushton are tall
g of forming an organization for th
irpose of sending a delegate to Lir
'In ' to urge upon the .state board o
; ualization the injustice of the retur
some of the railroads in Nebraska o
[ Illations. Nearly every farmer in Yor
ninty lias rural mail delivery at hi
or and every farmer take a daily papei
ley are reading the schedules returnei
the railroads of Nebraska , now beini
inted in the dailies , and are taking i
eat interest owing to the fact that thei
Jds have been raised froin $25 to near
$ > 0 per acre , and that Avhen the assess
got through Avith them they felt as i.
ey had been through a Avringer , am
it there Avas nothing : even the chicken :
d a fork ) f hay , that escaped taxation
Bald Eagle Stole1 Pigs.
L U. Fentiman. a fanner living west
Flattsmouth , has been missing spring
: s for some time very mysteriously. A
v days ago he noticed an eagle circling
n- his feed yard and decided that it
s responsible for the disappearance of
re .than a dozen fine young -orkers.
arley Fleishman succeeded in shoot-
it. It AA-as a fine specimen of the
d eagle and measured. 88 inches from
to tip.
Light and Water Plants Pay.
'ivinout's electric light and water
uts both show balances on the right
p of the ledger for the year ending
ril 1 , 1004. The lighting plant , which
; previously not been a paying invest-
nt , shows a balance of $1.082.25 , and
Avater department a balance of Si.-
Shot Proved Fatal.
aron Stenvers. the young man who
accidentally shot last Sunday morn-
at Hooper , is dead. The injuries ,
ich at first were thouglft not to be se-
is. Avere found afterward to extend
ther than was , supposed. A number"
the shot took effect in the abdomen ,
the patient suffered intense pain un
leath relieved his sufferings.
Di'ln't Need a Jury.
onrt has been in session at Wayne
the past two days , Judge Boyd pre-
ng. The jury was discharged without
ing been culled to sit in a single case.
Fruit Injured.
severe < hail storm occurred with the
m of last Sunday a fe\v miles west of
rnee City. It is reported that nearly
: he fruit was killed or badly injured.
Going to Beet Fields.
iventy-rkree families of Russians left
'ook Thursday bound for the beet
. ; of Colorado. They formed part of
ainload gathered up at various Ne-
ka points , all bound for Colorado su-
beet fields.
Gis Was Turned On.
orge .Wilson of Valley Junction was
d insensible in a room at the Boyd
1. Lincoln. The gas was turned
vhen the man was discovered. The
ors say he Avill die. He is a young
, apparently 25 years of age-
Reports of 508 banks in Nebraska ,
compiled by the state banking board ,
show an increase in deposits of OAer $1-
700,000 over the report ot last NoA-em-
ber ; the number of depositors has in
creased over 3,000 , and the per cent of
reserve has increased from 2S)1//l to 32 per
cent. The loans and discounts in the
present statement are $34,952.194.03 ,
while for the November call thev were
$34,530,320.29. The total deposits
shoAvn by this statement are $3VS,777-
300.98 , while the November statement
shoA\-s total deposits of . < 37.OU.8S2.24.
The number of banks OA-er the last state
ment has increased seven ; the number o *
depositors at this time is 119,075 and the
November statements shoAv the number
to be 116,484. The report is a statement
of the condition of the banks at the close
of business March 17.
* * >
The judgment obtained in the district
court by H. M. Cameron , administra
tor of the estate of Joseph R. Gooc )
against the County of Johnson , is
aside by the supreme court and the case
reversed. Gooch Avas driving a traction
engine over one of the county bridges
and the structure giving Avay beneath
him , he was killed. This jvas on July
25 , 1901. Suit was brought for $5,000
damages. The court says that a county
cannot be held as the insurer of thosa
who have occasion to use its bridges ,
and that if there are any defects , latent
in character , and not discoverable from
the ordinary tests and examinations , and
if the county is not negligent in that re
gard , It is not liable.
* *
Representatives of the Nebraska
Creamery Company and dairymen from
all over the state Avereat Lincoln Thurs
day talking shop. Figures reported at
the convention show the number of head
of milkers in service to be 1,180,000 ,
valued at $20,000,000 , annually. Hero
are some figures showing the amount of
business done by the butter factories
luring the last few years , which show
the increased interest being taken in
lairy matters : In 1S9S , $1G1,999.G5 ;
1899 , , $292.871.90 ; 1900 , $40G,058.G7 ;
1901 , $507.221.98 ; 1902. $794,913.84 ;
1903 , $1,250,000. The clo-'e of the pres-
; nt year AA'ill likely furnish another sur
prise in the amount of coin that is fall
ing in a golden stream into the laps of
: he farmers of the state.
* * *
Special Examiner Wiggins is at Avork
> n the books of Gen. Colby , formerly ad-
ntnnt general of the state , who Avas 5n-
licted by the federal grand jury at Oma-
la for being short in his accounts to the
xtent of a number of blankets amount-1
ng in value to $2,000. The legislature
nade no appropriation to pay for this ex-
imination and Mr. Wiggins AA-ill depend !
ipon the next legislature to recompense
lim. The work Avas delayed several
veeks by the case of the Bankers' Union'
'f ' the World , Mr. Wiggins having made
he investigation of that company , which
aused the attorney general to file a mo-
ion for an injunction against the com *
> auy.
* * *
The returns of the Sioux City and
Testeru branch of the Willmar and
ioux Falls Railway Avere received by
lie state board of equalization Saturday
fternoon. The road returns its mileage
n Nebraska at 128.21 miles. The canj
il stock of the company is $2,500 ,
ivided into 25,000 shares of the valiK. , _
LOO each , all of which is paid up. The
3ad has no debts , secured or unsecured ,
nd is not quoted on the market. In
very mile of" road there are 2,640 ties ,
'or the main track sixty-pound steel is
; ed and for sidetracks sixty-pound steel
id fifty-pound iron is used. This has
Jen in use about fifteen years.
In the opninon in the case of the Bank
's' Union of the World the supreme
> urt at Lincoln found for the state in
ery ellegation except one , and that was
at the company was insolvent. The
mil said that under its present plan
e company AA-ouId be able to pay all
; ath claims , if the plan Avas properly
rried out. In the office of the attorney
neral it is held that the decision practi-
lly puts an end to the company , while
idge Field , attorney for the company ,
ited that the company Avould be able to
mply with the decision.
* * *
Considering the assessment of the rail-
ads , Secretary Bennett , of the state
ard of equalization , said : "Railroads
11 be valued at their full cash value ,
icther this be less or more than last
ar , and they will be assessed at just
e-fiftb. of their full cash value. Their
operty will be treated ju = t exactly lik&
2 rest of the property in the state. "
r. Bennett made this announcement in newspaper queries as to what
s state board would do with the rail-
id assessment this year.
* * *
n the case of Harry L. McConnelI >
puty game warden , against P. E. Mc-
llip , the sirpreme court declares un-
astitutioual that part of the state game
v which provides for the seizure , for-
ture and transfer of guns and hunting
; s used in violation of the law. Tho"
Jrt held that the section complained
does not afford the owner of such
> perty a hearing and deprives him of
; property without due process of law.
* * *
Tuesday , May 31 , has been set apart
Gov. Mickey upon which to celebrata
s signing of the bill that made Ne-
iska and Kansas a territory. Upon
i Friday preceding this day GOT.
ekey requests that appropriate exer-
s be held in all the school hcuses
state and that on the Sunday predRa-
Nebraska ministers tell NebraslSfcs
the growth , of the state.
* * *
f the opinion of Attorney General
mt is the opinion of the state board
equalization , and there is every rea-
to believe it will be , cash , surrender
insurance policies are not taxable
er the new revenue law and will not
assessed. Secretary Bennett gave it
as his opinion some days ago that
; e policies were taxable. Insurance
i at once requested and secured a
ring by the board and the mattea
sed up to Attorney General Prout.
has filed his opinion , concluding that
policies were not taxable- j