Miss Hapgood fells how she
scaped an awful operation by
using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
1 " I Buffered
for four years with what the doctors
called Salpingitis ( inflammation of the
fallopian tubes and ovaritis ) , which is
& most distressing and painful ailment ,
affecting all the surrounding parts ,
Undermining the constitution , and sapping
ping- the life forces. If you had seen
a year ago , before I began taking
yclia E. Pinkham's Vcgctablo
Compound , and had noticed the
Bonkcn eyes , sallow complexion , and
general emaciated condition , and com-
Jjarcd that person with me as I am to
day , robust , hearty and well , you
o-uld not wonder that I feel thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine ,
srhicu restored me to new life and
health in five months , and ved me
from an awful operation. " Miss IP.EKE
HAPGOOD , 1022 Sandwich St Windsor ,
Gnt. $5QQO forfeit If original of above letter
frwing genuineness cannot be produced.
Ovaritis or inflammation of the
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin
the ovaries may result from sudden
Stopping pi the monthly flow , from
Inflammation of the womb , and many
cihar causes. The slightest indication
® f trouble with the ovaries , indicated
fey dull throbbing pain in the side , ac
companied by heat and shooting pains ,
ichoald claim your instant attention.
It will not cure itself , and a hospital
operation , with all its terrors , may
easily result from neglect.
Mbravlan Barley and Speltz.
JVo great cereals makes growing nnd
fattening hogs and cattle possible in Da-
kotn , Montuua , Idaho , Colorado , yes , ev-
fci rwhere. and add to above Salzor's Bill-
cm Dollar Grass , Tensiiite. which pro-
Sucos SO tons of green fodder per acre ,
itateer's Earliest Cane. Salzer's GO Day
Jafcs and a hundred of other rare farm
: eeils that he offers.
Tl-RN - IT
teith 10o in stamps to the .lolin A. Sal-
* r Seed Co. . La Crosse.Vis. . . and et
flielr bisr catalogue and lots of farm seed
fcnnples. ( C. N. U. )
Paris has a baker's oven which Is
be tea by electricity. The terapera-
tfurj tan be readily regulated , and
the oven is a great success.
Fish dealer ? in European cities ,
Mien their salmon bpcomes stale and
Bull in color , impart a healthful
lint to the fish by using cochineal.
Within the space of two hours a
ban in Murphyshnio , 111. , was mar
ried , arrested and thrown into jail.
His bride was s-i angered that she
went on her bridal tour alone.
Alexander Guilmant , ol Paris , con *
ceed to be one of the greatest organ
ists of the present day. He will gire
a series ol 36 recitals at the St. Lou
is exposition extending over 0
weeks , beginning August 15. The
assignment of dates to the other
organists has not yet been ,
completed aod a great deal of shiftIng -
Ing is still in progress. Most of the
organises named will give two reci
tals each. Two , Clarence Eddy of
New York , and E. H. Lemare of
Pittsburg , will give three recitals
cjcb. Clarence Eddy has given recitals
at six great expositions beginning
with that at Vienna in 1873. He is
at present giTing concerts in War
saw , Bussis. In 1870 at theHershey
School of Musical Art in Chicago , of
which he was General Director , he
gave a series of 100 recitals with
out any repetitions
For Growing Girls.
West Pembroke , Me. , March 21sL
Mrs. A. L. Smith , of this place , says
that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best
remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith
emphasizes her recommendation by the
following experience :
"My daughter \vis thirteen years old
last November and it is now two years
since she was first taken with Crazy
Spoils that would last a week and
would then pass off. In a month sha
AVOW Id have the spoils again. At these
times she would eat very little nnd was
very yellow , even the Avhites of her
eyes Avonld be yellow.
"The doctors gave us no encourage
ment ; they all said they could not help
Her. After taking one box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills , she hns not had one bad
spell. Of course , we continued the
treatment until she had used in all
about a dozen boxes , and we still give
them to her occasionally , when she ia
not feeling well. Dodd's Kidney Pills
are certainly the best medicine for
growing girls. "
Mothers should heed the advice ol
Mrs. Smith , for by so doing they may
save their daughters much pain and
sickness and ensure a healthy , happy
'uture for them.
Any person may earn good intone in spaw
time at home writing for us ; experience nnneoes
sory ; send stamp for particulars. American Art
! 5ox SOI , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Sekond rate poetry Iz sumptbinj
like sekond rate honesty no kredii
tc the author.
Mrs. Witislow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil
dri-u teethingsoftens the aum ? , reduces inila
matton , allays pain cures colic. Piice25e bottli
I hav often thought that the con-
seited phools were the happiest per
sons living.
Customer "That umbrella yo
sold me is made of such miserabl ]
poor stuff that it won't last j
month. "
Dealer "Yah Ye alvays zells da
kind to intellectual nun like you ,
You gets to thinkiug on great sub
jects , and pecomes zo absent-minde <
joa lose it iu dree veeks ; and del
you baf de satisfaction off krowinj
dat de man who vlnds it Till ge
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Ategdable Prcparalionfor As
similating IheFocdandBegula-
ting die Stomachs andBowsls of Bears the
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur-
ness andltest.Contains neither
Bttriyrevrt rTartK
Apcrfccl Remedy forCortsb'pa-
Hon , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convul ons .Fcvensh-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP. For Over
Facsimile Signature of
YORK. Thirty Years
. .
THE c&mvn oemuir. RXWTBIW OTTT.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Potato Soup.
Peei half a dozen potatoes and slice
two onions ; put them to cook in three
pints of cold water. When boiled per
fectly tender rub through a sieve , set
back on the flre and season with a
cup of milk , a teaspoonful of butter ,
R pinch of grated nutmeg and
pepper and salt to taste. Serve
with croutons. This soup can be
made much richer by blending a half
cup of cream and the yolks of two
eggs , to be added just before serv
ing. As it Curdles quickly , care should
bt taken in adding the eggs.
Corn Menl Gems.
One cup Indian meal , two cups flour ,
two fablpspooufuis baking powder , one
tablespoonful butter. 010 tabi sioonful [
iai-d , half leaspoonful salt , one and a
quarter cups milk , two eggs. Sift to
gether the meal. Hour , baking powder
and salt ; warm 1he milk just enough to
mel - the lard and butler ; beat the eggs
light without separating , mix into a
firm batter and fill well-greased pans
two-thirds full. Bake In hot oven
twenty minutes. Can be eaten warmer
or cold.
linked Indian Tnplnca.
Mix together one-third of a cupful
of White House tapioca and one-fourth
cupful of Indian meal , and sprinkle the
mixture Into a quart of boiling milk.
Stir and cook until the tapioca be
comes transparent. Add a upful of
molasses , two tablespoonfuls of but
ter and half a teaspoonful of salt , and
turn Into a battered baking dish. Pom-
over the top one and one-half cupfuls -
fuls of cold milk , place hi the oveu
without stirring and bake one hour.
Sconea ,
Mix and sift together two cupfuls of
sifted flour , four level teaspoonfuls of
baking powder , half a tablespoonful of
sugar and half .a teaspoonful of salt ;
rub into the flour with the tips of the
fingers four level tablespoonfuls of but
ter ; then all two be ? ten eggs and one-
third cup of cream ; toss on a floured
board ; roll three-fourths of an inch in
thickness ; cut in squares ; .rnsh with
white of egg ; sprinkle with su ar and
bake in a hot oven fifteen minates.
Chop together one cup seeded raisins
and one cup beef suet. Mix one cup
molasses , oue cup sweet milk , two evea
teaspoons saleratus. three cups flour ,
salt and nutmeg. Add raisins and suet
and stir thoroughly. Steam three hours
or more. For a sauce , take one cup
sugar , two tablespoons flour and one
tablespoon butter. Stir together till
creamy. Add one bowl of hot water ,
Btir till smooth and add nutmeg to
Lmrtch Rolls.
Seven cups flour , one pint milk ,
boiled ; when cool add half cup butter ,
one-quarter cup sugar , one egg , half
B compressed yeast cake. For tea ,
set them to raise at 8 o'clock a. m. ; at
3 p. m. roll them out about an Inch
thick ; cut out with a large biscuit cut
ter ; pnt a small piece of butter on one
side , fold them in halves , put them In
your pan a little apart and let them
raise untfl time to hake for tea.
Oatm a ! Cookie * .
Into four cups of flour sift a teaspoonful -
spoonful of baking soda and stir fn
three cups of oatmeal. Now stir ha two
cupfuls of powdered sugar worked in
to a paste with a cupful of melted but
ter and add a teaspoonful of salt.
Moisten with enough cold water to
make a stiff dough. Boil as thin as a
sheet of paper , cut into cookies and
Fruit Cookies.
Cream together one cup butter and
one and one-half cups sugar. Add one
cup well-washed English currants , two
well-beaten eggs , three tablespoons
BOUT milk , one teaspoon saleratus.
FloTir * o roll out rather soft When
rolled out sprinkle sugar lightly on
top , ron a little and cut out and bake.
T Have .Knnncrh Gravy.
Wbea baking meat place the drip-
ln m another slightly smaller tin
half filled with warm water. This will
prere t the gravy and dripping from
boiling away or burning.
Enamel cloth is suggested as a
good floor covering for closets , being
easily fitted and also easily taken up
and relaid.
To clean plaster of paris ornaments ,
wver them with a thick coating of
Btarch. Then it may be brushed o2
and the dirt -with it
It is claimed that with white flonr
and bran sifted together lace collars
can be easily cleaned. Bub the mix-
sire into the soiled parts and beat
out with a stick.
To remove stains on knives , take
half of a raw potato , dip the cut end
D brick dust , and with it scour the
stained knife blades. When the stains
have disappeared , polish in the usual
Wash spots on clothing caused by
machine oil "with cold rainwater and
soap. This method may safely be tried
when other means would not be advisa
ble , owing to colors running , etc.
Cracks in a cooking stove can be
satisfactorily filled by a paste made of
six parti common -wood ashes to ese
part of table salt , mixed with eold
vwter. Properly mixed , it frill prov *
sad will take blacking.
Are Never Without Peruna in the House
" ' ! ' : : ' for Catarrhal Diseases ,
date of January 10 , 1807 ,
UNDER received the follow
ing letter :
"My wife Iiad been suffering frora a
complication of diseases for the past 2o
"Her case had bnfiled the . kiH of som
of the most noted physicians. One of
her worst troubles was chronic consti
pation of several years' standing.
"She also was passing through that
most critical period in the life of a
woman change of life. In June. 1SD5.
I wrote to yon nbotit hw cnse. Yon nd-
vised a conrs of Peruna. and Manalin ,
which we at once commenced , and have
to say it completely cnred her. She
firmly believes that she would have been
dead only for these wonderful remedies.
"About the same time I wrote you
about my own case of catarrh , which
had been of 2 , > years * standing. At times
l was almost past going. I commenced
to use Peruna according to your instruc
tions and continued its use for about a
year , and it has completely cured me.
" Your remedies do all that you claim
for them , and even more. Catarrh
cannot exist where Peruna is taken
according to directions. Success to
you and your remedies. ' ' j
John O. Atkinson , i
A Late Business Call "Curious
tvliafc mon will do when the're drink
ing , " said Representative "Tim"
Sullivan. "In New York I heard a
Hory about a man I know who had
been oub nearly all night , and was
considerably the worse for wear.
"He came along a street and saw
8n undertakers' sign , \vitb a myht
bell , just over a speaking cube. He
rung the bell fiercely.
"What is it ? yelled he'under -
takere1 down the tube 'What do you
want ? '
"Nothing in particular , " the chap
lepled [ ; 'only I want to say to you
feat you're the last man I'll do busi
ness with. " Philadelphia Tele
"I don't exacty snow , " replied
the young housewife , ' 'but cook
them until they are real tendei"
Dhicago Post.
The General's Part "Say , Jimmle ,
aow many meo d'yre s'pose he's
dlled ? "
"Aw ' Don't he's
, R'vraal y z see
i Reneral. Generals dnn't do nu
cillen' L bosses de "
> ey jest job" -
it Louis Star.
New Zealand has decided to have
in.exhibit at the world's fair.
A flood of dead print has smothered
the spoken word and people think
that they awaken their faculties by
leading when really they subject
themselves to a process of intellectual
aspbyxiaiion. London Daily N"ews.
The Ramsey family of Kansas will
hold a family reunion in the Kansas
[ wilding at the world's fair , August
26 1904. The postal service Das 125
smployes bearing the name of Ram
sey Memrers of the family are
aumerous in every state of the
anlon , though they disagree about
[ he proper spelling of the nams ,
Ramsey and Rasmay being the fav-
jrite styles.
FRA > K J. CHENET makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. ORKNEY & Co. ,
Joing business In the City of Toledo. County and
State aforesaid , and tiiat said firm will pay the
sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
mil every case of CATARKH that canno ; be
: ured by the ttee of HAU/S CATARRH CUBE.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pres-
jnce , this 6tu day of December , A. D. 1886.
< 8EAIi y-
Notary Public.
* *
' - -
-i * i
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
Hrectly on the blood and mucous surface * of the
iystem. Send for testimonials , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo , O.
Bold by Dniftcists , TSc.
Hall's Family Plll xne the best.
It isn't safe to endorse ennyboddy ;
te ban'b even tell what felod ot a
nan we shall be ourself the 25th day
iv Jnne.
llothw-Gw. Worm * . Tber Break p Col < g
tare lnOhliala 14 boon. AfaTl
lnOhlia- Dmgr&B , fficU.
ren'o Home , 8 nsple mtiled FaEET fddre
" ' - '
- - A..OUISTED.L aSlYi
In a letter dater Jnuuary 1. 1000 , Mr.
Atkinson says , after Gve years' expe
rience with Peruna :
" / will ever continue to speak a good
word for Peruna. In my rounds as a
traveling man I am a walking adver
tisement for Peruna and have induced
many people during the past year to
use Peruna with the most satisfactory
results. I am still cured of catarrh. "
John O. Atkinson ,
Box 272. Independence , Mo +
When old age eorues on , eatarrhal dis
eases come also. Systemic catarrh is al
most nniversnl in old people.
This explains why Peruna has become
so indispensable to old people. Penma
IK their safeguard. Peruna is the only
remedy yet derised that meets these
rases exactly.
Such cases cannot be treated locally ;
nothing but nn effective systemic remedy
could cure them. This is exactly what
Perunn is.
If you do not receive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Hnrtman , giving a
full statement of your c'so. and ho will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad-
vire gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Ilarlinaii Sanitarium. Columbus. O.
Miss Gotham "Amateur phofcog
raphy is all the rage in New York"
Aunt Rural " Well , I s'pose most
of the rooms in those Hats you li\e
in are too dark for anything else"
If yu dun't muke yure yung ones
mind yu when they are young , they
will make yu mind them when yu
axe old.
I hav tried all the most approved
plans , and I find that the cbeeapest
way to manage a woman iz to Jet
her bar her own way.
Most of the miaerable would be
comparatively happy if they would
only Compare their coodishuo with
tboze beneutb Jnst-ed ov abu ? them
A Self Deluded Girl 11 ! can't
teach that Grindle girl bow to § kat
It's no use trying.11
"But wny does she persi i in
* antiug to learn ? "
"Because she thinks she falls so
gracefully. " Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sup r tisbun Iz the resulc ov fear ,
and fear iz the result ov ignoranse.
The more vice there iz in a man
the less virtevr iic kan see in hlz
The best relief for the old rnmatiz
Iz to find sums fellow who has got
the gout bad and then begin pity
ing him.
but 10 cents per rmckage.
Bad Ink generally shows tb strong
spots Jn a man , while stood luk re
veals tl 8 weak ones.
I cannot praise Piso'a Cure aaongfc f r
the wonders it lias worked in curing me.
-R. H. Seidel , 2206 Ollre street , St.
Louig , M . , April 15. 1901.
If chare iz erray difference between
begging and borrowing , It Jz' in
favor ov the man who begs.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
In tlma. 8oa bj druggUu.M .
Boy in the Black Hills
Inretton lookla ? for
ldd WBH to
nia s. T.
nish Chuw
Brondwoy ,
It may aot be aa disastrunos to
others , but 16 Iz just az krimlnal in
in to Wink "
It , as it is to
N. N. U. 819-13. YgftK
Relieved &
tjrt to
And gentle anointings
OINTMENT , purest
and sweetest of emollients
and greatest of skin cures.
It means instant relief and
refreshing sleep for tor
tured , disfigured , itching ,
and burning babies , and
rest for tired , fretted
mothers , when all else
[ alls.
fhronrtrot te v r4. Catiettra RMatvwi , We.
In form ot Chocotite Coattd Piltj , 2&e. ftr viil of CO ) ,
llntm-rut , 50c _ Soap , l e. Uepott : J-oadan. 27 Chutcr-
> < ra Sq. ; Paris , 5 Hue dc U Falx ; Borton , 1ST Colombo *
IT . I'atter Drug * Clicn. Corp , 8 1 fteprhton.
tt ? Send lor " How to Cure Every Humor. "
ect , nj.tii > * tton
o. iadl.r.lJon.
onr stomach , and hi fd all all MBto of tie
stomncb nrekly ml permaaeatarW ] by tti *
tnt of
Write today for a We Uoi , 3 Ixxzcs lor (1 J& .
Bold onlr by Arthur Dyscepsia Tablet Co *
onrord , Mich. Large bum pie lOu.
' ' I hear
What She Meant 'Didn't
our wife refer to you as the human
lince pie ? " said the curious persoa.
"Yes , " answered. Mr. tiirrlis
"Is that a compliment ? "
"Not exactly. She means Strat I
ever agree with anybody. " Wash-
igton Star.
Nature and art combined is per
ks tiun ; it iz crowning strength with
Flie FREE Homestead Lands ol
CANADA' , ; .
Star Attractions
for 1004
Hill Ions f MT * of jaagmlfle
ar.iGrnslBffL , tob h 4 a * a tnt
it , or bjtmr has treat Balltraj
The Great Attractions
GootlCrop * . dellghtftal dlaaRte.
plcndld achoo ] > T > teni , p rTeei
oclal condition * , except ton aj
rallvrarndTontaKcs , asd wealtk
and nfflueaee acquired e&ally.
The popiUtJoa f Vn&TEUX
CAJfAj A Increased 123.000 bjtamj
pratlon duringtba pact7ea
being American * ,
Vfrttr to the aeartsJ
Canadian OoTcrnia nt Asr atfor Can
dlan Alla and nt r-t Infonnatjon :
T. V. Besaett. 01 Nov Tori
Snlrer's Home Builder Cora *
So named because 30 acre * produced
o hearilj that its proceeds built a lovely
orae. See Salzer's catalogue. Yielded
a 1003 in Indiana 157 bu. , Ohio 160 bu. ,
Tennessee 98 bn.f and m Michigan 220
u. per acre. You ccn b at tltia record
a 1904.
20 hu. Beardless Barley per acre.
10 bn. Salzer's Net ? National Oaia p z
0 bu. 8alzera Speltz aad Macareal
,000 bo. Pedigree Potatoes per acre.
4 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay ,
0,000 Ibs. Victoria Bape for heep pel
flO.OOO Ib * . Teosinte , the fodder -wonder.
4,000 Ibs. Salzer's Superior Foddei
Corn rich , juicj , fodder , per acre.
Now such yields you can have , Mr.
Banner , in 1904 , if yo will plant Sal-
ers * seeds.
a stamps to John A. Saber Seed Co. ,
41 Cross , Wis. , and receive their great
atalogue and lot * of farm seed sampl
(0. N.