Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 24, 1904, Image 1

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listorical Society
* 49
J 49
v 49
VT ,49
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49 Your attention is now called to our line of
: ,49 49 Saddles , Harness , Strap Work , etc.
49 We have just received a new line of Single Har
49 ness , Buggy , Express and Team Harnesses which
49 49 are now ready for your inspection , also a fine line
49 of horse collars , halters , all kinds of strap work ,
49 such as hitch reins , breast straps , lines , liamc
49 straps , spreader straps , etc. „ Also , sweat pads
49 collar pads and back pads. : : : :
49 -
J | We have also just re-
Jceived ? a line of stock
49 saddles , which we are
4i especially anxious to
$ > show. We guarantee
Sour saddles in every
' J9 particular to be the' '
49 strongest , best made and
< $ to contain the best material -
4 ?
terial of any saddle of-
Jfered ? to the trade in this
* ? .part of the country.
| KV
4 ? They are all fitted with
4 ?
43 standard makes of steel
| c forks , such as the Bid-
< < J leman , LaDesina andBillings. Make us a call and get prices.
S E S3 ? S 5 SS 33:3 : SSS ? & & & & $ & & ' * S $ Z
$ Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine q
Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
f s
B \ Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most
P' desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. < f
a g33E5252ff2giiKgQf-iS2
I Stoves and Ranges.
| Prussian Stock Food. Garden Seeds.
I Guns and Ammunition. j
r '
IA general line of serviceable Hardware of well known makes that I
! are substantial , bought for use and wear and will bear inspection. ]
Chartnred as a Stnte Bank Chartered as a JVationnl Bank
Jun 1 , 1884. AiiRust 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
t jS .CAP1TA.L PAID IN .A Onm-rnl Banking
Exehan f and '
, Ctillfption Business
v H. CoRNKii , President.J. . T. MAY , Vice-President. ,
M. V. N7nTTOipnN. flnship.r.
We Caa .Satirff You in Qualltv Price and
Local Weather Record
U. S. Department of Agriculture i
Weather Bureau f
Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a. m.
Mnrcii 23. 15)01 )
Maximum temperature Co 'lefrrees
Minimum lemppra'ure. 19 decrees below
Mean temperature 40 degrees.
Total preci pitatu m. . 0
J J. < ) ' ! ) ( ) SNEIJ , ,
Official in Gliarue ,
AVm. Kelly was down town Mon
Pole Hudson , of Sparks , was in
town last Saturday.
Richard Orfburn drove up Mon
day to do some trading.
Theo. Tillson was in town Tues
day from near Penbrook.
\V. B. Dickson , of Long Pine ,
spent last Thursday in our city.
A. B. Hies was in town from
Crookston on business Monday.
Born , to Claude Jones and wife ,
Tuesday , March 22 , lOOtt , a girl.
"W. A. Pettycrew is having his
dwelling on Cherry St. reshingled
this week.
Louie Bordeaux made a trip to
Deadwood as a witness last week
in a Rosebud case.
Xext session of court for Cherry
county will be held May 16. Jury
is called for the 17.
Ed Clark is suffering from a
slight attack of pneumonia but will
soon be out again.
Geo. Tracewell received a tele
gram last Friday from Anthon , la. ,
that his mother was dead.
Wheat and corn is being hauled
from the farms surrounding our
city jind find a ready sale here.
Miss Maud Tracewell closed a
successful term of school up near
Crookston last week with an en
Henry Becker , one of the best
pool players on North Fable , was
! in town enjoying himself with the
j boys Tuesday.
j R. M. Faddis and wife returned
' home Friday after a weeks visit
: Avith relatives- and friends near
| Brow nice and Kennedy.
Dude Rounds was taken sick
last week at Rosebud while on his
way to White river. At present
he is getting a'ong nicely.
Members of the M.W.A. should
be present at the next meeting
night as there are new members
to take in and a large attendance
is desired.
Several wagon loads of potatoes
have been brought to town of late
by farmers who held potatoes over
winter. The cash price is now
60c per bushel.
The republican congressiolna
convention at Alliance last ? week
1 renominated M. P. Kinkaid to the
I "House of Commons" for the 6th
congressional district.
Henry Brown and son were up
from down the river Monday.
Henry says he is'feeding a.carload
of hogs , which he will have ready
for market before long.
W. A. Kimbell , A. M. Morrissey -
soy , Lon Bivens , Henry Hoenig ,
Dr. Furay , Harry Hilsinger , Martin - . *
tin Christensen and Prof. Hans
went up to Cody Sunday morning
for a day's duck shooting. Al-
though the shooting was not good , : T
they all report a good time. I.
John Neviand came in from ]
Sparks Tuesday and left that night i
for1 Grecloy , Colo. , to see his boy s
who had been run over by a milk i
wagon and was seriously hurt but 1
hopes are entertained for his ret ]
covery. John expects to spenda
the coming spring and summer t
there. Later he thinks he may go
to Arizona ' " ' ' - .
* * * * r .ww * + AA fc wwwwwwwo's- + * * * * J
Dr. A. N. Compton had the mis
fortune Sunday evening of smash
. . ing his right hand by throwing it
out just at a time when one of his
horses was ready tq , run against it
with his jaw.
At a meeting of the Citizens'
ticket last Friday evening , M. V.
Nicholson and P. F. Simons were
nominated as members of the vil
lage bord to be voted upon at the
coming city election.
George Camm had his left eye
seriously injured last Saturday
evening while chopping wood. A
piece of wood flew and struck him
in the eye , and the pain being so
intense , he hurried into town to
have it attended to.
A silver medal speaking contest
between girl.s 12 to 14 years old ,
interspersed with solos , duets and
quartet music and a chorus of little
folks under the direction of Miss
Holcomb , will be given at the M.
E. Church next Tuesday evening ,
March 29. Admission 10 cents.
Side walks need repairing arid
there are plenty of men now to
work , " \\liy \ don't some one be
gin with a new side walk complete ?
The side walks between the depot'
and Catherine street on both sides
of Main street are in bad condition
near the depot and ought to be re
paired and leveled up.
Grandpa Clarkson handed us an
account this week of the death oi
Mrs. Sarah Thosath , Dec. 29 , ' 03 ,
formerly a resident of this place
and late of Oklahoma. The dc-
eased was born in Xorway , Oct.
101S33 , was married to I. A.
Thosath in 1S59. She leaves a
tmsband and four children to mourn
tier death : Mrs. Gertrude Clark ,
Mrs. A. W. Clarkson , Mrs. Mosiei
of Yale , Okla. , Mrs. Fitzpatrick
of Denver , Col. , beside "T grand
A matched game of ten pins
: ook place last Thursday evening
at Dr. Wortman's bowling alley
between two teams of three mem
bers each , which resulted in the
folio wing scores :
1st 2nd 3rd Total ;
pune game paim * games
Dr w'ortman 131 201 18 ! ) .
John Tucker 113 123 12/
Dave Wishart . . . . ! . ' > lOt ' im ; _ '
Totals 43k'S ! -J-'l 3231
-VS -
P.yron Webb 119 12. . l ! > 9
Win Morrissey. . . 120 145 128
* \V. 13. Dicks'in. . . J32 lot ; S
Totals 410 41T 455 129. ' *
* From Lou1'
Robert E. French , of Kearney ,
Neb. , grand custodian of the Ne
braska grand lodge of Masonary ,
was in town several days last week.
Mr. French's work is to examine
accounts and to explain the doc
trines , of Masonary to the mem
bers of lodges throughout the
state. He found the accounts of
the local lodge in fine order. Mr.
French says that he has a peculiar
interest in this lodge , for , fourteen
years ago , as grand master , he
organized this lodge , being the
secretary. Since then it has grown
steadily and he expressed himself
as pleased in its growth and 'de
The proposed telephone to the
south country is rapidly becoming
a reality. Nearly all the stock has
been subscribed and estimates are
being made as to the cost. The
majority of estimates average be
tween $70 and § 80 per -mile which
is very reasonable. Their will
probably be a line constructed as
far as John Bachelor's ranch this
summer. One of the leading Cody
men who is interested in the Cody
line says that their line will be to
the Gillespie ranch this summer ,
and sees no reason why the Valen
tine line and Cody lines could not be
connected , thus forming a perfect
network-over .the smith country ,
4 ? This is the reason of white goods. Never before
4 ?
has there been such an endless variety of weaves
and patterns , in white goods , than are being shown
49 this year. It is not hard to pick a pretty dress
' when yon have an assortment to pick from , and
. now is the time to buy.
"We have made a special effort to secure a line
49 which is up-to-date in every respect and we feel
49 satisfied that we are more able to take care of the
demands of Dame Fashion this year than ever be
fore. Our goods were all bought before the aj.1-
49 vance in cottoi , , and , therefore , we arc able to sell
them at popular prices. It will pay you to look &
over our line of goods when you arc in need of 0 *
your spring wear.
4 ? &
4 4 ° * t & Thacher
1 ?
i For the next
\ \ e will sell all kinds of
Overshoes , Mittens and Caps
> at COST. '
We must make room for our spring goods which are be
ginning to come in. Yours for business ,
3e I
C'f f
v The BEST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens V *
Grain and Feed g
w.allii , 1/i - * .
First-class line of Steaks , Roasts
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
FUED Wiii'iTKMonK. President. CIIAULES SPAUKS , Cashier.
J. W STKTTKK , Vice President. Oiuu L. UiiiTTMf , A55t. Casliier ,
lu'erest paul on
iipposits. Valentine State Bank , j
Capita1 , S2.7.0OO
Valentine , Nebraska.
Surplus , S 1OOO
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
OHico money , will profit by investigating-the
9 A. M. to 4 P.M. methods '
employed in 'our business.
. . . . ' ; !
r ya fg feK& Z
Suited to your taste.
Honie Bakery
Read the .Advertisements.
> . - . . . - . . _ * .