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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Thursday , April 28,1904. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraika , as Second-class matter. TERMS Subscription 81.00 per year in advance ; $1.DO When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c. Display advertising 1 Inch single column IDc per issue or $0.00 a year. , , l Resolution- Local Notices Obituaries > edge \nd Socials for Revenue 5c per line per Issue. Brands , iji lnches-S4.oo per year In advance additional space S3-GO per inch per year jengraved blocks extra ; 31.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per eonally known are. requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months In arrears , Notices or losses ol stock Ireelto brand adver tisers. Convention Oall. We have not received official call from Chairman P. L. Hall , of the Democratic State Central Com mittee , but we would suggest that a democratic county convention be held in Valentine on Saturday , May 14th , for the purpose of selecting delegates for the state democratic delegate convention , which meets in Omaha , June 1st to elect delegates to the St. Louis democratic National convention July 6 , 1904. The representation for Cherry county , based upon the vote cast for Hon. J. J. Sulli van in the general election of 1903 is 6 delegates. It is to be hoped that each precinct in the county will be represented. M. CHRISTENSEX , Chm. I. M. EICE , Sec'y. Omicus Oall , We would suggest that the dem ocrats and those believing in the principles of the democratic party or interested in the success of that party , that they hold meet ings in their respective precincts to select delegates to attend the county convention in Valentine , Saturday , May 14,1904 , for the the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the state democratic dele gate convention in Omaha June 1 , 1904. The representation will be based upon the vote cast for Judge Sullivan at last election. Each precinct is entitled to one delegate and in addition thereto one delegate for each 10 votes or major fraction thereof. I. M. EICE , Sec'y. More Local. Mat Jelly was in town Monday. Tom Yearnshaw is in town this week. E. C. Cole was down from Cody yesterday. Eev. Cross was down from Eose bud yesterday. John Grange , of Oasis , was in town Tuesday. Chas. Lovejoy was visiting in the city Monday. Miss Lena Williams is visiting in town this week. Paul Hale was taking in the town last Tuesday. Sam McAlevy came in from Kennedy yesterday. Lark in Hancock was in town the first of the week. Wm. Jordan came down from Eosebud last Monday. Yank O'Bryan was down from the reservation Tuesday. John Adamson was in the city on business last Tuesday. Douglas McChesney , of Eose bud was in town Tuesday. Frank Todd , of Sparks , was on the streets of this city Tuesday. Arthur Cannonburg , of Merri- mana was in town Tuesday night. Wm. Erickson , of Kennedy , was in town the first of the week. Curt Callen brought up a load of grain for the mill last Tuesday. ( f Agnes Piercy , of Kennedy , is visiting with Miss Grace Bonnell this week. Miss Myrtle Hickerson , of Seward - -I ard , Neb. , is trimming hats at Mrs. Elmore's. " r , Eoy Kuskie left for Washington - B ton last Monday night , intending a : to make a short stop , in Montana , a ; We Have Just Received a full line of the celebrated JOHN DEERE Farm Implement Consisting of Plows ; Cultivators , both walking and f riding ; Listers , riding or walking ; Qo = Devils with knives or discs ; Harrows ; End Gate Seeders , etc. We are enabled by buying for spot cash in car load lots to make exceptionally low prices. Call and get prices and see the DEERE Improved Farm Machinery. ] 1 iJ j L. C. SPARKS , Mgr. g S g K ltf K jte I Jyav S I Ed Eichards , A. H. Stees and Wm. Erickson are in town from Kennedy. Gus Ulrich came hewn from White river Monday to spend a few days in town. Born , April 26 , 1904 , to J. L. Ashburn and wife , a boy. Dr. Compton attending. Miss Nellie Marsden came up from Ainsworth last week and is staying with Mrs. Morey. The Eosebud bill passed and the Gregory county land will be open ed up soon for settlement. Wm. Ballard and a friend , Mr. Campbell , who is visiting him from Omaha , were in town Monday. Lieut. N. M. Green has return ed to the post at Ft. Niobrara after several weeks absence on a fur lough. Tom Green and wife are the proud possessors of a baby girl that arrived Tuesday , April 26 , 1904. 1904.Mrs. Mrs. A. F. Ellis came in from Elddyville , Iowa , last week and went out with her son to spend a tveek at Simeon. Max Viertel and F. H. Baum- jartl , of Crookston , were in town Cuesday attending the funeral of VIrs. John Simpson. The two companies of the 25th "nfantry which left here last fall o garrison Ft. Des Moines , re- urned here last Monday night. Pole and Jim Hudson visited in own Monday. The editor mis- ook Pole for a travelling man ? hen he had that derby hat on. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. } orbin will be glad to know that ) r. Furay received a telegram bat she was getting along nicely. The Eoby murder case disagreed t Sioux Falls. From the first allot the jury stood six to six and nd Judge .Carlson discharged icm after being out 20 hours. Sol Ellis brought his mother in rom his home at Simeon yester- ay to take the train for Sioux Dunty , where Mrs. Ellis will pend the summer with another m. Thomas Fowler and son Jay of t reat Falls , Mont. , are visiting a slatives on the north table. Mr. 1 owler lived here some years ago t id notices a great change in the I "V ) pearance of the town. a Miss Genevieve Garrett , a train ed nurse from Chicago is in the city visiting at Levi Handy's and j has decided to remain here during' ' the summer. Miss Garrett will' ' practice her profession here. Kinkaid's homestead bill passed both houses and will be effective 60 days after the president's sig nature. It provides that each set tler will be entitled to 640 acres in the sand hills in western Neb. The residences that were to be put up this spring are gradually being commenced. The basement and foundation of Chas. Ander son's house are done , and work on M. V. Nicholson's house has now commenced. Will Caton and wife came down from White river Monday to visit with Mrs. Caton's parents , Judge Towne and wife. Mrs. Caton will remain here several weeks but Mr. Caton will return to the ranch in a few days. Josh Hitt and Geo. Tracewell are going to have a big sale of horses soon. Those contemplat ing selling horses should see these gentlemen and arrange to put their horses into the big sale which will be well advertised. Born , Tuesday , April 26 , 1904 , bo Arthur Tennis and wife of Ken nedy , a baby boy. He is a big i bouncing fellow and Arthur says be must weigh at least 10 pounds. Dr. Compton reports that the mother is getting along nicely. Wm. Kincaid has resigned his position with the Jordan Mercan- iile Co. at Eosebud and departed ? or his old home in Illinois , where ic will engage in business. Miss jreen , his neice , took his baby ) oy back with them. Mr. Kin- : aid has lived in this part of the : ountry for a number of years and 7e feel confident that he will suc- eed in his new venture. 1i The silver medal contest came r iff last Tuesday night and it was c ppreciated by all present. A1 irge choir of W. C. T. U. ladies ; a ang several songs and the high ( . chool chorus rendered three ine selections. Fve young ladies ontested for the prize , whose ubjects were on temperence. Af- 2r a long dftliberation the judges warded the first prize to Miss ida Lewis and the second prize f < ) Miss Clara Breuklander. Prof. t ( iTatson presented the medal with S very appropriate talk. Laid to Mrs. Margaret Simpson , nee Hall , died Saturday evening , April 23 , 1904 , at the Methodist hospital in Omaha , of paralysis , at the age of 41 years , 7 months and 5 days. Mrs. Simpson was born Septem ber 18 , 1862 , in Providence , Ulster county , Ireland. Pier parents were strict Christians and she was reared a Christian in which faith she was a devoted member all her life. She married John Simpson August 3 , 1880 , to which union were born six children , five of whom are now living. She was in delicate health for the past fifteen years and suffered intensely the last few months. Mrs. Simpson was a Christian lady , a good moth er and a faithful wife. The com munity loses a good neighbor and i lady of excellent virtues. The funeral was held from the M. E. church in this city Tuesday ifternoon , April 26 , Eev. Hols- slaw officiating. The church was tastefully decorated and overflowed svith friends of the deceased. THE DEMOCRAT joins with the whole community in the heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved family. N * ttie Brosins , Dead. Miss Nettie Brosius died Mon- lay , April 25 , 1904 , at the Metho- list hospital in Omaha , at the age ) f 24 years , 8 months , of pneu- nonia. She was operated on for ippendicitis and was getting along licely , when she suddenly caught : old. Miss Brosius was born at Jouisville , Neb. , August 25 , 1879. Vhen she was but 5 years old the amily moved to Cherry county , ? here they since resided as respect- ul and honorable people. She ras a lady of excellent character nd had many friends. Her un- imely death was sad , and might , e said unexpected. The funeral was held from her ome on the north table Wednes- ay afternoon , Eev. Holsclaw of- ciating. The Degree of Honor , f which lodge Miss Brosius was member , was well represented ad friends attended from all over le north table. THE DEMOCRAT joins in sym- athy with the entire community ith the family in their sad be- 2avement. 95.OO REWARD r the name of the party who iok a riding habit from my yard iturday night , April 23rd. L. C. SPARKS. i VALENTINE HOUSE Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 2 - blocks north of Depot. Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Club All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B. HULL THE OWL SALOON Proprietor. JL. I Of v * Of v Of v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA HENEY TAYLOK. GKAtfT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes fiSP Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE = - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Eigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. feed.SHEPARD SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. 6 ? ) > p -.CM/ ace : O/MXM4 HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska ring Your Next er ere. We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads , Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection. THE DEMOCRAT Valentine , = Nebraska W. T. Bishop , LIVERY FEED AND SALE STAI IE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. ENTINE BOWLING ALLEY No. 1 Standard Alleys. A healthful , innocent sport. IPLN DMLY FROM I O'CLOCK TO j | O'uLflCK -y v - * P. M3 1i