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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1904)
A. E. McFatridge , the llosebud day , school inspector and " \Vm. \ Barker were in town last Thursday to meet- Agent McChesney who was returning from AVasbington. "Win. Grooms was sent for by the warden at the penitentiary last week and Sheriff Layportsont Lee Shcpard down to bring him from his home south of Sparks to town. Some one had made a complaint because Mr. Grooms had been called upon by the owner of the house at a dance to help stop a fight , and it is thought that because of. his responding to this call that someone reported him to the warden at.Lincoln. Judge Walcott went down to Lincoln this week to in quire into the case and it is more than likely that Mr. Grooms will not have to go back. i A meeting was called to meet in the county court house last Thurs day evening by the people of Val entine and nominated two candi dates for the village board on the People's Ticket. Gus Carlson was elected chairman and I. M. Kice was chosen as secretary. The names of J. W. Stetter and Mar tin Christensen were placed before the convention as nominees. There being no other names mentioned , Stetter and Christensen were nomi nated by acclamation. Upon motion , TV. F. A , Meltendorff , Gus Carlson and I. M. Rice were elected a committee of three to fill vacancies , should any occur. Gus Carlson was elected permanent chairman for the People's Ticket , and the convention adjourned. Tuesday A Record Breaker. Last Tuesday was a record breaking day for babies. The j stork paid its welcome visit to 3 homes in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jones received a bouncing baby , girl that weighed 10 pounds and Claude says he can hardly hold her already. Mr. and Mrs. TV" . B. Hammond also received a baby girl to brighten - ! en their home. It weighed 9 Ibs. and Bert is so happy that he hard ly knows what to do. ; i Mrs. Homer Tait , of Brownlee , who is stopping at Hardens , also became the mother af a fine baby girl. girl.Dr. Dr. Compton reports the moth ers to be getting along nicely. Telephone Com puny Organ ised . The stockholders in the Stock men's Telephone Co. met at the county clerK's office March IS and organized by adopting articles of incorporation with a capital of ; ' $10,000.00 and selected the name of."The . Stockmen's Telephone Company. " Messrs. Bachelor , Faddis , Morrissey , Jackson and Eeece were elected directors. j The directors met at once and elected C. S. Keece , president ; "W. S. Jackson , vice president ; A. M. Morrissey , secretary-treasurer. The directors were instructed to solicit for shares. It is the intent ion of the company to build a first class line in every particular. The line , as now under consideration , will run up the Schlagel creek to Simeon and thence to Kennedy. All citizens who live near the line may build their own side lines and connect with the main line. I will say for the company that we will furnish poles for all parties who may put in a side line at cost. It is the intention of the company to push on to Brown lee or far enough in that direction to connect with the line already established if ar rangements can be made to do so , also to Chesterfield just as soon as funds. we can secure the necessary To this end we invite all parties who may feel so inclined to take stock with us. Further particulars may be obtained by calling on or writing any of the directors at Valentine , Nebr. C. S. REECE , Pres. Market report through the court esy of Edwards , Wood & Co. , Thursday , March 24. Chicago. Estimated receipts today 17,000 ; market slow 5c lower. Lipbt $5 00 to § 5 45 Mljced § 5 05 to S3 55 5 10 to 5 -Botiph. . 5 15 to 5 30 Heavy t : . r . . , * .jWttiih/v > ri. * - , < xT'iv. Notice. Schoo1 land auction of unleased school lands in Cherry county , April 6 , 100-Jr. E5 < ry.tJill'T of 32iir < < < n Henry Miller , of Alliance , wa shot by James Connolly on the latter Js ranch in Sioux county Tuesday of last week. The par ticulars we give below as told by the Alliance 'Herald : "Henry Miller and James Connolly nelly had become involved in dispute - ! pute over the ownership of cattle ! that had strayed or were stolen. Ono animal a steer that was in Connolly's possession , was the principal contention. Connolly was in alliance last , Monday , when Miller informed him of his intention - ' ion of going after the steer. The j same day the de-ceased , accomp'an- ! ied by Harry Desch , went out to Sioux county arriving at the Connolly - nelly ranch Tuesday forenoon. , They were met by Lou Hay , an employee , to whom Mr. Miller ( explained his errand and asks for , Connolly. When told that he was not in the house he went out to find him and have a talk over the matter. According to the evidence of Desch , Miller saw Connolly a short distance away and went to ward him when Connolly fired with a riile and Miller fell dead , his body being pierced with a bullet. Connolly is then said to have rode horseback towards Scotts Bluif. Harry Desch and Lou Ray at once went to neighboring ranches and gave the alarm. The coroner of Sioux county was notified but failing to arrive by Wednesday evening , the remains of the mur dered man were brought to his home in this city by Guy Lock- wood , who went to take charge of the body. The funeral of Mr. Miller was held from the family residence this afternoon and was attended by a large number of friends who in life held him in the highest esteem. Re.v. C. W. Kay of the M. E. churc.h conducted the services. Decoded leaves a wife and daugh ter. lie was an influential citizen of Alliance and served his country in the war of the rebellion , losing an arm during his army life. " Early Easier I his year. Save up your eggs , hoyn. People are beginning io think of putting in potatoes MS it will soon he Good Friday. \Villie Marshall is staying with his grandmother and going to school. As it is his first experinoe being away from home we think he is doing fine. The little two year old boy of Joe Marshall and wife is suffering with a severe attack of pneumonia , hut by the medical treatment of Dr. Lewis he is slowly recovering. A CORRESPONDENT. Wood Lake. Eev. Wells held services Tuesday evening. Mrs. Vincent is on the sick list this week. Mrs.Yhillans has been sick with the grippe. Thelma Johnson is down with the chicken pox. The literary Friday evening was well attended. Fred Vincent , of Ainsworth , was in town Sunday. Eev. Cumhow closed his revival meetings Sunday. LeRoy Leach has returned tp Wocxllake with his bride. Mrs Clms. Johnson has heeii sick with the grippe and is now in Fair fax. fax.F. F. King has returned from his visit in the Sou h and is well pleas ed with that country. Wm. Dauir , who had a lit tie store has sold out , and a barber from la. has fitted up that room. room.WHO WHO AM ! ? the River. Jacob Sauerwein was in Valentine the first of the week. J. Shelhourn is adding a rock ad dition to his residence. Misses Crowe and Becker spent Sunday at Adron Grooms' . Mr. Shelbourn and family spent Sunday at Felix Nolletfce's. Frank Ashburn is fencing his laud that he recently bought. I Louis Taylor and wife spent Sun day evenmg'ar Felis'Nollett's. Mr. lioby and family spent a day o'r so in Valentine with T. Ashburn. Jacob Sauerwein is improving h's 'residence by building a stone kitch en. i ! llenry Grooms and fjunily and sister visited Aaron Grooms' last ! week. Robert Grooms spent a week "vis iting friends and relatives near Sparks. Bad colds sesm to be the raging excitement in this locality. Those that ha\v not got it"are either tak ing it or is exposed. We hear that the telephone line that runs throughout this vicinity' lias been cut in several places in ? he last week or two. YOUNGSTER. Kritt I Mr. Britt has been quite sick the past week. Mr. Dunn took a load of potatoes to town Saturday. Mr. Brown is busy this week re pairing a well for Mr. Bullis. Miss Maggie Brown attende i the dance at Crookston , St. Paprick's eve. Mr. Kellogg and son Lester re turned to their home in ION a last week. week.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cole , of Valentine , were visitors at the home of Mr. Bullis Thursday. Mr. Novak has been beautifying his place this spring by setting out trees and shrubbery. Eenry Fowler's were over visit ing their daughter Mrs. Arthur Broad the pa t week. We have been informed that vt ill Ryschon has just , purchased a top buggy. Wow giils s your chance. The nieiry note.of the mea < io\v larks can be heard resounding fioni vale a d lul1 tlieMe beautiful spring mornings. Wanted : Someone to invent a machine to keep the sand from roaming a out so freely these windy March days. D. Keilngg , of Britt , has begun ploughing for his gaiclen. He surely believes that "the early bird catches the worm. " Geese hunting is now quite the rage but we fail to see the hunters return will * their game. We would like to know of the lucky one. Those interested in real estate around 'Iritt ' , should be looking af ter same , as we think there will not be sufficient left to plant crops on the way it has been filling the air of late. WHYNKEN , BLYNKEN AND NOD. To thf Pnuli . We have just bought a ne w and complete stock of general merchan dise , consisting of dry goods , groc eries , boots and shoe * , nnd hard ware , and will be ready for busi ness on Saturday , March 26 , 1904 at the Stanlvy building , Norden , Yours Respectfully , LANG E K BROT 1 1 KRS. . .35if- - tinWorld. . The Black Hills , in the south western part of the state of South Dakoto , produce one-third of the gold found in the United States , and are said to be the richest one- hundred square miles in the world. A new booklet on the Black Hills has been issued by the Northwest ern Line , with a fine detailed map of this wonderful region. Send four cents in stamps for copy of the booklet to J. A. KUHN , Asst. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt , Chicago & North-western R'y. , Omaha , Neb. 10 ' Are you a sport ? Of course you are. Then watch the Red Front Merc. Go's , windows for the most complete line of fishing tackle ever shown in the town * . 10 i. ' We have just received a com plete line of wagon woods , such as spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol sters , axles , tongues , etc. Also wagon skeins , buggy stubs and box fittings. Quality and prices guaranteed. At Red Front Merc. Co. Dr. Barnes , the eye specialist of Ornaha , will again visit Valentine ! with an office at the Donoher hotel as usual. Dr. Barnes will be glad to see alMiis old patrons , and do any refitting necessary Friday , Apvil 1st. He will have all his new instruments with him for the thorough examination of the eyes. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have al ready begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by 1. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. Real bstate Transfers Talents : Albert Davis , nsw nse to 32 23 Wm Ilassey , sse nwse nesw 31 33 23 Jorgen Marcu-sen , i-se tiwsefl swsw 10 32 25 Dan J Kinvan. se 17 : u 23 Jaij'iii Kiiiine , lots 1-2 sue 3 29 25 .las II Siy. nne nnw 2. , 33 r,7 Ma'ii-1 S Marsden , RS.J 30 sv\sw 29 n\vn\v32 23 27 Win A liichardson , caw nesw nwse 8 2Q 27 Sc : N li.niis. lots 1-2 c-n\v n s v 7 23 2rf .la * It Ri chin - 22 30 3- Hi a s l-fiinr , lot 1 s-c 6 , lot I > w.r\v r 3t swsw ' 32 32 iG Win A Slielbourn. sec 39 GO 32 Bobert Lurz. nse nsw 11 31 2(5 ( ' And ew Jolma i , se 12 2J 37 11 bR iiiinsnn , nne sene imnw 25 3" 31 V , rrrit > I ) e'Ls Jerry I ) .111-1 Francr-s KCleni uis lo.I io J.iolc\iin Ufl.\31 \ 23 S 400 00 \v. t Col & Oit- -011111 Lit 12bk ! I Coles mla Cody . 450 00 .las U Re i t KMJIy J I 1HUV 23 33 37 . . . . Sn'i 00 t > HII - ii'ivf ' io C .is S.ixton. M-rrima . 33' ) 0.1 12I * 4 - i Aim 1 1'r VOM uiflh < > to Kd tJ lins. loN 1-2 n 4 MuITU . . . .33150 'Ibri ; At Kurle- A.lini : Pro.oM ; . 1 'ts 1-2 nlk 4 ilcrrian . 3'Mio . . I * tr.cV. I Ci irkui ; ivi io I'M C1" ins 'otiK4 J o U Kedur's k d .M rritiiiiii..77 > 23 Pmnetir Towns ! . u Co to Lv II Smith , lot 6 blk 3 'V.ilen ine . 6750 lM A'uicof : in I w > St iinlar t 0-tt- t'-ro sfiie nes23 73 ! . 300 Oi K M Walu lit : tn 1vf to Ian ui.l HC- tie . . 32 23 30 . 300 00 Majdel"ua ; Hatibard and hn-s to W f'etiycrew. trnstej , lot 4 blkS McDonald's add Valentine . 100 Joseph A. Mar inon t Al s u.t Mii- ! er. s\v : 23 30 . . 4 no Jd < i.rd\vicli and \vf to Stan. I .nl C'a\tlu Co. n < v nose 5 tuvse sese 0 2G 33 . 1 00 Win i Sirinto E t C L Ui-is-r , wse seu G 27 27 . 750 OJ < ice .hes : ( ha-iles lo.t o Ivan 0 Shatil , s\v2 3 ! ) 2j Ed Collins to Alma Provost , loci 1 2 b k 4 Ke lur's < uld Ba'Uc of Hya'.iais to Albert 1'rat , se 3 37 37 Jas Man ? in to John Ferstl. rain ; n l. 5Ms-e ) 13 'ots 1-2 ee 21 3 i 23 A bill introduced into congress increases the president's salary from § 50,000 to $75,000 per ; the vice president and cabinet officer's salary to § lo,000 ; that of the speak er of the house to § 12,000 ; sena tors and congress men to 83,000. The bill will undoubtedly pass al though it seems that the present salary would be sufficient and ev en more than plenty. Stromsburg Headlight. \V. F. Cody , "Bufiklo Bill , " the veteran show man , has caused a sensation by suing his wife for divorce , on the grounds of "ex treme 9ruelty. " The people of North Platte , the home of Mrs. Cody , are much incensed over the ' matter as Mrs. Cody commands the respect of all who know her , , and say that she is quiet and un assuming and not capable of the wrongs alleged by her husband. She has employed counsel and will fight the case which will be" sure to attract universal prominence. Both parties are over sixty years of age , and have lived apart the past two years. Headlight. Good fresh Meat and Lard at ; Stetters Meat Market. 26 Remember , on the first day of April , Dr. Barnes will be at the Donoher hotel. . . 9.5 i Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KftNC-ROO i rErcr / - ISICSTAURAJN'T First class meals at all ho rs , day and night. Oysters in reason. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. JK. D. Cohota , Prop. J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. THE IM Only DoubIeTrack ItttiSrtnnl ami Cii Direct liin' tit Nt < tt in. in.Direct Direct line to Kindt Hills. tO IH'lll'f Ht UfU'Itt Jot' ffttCH utnl time vfintM. Business Notices. Notices under this heading f cents per Jim eacji Insertion. Amount rending matter , 10cents per line each insert ion. All kinds of heavy hardware am 'a .r"n wood stock at K. reuklauder > - All kinds of garden seeds at the Ked Front Merc. Co. The Red Front Merc. Co. carry a full line of bulk seeds which are all new fresh seed. If you want good seed make them a call. "DITCHING MACHINES , " Elevating Graders , Wheel and Drag Scrapers. Write for prices. STIIOUD & COMPAQ , Omaha , Neb. 6 8 Are you going to need any barb wire or field fencing ? If so call on the Eed Front Merc. Co. for prices. Barred Ilock , line bred , E. B. Thompson Strain , 30 hens , headed by 2 cockrels from J. A. Penn , Alta , Iowa , scored by F. II. Shel- laberger , one SS , one SOi , Dec 2o , 1903 eggs for sale , 15 for 81.00. Write me or leave orders at Stet ters' Meat Market. Mus. E. A. MARUALL , f * S 4 : Valentine , Nebr. T 1.11 K TAKM4 t'at % orthrii Liaie at Onvill , Nebr. 'Joint ; ' ' "ast. Going West. Leaves 10:10 a ni. Arrives 0:50 : p. in Passenger , dailj except Sunday. ' 'onnections xsitli Hlkiiorn tniins east an west-buunii from all poi its west of ( > ' \t"i. hortt M route to sioux City and beyond. Through connections u-r Sioux Falls , Mimic i' ilis , si. 1'aul and ill points north and west ' local ti kets to O'ISYIll. KURD UO < ; EKS , G. P. A. Sioux fily .Iowa Quaint Holland Customs. Tboy have quaint customs in Hol land. Ono of those is. placing Iho laun dry at tbo top of the house. The clothes are sent away to bo trashed and bleached , and when they arc re turned they are drawn up to the laun dry by means of a pulley and dangle for a time right in the drawing room windows , to the infinite delectation of the guests. But , as an offset to this peculiarity , the bathroom when there is a bathroom , which is cot often is placed in the cellar. It is the dry cel lar , where potatoes and such things are stored , and the tub is an immense iron thing , with a , cover that is di- Vl'lCU iULU llll. rtr Inquisitive. "I'd like to know" began the little boy. boy."Well "Well , what would you like to know ? " asked his mother. "I'd like to know why sweetbreads haven't any bread in 'em and sweet meats haven't any meat in 'em. ' ' Bal- is of Woe. "Did you notice Jlr. Jones' new teeth ? " asked Mrs. Sharpeye. "I never saw anything so ghastly. They "loo's like gravestones. " VYcs , " said Miss Sinnie Cal , "I pre sume ho had them placed in memory of his .lost ones. " ew York Press. Professional Cards. The L"iip Valley Hereford llanch. BrownleO.Xebr , 1'rince 1.11603 and Purly Coat njol a < nciid of lu'rd Til" II | IM ! tf l-'oui * * * . Ai.\leiy. Lord X\iitoiih Sir pr , i- in my l * . i. No stock r. rxaleit present , llaiich four m.lcs iiorllMvi"I Hrtmnleo , Nebr. C. If. FAUI.UAUKU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , } ran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton Aborts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too crccninga 70c " $13.00 " rbop Feed 1.05 " $20.00 " . Corn 95 ' $18.00 " 1 hop corn 1.00 " $19.00 "I 1.20 " $23.00' ? ETTA BROWN UPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION illion Third S&turday of each uiouth and Friday preceding. * ALSNTJXE XEDRASKA . M. CE AMER , ; City DeliYeryman ; , ' i rnnks , valises and packages hauled to aiid irom the depot , aud all parts of tbe City. ' M. WILSON , : Proprietor of Valentine Dray , s Will do all kinds of drayinjj , express and freight worfc. Special attention given to fine furniture. \ ' ' H. DAILEY , . ; Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in llosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190ii N. COMPTON : . . - PLysician and Surgeon > tKce at Quigley & Chapman's L > rng Store , lights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay Physician and SurgeonN Office Fraternal Hall or El- lott's Drug Store. 1&UU2 Eobert G. Easley , ATTOKXJ3Y AT over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Vsileiitine , Ji W. A. KIMBELL Barber Kirst-class Shop in Every .Respect uii de Quinine llalr Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic. UerpJcide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. ry Pompeian Face Massage Cream John Nicholson , Dentist. -Vill be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 > nd 23rd of each month. Reserve . our work for him. Office at Donoher House. LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake > KUAL. WOltK PliOMITLY ATTENDED TO. H.ENKY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brorrnlec , K"ebr. . > general blacksmithingathard rimes prices for cash. S&'S83 * Mrs Hcrei Uollmsn JIfat Snd Food'CTsir-r" ' ' " - t - Djraiallore\pre s73e. KOUJLUt 2I'G. CO. , solVnuATe.,2oaolJc-r3.