Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 07, 1904, Image 4

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ThurMday , April 7 , I9O4
Entered at tbe Post-Qfflce at Valentine , Cherry
Kmnty. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
Subscription S1.00 per year in advance ; Si.GO
When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advertising 1 inch single column I5c
per issue or SC.oo a year.
Local Notlr-s , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
tnd Socials I"r Rerenue 5c per line per Issue.
brands , Ik inchpa-4.00 per year in advance
additional space$3DO per Inch per year jengraved
blocks extra ; 81.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
ponally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6
months in arrears.
Notices ol losses of stock Ireejto brand adver
A conservative judge as Judge
Parker , of New York , is known
to be , would be praised by the
whole American people. We need
a conservative man for president ,
who will establish confidence and
friendly relations abroad , promote
the general welfare of the great
common people at home and place
the American republic at the head
of all countries in peace and har
mony among its people , who with
voice and example will bring peace
upon earth and good will toward
W. E. Hearst , of New York , is
being indorsed by people in sever
al states at their county conven
tions and delegates are being in
structed for Hearst for the demo
cratic presidential candidate in
state conventions. Nevertheless
Judge- Alton B. Parker , of New
York , seems to be the leading can
didate inlNew York and indications
are that he will have the New York
delegation at St. Louis to back
him.It is possible that the two
leading candidates being from New
York .there will be a clash and that
it will take other states to decide
in which case the man who is most
popular in other states will decide
as to the nominee. But in case
that neither of these candidates
will giye way to the other a new
man may be chosen as a compro
mise candidate. Who will it be ?
Will it be Gen. Miles ?
John C. Sprecher in Iris Schuy-
ler Free tance in speaking of the
wresting of the fair state of Ne
braska from the fusion forces by
the unscrupulous republican
schemers says : "The question
which then comes into ones mind
is what good did that political up
rising do ? " Do" ? Great Heaven
and all that is good and holy ! Do !
The fusion forces snatched Nebras
ka from the most foul set of scoun
drels who ever disgraced this or
any other land on earth ; exposed
Bartley , Moore and a host of ig
noble thieves , embezzlers and ras
cals ; gave to our state -the only
honest administration ver known
in Nebraska since-territorial times
mark well our words "the only
honest administration , " etc. , for
we have been an eye witness on
the ground and know whereof we
speak , and have been personally
acquainted with every territorial
and state officer ever chosen in Ne
braska. If we are not telling the
truth let some g. 0. p. paper point
out where we are in error. . Then
the fusion forces produced some
great and honored men and thous
ands of them in the common ranks
who stood as embattled warriors
in the mighty conflict for better
and purer government among
mankind. We will mention a few
of the names which are engravened
upon the eternal walls of Time in
glittering letters of ever lasting
glory , there to live on and on and
forever shine upon the fairest1
pages of our country's history :
W. J. Bryan , Judge Holcomb ,
Senator Allen , W. H. Thompson , ,
Congressman Kobinson , J. B. Vif-
quain , Patrick Barry , M. F. Har
rington , Smyth , Metcalf , Hitch
cock , ' Beck , Freeman , Sullivan , '
Gov. Poynter , Powers and a host
of other like illustrious and noble
men. The fusion forces did every
thing that could be done for the
betterment of the people. Holt
County Independent.
a full line of the celebrated JOHN DEERE
Consisting of
t f [ Plows ; Cultivators , both walking and Ij I
? | j
j riding ; Listers , riding or walking ; Qo = |
1I I Devils with knives or discs ; Harrows ; \
We are enabled by buying for spot cash
in car load lots to make exceptionally low
prices. I'all and get prices and see the
DEERE Improved Farm Machinery.
/ ,
[ )
* L. C. SPARKS , Mgr
* AfciiW > Start.- !
Gorman of Maryland is not in
the race nor is Grover Cleveland ,
though his name is being promi
nently mentioned and some dele
gates are being instructed for him
in the east. The choice of western
people will be Hearst first if he
can carry equal delegations at
home or in states in the East , with
other candidates showing that he
has sufficient strength to carry N.
Y. and the vote that most generally - .
ally goes with New York's candi
date. Nebraska will support
Hearst and give him a better vote
than to any other candidate but
would give good and loyal support
to either Judge Parker or General
Miles. While our choice would
matter little in this contest , since
Nebraska will not be a deciding
state nor materially change the re
sult either way she might happen
to go , we nevertheless voice the
sentiment for honest administra
tion of affairs as believed in by the
people who ma KB up the conserva
tive element of our country , who
would not plunge into war with
foreign nations upon slight provo
cation nor remain idle while ruin
ous policies were being pursued
by strenuous and volatile minded
persons in power.
More Local.
D. M. Sears , of Kennedyis in
town today.
D. Hendcrshot , of McCann , was
in town Tuesday after some -fruit
M. E. Hall returned Tuesday
from Waukon , Iowa , where he has
passed a pleasant winter visiting
friends and relatives.
Arthur Yoerg came down from
Rushvilie yesterday afternoon.
Arthur is looking better , which
pleases his many friends.
Geo. Tellier came in from the
Gillaspie ranch yesterday after
freight. Geo. is looking fine and
says that the cattle are getting
along nicely.
John Kudelka was in town to
day and informed us that tomorrow
morning he was going to take his
svife to Omaha to doctor for a
cancer in the foot.
Geo. Bristol called at this office 1
; his morning on business. His ]
: amily are living in town now , but I
Mr. Bristol will stay on his place J
lear Sparks until the 1st of May. t
Arthur Ries , of Crookston was
in the city Monday.
Report of school district No. 56
for month beginning February 29
and ending March 30th. Number
of pupils enrolled 20 , average
daily attendanre 15 , the e not
absent during the month were :
Rudolph Bullis , George Sanner ,
Mary and Lizzie Johnson , Anna
Sanner and May Britt. Those
not tardy were : Oscar Graeff ,
Rudoph ] Bullis , James Novak ,
Willie Dunn and Bertha Ryschon.
ADA STIXARD , Teacher.
The village election went quietly
from morning to night. 271 votes
were cast and everybody voted
that wanted to , excepting a few
whom Pettijohn questioned re
garding a homestead that they
seemed to be holding down and
that , they preferred to protect in
preference to voting in opposition
to Pettijohn. M. V. Nicholson
and P. F. Simons were re-elected
by big majorities. The vote stood :
Nicholson. . .160 Simons 161
Christensen.lll Stetter 110
The baby that was reported born-
to Mrs. Homer Tait two weeks
ago and corrected last week to
Mrs. Wm. Lee , we now desire to
correct again and this time have it
correct from Mr. Campbell that
the child was born to Mrs. Silas
Sears on who is a sister of Mrs.
Lee and Mrs. Tait and all three
are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Campbell of this city. We a re
sorry to have blundered so much
in this , but since these women are
sisters we hope they will over
look the blunder. This is one of
the unpleasant experiences of
newspaper life where we get only
meagre reports of a happening at
Srst and later learn that we are
wrongly informed.
W'dcliiig Bells.
In the Union church at Wood-
lake , April 5 , 190i , occurred the
narriage of Miss Ida Jeannette
Leach , of Woodlake , and Louis
Stark Bryant , of Sturgis , S. D. ,
[ lev. Wells of Valentine officiat-
At an early hour the church was
illed to its utmost capacity and at
he close of the regular service the
arge doors were thrown open by
he Misses Marion and Lillian
ing and the bridal party marched
o the altar to the strains of a' '
wedding march played by Mi s
Leo West. Mr. and Mr * . LeRoy
Leac.h led the way. f ! . A. John
son , with the bride elect leaning
on his arm , came next. Mrs. W.
A. Lrar.h , of Bonestcel , leaning
on the arm of the groom elect ,
came next. The contracting par
ties wore presented to Rev. Wells
| who read the solemn and impress
ive ring service of the Episcopal
church. C. A. Johnson gave the
bride away and so welt were the
parts rendered that it seemed to
the admiring audience only a tab
Miss Leach is the youngest daugh-
.ter of the late Hon. David Leach ,
and has been identified with Wood
Lake and Cherry county , since
childhood , holding many positions
of trust ; for three years past has
been deputy postmaster , and
"hello ! girl'5 for one year.
The groom has been identified
with the stockmen's association of
South Dakota and is well and fav
orably known.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant left on the
east bound train for Omaha this
Real Lstate Transfers' '
Flt-nry > rme.iheruiW ? uw 2 31 2 :
Mi " < ; sel M Luu' . wjvts 21 : 29i i
Knd c ( Sionrr , ns : jwu" se w 8 20.35
S G Kauver 'setie 17 30 29
Wm T S ott nnw irwm 20 32 35
I . ! - , Myeis. n < il 31 25
John K Lees < s\v 1 27 23
D It 'leiitlersliot , lots 5-0-7 sec 33 33 31'
Frank loffuuu.seswswst ! 32 35 31
John McClean , wne seiie nase 27 28 23
F h Jordan , ese s\\ic sec 8 30 36
Krank Noble , wneywsj 35 28 28
H P AlcClarkiu. ese. Mvse st-sw 12 27 20
Benj C Trowbridsw , ssa nse 10 31 3C
Jo'm W Short , ues\v nwae sse 12 31 30
F M Walc- and wf to llenry Heckel ,
nesw 6 33 35 s 400 oo
fl A Jo m-on and \vl ' < David Hanna ,
iv 82 ft nf lots 1-2 and all of 1 > ts 3-4-5-6 &
IGr.lh 31 WuodLike 61CO 00
V A Go-drtch to F M Walcott sw 22
J329.- 70000
Sam Grooms ai-d wf to A M Morrissey , |
vnVvsw3t3428 150000
D S Efntr and wf to A Benson , lot 1 sec |
i , lot-1 MVSW 5 31 26 700 00
Ber.'lia C Sparks and bus to W A Pet- '
. . .rew. lots 0-10 Valentine 100 00
Wm E Searby et al to t evi H Ore * man
l\93l2J COO 00
I. It :
Eva B Stoaer itwaw 8 29 35
Hinry Hants , senwvne nene 24 27 28. . 200 00 .
* "
Valentine , Nebraska
RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr.
Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot.
Jas. E. Pepper W H. Mi-.Bravfr Canadian Hub
All the standard l > ran < 1fi of Whinkiep , domestic and
imported Wines , GnrdnnV Drv Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. ' lno Ribbon Bottled Beer
a specialty. : : : : : : :
Oakland Hunters R\e RluJrass Dewars Scotch Whiskej
OWL SALOON Proprietor-
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KPUG'S BEEF
Choicest Wiaes and Cigars.
Contractors and Builders , Carpentering.
All kinds of wood work done in order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
2 " Work .xhnp in Charbonneau\s blacksmith shop.
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
New Rigs Good Horses Careful .Drivers
* *
Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom
modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors
es to feed.
( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. )
Valentine - - Nebraska.
67) o face : Safoon
Vajentme - - Nebraska.
nn our Next
rder Here.
We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads ,
Envelopes , Notes. Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale
Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work
guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection.
Valentine , Nebraska
W T. Bishop ,
r \ f\ .
Bifrn&ff 8 f f B 4 a&tff ° i V * * % -y
The Will , or Bam
Your Patronage Solicited.
For Sale or Trade.
French Coach Stallion. Good
getter and range broke. Can be
seen at Bishop's stable for the next
two weeks. J. F * . SWAIN ,
12 ± Sparks , Neb.
Tubule ?
Uoctors fimj
A good preMiription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enouuli lor usual occas--
Biens. The family bottle ( OO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell them.