Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 03, 1904, Image 1

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We/now wish to call your attenton to our line-of fcfr
Carpenter Tools , Axes , Steel Goods , etc. jj
. . Tfr We carry only high grade fr
tools which are made to rF
1 1 USE and not made only to #
4ft sell. They give satisfaction to us and to our customers alike , if
2o while the other kind disappoints the user and condemns the jj ?
45 dealer , who sells them. fo
Some of the above mentioned are the Diston and Keen Kutter 1
{ ( hand rip , and panel saws , Stanley's patent lateral , wood and
% iron planes for all purposes ; also . if
* a line of "True Blue" hammers , Jj *
c screw drivers , hatchets , augar
49 bits , and braces , and also the
JjjKeo.n Kutter chisels , adze , draw
4 knives , etc. , aU of which are
guaranteed , because they are
49 made right , tempered right and
49 t hung right , and are therefore i
& sure to please. Call and inspect
4 $
& our goods before preparing for ?
49 spring work. : : : : J ;
49S Cl
S Yours for business , i
49 . J >
Ladies' Jackets , Furs , etc. at Half Price
5SEg g SggS Era2ir2gS gagSKg
All Kinds of Coal I
"Estate Oak" and "Radiant Home"
are the best on the market. Neat
and ornamental and they have good
Cheating qualities. They'll keep fire through the coldest night i
"with ordinary coal. Moore's celebrated Premium Thermom- j
Jeter Guide Range is the-best for cooking and will wear a life time. !
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID Of A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection BlwinesR
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Yice-President.
IVf. V , NTOTOLBON. Cashifir.
Can Satisfy You ta Quall/v Price , and WorkisaaihJp
. .
* *
? - . * $
Local Weather Record
U. 8. Department of Agriculture (
Weather Bureau f
Valentine. Nebraska , week ending 6 a. m
February 24.190i
Maximum temperature -lesrees
Minimum temperature , o decrees below
Mean temperature. 21 degrees ,
Total precipitation. .01
Official in CharRC.
J. A. Sparks returned from Hot
Springs , Ark. last week , looking
almost as well'as asual.
Miss Dorothy Samuelson , re
turned to her home at Omaha , af
ter a couple week's visit with Mrs.
Bessie Shaw.
The high school went out for a
walk Tuesday evening , accompan
ied by Prof. Watson and Misses
Nelson and Holcomb.
Mr. Shaughnessy is back from
Itfenzel where he has been the past
winter. He tells us that his fam
ily will return soon to occupy .their
lomo on Hall street.
Jake and Aetna Brechbill were
in town Monday with wheat and
! corn which they sold at the mill
They took back a couple of loads
of lumber to use in building a barn.
P. H. Young , of Simeon , brought
out a pointer bird dog for Dave
Hancock from Marshal , Mo. which
the latter ivill keep on his ranch
for use and sport during the hunt
ing season.
W. A. Parker , the popular
Woodlake merchant , was a pleas-
and caller at our office Monday
while in town on business and vis
iting among his numerous friends
here. "We're always glad , to 3meet
him ,
Mrs. Callen returned last week
from Lincoln where she visited her
daughter , Mrs. C. V. Thorn , sev
eral weeks. She was also down
to Marysville , Kan. , several weeks
visiting another daughter , Mrs. L.
H. Hammett.
Considerable whooping cough
exists among the children in town.
Care should be observed in pre
venting the spreading of it as it
may prove fatal to younger child
ren and especially those who are
not exceptionally strong.
K. M. Facldis called at our office
last week and we enjoyed a pleas
ant visit with him. He is one of
the men who came to this country
poor , and by careful management
has accumulated considerable prop
erty. He speaks words 'of en
couragement to the Editor'of THE
DEMOCRAT and appreciates our ef
forts to build up and protect the
stock interests of Cherry county.
We are encouraged to believe
that a telephone line will soon be
connected from Valentine south to
Simeon and Kennedy. Charles
Keece has been taking an active
part and already has about'half the
amount promised that is necessary
to build the line. Everyone should
help with this now and get the line
built. It should receive support
from everyone. We think our
people are enterprising and will
not let this opportunity pass.
P. H. Young returned last Thurs
day night from MarshalMo. . ,
where he had been visiting his
father's family for the past two
months. Mr. Young is looking
fine and says he enjoyed a good I
time back home , though he put in It
a good part of the time at work. t
A part of Mr. Young's work waste
to cut a car load of hedge posts
and shipped them out here to use
on his ranch at Simeon. He got
1820 of them in a car and they will
last a life time here in Cherry
county , the good heavy posts will
perhaps out last the next genera
tion. Mr. Young says he's glad
to get backbonae ; a
' -'Uncle Henry Carter called at
our office last Friday afternoon and
and we enjoyed a nice visit in soc
ial conversation with him. Mr.
Carter is past SQ years of age and
has been en joying good health most
of the time. He has been making
his home during the winter with
bis daughter Mrs. John Shore on
Cherry street.
'Henry Flineaux came up last
Friday from Berlin , Mo : to make
arrangements to' bring his father
arid mother out to Cherry county
to , live. His father has not been
enjoying good health of late and
he hopes this climate may be bene
ficial to him. He returned Mon
day upon receiving word that his
father was sick but hopes upon his
recovery to return with the family
to make Cherry county their home.
Mr. 0. L. Kennedy , Ainsworth's ;
veterinarian , was called tins week
to Richards & Comstocks ranch in
western Cherry ; , county. The
stockmen of this part of Nebraska
are fortunate in having a veterina
rian of such wide experience and
acknowledged ability as Mr. Ken
nedy. The large stock interests
of this part of ; Nebraska are con
stantly in need of who is a
specialist in his line. "Western
Mrs. Sarah Wilson , of this city ,
received a telegram last .Thursday
from her sister at Rushville , 111. ,
that her father Mr. Boyd had died
at Columbus , O. , very sudden of
congestion of the lungs , where he
had 'been ' staying with a daughter.
He.was > ' * f - + taken ' - to Rushville . - - _ > c .1 , 111. , , " for , - - '
interment. Mrs. Wilson and her
son Mark started Saturday morn
ing to be present "at' the funeral.
Mrs. Wilson had the misfortune to
lose her husband , E. H. Wilson ,
last spring and the deathof her
father now , is a second sorrowful
bereavement within a. year. „
A case was tried before 'Judge
Towne last Monday in which Wm.
Libolt , of Rushville , was'charged
with branding a scolt belonging to
Ed Vollentine. Several witnesses
were down from the western end
of Cherry county to testify in the
case , and Judge Patterson was
dawn to defend .the prisoner who
had been arrested last .week by
Sheriff Lay port. The complain
ing witness seems tohave been
Wm. Jacobs , of Rushville , who
had had some trouble with Libolt
and this case was thought by some
to begin with spite work as Mr.
Vollentine did not file any com
plaint and was present only as a
witness in _ the case , though the
supposed stylen colt 'was's'aid .to
belong to .him. , ] Vf. Wl'ancl J. A.
Skinner.of , Harlan ; Ed' Yollen-
tine , Joe Fairhead , Geof. O'Keefe
and Mr. and Irs. Chas. Rising , of
Gordon , were down as witnesses.
The case was dismissed and the
defendant discharged.
Thursday , 31 * r < h 1O , 1904.
The largest meeting'of the year
ought to be held next Thursday.
Everybody from the surrounding
country ought to be in town. This
is the time of the Annual Farmer's
Institute. Three excellent speak
ers from tlie state force have been
secured. Dr. J.-H'Gain , of the
Nebraska Experiment Station , will
speak on "Animal Diseases and'
their Treatment. " T. G. Fergu
son , one of the largest potato grow
ers in the state , will discuss' Growing -
ing and Marketing Potatoes" and
"Soil Tillage. " L , D. Stilson will
speak on "Farm Dairying" . and
"Corn Culture. " Preparations
ire made for a big meeting and a
good time. Everybody welcome.
Sessions at 10 a. m. , and at 1:30 :
iud.730..f ; , m ,
49 Spring Goods , g
Our stock is larger and more complete than ever be- rJ ?
fore. We are showing all the latest weaves and patterns - ? ?
terns , which are in vogue for the scason pf 19W. jj
Deeded Voile In all the best colors , guaranteed to wear. &
Printed Sateen Serviceable and stylish in the smart dotted J *
effects. i *
Linens Highly mercerized and washable.
5'i Dimities In all the popular shades and colors for spring.
5' Etamines Light and airy JL the mixed and lace effects.
Pongee Suiting One of the latest fabrics of the season's a >
production. " " JJ
I Batistes In blue , white and tan , in dainty patterns and fcfr
figures. We have also a new and up-to-date line of ladies' ? f
white and colored shirt waists from 50c to $3.00. $ ,
Davenport & Thacher $
For the next 30 DAYS
We will sell all kinds of
Overshoes , Mittens and Caps
w&t COST. '
We must make room for our spring goods which are be
ginning to come in. Yours for business ,
The BEST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
Hay , Grain and Feed :
* ?
s 5 $ f * < r 6V < rrarrrvre
First-class line of Steaksj Koasts
Dry Salt Meats- , Smoked
Breakfast Bacon
. .
* t * * ' s " ' " > - * *
. . . '
President OJIAKLKS SrAiuvsyeSshter1'1
J. W STETTER , Vice President ' - ! . , ! * " - " '
iterest paid .on time
Capital , $25.000
Surplus. SI,000
Persons seeking a place oi'safety for their
OHlcc H-mrs money , will profit b y investigating-the
9 A. M. to4 P.M. . ' '
.methods employed in'o'ur
' . . , . . '
Suited to your taste.
Canned Goods Lunqfr' . Counter.
. .
' ' ' ' - ,
t-v /v.j * -
Are now3at their best and All you wanijto. pat at our
we handle the best grade. . -.Luncn.tJoimter
Home . .Bakpry'
Readthe Advertisements. f „ -