Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 10, 1904, Image 7

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    Complete External
and Internal
to cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales , and soften the
thickened cuticle ; CUTI-
CURA Ointment to in
stantly allay itching , irrita
tion , and inflammation , and
soothe and heal ; and CUTI-
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood and expel
humor germs. A SINGLE
SET , costing but ONE
DOLLAR , is often suffi
cient to cure the most tor-
taring , disfiguring skin ,
scalp and blood humors , ec
zemas , rashes , itchings , and
irritations , with loss of hair ,
from infancy to age , when
the best physicians and all
other remedies fail.
Seld thronfhont thr world. Cntlrar *
Ttat , Me. ( In form of Chocolate Coated Plll .
tSe. , per rlc ! of 60) . Ointment. 50c. . & > up 2ac.
Depnta : London. 27 Ohsrternmne S. ] . : Prii ,
8 fine de la Patx : Itozton. 137 GilamtiiH Are.
Potter Drug and Cbrm. Corp. . Sol * t'rop * .
nd for 'H.iw lo Cure Toiturlnff , Dfa-
Bunion fmm Infancy to Age. "
r >
50,000 MIERiG&t
Were Welcomed to
during last Year
The } are settled and settling on th
Grain nnd Orating I-and , aad eu e pro-
| > ? ron and s-stinfie'l.
SlrWilfreJ LanrJer recently MM"A
new alar has ripen upon tbe horizon ,
and UtowarxJ it that every Immigrant
who IM.TBS the IMI ' of his ancestor * to
come and reek i > lu-tiie for blmselfnov
turnsbU K&zc-t'niitda. Tbeie ii
Ilnmntcnd * !
. HchooU , Churches , Kail ,
ways , Mnrket . < 'llmute every *
thine to be deilrcd.
For a descrtpttrs Atlu .nd other la.
formation. Apply to SursiuxTMomrr la
XIOIUTIOV. Ottawa. Canads ; or anth -
rlr l Canndian QoTernment Agent
. V B nrtfOT N w Tork Llf Bldc Omaha. K b.
In the organizatio of the loter-
lational Congress of Arts and Science
it tbe exposition in St. Louis ,
fclbeit B. Prescntt , director of the
tbemical lahorat"ry of the university
tf Michigan , has been appi'Intcd '
rhmrroao of the section on organic
Mr. Arthur H Webber , of Cadilac ,
ir asurer ( if tbe Michigan State
Bo.ird nf Pharmacy , spuke before
the school of pharmacy f tbe uni
tersitv of Michigan. , Feb. 17
Miss Alice M. Smith , of Minneapolis -
neapolis , Minn. , tells how wo
man's monthly suffering may
be permanently relieved by Lydia
never before given my endorsement
for any medicine , but iLydia JE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has added BO much to my life and
happiness that I feel like making an
exception in this case. For two years
every month I would have two days of
severe pain , and could find no relief , "but
one day when visiting- friend I ran
across Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound , she had nsed
it with the best results and advised
mo , to try it. I found that it worked
v/onders with me ; I now experience
no pain , and only had to use a few
bottles to bring- about this wonderful
change. I use it occasionally now
when I am exceptionally tired or worn
out. " Miss ALICE M. SMITH , 804 Third
Ave. , South Minneapolis , Minn. , Chair
man Executive Committee , Minneapolis
Study Club. $5000 forfeit If original ofabm *
fetter proving genuineness cannot be produced.
Jjjdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through the Tarious natural
crises and is the safe-guard of
woman's health.
The truth about this great
medicine is told in the letters
from women being published in
this paper constantly.
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for find Superior to Mustard or > nf
3'her plnster , nnd will not blister the most delicntt
kin. The ; > uiu allaying mid curative qualities of tbil
rttcle are wonderful. It will totbe toothache ail
inre , end relieve headache mid fcciutica.
ft' recommend if as the bet imd safest external
"oaiiter-irntnnt known. al o an an external remedy fol
puma 111 thu chest nnd stomach and all rheumatic ,
neuralgic and Kf > utJ complinnts.
A trinl will prove what we c.iiim for it , end it will hi
rouinl to l > n invnlufll > > in the hon ° ehod. ! Muupeoi > I
< B > * It i the i > et of nil jour iirepftrtUione "
Price 15 cents , tit nil ( Jrupgihto. or other dealers , or hi
lendtn tlnanriount to us in postage utiunps , we wlu
4piul > oont by by itail.
Noarricl hlioud ! b. neepted bj * L.publicunlfsstht
aivocarries our label. im otnerwi-t it ix not geuuiiia.
17 State Street. New York City.
* SHOES ffi
W. L. Douglas
shoes have by tlielr
excellent style ,
easy-fitting , ana
superior wearing
qualities , achieved
the largest sale of
any shoes in the
They ate just as good
as tlioso that cost you
S4 to S5 the only
difference is the price.
Sold Everywhere.
Look for name and
price on bottom.
Doutlxs uses Corona
Colt skin , which is everywhere conceded to
bethe finest Patent leather yet produced.
Fast Co or Eyelets uscd. Shopuhyniail.SSr.eilra ,
Write for Gatalotr. W.L.Doasla * . Broclttoa. Bass
Held up Womco's trains.
Ttoe hire class Employes ,
acaot smile Empty flask.
Tbe stamp act Loud applause.
Poor actor Bankrupt tracediaa.
Cincinatti Day at tbe Woild's fall
will be May 24.
Tbe outdoor treatment for consnmp.
tion Is being tested by Miss Alice
L. Flint , aged 24 , and Mrs. Geoigs
A Allwo'fcb , aeed 40 both of Merin-
dane , Conn. Tbcy sleep oat of dours ,
no matter bow cnld the weatber.
Tbey recently spent the night on
the porch , arrayed in ordinary night
clothes , under two woolen blankeia
and one quilt , when the thermometer
registered Hfieen degrets below zprul
Roth are improving under the out
door treatment.
§ Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
Iffado Hin Appearance Once am a "Yeo
man of tbe Guard. "
That King Edward VII. once made
Ms appearance upon the public stage
us a chorus man in comic opeia is hot
generally knovra. Indeed , at the time ,
not more than half a du7xn of his a -
sociutes behind the footlights were
aware that they had royalty In their
ranks , and not n soul in front discover
ed the identity of the burly "beef eat
er" who teae destined to become their
Twenty years ago when he was
Prince of Wales , bis royal highnvss
\vas a frequent visitor behind the
scenes of certain theatres. But lii >
presence was usually kept a profound
secret , except to those few players ,
usually of the gentler sex , who claimed
the distinction of personal acquaint
ance with "the first gentleman of
Europe. "
When Albert Edward proposed to
throw off the galling cloak of roya'ty
and pass a pleasant hour or two in the
realms of the "rogues and vagabonds. '
always , of course , strictly incognito ,
the management "was always informP I
beforehand of his intention. Only th
experienced and initiated were able t f
Judge by infallible signs thnt their
domain was about to be invaded by "a
distinguished personage. "
When It was tbe whim of the prince
to take a surreptitious peep into stage-
liind or to visit some footiight favoriti1
in his or her dressing-room , an air of
mystery crept over the proceedings ,
and Should any member of the com
pany or employe of tbe theater recog
nize tbe royal visitor it was as much
ns his or her place was worth to sig
nify It by a loitering look , a whimpered
word or a second glance.
The actor who tells the secret of
the king's only appearance as a player
gays he la now divulging it for the
first time. In 1892 he was playing at
the Savoy Theater , London , as The
Colonel of the Dragoons. Albert Ed
ward's most Intimate theatrical friend
was George Grossmith , the Buntborne
of the opera at the Savoy. The prince
was anxious to appear on the stage
and look out at the boxesi , Instead of
taking his accustomed view from the
boxes to the stage. He urged Gros-
emith to arrange it for Mm , but Gro -
emrOi was afraid. It was an unbeaid
of adventure for an English prince.
When the "Yeomen of the Guard" went
on at the Savoy the prince renewed
his supplications. It was finally de
cided to send him on as one of tbe
guards at tbe Tower of London' btef
eaters , they were called. At the la > t
nioment Edward decided he must have
Sir Francis Knollys. bis secretary ,
with him. They were fitted out with
cortiimes and went on in the second
act. Few members of the company
knew it , and the audience never dream
ed of it , New York Telegraph ,
Joyous Sport Practiced by Tonne People
ple in the Cities.
It is a theory ( like many others ) that
skating came to us from the North ;
as a mutter of fact , the people of tha
tar North skate very little , skate very
badly , andi , In addition , have only be
gun to skate In recent years. Tbe
skate is native to the middler coun-
"tries " Spain , Austria , Franee , Holland ,
England , Germany and is only a lat-
.terday Immigrant into Russia and
Norway. Tbe Scandinavian countries ;
of course , have taken to It with hearty
zeal. Nowadays they skate , like th
rest of us for pleasure. For business
needs they use the ski or snowshoe
milk vendors , farmers , peddlers ekira
thus the eternal snow that lies be
tween town and town , between gaard
and gaard. Only in the great cities ,
in Copenhagen , fn Stockholm , in
Ghristiania , Is skating a sport ; and
even there , so modern is It , tbe young < ?
generation alone knows how to skate.
The fact dazed me a bit when it was
brought home to me a few years
meaning three ago. It turned all my
preconceived , Ideas upside down , anJ
Stood them on their heads. And yet
jt Is not inexplicable. Winter months
in Norway and Sweden are largely indoor -
door months. October Is already mo
rose ; November and December aio
liorribly gloQiny with tbeir short som
ber days and the persistent humid
cold. . Not until Christmas does thg
sun come back. Then all the world
changes blue sky and the white of
the snow and the diamonds that
twinkle on the trees. Then for a little
while the out-of-door sports hold sway.
Above all , skating. Your Swede has
gone at It amorously , Joyously. He h-is
made himself an adept the best
-j-ater in Enropa. The best rn Europe }
uit is puite true. Hehastakenthepalra
away from Vienna , where for a century
It waa held. Moreover , he has added
to the sport He has decorated it.
Over the great frozen spaces , lakes and
gulfs , he flies with a broad sail set
Illustrated Sporting News.
He Dkl Protest Too Lonjj.
Blobbs Why was their engagemeni
broken off ?
Slobbs He was continually telling
her how unworthy he was of her.
Blobbs Oh , every fellow does that.
Slobbs Yes , but she eventually
came to believe It Philadelphia
Juvenile Reasoning.
Sammy Going to move soon. Tom *
my ?
Tommy Yes.
Sammy How do you know ?
Tommy Aw. flow do I know }
DidB't UK > mother Irinine btvak a winder -
der t'other day und did'ut say nothln1.
Too many peoplp pray out of onfl
Ride of Lhelr niuutha and lie out of U'1
other. *
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty.
Pe = ru = na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful.
Miss Amanda Johnson , Fairchild , Wis. , writes :
"I wri e to tell you how much Peruna benefited me.
For a number of years I had pain in my head around my
eyes , and I thought ir was btcause my eyes needed treat
ment , so I went to an oculist and had glasses fitted to
my eyes and wore them for some time , but felt no relief
whatever. In fact. I felt worse than bef re , and came to
the conclusion that the trouble was not with my eyes ,
but with my head and that it must be catarrh. As so
many of my friends had used Peruna with benefit for
this trouble , I thought I would try it. I was not sorry
that I did so. for in a short tune I begun to improve , and
in four weeks my eyes were in splendid condition , my
general health was much improved and all the catarrh
of the head was irone. I was glad to get rid of this'
trouble and am gla'l to endorse such a good medicine as
Peruna. " Miss Amanda Johnson.
Mi s Amanda Johnson.
Miss Flora Hauser. 1032 S. New
Jersey street , Indianapolis , Ind.t
writes :
" / think I must have been
troubled with catarrh ever since I
was very young , aggravated each
time I caught cold. This did not
prove sufficiently serious to be ob
noxious until last winter. Then
my head and nose were so stopped
up that I felt I must do something.
Peruna was recommended to me by
a friend. I used it for four weeks ,
and found to my relief that it cured
me. I have not had a bit of trouble
since. My head is dear , and I can
safely affirm that Peruna cured
me. " Miss Flora Hauser.
ffunuYeds of Women Cured
by Pe-ni-na
of Annoying Catarrh.
DR. HAUTMAX has probably done
more limn : iny other iihysicinn
toward popularizing a moans of
? scnpe from the facial deformities , such
. s watery 03 es , twisted nose , offensive
ireath. dry , cracked lips , dne to the
avaginK off pots of catarrh.
lie has made chronic catarrh a life-
"ong study. His remedy , popularly
viiown as Pemna. is the most famous
emedy for catarrh in existence.
Probably there is not a man or woman.
' oy or girl , within the hounds of the
Jnited States that has not heard of Pe-
unn. By far the largest majority have
'sed Pernna.
The multitude of people that have
nen enred of chronic catarrh by nsing
'ernnn can never be knowu.
Tbe whistling oy switch enylnrs
vhlch work all night in tue railway
rards in and near cities is perm it tea
n DO country otber tban America.
Some ol tbe clearing bouse associa-
I ms are incorporated , bat most of
.bem , as in New Yorir , are voluntary
Silent iz tbe most powerful answer
bat enny man can civ to abuse.
A Plucked Speculator. Flytter
"I suppose there's money to be
picked up in tbe stock market'- " '
Flutterer-"Tbere ought to be.
Why 1 myself bare dropped con id-
jiable of it there. Boston Tran
It takes nearly 160.000 fair and
105 000 brown hairs to cover ade
quately an ordinary head.
Bow's Thl ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars B wsrt for
Any ca e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
( lull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo. O.
We , the undersigned , have known F.J.Cheney
for the last 15 years , anil believe him ] > erfectly
honorable in all Diihlnes > s transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation ! mad * by
their firm.
Wet & Truax. wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
balding. Klnnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druk-
: lsts.To de. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally , artlu *
llr jctly upon Jie blood and mucous surfaces of
lie system. Price 75C. per bottl * . Sold by an
DniRglhta. TtMlmonials free.
lluil'i Family I'll- ! * nrr < b ? best.
In for a high time Clo k In tne
Anv person mnv > arn ffood Inrnme In srmre
imp at hnmt wrilingfnr us : rxprrifiirr nnnrcea *
ary : send slnmu for funiculars. American Art ,
lox 801 , Uronklyn , N. Y.
Pair of slippers OiauRe peel and
Dauana skin.
Mr * . Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chll-
in n leethniKeoflfiiN the
tfiiins. rediws In IM-
natiun , Hllayt > | niiii rnrett rnlic Hnne bottle
The wrirlds gna'cst composer
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
medicine 1 have ever fo.iml for cuu-hs
nd colds. .Mrs. O-var Tripp , Big Itock.
111. . .March 'JO. 1001.
Matrim'mv Contradictions and
umirarv actions
M PADK1.KSS HYR * do „ „
unin the ltni.s : | , , ,
r * [ > u Ue keitle. ex
urtvii and uuruie.
Hush mnnefash p.i id for sroJi :
n-r M up.
Can lit
Aliss Flora Mauser.
Many a girl has regained her faded
beauty , many a matron has lengthened
the days of her comely appearance liy
UMM ? ppninn.
Penma prodncea clean mucons mem
branes , the basis of facial symmetry
and a perfect complexion.
The women have not been nhnv to dis
cover that a course of Penina will do
more toward reftorin ? yoothful beauty
than all the dpvicos known to science.
\YhiIe it is trne that 1'ernna cures ca
tarrh -wherever located , yet it is advisa
ble for everyone to use Peruna as a
preventive and tint nit until catarrh
An authority pnfc ibe total annual
expenses of printed forms of adver
tising at $500,000,000.
Marseilles had more tban twicf > as
much shipping last year as any other
Frenh harbor.
I bav known wimmin to yield a
point , but I never knu them to give
one up ,
Tbe devil iz a cunning kritter. but
the blunders he mikes always eats
up the profits in biz bizzness.
fv\ii 'lang Liniment
is a oBiirs-t- euro for Piles.
G es without sayinn A discharged
The Wondcrfnl Cream Separator.
Docs its work in thirty minutes and
leaves Jess than 1 per cent butter fat.
The price is ridicnlonsly low , according
to size , $2.75 to $0.00 each , and when
you have one yon would not part thei
with for fifty times its cost.
with 5c stamps for postage to the John
A. Salzer S ed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , and
get their big catalogue , fully describing
this remarkable Cream Separator , aud
hundreds of other tools and farm seeds
used by the farmer. ( C , N. U. )
Afraid of nothing Tbe person
soared by a ghost.
Ripana Tabniea are tfr best
dyspPBIR nit-riicine erer mnde.
A hundred millions of th > m have
been sold in the United States ID
a sincle year. Constipu'nm.
b-artimrn , sick beadtu-h . di-7i-
ness , bad l > reath. sorv thro a and
e r other ilhie-s from . .
arising H i m.-r-d
stomach : ire relieved or.u ed l.v Riparis Tallies
One will general y pivc relief ithi utv
niinuu-b. The
uve-cen iiarkact : is c
for ordinary occasinr s \ n . ; iistb ! ! t
Ar-ciunt order of Uiherian day at j
the world's f iir will be Thuibriay ,
July 21. I
CURES catarrh of the stomach. |
CURIS WHEhl All im f A 14
I ben Coaiih Hjrru J. Taste * GCKX !
n timeo a by
to. U. 814-11
has fastened itself in some part of the
Peruna nets quickly nnd beneficially
on _ the inil.-iiiied uiucnus neinbrniies
lniin the difTeront organs of the body.
Thus it will cure catarrh wherever
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write : .t once to Dr. Uartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O.
Despite the popualr upinion ,
aluminum is not the lightest metal
Known. Magnesium is one third
lighter , and yet very much denser
and strnnger.
Japanese workmen are obliged to
wear "n their caps and backs an
inscription stating their business
and their employers' name.
A man turns 112,000 spadefuls ot
earth in diutting an acre , aud moves
in all a weich to 850 tons.
T challeaga fbe irorM t pro
duce more prolific , early , bif
rarrd corn variety than jtalzer' *
Home Uullder , to usiril be >
c n e 1" acrti of this Bne cera
Jielded to he-Tll/la 130 ? . that It *
net jrocrrdi built m brautifol bom *
fertileJockyp s sor. Seentalof.
HTt ire feme of the jM&t nr
nuumert bad if thia tern la 1903 :
157 bn. ptr er # .
Zj John Flfftl , L Port * Co IivJ.
1 CO bu. ffr aere.
By 0. E. MIehael , WonU Co. , 0.
lOCbn. peraere.
By Richard Fpanh. Lake Co. , Ind.
198 l < ii. per acre.
By J. D. tTalUr , OamUca Co. ,
CZO ba. per r .
By Lawrruc * fitiuiitcl , cemcv
S2G ba. r > r acrft.
By J. V. Uajxy , Crca tl tX ,
Teoa.S 04 ba. per acre.
Say BtMRM , Kauwra Co 71. & .
aari : "Rlptard la IrO flaj * .
ifcldrd JU4 bo. per cr . Je t
year I 1U fro * * ° 0 tm. M > atrt
r ait. '
National Oats.
Xnormouily proliSe. lJoe well
( Tcrr'here. I iron'i let yomr a < r
produce kit than 1C3 bu. Try St.
BlUInn Dollar Gross.
) l < ut Ulked of rim in AmrKea.
'VTonld tx a hamr < l cf iivlf if it
T c Imi lc i tbaa 14 Una f ipIcaUd
bay per acre.
For lOc. in Stamps
and tbe nams of thlj pa rr. t
TT 11 glatflr iu < l Tea a lot of farm
o d ampe ! * . we'l worth IH.CO to
pet a Hart 'th , to ei'ier vith ocr
nun n oih 1 < J pa-e illustrated
enalt : " . drlhltn nth
t * a , A * ILiriJJIsne i.acaronl
Whett Two Foot Oiti , Pea Oat ,
Teu mti > , iclcria.
R r > - 5eud
the lOe. to