. .Arabia Items. MissAlva , Bunn was out in the country visiting friends afe'wdays ago. . Andrew Benson bought some cattle of Nathaniel Redfern a few days a'go. Miss Esther Benson has been % staying with Mrs. Micheel for a few days but arrived home last Tuesday. Jjeander Finch , an uncle to Clin ton Collett , has been working for M. J. Jordan. Uucle Jim seems well and as happy as a lark. Joseph Hobson and family have moved from their old place to the school section northeast of Valen- .tine. Allen Benson anc Myron Coggswell each assisted him by taking up a four-horse load of _ , household goods. Our best wish es go with Joe. Walter and Ray Tinkham , who have been working on the section , concluded that they had no "snap" and quif. and went home last Sat urday. We don't blame the boys for certainly the handling of pick and shovel differs greatly from "knife and fork. " Jos. KreyciK has been going to Ft. Niobrara every week or so , taking treatment for a sore tongue. We feel sorry for Joseph , yet we can't help thinking that it was a blessing that it did not effect some woman's tongue instead of his , for a woman is so constantly in need of a tongue that none but a well one would be able to do all the "wagging. " Down the River. Alfred Taylor was in town Sat urday. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Harper , a baby girl. Mrs. Roby was suddenly taken ill one day this week. Jacob Sauerwein and A. Grooms went to town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant celebrated their 17th anniversary Easter Sun day. The Harmony school will close April 23 with a picnic near Fred erick Peak. Mr. and Mrs. Sauerwein spent a few days visiting friends and relatives near Crookston this week. Misses Lillie and Grace Grooms have been attending the school in district 54 since the school closed in district 33. JFrank Mumford is going to -.move up on the north table this summer. Louis Beck is going to move on his place. Two more phones have been put in : one at Mr. Becker's and the other at Mr. Taylor's. They are talking of running the line on to Sparks. Miss Mary Becker , who has oeen working for Miss Donoher in Valentine , returned home Satur day. She has been very much missed and we are glad to see her home again. YOUNGSTER. Bailey Bri > fg. Mrs. Gunderson is very poorly at this writing. Lee Sellers is breaking a pair of Arabian horses. The calf crop seems to be good despite the beef trust. The heel fly and the mesquites have made their appearance. Several ranches have turned out their strongest stock on the range. Mrs. Wallace Nelson started for her new home in Canada last week. Mrs. Finalson was given a birth day party last week. All report a good time. Geo. Weede was down at the Gunderson ranch recently to make a deal for Mr. Gunderson's in crease of cattle. Secretary Wilson asks , "who gets the profit on beef ? " Mil lions of farmers and ranchmen In both administration and con demnation President Roosevelt is called "an uncrowned king , " and both are right , for that is exactly what a president of the U. S. is made to be by the "father's of the rupublic. GUESS WHO I AM. Snake River. Homer Tait has been down at the home ranch for a few days. Mr. Len Parker is trying to get a postoffice. Good luck Len. j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hale visited on the Snake several days last week. I Fred Bell made a trip to town last week for a load of supplies for the O'Connor ranch. S. Q. Spain went to town last week. His wife visited with her son while he made the trip. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ashburn vis ited with their daughter , Mrs.Grant Spain and family last week , Will Gillespie , foremen of the O'Connor ranch , and Mr. Rainbolt stayed over night at R. Quisenberry last niglife. Mrs. Mabel Davis and Mrs. Quis enberry came home from the lake last Sunday and Mrs. Quisenberry hao been on the sick list since. Lord and Davis , accompanied by their daughters , went to town last week. They brought home with them a new well machine. Anyone wishing a well drilled will have a chance to g t one. G. T. Spain met with quite an ac cident last week while hauling a load of corn. The chain broke when going down the Niobrara hill and one of the horses fell down , be ing run over by the wagon before he could stop the other. OLD MAID. THE itLAtfit HILLS The Richest Hundred fS Square m the World. The Black Hills , in the south western part of the state of South Dakota , produce one-third of the gold found in the United States and are said to be the richest one-hun dred mLes square in the world. A new booklet on the Black Hills has been issued by the North-western Line , with a fine detailed map of this wonderful region. Send four cents in stamps for a copy of the booklet to J. A. KUHN , Ass't. Gen. Frt. Agt. , Chicago & North-western E' . , Omaha , .Nebr , Wall Map of the World. A beautiful map , valuable for ref erence , printed on heavy paper , 42x64 inches , mounted on rollers ; edges bound in cloth , showing our new islaud possessions , The irans- Sibenan Kailray , Jfacitie Ocean cab les , railway hues and other features of Japan , China , Manchuria , Korea and the Far East. Sent prepaid ou receipt of 25c in stamps by W. B. Kniskeru , P.T.M. , Chicago & North western K'y. , Chicago , 111. 14 2 The Black Hills Travelling Men's Association will met at Hot Springs S. JD. , May 13 , 14 and 15. For this occasion a rate of one fare for the round trip has been made , dates ot sale May 11 and 12 , tick ets good to return until May 23rd. Also a rate of one fare for the round trip has been made from Hot Springs to Deadwood and Lead and return , dates of sale May 13 and 16 , good to return un til May 23 , with a stop over privi lege at Kapid City , thus giving the travelling men and their friends a chance to visit the Upper Hills , Pianos and Organs with a ten year guarantee from reliable fac tories , sold for cash or payments , J. O. BEATTT , 13 ( At G. H. Hornby's store. ) The "Williams Strain" Barred ] Plymouth Kock Eggs for sale at ] § 1.00 per setting. MRS. L. E. VIERTEL , 4 CrootetoB } Hotice. to Creditors. ' TUB STATK OF NKKIIASKA t „ _ Jn the r-ounty I 'CHKKIIY COUNTY. f3B Court , In the mati'T of the estate \v. app/Tit r , d erased To 'ho crt'dit n < if sitid cstat" : Yon an * hi'ivliy nouflcvl , Fhtt I will sit at the Court Itootn i Valentino in said county omthe iCth day of May 1P01 at 10 o'clock a in. , to receive and cxamin * * all cla ins against Kud estate with a view to their adjustment and allnwaniio. The fime limited for the pro-enta- ticju ot claims against sai'l ' estate is the. 16th day oJ" May A. I ) . 1904 and the tiniH limited for payment of debts is one year from said 14th day ot'Novemuer 1903. Witness my hand and the seal of said SEAL county court , this 12th day of April , 1001. W. It. TOWNE. 14 4 County Judge. Are you a sport ? Of course you are. Then watch the lied Front Merc. Go's , windows for the most complete line of fishing tackle ever shown in the town. 10 A Ranch Bland Wanted. I will pay 830.00 a month for a first class man until November. DANIEL ADAMSOX , Newton , Nebr. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by 1. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. Russia-Japan Aflan , 1O The K or tit-western Line. A Russo-Japanese Atlas has been issued by the Chicago & JS'orth-Western ' R'y. Three fine colored maps , each 14x20 , bounc in convenient form for reference. The eastern situation shown in de tail , with tables showing relative military and naval strength and financial resources of Russia and Japan. Copy mailed to any ad dress on receipt of ten (10) ( ) cent : in postage , by J. A. Kuhn , Ass't Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. , C. & X. VV. K'y , Omaha , Neb. 12J Are you going to need any barb wire or field fencing ? If so call on the Red Front Merc. Co. for prices. Very Low Exciircion Kate * to Francisco asxl Via the North-western Line will be in. effect from ajl stationst April 23 to May 1 , inclusive , on account of National Retail Grocers' Con vention and M. E. General Con ference. Two solid fast trains through to California daily. "The Overland Limited" ( electric light ed throughout ) less than three days en route. Another fast train is "The California Express" with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. Apply to Agents Chicago & North-western R'y. 12 4 Good milch cow for sale , In- quire at this office. R llmnn Jlrat fthd Food Chopper Vo. ll. At .voai-di-nlor's.SOd. Bjriuailore\pr : > s 7.1e. 'VourJIO.NEY UtCKUiiotsiiti JIOLL3UX SfG. CO. , 1401'enn Arc. , Jlonnl Joy , 1'tlt 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . . . . COPYRIGHTS &c , Anyone sending a sketch and description njaj onlcUly ascertain pur opinion free whether an invention Is probably piUentable. Comtfluhtca- tlotifl strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents eent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muiin & Co. receive tpecial notice , without charge , in the Scientific A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T irpest clr cnlatloti of any scientific Journal. Terms. ? 3 f year : four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealer * . Vnnch Ofliae. fi36 F 8k. nshincfon. D. C Thci Largest &OIUCB. Some of tlie largest domes in the tVorld are the Pantheon at Rome , 142 feet diameter , 143 high ; baths of Cara- calla , Rome , 112 feet diameter , 11G feet liigh ; St. Sophia , Constantinople , 115 feet diameter , 201 feet high ; St. Maria' lelle Fure , Florence , 139 feet diameter , 310 feet high ; St. Peter's , Rome ? , 130 feet diameter , 330 feet high ; St. Paul's , London , 112 feet diameter , 215 feet , ' ' 7 Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County C'Hirtof ' liorrj County Neb raska. Stat - if Nehrask- * , County of Chcrrv. SB. TO the heirs and to all persons I nt- rested hi the estate of John B Montgomery. deceased : On reading the petition of Adella.I ritK"incry pray ing that the administration of said estate l e granted to Adclia Alontgomery as administratrix It is htrehy ordered that you. and ail persons interested in said matter , may , and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for satd county , on the 30th day of April , A. D. 1004 at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause. It any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not r > e granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a couy of this < irder iu the Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspaper printed in said county. lor three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. " - Witness my hand and the seal of said SKAL court this 14th day April. \ . D. 1901. , W. It. TOWN E. lo a County Judge. JSbtice to Creditors. THH STATE OF NICHIJASKA i BS In the County COUNTY. J BS Court In the matter of the estate of John P. Stoll , deceased ? To the Creditors of said Estate : Yon are hereby notified , That I will sit at the Coi iity Court Koom in valentine in said county un the 13th day ot May 1001 at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustm-nt and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 13th day of May A. D. 11)04 ) and UIH time limited for payment of dents is one year from said 24th day ol September 1903 , Witness my lund aU seal of said county court ' this Sih day " of April. A. t > 1904. SEAL W.Il TOWNE. , 114 County Judge. Order of Hearing ; on Petition lor Ap pointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. ITATE OF NEUUASKA , i „ „ . f& " COUNTY OF CHEUUY. To the neirs and to all persons interested in the estate of Swan J. Ward , deceased : On reading the petition of Andrew G. Ward praying that the administration of said estate he granted to himself as administrator. It is hereby o dercd that 3011 and all pemons interested in said matter , may , and do , appear at the County Court to he held in and lo'said county , o the 7rh day of May A. D. 1904 at 10 o'clock a m . to show cause. If an > here be , why the prayer ol the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and lha * the hearing thereof be given to all persons tnten-sted in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat a , weekly newspaper print eii in Srtid county , tor three .successive weeks prior 'osaid day of heiinng. Witness mriiaud , and seal of said conn , this icilf day of April A 1) . 1904. SEAL \V.R. TOWNE , < 14 3 County Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defend ants. To Lorin C. Barker and Emeline Barker , his wife. I' . H. Hale , fii3t and real name unknown. K ( ' H de hUuile. fiiat and ie il name un known Alfred Frost and Mrs. Frost , his wile , llrst and n al name unknown , uon-re.suleuts : You are hereby notified that ou tne 21st dav 01 Apn > . 1904.illiarn E. Haley , as plaintiff , liled his i utitii'ii in the District Court of Cherry nut ) , Nei raska , agai st you , as defendants , ihe object utid prayer of AN Inch is to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed on the fust day ot Mav. 1889 , oy Lortn C Barker ana Emeline Ba ker , upon the proberty described as followa , to-wit : nwJ4 ot the nejif ana Y of the nwy and iieXftlie sw # of Section 1'j , fp 33 , K 25. in tji.erry County , Neoraska , given to secure the pajmeiit of one certain promissory note in writing made , executed .aid deliverer by Lorm C . Barker and Emeline Barker to the shuwalter Alortgage Company , and solo , aud assigned and delivered to the plaintiff , who is now the own r and holder iheie .t lonhe sum of § 400.00 due and payable en tlie first dayofMny , 1831. with interest at the rate oi seven per cent per annum from date until maturity aud interest at the rate of lOper cent per annum from matuiity until , pnid.and there is now due and pajable on snld -proHn feury note the bum of S9-JC.OO , with interest ? t the rate of ten per cent per annum troru the tirst day ) f April , 1904. for which sum , with in terest , plaimiff prays judgement , and lur a de cree ti-at the detendants pay the same , nd that in default of such pa > ment , said premises may ne sold to satisfy the amount found du. the plaintiff , and for general relief , ou are required to answer said petition on or bef > re May 30th. 1904 Dated Valentine , Nebraska , April 21,1904. WILLIAM , E. HALEY , Plaintiff. 144 By Walcott&MmrNsey. uls attorneys. For every laundry purpose use Swift's Pride Soap. It is the most effective agent of clothes cleanli ness. Proves a weekly wash-day welcome. Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KANGAROO First class meals at all hours , j day and night. Oysters in season. Pics , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. . D. Cohota , Prop. J. L. ASHBURN , Con tractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track IlftUrotul brttreen JliHsonri Ittver ami Cliivago. Direct lint * , to St rtntl-JJIinnei2'- Direct line to Hindi. Uilln. Apply to nearest ayent for rates map * ami time carttH. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf All kinds of garden seeds at the Red Front Merc. Co. The Red Front Merc. Co. carry a full line of bulk seeds which are all new fresh seed. If you want seed make them a call. Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 26 Swift's Pride Soap sav.cs a lot of needless wash-day worry. It cleans and softens without in any way in juring the fabric. Sold everywhere We have just received a com plete line of wagon woods , such as spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol sters , axles , tongues , etc. Also wagon skeins , buggy stubs and box fittings. Quality and prices guaranteed. At Red Front Merc. Co. ALE I will sell in ( in front of the Drug Store ; To the highest bidder the following effects : walnut extension table , 6 dining room chairs , 2 high backed rockers , 4 hair cloth reception chairs , 2 walnut bedsteads , 1 oak bedstead , 1 walnut washstand , 1 walnut folding bed , 1 rosewood marble top center table , 1 oak marble top bureau , I oak mar ble top washstand , 1 walnut single lounge , 1 rustic chair , 1 buggy , 1 set double harness , 1 ice cream , freezer. 1 5-gallon barrel churn , 1' cook stove . t and furniture , 1 hot blast heater , washtubs , wringer , washboard , hoe , rake , post hc&le digger , pitchforks , saws , hammers , hafecliets , axe , etc. Mrs. J. . . Leach. Professional Cards. ' The L'-np Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Jfebr , Prince Boah < M I316M ninl Curly Coat 113-jilnt Ucait of herd Tin' Moo < l of Fowler. AiiMCiy. lonliitonai -iSir ren > ml- in my hi > U. No stock for sale at present. ICanch feur i > . north-nest of Urownlco , Nebr. C. H. FAULIIAHKI : . MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 75 per cwt if 14.00 ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too Screenings 70c $13.00 Chop Feed . . . .1.05 it $20.00 ' Corn 95 $18.00 " Chop corn 1.00 it $19.00 " Oats 1.20 $23.00 " ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. M , CKAMER , City Delivery man , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot aud all parts of the City. M. WILSON , Proprietor of Valentine Dray , Will do all kinds of drayinjj , express and freight work. Special attention given to fine furniture. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190i. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Eights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraterndl Hall'or-El liott's Drug Store. 19UU2 Eobert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT IiAW. grOffice over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Valentine , JN"el > rasl < a. . t W. A , KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Balr Tonic , Herplcide and Coko's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. .Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake \\TOBK rHOHPTLY ATTZSDED TO. HENKY AUGTJSTON Blacksmith. Brownlee , Xebr. Does general blacksinithing at hard times prices for cash. TIME TABLE Great Northern Lice at O'neill , ffcur. Going East , Gotos West. Leaves 10:10 a.m. Arrives 0:50 p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Connections with Elkliorn trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Bloux City and beyond. Through connections ftrBloux Falls , Minne apolis , 8t , Paul and all points nnortn and west , 3ny local tr kets to O'JTeill , Konzjte , G , p. A. Jowa