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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Thursday , March 17,1904. Entered at tb e Fost-ofllce at Valentine. Chert ? county , Nebraska , as Second-class matter. TERMS Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; SI.50 When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc. Display advertlsi K 1 Inch single column I5c per Issue or ? c.OO a year. Local Not ! ' " Obituaries , l dge Resolution ind Socials i r Revenue Cc per line per issue. Brands , 1l inches S4.00 per year in advance additional space S3-00 per inch per year ; engraved blocks extra : $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per xnnally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months iu arrears. Notices of IOSBBS of stock free to brand adver tisers. We are not for Japan nor against her ; We are not for Russia nor against her. The American press and people are rushing in with their sympathy for Japan , all be cause the moneyed men of the United States and England wish it to be that way. Poor dupes ! Why don't they think for themselves in stead of being tools to the selfish and designing schemers ? There are a few editors who have the nerve and back bone to "stem the tide" on the matter , among them being editor Rice of THE VALEN TINE DEMOCRAT , and that veteran editor Gib Hunt of the SalixIa. ( ) Siftings. Lyons Mirror. Mr. Kinkaid will soon have been in Congress two years. He has not done even as much as secure a postoffice for an old soldier in this part of the district. He is there fore having the newspaper boys publish his 640 acre homestead bill , which is practically what was proposed by Ex-Congressman Kem. He will soon have a re- nomination on his hands is what's the matter with Kinkaid. Why didn't he have the bill passed dur ing the past two years and then ask for support on what he DID do and not on what may be done ? The statute of limitation applies to Kinkaid. The people have been thus fooled too often. Loup Co. News. The only thing that Kinkaid has accomplished * was the opening of the 5x10 mile extension strip in Sheridan county. He would not have accomplished even that had it not been for Judge W. H. West- over who was in constant com munication with him , setting forth the facts in the case , explaining the circumstances , and instructing him to proceed in the matter. There is not much originality about Kinkaid , yet he is the man whom the small bore republican press of this district lauded as a man with brains and declared that before his time the "Big Sixth" was nev er properly represented in con gress. Oh consistency ! Rush- ville Recorder. More Local. Judge Walcott returned from a four days trip to Omaha and Chicago cage last Saturday. We forgot to report last week Co. Att'y. Ed ClarK had returned from their visit in Kansas. H. B. Clapp was in from Simeon yesterday and found time to call at our office for a short visit to ex change ideas and discuss current events. Building , is being contem plated this spring. Those who are ready to begin early will have the advantage of long days and first call on their workmen. | Chas. S. Lewis , an old acquaintance - j * ance of the editor , called on us to day as a representative of the C. N. U. . It was a surprise to both of us to meet after a separation of 17 years , neither of us knowing of the whereabouts of the other. We grew to manhood together in the little town of Randolph , Kan. , Mr. Lewis living in the town and my self about 5 miles north of town. We met quite frequently and' in earlier days were well acquainted. Mr. Lewis is apparently in good health and looks much the same as wbfcn we last met. Ed Matins and Ed ThornIOD , two pupular travelling men were in town the past week. We enjoyed a pleasant visit from G. S. Foxworthy , who Sundoyocl in the city. He is looking nfii r the interests of the W. K. U. ready print business , having Uk < iu the position formerly held b\ ! ' " . W. Julian. F. M. Seger's sale last Friday was well attended and those who were there enjoyed a good visit while buying such articles as they needed. The day was well spent and prices were fair for buyers and for Mr. Seger. Dr. E. J. DeBell and Mrs. Par- malee , of Rosebud , returned Tues day night from Lyons , Neb. , where they had been on a visit to Mes dames Debell and Parmalee's moth er who had been seriously ill but is now recovering. The Cherry County Medical Society met Tuesday night in Dr. Furay's office. Dr. E. S. Furay was re-elected president and Dr. M. B. McDowell was elected sec retary and treasurer. Dr. A. N. Compton was elected delegate to the state medical meeting to be held at Omaha May 3 , 4 and 5th. Henry Flineaux has purchased the John Ferstel fruit farm on the river down across the valley three miles south of town and will soon return with his father's family to occupy it this spring and where they expect to make their future home. The farm is a good one and there are a lot of fruit trees now bearing. Strawberries in abundance have been furnished our city for several years from this farm and the berries are bet ter than those shipped in and they come to us fresh every morning during the season. Vegetables from this farm have been the town's principal supply in the past. Mr. Ferstel contemplates staying on the farm this season , after which i i he may come to town to live after t helping Mr. Flineaux to get started with his work. Notice This Correction. The silver medal contest an nounced on the first page of this paper will be held on Tuesday , the 29th instead of the 22nd. This' ' gives one week more practice and the public may expect a better en tertainment than if held next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Arthur Sherman and chil dren are ill. Elder Julian conducted services in the M. E. church Sunday. J. R. and H. L. Ayers have a sale advertised for March 22. We forgot to announce last week the birth of a son at the home of Mr. Mrs. J. C. Northrop on Sat urday , March 5. Messrs. Dunn , Hahn. Britt , Sanner and Camm came in from the country and attended the M. W. A. last night. Wm. Fall was initiated. Geo. Bristol will have a sale of his property March 24th before moving to town and called yester day to have us publish his sale bill which appears in this issue. Robert Burns , the man who was captured last week on the reserva tion as reported last week , escaped from the Rosebud jail last Sunday night by prying the door open with a hand spike while the guard was at supper. He was seen down in the Sparks neighborhood Tues day and Sheriff Layport telephoned to Rosebud and then to John Shel- bourn's on the new telephone line and told him to arrest Burns if he could be found. Later Burns was seen on the prairie and taken by Mr. Shelbourn and Dave Archer and held until Sheriff Layport could go down after him. Burns was landed in tha Cherry county jail last night about 10 o'clock where he will be held for the U.S. marshall. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it'will ' be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by T. M Rice , Valentine , Nebr. One of the best sales of registered cattle ever held in Northern Ne braska will be the Hereford offer ing to be maee at Plainview , Neb. Friday , March 25 , 1904 , by L. L. Young , of Oakland , Neb. , and Holt Bros. , of Laurel , Neb. Fifty-five animals of the very best Hereford blood strains will be offered. The sale will attract for miles and breeders will be in attendance from far and near. Read the advertise ment elsewhere in this paper , and write L. L. Young , Oakland , Neb. for catalogue. Real Estate Transfers Patents : John Ferstl , sso lots 1-2 24 33 28 Louisa Holsclaw , ssw 28 nmv 33 35 27 J R Ayers , lots 3-4 esw 30 35 29 Wm Babcock , ssw 4 nene S 9 28 36 Wm Babcock , Jr. , sene ese 8 nene 17 28 36 Warranty Deeds : C A Johnson and wf to C W Deep , esw 3 31 25 § 13540 W A Jarker an wf to Maria Lambrecht , wse sesw swse 24 31 26 1000 Theo H Tillson and wf to A D Pettycrew , lot S blk 6 Val entine 950 Bertha C Sparks and hus to Anson Newberry , part of wsese7 34 33 1700 C A Johnson and wf to C W Deep , se 7 31 25 o 1 14000 C A Johnson and wf to C W Deep , s n 1 31 26 o 1. . . 8350 Arthur Osgood to Anson New- berry , nene 18 wnw nwsw 17 34 33 300 NW Barrett and wf to J R Fee , lots 3-4 esw 30 35 29. . 200 K R Parmenter and wf to J E Pettycrew , ssw 28 nnw 33 85 27 250 Sparks Item * . Md. Haley is moving back on his farm. Preaching is still going on at Sparks. E. Powers brought out lumber from Valentine to finish his house. The Sparks school will soon be gin with Miss Clara Crowe as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes and Grandma Jones spent Sunday at Tom Hudson. Mrs. H. McCrea and Mrs. J. Eaton were in the county last week but we did not get to see them. Mesdames Tom and Jim Hudson spent Sunday with Grandma Brown , who has been very sick , but is some better at this writing. GUESS wno. Market report through the court- 3sy of Edwards , Wood & Co. , Ihursday , March 17. Chicago Estimated rereipt > tod-'y 35,000 ; narket slow I0c. lower. Lett over 3322 Light $4 85 to S5 53 Mixed $5 00 to § 5 45 3esivy 5 10 t 5 50 Knunh Battle 33000. steaay ; sheep 15000 steady At the D. S. BRISTOL farm 3 miles west of SPARKS on Thursday , March 24 , 1904 , Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. I will sell the following property : 5 head of horses and colts , 1 4-year old registered Shorthorn bull , several head of milch cows , 20 head of shoats , brood sows and pigs , i disc harrow new last spring , 2 walking listers one nearly new , 1 stirring plow , 1 riding cultivator , 1 walking cultivator , 2 3orn sleds , 1 hayrack , 1 harrow , 1 side saddle , 1 double set har ness , 1 single top buggy harness , 1 tank heater , 2 stock tanks , 1 extension top two seated buggy , 1 chicken house 10x10 feet. 3ther articles too numerous to mention. TERMS : "Twelve months time will be given on notes with approved secur = I ty bearing 10 per cent interest. Sums of $10 and under cash and 5 per cent ' liscount for cash on sums over $10. ' No property to be removed until settled for. ' FREE LUNCH AT NOON GEORGE BRISTOL W. E. HALEY , Clerk. G. E , TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. t r . r.- - THE VALENTINE HOUSE i ! Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 to $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot. Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McRrayer Canadian Club ID OH J&L.J3 O All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon' * Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands , " .lue Ribbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters R\e Rim * Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B. HULL THE OWL SALOON Proprietor. Sole Agents for- HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE x NEBRASKA HENKY TAYLOR. GRANT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and JSuilders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. C3P Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE = - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. feed.SHEPARD SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. MIDLAND BKEEDHSTG EAEM 55 Herefords 55 AT AUCTION SALE. Plainview , Pierce Qo , Nebraska. March 25th , 1904 , Thirty (30) ( ) Bulls li to 2 years old ; Fifteen (15) ( ) 2-year-old bred Ueiiers , and a number of choice young Cows with calves at side an richly bred , a majority of the pedigrees running back to ANXIETY4ni 9904 , through the blood lines of the "Archibalds , " t Lord Brandon " Beau Real , " "Lamplighter" and others. The Earl of Shadeland" and "The Grove 3rd" are strongly repre sented , inis is not a dispersion sale , but is made up of the Very lops of the young stock of my herd , being of a very uniform type and color , with plenty of quality. They are a very choice and desirable lot of cattle. They have not been pampered and are not fat , but are in good thrifty breeding condition , are just aoout right ; have been raised in pasture and open yards , and they will certainly prove profitable and satisfactory to the buyer and make him money. This will be an excellent chance for farm ers and ranchmen in North Nebraska and South Dakota to buy good breeding cattle at their own prices , delivered at their own doors. B HOLT BROS. , OF LAUREL , NEBRASKA , -Proprietors of one of the best pure-bred Hereford herds in North eastern Nebraska , will contribute Y head in this sale 3 Bulls and ± Cows , all choicely bred. .f NVIEW is located in Northeast Neb. , aboutTo miles west of Sioux City , on the Great Northern and F.E. &M.V. Railroads. U rite at once lor Catalogues , giving full particulars L. L. YOUNG , Oakland , Neb. HOLT BROS , Laurel , Neb. [ Col. F. M. Woods , AUCTIONEERS < Col. Ren Dennis , ( Col. L. W. Newell. f e : j HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS faJentine - -