Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 14, 1904, Image 4

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Thursday. April 1. 1 O4
Entered at the TostrOfllce at Valentine , ( Therry
county. Nebraaka , aa Second-class matter.
Subscriptiott $1.00 per year in advance ; 81.60
When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertising 1 inch single column I5c
per Issue or SG.OO a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge' Besolutlon-
xnd Socials for llevenue 5c per line per iisue.
Brands , 1H inches 84.00 per year in advance
additional spaceSS-OO per incn per year jengraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
eonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6
mourns in Arrears.
Notices of losses of stock frealto brand adver
We have not received official
call from Chairman P. L. Hall , of
the Democratic State Central Com
mittee , but we would suggest that
a democratic county convention
be held in Valentine on Saturday ,
May 14th , for the purpose of
selecting delegates for the state
democratic delegate convention ,
which meets in Omaha , June 1st
to elect delegates to the St. Louis
democratic National convention
July 6 , 1904. The representation
for Cherry county , based upon
the vote cast for Hon. J. J. Sulli
van in the general election of 1903
is 6 delegates. It is to be hoped
that each precinct in the county
will be represented.
I. M. RICE , Sec'y.
Oa.ueus Call ,
\Ve would suggest that the dem
ocrats and those believing in the
principles of the democratic
party or interested in the success
of that party , that they hold meet
ings in their respective precincts
to select delegates to attend the
county convention in Valentine ,
Saturday , May 14,1904 , for the
the purpose of selecting delegates
; to attend the stale democratic dele
gate convention in Omaha June 1 ,
1904. The representation will be
based upon the vote cast for Judge
' Sullivan at last election. Each
precinct is entitled to one delegate
und in addition thereto one delegate
for each 10 votes oonajor fraction
I. M. BICE , Sec'y.
More Local.
" Jim McLaughlin was in town
James Marley was on the streets
of Valentine yesterday.
Aaron Grooms brought up a
load of grain yesterday.
. - Frank Brayton started Sunday
morning for a visit back East.
Archie Pettycrew has been Im
proving his property on Hall St.
June Post has been suffering
with rheumatism for the past week
but at present is getting along
R. H. Robinson has opened up
a tailoring shop north of the old
city hotel and is prepared to do all
kinds of first class tailoring.
Selling out Hardware and Fur
niture on account of going out of
' hardware business in 90 days.
Call for cash bargains.
Street work has now commenced
in earnest. Several teams are
busy hauling the sand away that
was deposited on Main street last
The many friends of Mrs. Jas.
Bryan , nee Miss Agnes Veal , will
regret to learn of her death last
week at Payctte , Idaho , of cons
Johann F. Porath writes us from
Carroll , Nejbr. , requesting us. to
announce that he is corning back
to Valentine about May 1st with
his tubular well machine and will
be prepared to put down wells on
short notice. Mr. Po'rath has had
considerable experience in well
drilling and has given .sattefjiction.
everywhere he has worked , -Hv
is a competent man and < \ur \ < nnn-
est work-
We Have Jest Received
a full line of the celebrated JOHN DEEKE
Farm Implement
Consisting of
Plows ; Cultivators , both walking and
riding ; Listers , riding or walking ; Go =
Devils with knives or discs ; Harrows ;
End Gate Seeders , etc.
We are enabled by buying for spot cash
in car load lots to make exceptionally low
prices. Call and get prices and see the
DEERE Improved Farm Machinery.
L. C. SPARKS , Mgr.
Geo. Tracewell has built a new
barn 16x28 at his residence in the
west part of town and is keeping
the noted horse , Vicomte , which a
local company purchased last sum
mer for § 3000.
The new switchboard is being
installed here at the local exchange.
Geo. Hunter , assisted by W. C.
Andrews is doing the work and
much credit is due them for their
efficient work. The new board
has a capacity 240.
School report for district No. 71
for month beginning March 31 ,
and ending April 15. Number of
pupils enrolled 6 , average daily
attendance 5 , those neither absent
nor tardy were : Etta and Ethel
Hudson , and Bernice Gallon.
CLARA CROWE , Teacher.
A silver medal contest will take
place at the M. E. church , Tues
day evening , April 26 , 1901at
the usual hour. A number of
young ladies will compete for the
medal and this contest promises
to be the best of all. The high
school chorous will furnish music.
Admission 10 cents.
S. T. Smith has been relieved
as night operator at the depot by
a Mr. Jones. The many friends
of Mr. Smith are sorry to see him
go , but he was too young to hold
such a responsible positon. This
shows that Valentine must trans
act lots of business when they
have to put old men in the office
to look after the express business.
We have been requested to call
attention to the fact that the law
on trout fishing is being disregard
ed by a few that perhaps does not
know that the season for trout
fishing does not open until the 1st
of June and ends October 31st.
Now , there are a few people who
wish to abide by the laws of our
state , and find when going out af
ter the 1st of June that all the
trout have been caught by viola
tors. A good many people think
that this law is a trival matter ,
and go out as though no such law
ever existed. But we want to say
that there is a heavy fine for the
violation of this law and violators
will be summarily dealt with if
caught. The state is to an enorm
ous expence to keep up the fish'
hatcheries at South Bend , Nebr. ,
and to stock the streams through
out the state , so men be law abid
ing citizwns , liveiup to and respect
this la\v the aanie a < you do other
Mahara. Minstrels at the Fort
! next Thursday evening April 28.
John Fritz of Ainsworth stopped
over in the city Tuesday on his
way to Deadwood. Mr. Fritz is
well acquainted in our county ,
having run for county treasurer
in 1897 , and in partnership with
Mr. Lewis run a store at Brown-
lee for a number of years. He is
now writing insurance in the N.
Y. Life. We enjoyed a pleasant
visit with him at our office.
ITrom Democratic "Blade. :
Valentine seems to be prosper
ing this spring. There is a grow
ing demand for property and an
increasing trade as the country'
settles up.
W. H. Westover was down from
Gordon yesterday. He has just ,
returned from Washington and is
very favorably impressed with this
administration ,
We regret to learn that
friend Judge Tucker contemplates
moving to Gordon soon. He has
a claim near that thriving burg" , ' '
which he intends holding down
and in the intervals between corn
planting and harvest , to practice
John Little has built a very nice
country residence on his claim
north of town and is working up a
reputation as a granger. What
John doesn't know about farming
Mrs. Little does , though she com
mitted a blunder the first day ,
which was to be expected. She
mixed up some bran for the cow , .
which the latter refused to eat , [
though mixed in the most approv
ed style. The hired man who had
been on a farm before , happened
around and informed the disgusted
Mrs. L. that she was feeding the
cow sawdust.
Daily Vows Offer.
The Omaha Daily News will be
mailed six days in the week from
now until January 1 , 1905 for § 1 ;
money to accompany the order.
This will carry you through the
presidential campaign and possibly
all of the Japanese-Eussian war.
The Daily News receives the
complete Scrip ps-McEae Cable
and Telegraph reports ; the full
Newspaper Enterprise Association
service ; and has four special cor
respondents at the seat of war ,
thus enabling it to jive you accur
ate news promptly. Remember
it is an Indepentent paper , giving
all the news without fear or favor.
This offer is good only during1
April. Send order to this office or *
direct to Omaha Daily News ,
Omaha , Neb , i
Klnlcaicl Kill May lnss
Washington , D. C. April 16.
The bill introduced by Eepre-
sentative Kinkaid regarding the
settlement of western Nebraska
lands is in a good shape to pass.
It has been reported from the
committee on public lands.
* As reported from the committee
the bill provides for the entry of
one section of land instead of two ,
as originally intended. The bill
also provides now that sixty days
after the act has been approved
640 acres may be entered upon.
It must be in compact form and
not over two miles long. The
secretary of the interior may also
exclude from settlement such lands
as he may deem reasonably prac
tical for irrigation by means of
natural gravitation.
The report of the committee
says that the bill is in no way con
sidered a departure from the origi
nal homestead act , but it is intend
ed to stimulate settlement by giv
ing a greater quantity of land to
compensate the settler for the lack
of fertility. Omaha Daily News.
Ciithi ) ic Church Announce
On Sunday next mass will be
said at Crookston in the school
house called Prairie Bell at 10 in
bhe morring. Catechism class af
ter service.
Real tstate Transfers
lUlph Poland lot 1 2-3stjc 731 34 nene 1231 35
B t E Johnson , ae lOnsw 11 31 26
Mai > E Luomts Iota 1 2 neuw 18 30 30
h S Berkley , lota 3-1 csw 7 30 30
Mtitilnrd AIcNetc , lot 3 sec 5 20 30
R I Mines , WB seae 33 swsw 31 31 34
W fl Se-jp-ast , nese 9 n'.vaesw 10 34 40
C ias J dteen , iene ustaese 33 26 30
Jeff UeFrance Sing to Amelia Haalow ,
w 3 31 40 $ 45 00
< 'has W Oaks and \vf to Murray S Starr
se4 im.-9 33 35 2000 00
F E Thompson and \vf to Myrtle llol-
ifiioi 13blk2 Valentine 2500
M McNett to J M Hanna , sse sesw 32
730 50000
Peter 'tollman t < Marnaret Hoffman ,
td 1-2 3 4.S.C2035 . 32 se 29 fa 32 1500 00
Pioneer ro\vusit Goto J Frank Higgle
itDMkia 105 00
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
o 5 years old , for sale. Also two
thoroughbred's. For further in-
ormation inquire at this" 13
Valentine , Nebraska
RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr.
Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot.
Jas. E. Pepper W. H. Me Brayer Canadian Club
, OXT.
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. Hlue Ribbon Bottled Beer
a specialty. : : : : : : :
Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
1HE OWL SALOON Proprietor.
Cf Of Of * Sole for
V V V Agents
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
Contractors and Builders , Carpentering.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizeS
B-iPWork shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop.
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers
Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom
modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors
es to feed.
( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. )
Valentine - - Nebraska.
6 ? )
ala ce : OO14
VaJentme - - Nebraska
Bring Your Next
Order H ere.
We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads ,
Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale
Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work
guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection.
Valentine , - Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
For Sale or Trade.
French Coach Stallion. Good
getter and range broke. Can be
seen at Bishop's stable for the next
two weeks. J. F. SWAIN ,
12 4 : Sparks , Neb.
E-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 3-cent package a enough lor usual occas-
sieng. The family bottle (60 cents ) contains a
supply Jora year. All druggists aell tfcem ,