Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 17, 1904, Image 1
historical Society \ : * * THE VALENTINE CRAT. VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. MAEOH 17,1904. NTIMBEK ' 4 ? Tools. . . . . W 49 49 i * 49W 49 We now wish to call your attenton to our line of 49 & > 49 9 Carpenter Tools , Axes , Steel Goods , etc. 49 4 ? We carry only high grade ft 49' ' tools which are made to & & 49 USE and not made only to 49 sell. They give satisfaction to us and to our easterners alike , J ? while the other kind disappoints the user and condemns the 49 dealer who sells them. 49 of the above mentioned are the Diston and Keen Kutter & * < fj hand rip , and panel saws , Stanley's patent lateral , wood and ft iron planes for all purposes ; also - * * - 49 a line of "True Blue" hammers , S screw drivers , hatchets , augar ijbits .and braces , and also the 49 Keen Kutter chisels , adze , draw S knives , etc. , all of which are guaranteed , because they are made right , tempered right and hung right , and are therefore sure to please. Call and inspect our goods before preparing for spring work. : : : : Yours for business , 2 * SIRED FRONT MERC. CO. ft 49 For g Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. 3 Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. | , All Kinds of Coal 1 | { HiMi M' * * " ' " i ' J I Stoves and Eanges. j [ Prussian Stock Food. Garden Seeds. ! ! Guns and Ammunition. j t i ii i A general line of serviceable Hardware of well known makes that i I are substantial , bought for use and wear and will bear inspection , j JFURNIT0KE and TJNDEETAKING.I ! FRANK FISCHER I DEALER IN GENERAL HARDWARE Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank 1 , 1384. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succespor to ) of CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking OOO Exchange and H , V VU. f / Collection Business 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , CaRhier. PRINTING YOUR OFFICE We CSQ Satisfy You to Oualitv Price tad Worknaiu&p TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending 6 a. m. . March 10.1904 Maximum temperature C9 'tefrroe.s Minimum temperature , 13 degrees lie-low .Mean temperature 34 degrees. " Total precipitation. .CO J. J. O'DONNELL , ' Official in Cliarge , Last Friday was pay day at the fort. fort.Max Max E. Viertel was down from Crookston Tuesday. Ted Ormcsher was in town from the Schlagel the first of the week. Mrs. Addie Holsc'aw has been quite sick the past couple of weeks in the west part of town. August Apke was down from Crookston Monday and was feel ing cheerful concerning the past mild winter. D. Stinard , clothier and tailor , makes a change in his ad this week , telling you of some of the good things he has for spring wear. Read it. An ad in THE DEMOCRAT will bring results. We also do all kinds of job printing. Prices and quality are right. Call and be lonvinced. Alex Hoffman , of Kilgore , was ; own Tuesday getting his arm tak en care of that he had broken some two weeks ago. He's getting along all right. Frank Fischer began work on his store Monday and now has the joists for the floor laid and will push the work to rapid completion. .f The store is a 50 foot front and will be built of stone. , y * i- - ; - Samuel Grooms has moved up Tom Ains worth to a farm west of town , formerly owned by John P. Jones. He's building a house and was in town getting lumber and material the past week. Daniel Adamson enclosed us : ash in advance for another year's ubscription this week. Dan lives out near Newton and is a pleasant ntertaining person who has made a success of the stock business in berry county. Tom Candler writes us from La- vina , Mont. , enclosing a couple of dollars on subscription and sends regards to his friends in and around Valentine. Mr. Candler run the Kangaroo restaurant here some wo years ago. Report of school district No. 2 , for month beginning Feb. 1 , and j ending March 4 , 1904. Number of pupils M , average attendance 10 , those neither absent nor tardy were Melvin and Ehoda Hooper , Walter Brosius and Glessie Higgle. NETTIE KNEELAXD , Teacher. The Chadron Times is for sale by Clark and Kicker who have run t successfully for about a-year or , more. It is a 6-column quarto and the office is well equipped with good type and printing presses. A good man can take the plant and make a comfortable living out of it. It looks to us like a good opportunity for some one wanting to go into the business. The .pa per is democratic. John H. Fisher and Miss Nora ' Weirich , both of Georgia , were married at the home of the bride's parents March 9,1903 , at 12 oclock , by Presiding Elder , A. K. Julian , of the M. E. church. There were only the relatives and a few inti mate friends present. After the ceremony was performed a lovely dinner was served which was much enjoyed. These young people are both industrious and are highly respected. Numerous friends join in wishing them a long and pros perous life. A GUEST. N ' " V j E. C. Cole and W. D. Armstrong , ( | of Cody ; Z. T. Davis , W. B. McDowell ' Dowell and B. E. White , of Mer- riman , and Earl Comstock of King , were in Tuesday attending the re- j 1 publican convention. A silver medal speaking contest I between girls 12 to 1-i years old , interspersed with solos , duets and quartet music and a chorus of little folks under the direction of Miss Holcomb , will be given at the M. E. Church next Tuesday evening , March 22. Admission JO cents. Report of district No. 22 for the month beginning Feb. S and end ing March 4. Number of pupils enrolled 15 , average attendance li. Those neither absent nor tardy were , Lydia and Ofcto Becker , Ly- man and Elmer Wolf , Grace Grooms and Fred Taylor. CLAKA , CROWE , Teacher. Hon. David Hanna was up from Woodlake Tuesday to attend the republican convention , and went west tolAlliance from here to attend the t republican congressional con vention. LWe acknowledge a pleas ant visit with Mr. Hanna who says that he and David Hancock are go ing to get a ditcher to ditch and drain swamps this spring. By this means several ef the swamps down around the lakes can be , drained and made valuable hay land that are now practically use less. 1I The 12th inst. , being Miss Daisy Holsclaw's birthday , she enter tained twenty of her playmates from two to four p. m. She re ceived numerous presents with many thanks to her company. All seemed to have a good time and enjoyed themselves playing differ ent kinds of games. About three o'clock they were all called to gether and had their pictures tak en in a group by W. Boyer. Im mediately after refreshments were served , which consisted of cake , oranges and candy , after which wishing her many such birthdays , the company dispersed , Monday afternoon the lion. Chas. Sparks , cashier of the Val entine State Bank , member of the city council and treasurer of the city , paid over to the local U. S. land ' office at this place the sum of $ U40.00 for the 720 acres of land which by special act of congress was ceded to our city upon the conditions of the payment of $2.00 per acre. Valentine now has the land , to use. for a city park and such other purposes as may be beneficial to our city. There is some talk of the division at Long Pine being extended to Valentine and by proper efforts we may hope to induce the Northwestern R'y. to accept of a strip of this ground for side tracks and buildings that will be necessary for their use. We also have a water power that may in time be used by the city to induce some manufacturing en terprise that will need the water power , to come and lonate here , or ! it can be used for pumping the city's water supply and for. elec tric lights. It is a good thing for the city and the money is well ex pended. Valentine continues to 'grow and will in time have a good opera house and other needed im- ; provements. We have the prom ise of a new depot or a suitable addition built to the present depot. Telephone Meeting. All persons who have subscribed shares for the telephone line from Valentine to Kennedy are request ed to meet at the Co. clerks office Friday afternoon , March 18 , at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of organizing and electing a board of directors. C. SREECE. . * * * - * * * * t " " " ' * " ' " " ' fa- " - v' \ 49 49 49 49 Spring Goods. 49 49 Our stock is larger and more complete than ever be 49 fore. We are showing all the latest weaves and pat terns , which are in vogue for the season of 190tt. 49 Seeded Voile In all the best colors , guaranteed to wear. 49 * A 49 Printed Sateen Serviceable and stylish in the smart dotted &fr 4S effects. j * Linens Highly mercerized and washable. . Ifr 49 49 Dimities In all the popular shades and colors for spring. fc > 49 Etamines Light and airy ru the mixed and lace effects. fc > & Jjj Pongee Suiting One of the latest fabrics of-the season's : * production. JJ 9 Batistes In blue , white and tan , in dainty patterns figures. We have also a new and up-to-date line of ladies' white and colored shirt waists from 50c to $3.00. 49 Davenport & Thacher - * or Q" c of cf ofFer For the next 30 DAYS We will sell all kinds of Overshoes , Mittens and Caps We must make room for our spring goods which are be ginning to come in. Yours for business , MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTCXN Groceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. i Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MD3E , r fc r CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT ANO GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' o * VWVW rV' * WVWVWWvi'nB * * * < Vrt AJ < w\A < WWWWW > rf < < WWWWWWWWrfW * h > < d FICED WIIITTEMOKK.President. CHAKLES SPARKS , Cashier. ! ; | il J. W STETTKK , Vice President. OBAH L. B&ITTOX , Asst. Cashier , Interest paid on time deposits. Valentine State Bank , J Capital , S23.OOO Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus , Sl,000 Persons seeking a place of safety for their Olllcc Hours money , will profit by investigating the ! 9 A. M. to 4 P. SI. * methods employed in1-our business. ' J ' xm tt Jlr CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. S 'i 1 Are now at their best and All you want to eat afc our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter S Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.