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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE & EDITOR v * . , * 3Iarch 1O , J.JMI4 Entervxl attbe Poat-oflice at Valentine. Cherrj eountr , Nebraska , an Second-class mutter. TERMS Subscription 31.00 per year in advance ; § l.K ) When not paid in advance , Single copies Cc. Display advertising I inch single column I5c per Issue or $0.00 a year. Local Notice * . Obituaries , lx > dge Resolutlon- xndSoclalsfor ItevenueBc per line per issue. Brands , 1W inrhes $4.00 per year in advance additional space § 3'00 per inch per year jengravcd blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per aonally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months la Arrears , Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. More Local. Arkansaw Bob was in town a i'ew days last week. Anson Newberry was down from Cody yesterday on business. Tom Hudson is now carrying the mail from here to Sparks. Supt. L. K. Travis is in town today from St. Mary's Mission. Will Clarkson made a trip down the road to Long Pine last Satur day. day.C. C. A. Johnson , of. Wood lake , was in town on business last Sat urday. John B. Lord , an old timer of Simeon , was in town a couple of days this week. J. L. McElderry was in town from Woodlake last Saturday on business , and made our office a visit. A. W. Grooms and wife wore in town yesterday , and on account of the rain stayed in town over night , Wm. Schmidt and Wm. Barker came down from Rosebud yester day to join the Eagles last night. There were 16 members to join last night. Martin Becker was in town yes terday and informs us that there will be a telephone line connecting Kcwanee and Sparks with North Table soon. It wr 1 be run on wire fences. Langer Bros , have bought the stock of goods of C. F. Callen at Sparks and will take charge soon. Mr. Langer and brother and two of their neighbors were in town last week , hauling grain to the mill here. Frank Stanton , a wealthy stock man of Rapid City , S. D. , was in our city last week on business. He is an old friend of F. K. Bivens , whom he hadn't seen for 20 years , and talked with him over the phone s to Rosebud from here. x Tom Yearnshaw is in the city to d attend a meeting of the Eagles last a night in which several new mem tie bers were taken in , it being the titl last chance to get in at the charter tlti . The has ti member rate. lodge now tiv a membership of nearly 100. v i An effort is being made to get a lecture course during the summer v Normal which is to consist of these and entertainments vtl notable speakers tl ments : Frank Roberson , Frank tlsi si Nelson of Kansas , Montaville Flowers , Slayton Jubilee Singers z and the Lotus Glee Club of Boston. of Frank Mogle , of Cody , was a c pleasant visitor at this office last Thursday while in town on busi tl ness and paying taxes. Mr. Mo tlOJ tlW gle has recently purchased more of OJhi land and more cattle , which we hi hope will make him a fair return as in profits as a man of industry de cc ccP serves. P Robert Burns , a noted outlaw , who broke out of prison at the bi Cheyenne River Agency about a hi year ago by cutting a hole through sees the floor and digging out under the prison , was arrested last Thurs day and lodged in jail at Rosebud esTl Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Brown Tli of Oacoma , Lyman county , S. D. ' mn Burns had been operating on the Lei Lit Rosebud reservation during the He past year and was caught with 35 Oal head of Alex Bordeaux's horses . S 1 hat he had stolen some three weeks j weiI previous to his arrest. He will Llg Mi : be tried at ' Mark Cyphers returned from a trip up near Chamberlain , S. D. , last Saturday , where he secured the horse that was stolen from him last spring. Mr. Ayers had learn ed of the horse while hunting for his mules and from the description thought it to be Mr ! Cyphers' horse , which proved to be the case. The Russo-Japanese war reports are meagre and each seems to be getting ready to do something later on. Some skirmishes and a few attempts bombarding Vladivostok and Port Arthur and other ports held by the Russians have failed to give the Japanese much comfort. Russia is massing troops at princi pal points and Japan will have to hurry if they accomplish anything before Russia gets settled to stay. Several names have been promi nently mentioned as candidates for the city council at the coming spring election. L. C. Sparks , J. W.Stetter and Martin Christensen made a good race last spring and it is thought that either if available could be elected this year. The names of J. W. Stetter and W. F. A. Meltendorff are spoken of as likely candidates. Now is the time to get to the front with the best men. John Kudelka was down from near Georgia with a load of wheat Tuesday which he sold at the mill for T5c per bushel. He raised ov er 400 bushels last year on about 16 acres , making about 25 bushels per acre. Mr. Kudelka wants to sell his farm and range if he can sell soon. Anyone wanting a good place had better see him soon. All improvements go with the place and about SO head of cattle are of fered at § 13 a head with the farm. Catholic Oh arch Announce ment. On Saturday , the 12th , and Sun day , the 13th inst , the Rev.Father Breitkopf of Stuart will be hereto conduct the Catholic services. Con ' fessions will be heard on Saturday afternoon and evening , also Sun- ' day morning. The early mass will be said Sunday morning at 7 and the high mass at 10:30. The holy communion will be given during both services. On Monday , the 14th , his Rev erence will go to Nenzel and hold Catholic services in the school house at 10 in the morning. Father Muyssen will be in Stu art on Saturday and Sunday and back to Valentine on Monday. "A Rosebud Citizen" rather spread himself in THE VALENTINE DE3IOCRAT and we believe he made a statement or two that he cannot substantiate. He says : Anyone fortunate to draw a prize can go to any bank and get the money necessary for the first payment , and if lucky enough to get a quarter section in the farm lands he could easily get the money to pay for it outright without making the payment in installments. ] " Now we would like to know where , the bank is located that would advance or loan money to the amount of § 800 on a quarter section of the land in Gregory Co. "Even at § 5 per acre , " tlie Citi zen < says , there will not be an acre land left unclaime d in Gregory county < in six weeks after it opens. Now if land is so valuable and the people are so eager for claims why don't they file on land north White river where "there arc liundreds of claims of as good land there is in any part of Gregory a Bounty , and all it costs is the ex pense < of filing. We wish 'to say to the "Rose- ud Citizen" that to say the least article in THE DEMOCRAT - iounds rather "fishy. " New Era. , , G Market report through the court- ' ssy of Edwards , Wood & Co. , Thursday , March 10. bi Chicago. i Estimated receipts tody 27.000 ; ai larket lOc lower from yesterdays beat prices , aiM elt over 5820 ilKht $4 95 to S3 50 Mixed § 5 15 to ? 5 70 si leavy 5 20 to 5 75 llouuh 5 20 to 5 40 iattle 7000. hteaoy ; sheep 18000 steady. Sioux City. Ct.ttle 500 rat steady stockcra reak , I Hogs 2000 , weak. right S4 80 to S3 03 Itouy S3 20 to $3 35 Hxed 5 03 to 5 25 Bulk 5 10 to 5 ' . ' 5 m 'esterdays average weight 330 Ibs ; cose S5.J7 , 1. Bailey Briofs. A dog is honored if in office. Mone Bros , are back to the old ranch. Carrel Heyne is visiting at the G bar ranch. W. H. Sellers went to Merrirnan Monday last. Geo. Weede was at G. L' Hauy- ers last Sunday. Bessie Hauver was breaking a broncho last week. Bessie Hauver and Alma Gunder- son were horseback riding Sunday. The sick at G. Gunderson's are getting betting at this writing. Gus Tohnson and Ira Goodin were boasting in the meadow last week. Lillie Fairhead drove Frank Heath to Cody Sunday. It's leap year you know. Mollie and Alma Gunderson , W.H. Lee and Cora Sellers spent the eve ning Saturday at Hauvern. Rollan Poland and family anc Jesse West and family were visitor ; at E. L. Se lers Sunday last. GUESS WHO I AM. Down the River. ( Crowded out last week , ) Miss Anna Becker spent Sunda ? at Louis Taylor's. Jacob Sauerwein went to Valen tine one day last week. Dave Coggswell was hunting hors es in these parts one day last week Were it not for winter people wouldn't know how lo appreciat spring. Mr. Becker and part of his family have been on the sick list the pas few days. The school in the Becker distric will give an entertainment in the evening of April 1st. All are in vited. Just a few more days of sunshine 'and i here won't be enough left of Nebraska winter out of which to build j a snowball. Mr. Johnson , the former teacher of the Highland school , l as resignec on account of his health. Miss Delia Osborn will finish the term. ( This week's itoms. ) Edward Foster spent Sunday at Mr. Beckers. Martin Becker and daughter , Miss Anna , were in town Saturday. Mis"ses Anna and Lydia Becker spent Sunday evening at A. W. Grooms. ' Messrs. Allen and Graddy were hunting coyotes in this locality Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beckej * , of North Table , spent Sunday at Martin Beckers. Harry Dodson , of Valentine , was hunting stray horses in these parts Monday. Miss Clara Crowe and Alfred Taylor spent Sunday evening at Felix Nollett's. Mrs. Perry Bryant , who has for some time been very sick , was not expected to live at the last report. Albert Haley , who has been car1 ryingthe mail from Sparks to at Valentine , has sold out to Thomas Hudson. We hear there is to be a dance > o in the school house known as the ) Polen district , which has been c newly built. 'A. W. Grooms is going to run cattle herd again. He intends to use the Beaver creek range mostly. Herd will open the 1st of May. Protracted meetings have been OlN organized at Sparks every night. N Church has also been organized at c the Kewanee school house every irT Sunday. T ta The surprise dance give for Albert - bert Haley was largely attended ind a lively time was enjoyed , but J ; Mr. Haley did not seem very much di surprised. YOUNGSTER. iV. Large , -comfortable , airy , fur- lished r.oonif | Q , rcnt by Mrs. R. . Shore TCugrry street. , 7 2 Real Estate Transfers The following are patents from the U Sto the f'ilowmr : ' " ! -VI Morris , ne 15 29 23 A.I Morris , ese nw.-.w nesw 15 29 25 , II C Sharp , sse ssw 22 20 25 Lucjan Piper , sese G ene nese 7 33 39 A .1 Short , lots 3-4 sec 31 31 SO Elmer EDentlen , mv 15 29 25 A J Sho-t.lot 4 s"sw swse 7 nwne 18-Ci : 40 K K Dentl-n. wmvsemv : < WUM 13 2) 25 Martha C Thompson , snw iiwnw 10 icne 9 23 25 Evan Edwards , pat sene nese 2i Si25 Jas 0 Vincent , lot 4 sec 4 lot 1 si ne nesw 3 31 27 Don Daily , ssw 1 27 30 M H Higgins , nne unw 28 27 29 T A Edwards , nse 26 wsw 25 27 28 . U Growden. nse sn 27 27 29 j lenuio E Tak. s sw sse 0 swsw 21 27 29 E D Edwards , nse 27 nsw 20 27 28 Jos M Kirk , wsw 29 wnw 32 35 33 d. A Kelluy , lot 4 swnw nsw 1 28 20 llfhecud , Brirlley , sese 17 neut 20 unw 21 29 35 I Hansen Cattir & Land Co. t j Aaron J Wl'son ' , ! wd 517000 se 1527 2G j Hansen Jat Ie & L.tini Co to Aaron J Wilson , q c d S3000 wse 1 23 23 other land. i Caroline Mriy ana bus at al to John B Stoll , qcd § 1 sw 20 56 25 Ledh J Ualverstadt tn Lintiie A Halverstadt , rcl i-o 14 34 25 Mary A C Brigs ; * , s. to V A Goodriehj q c d $75 sw 22 33 29 - ' Patents : Celina B Noble nue imw 27 30 23 W K Grant , nesw 27 27 28 A Bruc- . lots 6 7 see 33-34 , lot 2-3 sec 4 33 25 C W Uamar lot 4-5Si-c 4. lot 1-2 5 33 23 . M ikitie Nobie , lots 3-4-5 wse 21 30 28 . It Yaniih. nesw nse 11 nwsw 12 33 30 Uiinton Jones , lot 2 sec 7 33 35 ; senw sue 12 33 36 G H Hills lots 1 2 enw 3u 33 37 G W I.ovclettwsw24 wnw 25 Ct 27 D E Esty , sse sesw 29 lot -1 s. c 23 3t 25 Kd Quirk , se32 34 25 G W Miiier , ese nwse no w 2C 35 29 F \I Walcott , assKiie , s sw 28 31 29 Jeff D DeKrauce. sw 3 31 40 Var'en K ontz. nne 24 3"3 35 lot 1-2 19 32 34 Mary Garcsiue. lot 4 sec G-31 ; lot 3-4 nesw 31 32 34 F - > tump , sw 2G 33 30 Win G H elaa , sue nse 21 32 27 Uhas 11 Heryford , sue 14 29 33 LN Layport , SH 14 29 33 L a Lavport , lots 3-4 esw 18 29 32 Melis-ie Ainslie.wneettw 23 29 33 F E Harnar , se 18 29 33 J l Kime. esw nwsw HCMW 14 29 33 L N Layport. lie 13 29 33 Inez C Smith , awse ssw 24 sese 23 29 33 ' G W Ladely. * w 13 29 33 Frances Anu Gollog y , nnw swnw nww 47 29 35 tl H ReiniPRi , lots 5-6-7 8 uwso 4 32 40 Jos Grewe , lots 1-2 3 sec 6 , lot 4-5 sec 5-32 , swse 33 33 40 Pat Suilivan , swue senw 8 33 35 Cornelia Coon , nn nenw 30 s * sw 19 34 39 Peter Kerrigan , sw 27 35 29 Iphouzo Keed. snw esw 17 27 26 ij * . Pule , iOt 3-4 sec 3 lut 1ec 4-29 sese 3) 30 31 I'alviu Kiam-is. sse saw 10 3 34 Frank Moj le , wne nw 23 33 34 Chas deilera , ssw sese 0 ueuw 8 31 35 Jas S dau ts , loc 3-4 nesw awse 7 29 36 Liniau i. Keelersw 13 niiw 24 27 27 v\ar anty Deeds : i ii i E J Scharf ana to A Henun , lot 34. 13 nnw swim 2t 36 3S § 2400 00 < Al Dunham and wf toJ W Lunity seneOsmv nesw 10 9 32 500 00 W Klontz to 11 It Sears , nne 24 32 26. lot 1-2 sec 193. ! 34 50000 i H Stouer and wf to K C Cole , lot 12 blk 2 Coles ' add toCody 25000 tl J Uoyles and wf Mrtry J Deau , ese 26 se 24 33 40 lOOO 00 1 D o llunt'iighMiand wl to Ludle lieamer , su 12 ' 3240 300 00 i Maverick Bank to D " lluhtinuton. se 12 33 30 20000' Mary Gartdiilo to G F Ueyue , lot 4 see G-31 ; lot ' 3-4 nesw 31 33 34 120000 Gee Ba'iies and wf to Wm M Ca kins , lot 12 blk j 1 Coies add Cody 500 00 A Newnorry aud wl to D P White , enw wne 21 3332 800 00 j J Bowuititfaiid wf to H vv Saxton. pait ioL3 blk 3 Keelr's ad Mer'ni $425 | F Al Walcoit and \vi to Win GuliCK , lots4 sec 4- 3JS8W 31 3i 26 § 900 I \V A Bonscr and wf to L F and J W thepard , lot 4-5 blk 5 Valentine 863 Releases : Eiizibeth E Cleary to Susan M Duncanson , es * ? swse 2 neue 1 ! 25 28 Ler y L Work to Win G Crowe , and wf se 12 32 40 P ter Vogt to Win M Anderson , senw nesw wse 30 35 33 E C . .ole to O H Stoner , lot 12 blk 2 coles ad Cdy IJprtha C Sparks to Chas McCoy , nne sene uenw 17 30 30 Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATB OF NEBRASKA , iaa COUXTYOF GHKItUV f baTe To and unknown heirs and to ill persons interested iu the estate of John Bowes dressed : On reading the oetiti n o * Alfred I ewis pray ing a final settlement and allowance of Ins ac count filed in this Court on the 9th day of March 1904. It is hereby ordured tha * y * > ii and all per-ons interested in said matter , may , and do appear tlie cnunrv court to b * held in and fur ' 'aid S counix on the 2Gth das of Marcu. A. D. 1904. ate o o'clock a , in. , to show cau e , if any there be , * why tlie prayer of the petitioner should not be grante-t.a'ifl that notice of the pendency of said ftition and that the hearing thereof be given all persons interested in said matter by puu- ishinga copy of this order in the V lentine emoerat * weekly iiew.spaper printed in said > untv. for three successive weeks prior to said day of hrariug. W.R. TO WNE. 8 3 - County Judge The NorthWeNtern JLine A Eusso-Japanese war atlas has een issued by the Chicago & North-western E'y. Three fine colored maps , each Lfcx20 , bound convenient form for reference. Ihe eastern situation shown in de tail , with tables showing relative military and naval strength and nnancial resources of Russia and Fapan. Copy mailed to any ad- Iress on receipt of 10 cents in lostage , by J. H. Kuhn , Ass't. aen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. , C. & tf. . R'y. , Omaha , Neb. 7 2 Mammoth Jack for sale cheap. JAKE MAJITIX , Valentine , Neb. VALENTINE HOUSE Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 tr $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot. Jas. E. Pepper \V. II. iMcBrayer Canadian Club , ID3" . All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Mluc Ribbon Boitied Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : 7 * Oakland Hunters Rye P hn > Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey V ' JAMES B- HULL Proprietor. Sole Agents for HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA HENRY TAYLOR. GRANT BOYER. Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. B3P Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE = - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable * + New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. feed.SHEPARD SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) + Valentine - - Nebraska. * . < jf MIDLAND BEEBDIFG FARM 55 55 AT AUCTION SALE. Plainview , Pierce Co , Nebraska. March 25th , 1904. Thirty (30) ( ) Bulls l to 2 years old ; Fifteen (15) ( ) 2-year-old bred Heifers , and a number of choice young Cows with calves at side all richly bred , a majority of the pedigrees running back to ANXIETY tor 9904 , through the blood lines of the "Archibalds , " Lord Brandon , " "Beau Real , " "Lamplighter" and others. The > .karl of Shadeland" and ' "The Grove 3rd" are strongly repre sented. This is not a dispersion sale , but is made up of the Very Tops of the young stock oi my herd , being of a very uniform type and color , with plenty of quality. They are a very choice * and desirable lot of cattle. They have not been pampered and are nonfat , but are in good thrifty breeding condition , are just about right ; have been raised in pasture and open yards , and they will certainly prove profitable and satisfactory to the buyer and make him money. This will be an excellent chance for farm ers and ranchmen in North Nebraska and South Dakota to buy' good breeding cattle at their own prices , delivered at" their own doors. . HOLT BROS. , OF LAUREL , NEBRASKA , Proprietors of one of the best pure-bred Hereford herds in North eastern Nebraska , will contribute 7 head in this sale 3 Bulls and i Cows , all choicely bred. , ? kAINVIE YV V5 located in Northeast Neb. , about 75 miles west or bioux City , on the Great Northern and F.E. &M.V. Railroads , tt rite at once for Catalogues , giving full particulars. L. L. YOUNG , Oakland , Neb. HOLT BROS. , Laurel , Neb. ( Col. F. M. Woods , AUCTIONEERS J Col. Ren Dennis , ( Col. L. W. Newell. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS 7aJentine - - Nebraska