Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 17, 1904, Image 7

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    Mrs. of whose
. Hughson , Chicago ,
j letter follows , is another woman in high
position who owes her health to the use of
| Lydia E * Pinidiam's Vegetable Compound *
f "DEAR MRS. PIXKHASI : I suffered for several years "with general
"weakness and bearing-down pains , caused by womb Double. My appetite -
/ tite was fitful , and I would lie awake for hours , and could not sleep ,
until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After
reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of I/ydia
E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound , and I am so glad I did. No one
can describe the good ib did me. I took three bottles faithfully , and
besides building up my general health , it drove all disease and poison
out of iny body , and made me feel as spry and active as a young girL
Mrs. Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be,1'
MRS. M. E. Huonsox , 347 East Ohio St. , Chicago , III
Mrs. Pinkham Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements.
Apparently trifling1 incidents in woman's daily life frequently produce
displacements of the womb. A slip on the stairs , lifting during menstruation ,
standing1 at a counter , running1 a sewing machine , or attending _ to the most
ordinary tasks miv result in displacement , and a train of serious evils is started.
The first indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick action.
j Don't let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea
that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone.
j More than a million women have regained health by the use of IJydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If tlie slightest trouble appears which you do not understand
write to 3Irs. Pinkham , at iLynn , Mass. , for her advice , and a few
words from her will show you the right thing to do. This
i costs you nothing , but it may mean life or happiness or both.
Mrs. Lelah Stoweli , 177 Wellington
St. , Kingston , Ont. , writes :
"DBAS , MRS. PixKnA3r : You are indeed a
godsend to women , and if they all knew what
you could do for them , there would be no need
of their dragging out miserable lives in agony.
"I suffered for years with bearing-down pains ,
womb trouble , nervousness , and excruciating head
ache , but a few bottles of iLydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound made life look
new and promising to me. I am light and
happy , and I do not know what sickness
is , and I now enjoy the best of health. "
Iiydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound can always be relied upon -to restore
health towomen who thns suffer. It is a sovereign cure foi
forms of female complaints , that bearing-down feeling , weak
ng- and displacement of the womb , inflammation of the ovaries , and
all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tnmors from the
uterus in the early stage of development , and checks any tendency to cancer-
, < ms humors. It subdues excitability , nervous prostration , and tones up the
entire female system. Its record of cures is the greatest hi the world , nnd
should be relied upon with confidence.
FORFEIT If * cannot forttvwitli prftdnee th orlglnM lottera and ilgnatnrM of
testimonials , which trill prove their absolute penninenew.
I Ola E. Plnkbam Medicine Co. , loraa , MOM.
Tbe states that have began the
Installation of exhibits in the palace
bf foie try , fish and a game at the
world's fair are Arkansas , uonneot.i-
cut , Minnesota , Missouri , New , Jer
sey , New York , Pennsylvania , and
Virginia. Some of Oregon's exhib
its for that buildidti nave been re
ceived as have some of Alaska's.
' The bill adding $35,000 to Rhode
Jshind s appruprialiun for the woild's
fair hus been recommended lor pass
age by the cunmmlee on finance.
Lsokfng f@r a
Then why not keep in view
the fact that the
farming lands of
are sufficient to support a
population of 50.000.000 or over ?
The immigration to Western
Canada during the past six
years has been phenomenal.
! P = 7" * F E"
Homestead Lands
easily accessible , and other
lands may be purchased from
Railway and Land Companies.
Western Canada's grain lands
produce marvellous crops.while
the grazing1 lands contain all
the nutritive qualities for fat
tening cattle and other stock.
EInrUetB. Schools , Kntlway
and nil other condition *
make IVentern Canada a
dent ruble spot for the home *
Write to the Superintendent
Immigration , Ottawa , for a de
scriptive Atlas , and other information
mation : or to the authorized
BflnnHt. 801 New York Lite Hide. . Omaha. X t > .
Until the last years of the last
century Ljons wis Europe's chief a
silk market. Milin gradually ousted ic
it from the position , and iD 1902 us fr
receipts were 37J per cent larger
tban those of Lyons. *
A medical journal rieclpies that .
people who drink cows' milk are r
mure inclined too consumptun thau '
those who use the milk of the reiu-
- U
deer , the buffalo , the ass , or the
Cnn Get Allen's Koot-Enie FRKK.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , t
N. Y. , for a FREE sample of Allen's Font-
Ease , a powder to shake Into your shoes.
It cures tired , sweating , damp , swollen , ach v
ing feet. It makes new or light shoes easy.
A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. All
druggists and shoe stores sell it. 2oc.
Earliest Green Onions.
The John A. Salzer Sted Co. . La
Crossc. Wis. , always have something
new , something valuable. This year they
offer among their new money making
vejrotables , an Earliest Green Eating
Onion. It is a winner , Mr. Farmer and
Gardener !
and they will send you their big plant
and seed catalogue , together with enough
seed to grow 10.000 plants !
3.000 fine , solid Cabbages ,
2,000 delicious Carrots ,
2.000 blanching , nutty Celery ,
2.000 rich , buttery Lettuce ,
3,000 splendid Onions ,
1.000 rare , luscious Radishes ,
3,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
In all over 30.000 plants this great R
offer is made to get yon to test their
warranted vegetable seeds and
providing you will return this notice , and
if you will send 20c in postage , they will 1 (
add to the above a package of the fam-
oas Berliner Cuuliflower. ( C. N. U. ) . .
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. 81u
D (
Old Tunnel In Lower Manhattan Wa
Dae in 1809.
In the city hall park , on the Broad-
tray side , near the drinking fountain
at the end of the wide walk leading
past the front of the city hall , is a
grating over a large opening in the
ground. It Is rusted and shows little
evidence of having been opened In a
kmg time , says the New York Tribune.
It covers a large passageway which ,
as one can see as one peers down be
tween the bars , leads under the side
walk and out under Broadway. One
could easily enter the passage If the
grating was lifted , for It is six or elgat
feet long and four or five feet wide.
It leads to the terminus of an experi
mental underground railway which few
recall in these days. Near the junction
of this passage with the tunnel lie
buried the circular shield with which
the subway w-as bored and the
cylindrical car In which passengers
were carried while the road was open
'to the inspection of the public. Many
well-known persons rode in the car.
This underground railroad , which
began at the southwest corner of War
ren street and Broadway , under the
sidewalk , on the south side of the
street , curved out into Broadway and
ran down that street to a point opposite
the south side of Murray street , was
built In 3SG9 by the Bench Pneumatic
Transit company , of which A. E.
Beach , then editor of the Scientific
Americnaan , was one of the chief men.
At that time , as now. rapid transit to
Harlem was one of the problems being
discussed by the people of the city and
when this section of the subway was
built , as an experiment , it was thought
that the road would be continued to
the upper end of the island. Thhe
panic of 3873 and the construction of
the elevated railroad killed the scheme.
When the debris left by the destruc
tion in December , 3S98 , of the build
ing at the southwest corner of Broad
way and Warren street was cleared
away , early in the winter of 1899 , the
tunnel was entered. It was found that
the subway , notwithstanding the con
struction of the towering Home Life
building near it , was in perfect con-
bition. At the far end was found the
car which was used to show the prac
ticability of the plan , the glass missing
from the oval window frames. The
truck on which it had run was on the
rails in front of it. When a new
building was built on the site of the
fire the entrance was again sealed up.
One Student to About Eijrht Thou
sand of the People.
Russia has five great universities , be
sides fhre provincial ones St. Peters-
kburg , Moscow , Kief , Warsnw and
Kharkof. The number of students in
the five is some 15,000. Russia repre
sents 125,000,000 of people. There is ,
therefore , one student of all sorts ,
liberal and professional , to about 8-
000 of the people. The number of
students of the corresponding classes
In the United States represents one to
some 600 of the people. It is , there
fore , not too much to say that each of
these students is a mighty force for the
bettejmept of Russia. The students
tetially belong to the tipper middle
class or to the lower nobility. A mili
tary rather than scholastic career seems
to be more attractive to the fellows of
the highest classes. Not a few of the
inen , be it said , are poor in purse , and
for their use , hi Russian as In American
universities , scholarships and other
financial aids are proTided.
The Russian Is not so hard a worker
as is his American brother. His
lappetites seem stronger. Drawn large
ly from the middle classes , the men do
not give so favorable an impression to
iibx ; eye as do the better men of the bet
ter American colleges. Scattered In their
residence through the apartroemfr-houses
of the great cities , they take on the
'environment of their residence as well
-as the academic atmosphere. But both
in Russia and in America coUege men
train each other.
The professor of a Russian university ( [
is a gentleman of power and cultiva
tion. His career is one to which the .
worthiest citizen may well look for-
ward. Although the highest classes
prefer the military service , yet to all
except the nobles service in a universi
ty is most Inviting. Under the general
control of the minister of public in
struction , each university Is for Its
more immediate government Independ
ent Each professor , too , in his depart
ment usually finds himself his own
master. In only one respect does the
professional career seem unworthy.
The salary is even more inadequate
than obtains in most American insti
tutions. The salary of the full pro
fessor Is 3,000 rubles , or about $ ,1500 ,
and of an assistant professor only 2,000
rubles. Harper's Magazine.
"No Vowel" Town.
Many places have curious
but apparently there is only one place
which has a name without any vowels.
That place is the little hamlet of Ws ,
near Paris. Ws being an unpronounce
able name , the inhabitants of the ham
let have transformed it into "d'TJs , "
but this change has not been sanc
tioned legally , and on all the official
records the name Ws still appears ,
hamlet has 117 Inhabitants , and its s
Bole attractions are the Chateau d'Os- t
ny ; , which has been for many years in
the possession of Edniond About's fam
ily , and the Chateau de VIgny , which
one of the best specimens of the Re
naissance style of architecture known.
So far aa is known , there Is only
one person IB Europe at present who
tuafl a name without any vowels , and
Lhat Is M. Srb , the mayor of Prague.
Strangers to the city who find It
necessary to Interview the mayor take
re first of aJi to iearn the proper proof
Army Generals Send Letters of Endorsement To
.The Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy , Pe-ry-na !
Brigadier-Oeaeral King of Confederate
Army ,
Writes : "I unhesitatingly state that I
arn convinced Peruna is a medicine that
will effect all the cures that is churned
for its nse. " J. Floyd King , Washing
ton , D. C.
General Smalls , Beaufort , S. C.
Writes : "I have used Peruna for catarrhal -
tarrhal trouble and find it beneGcial and
to b all that it promises , and freely give
it my unqualified recommendation. "
lUbcrt Smalls.
General Abbott , of Washington , 0. C.
Writes : "I am fully convinced that
.vonr remedy Pernna is an excellent tonic.
Many of my friends have used it with
the most beneficial results for coughs ,
colds and cntarrhal trou' Ie. " Ira C.
Abbott , 906 M" . St. . X.V. . , Washing-
Jon. D. O.
Captain Yarnell , of Washington , D. C.
Writes : "Your medicine , Peruna , I be
lieve to be the best medicine for catarrh
on the market. I have taken only a
HiTmll amount , and can see very bene
ficial results. " ' .Y. GYarnell. . 2022 Lin
coln street , N. E. , Washington , D. C.
General McBride of U. S. A. ,
Writes : "I have no hesitation in rec
ommending Peruna to sill persons who
nre afilirted with eatirrhal : troubles. "
.1. D. MoBride , 4.50 Pennsylvania Ave. ,
X. W. . Washington , D. C.
General Longstreet of the Confederate
Army ,
Writes : "I can testify to the merits of
Pernna , both as a tonic and a catarrh
remedy. Peruna enjoys the greatest rep
utation as a catarrh remedy of any med-
'cine ' yet devised. " .Tames Longstreet ,
( Gainesville , Ga.
General Noske of O. V. U. ,
Writes : "I commend Peruna to those
ivho are troubled with colds producing
catarrh as a most efficacious cure and as
a good general tonic. " Clias. F. Noske ,
213 B. St. , N. Washington , D. C.
General Erwin's Recommend.
"Many of my friends have used Pe-
runa as a dyspepsia remedy with the
most beneficial results. " John B. Er-
* vin , Washington , D. C.
Brig.-General Schell Benefited.
"Peruna is indeed a wonderful tonic ,
and for coughs and colds I know of
nothing better. " F. M. Schell , Wash
ington. D. C.
General Duffield of the Union Army ,
W rites : "I have u > ed Peruna in my
family and have found it a valuable :
medifine. and take pleasure in recom
mending it to all wlio suffer from c a-
tarrh of the stomach or who require a
ionic of efficiency. " The Cairo , Wash
ington. D. C. L
A lull sec of scales rules represent
ing tne principle forms to use in ti
lumbering throughout die country o
has been presented to the forest U
department of the university of ai
Michigan , by the Lufkin Rule Com t
pany , of Sagiuaw.
I hav examined theze ritcb men , A
iind I find tliab the happyest time sr
ov their life iz when they are mak
ing their mu ny ; after they git at
ritch and set down to enjoy it , atP
trubble beeins. m
Thare iz DO bstter evidence ov gen
eral depravity than to see thoze who
Hatter the most sukseed the best. leb
I find Piso'g Core for Consumption the
best medicine for croupy children. Mrs.
F. Callahan , 114 Hall street , Parkersburg - 1r
burg , W. Va. . April 10. 1901. 1rm
Thirteen counties in Kansas a e
without debt.
Trosinte and Billion Dollar Grass. o\
The two greatest fodder plants on
earth , one good for 14 tons hay and the
3lhor 80 tons sreen fodder per acre. tir
Grows everywhere , so does Victoria
Rape , yielding GO.OOO Ibs. sheep and H
swine food per acre.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Cro o , tfe
VVis. . and receive in return their bij.
catalogue and lots of farm seed samples. DC
C. > X. U. ) Cl
Thare is one trait ov the human
karakterthat the devil himself must
be proud ov , and that iz , the more
we hav injured a man the more we
bate Mm.
Germany' Japan , Mexico , Great
Britain , Canada , Honduras and
Egypt have placed in the Forestry"
tish and game palace at the world's
lair. ca
Most people are anxious to pit the be
fuat news. I want my news about in
four days old , then I can think I it :
stand sum chance to hear the truth.
8100 Kowaril , S1OO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at leu t one dreaded disease
tliat science lias foeon able to cure in all it >
. and that It Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to tne medical J
fraternity. " Catarrli beinp a constitutional dis
ease , requires a constitutional treatment , llall'-s j
Catarrh Cure is takec internally , acting directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system
ihereby destroying tlie foundation of the dis (
ease , and giving the patient strength by building
up UHJ constitution ami assisting nature In doing
itwork. . The proprietors have so much faith In
It * curative powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any ca-ve that it fails to < * ure. Send i
for hat of testimonial1 ? . Soi
Address. F. J. CHEXEY & CO. , Toledo , O an
Kola by Druggists , 7oc. 1me 1
Hall's Family i'illam the best me
nil l
Mizers are strange kritters thry
seem to enjoy only thoze things they
ir-ivpn't pot.
Genera ! Butler of South Carolina ,
Writes : "I can recommend Peruna fo ;
dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I havi
been usin your medicine for a shor
period and I feel very much relieved
It is indeed a wonderful medicine be
sides a good tonic. " M. C. Butler.
Brigadier-General Kirby ,
Writes : "I can recommend Peruua t
all those who are afllicted with catarrh. '
General D. T. Kirby , Washington
D. C.
Gen. Powell , Hecker Post No. 443T
Writes : "After using one bottle of Pe
runa I became convinced of its curative
qualities , and continued its use to date.
All symptoms of catarrh have disap
peared , yet I continue its moderate use
as a preventive , and an old man's tonic. "
W. U. Powell , Belleville. 111.
Gen. Sebring of the Confederate Army ,
Writes : "I can cheerfully recommend
your valuable remedy Peruna as a very
excellent tonic , and also good for coughs ,
colds , catarrh and general debility. "
W. H. SebriiiB. 1 { W. 4th St. , Jackson
ville. Fla.
General Lumax of Washington , D. C. ,
Writes : "E can cheerfully recommend
jour remedy as a permanent and effec
tive cure for catarrh , colds and to any
one who needs an invigorating tonic to
build up their system. " L. L. Lumax ,
1603 19th St. . Washington , D. C.
Gen. Payne of Washington , D. C. ,
Writes : "I join with my comrades in
recommending Peruna to mv friends as
in invigorating tonic to bni'-l up the
'ystem. " Gen. Eugene P. . Payne. 407
Ith St. , X. W. . Washington. D. C.
'General Talley of Pa. , Vol. U. S. A. ,
SVrites : "Your Peruna has been used
> y mo and my friends as a relief for ca-
arrlial troubles with the most beneficial
OMiIts. 1 am so convinced of the ellicacy
t' I'oruna that I do not hesitate to give
t mv recommendation. " Wm. Cooper
[ 'alley , 713 D St. . N. E. , Washington ,
) . * s *
When a steady tippler is pros-
irsited \ ith pneumonia , his chances
if ; recovery are about three to ten
lis heart has beea so weakened by
.rtiHcial stimulation that his vi-
ality ; is easily depressed.
The presidejfc of the Republic of
LDclorra. in the Pyrenees , eets the
mallest salary paid by any civilized
overument. le is only 515 a year ,
nd he thinks of askinir for a ten
er < cent , increase , which would
lake it $16.50.
When impudenre deserts a man It
? aves him nothing on earth toall
ak : upoo.
Mrs. Wlnslorr's SOOTHING SYRUP for chll-
rtMi teethliifr.BoftenH the enms , reduces lnfl -
latlon , allays pain ctiren colic i'i ice 25c bottle
A snaik's belly and a lying tungue
re the 2 slipplerjest things we kno
Ann person may cnrn good fnrow jn spare
me ai hnme writing Tor us : experiencervnuecea-
iry ; > entl stamp for particulars. American Art ,
ox 801 , Brooklyn. > . Y.
The most pleazant prospekt from
ae top ov a hi mountain iz to IHOK
ak and see the ragged way we bar
Mustasiq Liniment
cures Cuts , Burns , Bruises.
hundred and sixty-rive
ises of the German exhibits have
een received at the world's fair for
istallation lu seven different exbib-
s they Immediately relieve the ttomach from
poisonous matter bjr digesting the food. Sold for
50c a box. Guaranteed.
sold onlv by Arthur Dysccpsla Tablet Co. ,
oiu-oni , Mich. Large i-nrni-lf 10
Buy in the Black Hills
Hidden Treasure Gold MlnlnpA Jllllin ? Company
inth Dakota is offering its Treasury Stock , a limited
on tit. for * ale.
liireston looking for a safe plac o pn their
oner , v onld do well to InreRtigxte thU. I can Inr-
h the genuine S. T. Cochran Block.
High Clas aimiug Stocks ,
Broadway , New York
General Bigelow Cured.
Gt-n. J. G. Bigelow , 151 C. St. , N. W. ,
\Vashington , D. C. , writes : J
"I'enina has made me well and It ha
piron nie more than ordinary strength
and spirit for work. "
Gen. O'Beirne of Washington , D. C. ,
Writes : "As many of my friends and.
acquaintances have successfully used
your I'enma as a catarrh cure , I feel
that it is an effective remedy , and I rec
ommend it as such to those sufferinir
from that disease as n most hopeful
.sjiirce of relief. " James R. O'Beirue ,
-QO Broadway , Washington , D. C. |
General Chase.Ass't Adj.Gen'I.G. A.R. , '
Writes : "The excellence of Peruna nitre
a -itre or relief for catarrhal disturb
ances is well established. Many of mr
friends have been benefited by its use.
B. F. Chase , 28 Harrison St. , Ana-
costia , D. G.
General S. S. Yoder of Ohio ,
Writes : "I h T9 found Tei-una to be a
wonderful rem < < . 1 only u > ed it for n ,
short time and am thoroughly hati.siiea
as to its merit * " S. S. Yoder , Wash
ington , D. C. ,
General O'Connor of U. V. Legions , , '
Writes : "If you are suffering from ca
tarrh or physical debility , immediately
commence the use of Pernna. It has
been of the greatest benefit and servica
to many of my friends. " Denui *
O'Connor. 7.58 32ud St. , N. W. . Wash
ington. D. G.
Gen.Wright of the Confederate Army ,
Writes : "I take pleasure in recom
mending Peruna. It is a remarkable
medicine and should be used by person *
who are in need of a good tonic and
by Mifferors from catarrh. " Marcus
Wright. 1724 Corcoran St. , Washington,1
_ / I. .
Cen. Hawley of Washington , D. C.f
Writes : "I have used Peruna and find
t very beneficial for kidney trouble and
especially good for coughs , colds and
catarrhal troubles. " A. F. Hawley.
Gen. Urell of Spanish War Veterans
Writes : "Many of my friends hava
used Pernna with beneficial results HS
11 n effective remedy for catarrh. " M.
Emmet Urell. 818 12th St. . N. W. ,
Wa.shiugton , D. C.
Oilier Army Generals who praise P -
nna are :
Brigadier-General Cook of Wash
ington , D. C.
General Sypherof Washington , D. C.
General Middleton , Hancock Regi
ment , U. V. U. , Washington , D. C.
If you do not derive prompt and satis-
u-tory results from the use of Pernna ,
ivnte at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a
'nil statement of your case and he will.
ie pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice irr.-itis.
Address Dr. . Ilartman. President of
The riartman Sanitarium , r-olumbus. O. .
There were H4 Germ in domestics'
servants iist ; year who were awurd ° d
the servant's unJdcn cross for having'
lived forty yeais with one family.
Only one was foi ncl in Berlin.
! New Hampshire is one of the few
scales that will follow the ancient
custom of having each spring a day ,
of fasting and p ayer by proclamation'
of the governor.
The Oat Wonder.
The Editor must tell its readers f this
marvel. It originated with the largest !
farm seed growers in the world , the John
A. Salzer Seed Co. , La , Wis. It ,
has stiff straw , stands up like a stone
wall , IK white , heavy , and has long ears ,
filled to the tip with fat , plump kernels.
It is a great stooler , 80 stocks from one
to above address , you will get a sample
of this Oat Wonder , which yielded in
1903 , in 40 States from 250 to 310 bu.
per acre , together with other farm seed
logue and farm seed samples. ( C. N. U. )
A'id Lands Frnltfnl.
Those parched , dry , arid plains of
Montana , Colorado. Arizona , Idaho and
other dry lauds respond quicklj * and give
a big yield when planted to Snlzer'a
Speltz , Hanna Barley , Macaroni Wheat , '
GO Day Earliest Oatrf. Billion Dollar
Grass and Bromus Inermis. Above seem
to Hourish and laugh at droughts and arid
and this notice to John A. Salzer Seed
Co. , La Crosse. Wis. , for their big cata
logue and farm seed samples. ) C. N. U.
Without trials and terastasnuns
man would be nothing more than a
You can do yonr dvemg In half an
The best way to rudnage children
iz to spank them privately and praze
them publiklv.
riTP I'eriu-iueiiUjr Cured. NonuornerroudiieMiartei
"I 1 0 ni > t ilay'x UB ? of Dr. Kline1' > er e R -
Ptoier. bead CorFUKK 2 < l < tn.ibott..mii trt-atixc.
IML R. U. JOJ.NE. Ltd. . 831 Uch St _ Philadelphia. Pm.
Tilings that happen are a
gtate deal easier to git a'ong ' with
than things that may happen.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Bof V Cou < - Syrup. Tutea Good. DM
in tlma. So.a br drugffl-iu.
Tlie Old Reliable
Right Afon t. Jacobs Oil i
A good thing lives and keeps right along curing J :
takes on new life , and so Pains and Acnes *
Price 25c. end 5Oc ,