Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 25, 1904, Image 7

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    Miss Nettie Blackmore , Min
neapois ! , tells how any young
woman may be permanently
cured of monthly pains by tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
"YouTfo WOMEN : I had frequent
ieadachcs of a severe nature , dark
spots before my eyes , and at my men-
ctrual periods I suffered untold agony.
A member of the lodje advised me to
try T ydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound , but I only scorned
good advice and felt that my case was
hopeless , but , ae kept at me until I
' "bought a bottle and started taking1
it. I soon had the bast r3ason in the
world to change my opinion of the
medicine , as each day my health im
proved , and fiually Iwas entirely with
out pain at my menstruation periods.
'I ' am most grateful. " NETTIE BLACK-
: KORE , 28 Central A\e. , Minneapolis ,
Minn. $5000 forfeit If original of above tetter
proving genuineness cannot be produced ,
If there is anything about yonr
case about which you would
like special advice , write freely
to Mrs. Pinkham. She will hold
.your letter in strict confidence.
She can surely help you , for no
person in America can speak
from a wider experience in treat
ing : female ills. She has helped
hundreds of thousands of women
Imck to health. Her address is
Muss. ; her advice is free.
Looking for a
Then why not keep in viev
the fact that the
farming lands of
are sufficient to support a
population of 50,000.000 or over ?
The Immigration to Western
Canada during : the past six
years has been phenomenal.
easily accessible , nnd other
lands may be purchased from
Railway and Lund Companies
Western Canada's jrrain lands
produce marvellous crops.whilc
the crazing- lands contain all
the nutritive qualities for fat
tenlns cattle and other stock.
3Iurket . School * . Kiillwny *
and nil otlier condition *
make Wentern Cunndu n
dent ruble * pot Tor the home-
Write to the Superintendent
Immigration , Ottawa , for a de
scriptive Atlas , and other Jnfor
mation ; or to the authorize'
TT. T. Bennett , 601 Kow York Ure Eldu. , Oranhn , Jfeb
Boston L-idies Gjrtiude "How
do you know Mis Duwduy nukes her
own clothes ? U is sbe a sewii g-
woraau's lorefinyer ? "
Millicent "I don't know anytbin
about tliat. I was thinking of ihe
horrid way her gowns tit her. " Bos
ton Transcript
"m Noonian waz ever a prude yet
from ch"ice , hut rather from ueccs-
Ity. G-quetry ( i % az natral to a
woman az perfume iz to a flower.
Skyscrapers Co nets.
First Cilizeu "It is not eaoujzlj
that bicycles carry bells ; the law
si ould enfoice a regular systtm c !
signs that all can understand.
"Sncnnd Citizen "What would
you suggest ? "
First Citizen "Weil , 1 dont' know
exactly , but it might be something
like this : One ling , 'standstill1 ;
two rin s , 'dodge to the rlgnt ; '
three rings , 'dive to the left' ; lour
rings , 'jump straight up , and I'll
run under you ; ' five rings , 'turn a
back handspring and laud behind
me , ' and so on. "You see , we who
walk are al ways glad to be accnmni1 -
dating , but the trouble is to find out
what the fellow behind wants us to
do. "
Tcosinto and Billion Dollar Grass.
The two greatest fodder plants on
earth , one good for 14 tons hay and th
other 80 tons green fodder per acre.
Grows everywhere , so does Victoria
Rape , yielding 00.000 Ibs. sheep and
swine food per acre.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse ,
Wis. . and receive in return their big
catalogue and lots of farm seed samples.
( C. N. U. )
Miss Rich irl "Reaily , pa , ft ft
cruel to ask Georue to wait until
spring. He says if our njaniage is
postpnned he'll die. "
Old Gentleraans "Oh , well , I'll
lend him enough to pny his bjard. "
Frnurts in Watch Case * .
According to an article In the Cincinnati
Commercial , a fifty-one pound stone was
recently found In that Hty secreted In a
bale of hay of eighty pounds.
This Is not as bad as finding a lump of
lead of nearly one-half the weight of the
solid gold watch case secreted In the cen
ter of the case.
Gold watch cases are sold by weight , and
no one can see where this lead Is secreted
until the springs of the case are taken ont
and the lead will be found secreted behind
These cases are made by companies who
profess to be honest but furnish the means
to the dishonest to rob the public. It Is
not pleasant for anyone to find that he has
lugged a lump of lead In his watch case.
Another trick the makers of spurious
solid gold watch cases Is to stamp the case
"U. S. Assay. " The United States docs
not stamp any article made out of gold
and silver except coin , and the fakir , by
rslng this s-tainp , wants to make the pub
lic be'ie\e that the go\ eminent had some
thing to do with the stamping or guaran
teeing the fineness of watch cases.
Another trick of the watch fakir Is to
.idvertls > e a warch described as a solid o"d
filled watch with a twenty or twenty-live
year guarantee. These watches are gen
ially sent C. 0. U. , and if the purchaser
has paid for the watch he finds that the
Company which guaranteed the watch to
xxear Is not in existence.
The Diieber-Ilampden Watch Company ,
nf Canton , Ohio , who are constantly ex-
. oslng these frauds , will furnish the
i aines of the manufacturers who are in
this questionable business.
Caller "Is Prof. Missem , th (
weather prophet afc home ? "
Servant " Yes , but he can't see
any one. lie is suffering frorr
shock. "
Caller My ! my ! Huve so me of his
predictions come srue ? '
Like an Alarm Clock Why do yoi
insist on sitting near the bass arum
nd cymoals at a urand opera per-
"I don't mind telling yon as ac
old friend , " answered Mr. Cumrnx.
"Its the only wa I can make sure
of not disgracing mother and girls by
staying asieep th ough the entire
jerffrnvi nee. " Washington Star.
The luv'ov notoriety never mad
i man famous ytt ; the fear ov ij
> Jten haz.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough ?
j Ntgctable PreparalionforAs-
similaling tlicFoodarlBegula-
ling iheStoinaclis andBowels of Bears
Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuI-
nessandltest.Contains neilher
OpiumMorpliine nor > { iiieral.
ClatKed Sugar
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
flon , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF
Jokes and Jokeleta that Are Supposed
to Have Been Recently Born Say ingi
and Doings that Are Old , Cnnoua and
Laughable The Week'a Humor.
Wife I dreamed last night that )
was In a store that was just full of tin
loveliest bonnets and
Husband ( hastily ) But that "win
only a dream , my dear.
Wife I knew It was before I woki
up , because you bought me one.
Knew Her Visitor.
She Mrs. Boreton called to-day an <
I thought she'd never go.
He But you are so amiable I sup
pose you never gave her the slightcs
hint that you wanted her to go ?
She Indeed , I did not. If Iba <
she'd be here now.
Her SiiRz
She John , can't you shave wtthou'
making such awful faces ?
He No.
She Then why don't you usi
enough lather to hide your face ?
The Proper Procedure.
"Did it ever occur to you that new :
is like an egg ? "
"Full of meat , you mean ? "
"No. If It's bad it should be brbkoi
gently. " Philadelphia Press.
Better Than Married.
Caddie I hear Goodman is as goo (
as married to Miss Dolley.
Crabbe Oh , better than that.
Caddie Really ? You don't mean
Grabbe I mean the engagement' :
broken off. Philadelphia Press.
Avoiding Temptation.
Cholly Quick ! This way ! Hen
comes my tailor !
Algy 1 uevah knew you to dodgi
your tailor before.
Gholly Yaas ; but this time I havi
money and might be tempted to psj
In Chnrch.
Dolly How much Impressed Bthe
seemed by the services.
Polly Yes , she did look solemn ; bu
maybe she was only mad at ha1
dressmaker. Puck.
New Phase of It.
"Dar goes mo' trouble for de raci
problem ! "
'What is it ? "
"White man wid six 'possums ! "
Atlanta Constitution.
To Be Sure.
Mrs. Chugwater ( looking up fron
her paper ) Josiah , what is an "in
sane bureau ? "
Mr. Chngwater It's a piece of fur
niture they keep crazy quilts in. Hm
en't you got any reasoning powers-
Chicago Tribune.
Not n'tnb'e for n Gon-n-I nw.
Her Father Young man. you hnv.
been here quite often enough. 1 fea
that 1 shall have to show you tli
Her Lover My dear sir. If I hnv-
been here often enough , how can y u
hink that I don't know where th
door is ?
Sir Thomna Acrnfrt.
Quinn I saw an amateur in the coi
logo gym. spend two hours In trying t
life a big dumb-bell.
De Foute That's nothing. I hear ,
of n man spending three years try in ,
to lift a cup. Buffalo News.
Obtme HrllHnncy.
Julia Is Clementine really BO Inte'
Iwtual ?
Aurella Oh. yes : she nevpr can toi
you a thing any other woman has QJ
Detroit Free Press.
Sensible Girl.
Ernie No. she isn't going to rrmrr
Claude , after all.
Ida Hut they sny he can quot
Emerson und Browning.
Ernie Yea. but the other youii
DJLU can quota Sugar and Steel.
" Peruna for coughs
t\olds \ ifr children.
Use Pe-ru-na for La Grippe
and Winter Catarrh Attending a// /
ehapel services
IN EVERY country oC the civilized
world the Seniors of Charity are
known. X' > t only do th \ \ iniuistt rte
to the < pirituil and Intellectual needs medicines , and it
of Hie charges commitifcd U > their care , ghes me pleasurei
but they also inih > t r t.- their bodilj to add my praise to
needs. that of thousands'
Whenever rongli or coldsIi grippe who have used it.
or pneumonia make their appearance F < -r years I suf
among tlie children these Sisters are not fered with catarrh'
disconcerted , but know exactly the rein- of the stomach , all remedies
"diesto apply- proving valueless for relief.
With so muay children to take care of Last spring I went to Colorado
nd to protect front climate and disease rado , hoping to lie benefited
hese wise and prudent Sisters have by a change of climate , and
onnd TVrni n while there a friend advised
? i trra o St. Joseph , of the Deaf Mute Institute , 1S49 Cass Ave. ,
St. Lo'UB , Mo. , writes :
"We Cffprecis U Pmina very much. It certainly does good work with
catarrh an-l ako u itf. coHs and la grippe. We have faith in Peruaa and
have in&rcif man ; otners with same. We do not like to be without it. t
/ Aa ? certnlnJy A epf of * rom being very sick. It did a world of good last 1
witter fnr nur/lttte o ier. Thanking you for your kindness to as and our
afflicted one * , \e remsia. yours gratefully ,
Dr. lliuiniai. rivkK many letters
from Outholic SUtura from all over the
Vuited States. A recommend recently
received from a Catholic institution in
Detroit. Mich. , reads as- follows :
Dr. S. B. Hartmnn , Columbus , Ohio :
Dear Sir : "Thcynttnxxirl who used
the Peruna was su/AT/m ; from laryngi
tis , find Joss ofTi < e. 7Vfc result of the
treatment was most Faitsfnctory. She
found great relief , und after farther use
of the medicine we hope cu be abte to
she is entire 'cured. "
say . Sisters of
riij.oung girl was under ( he.rre of
the Sisters of Chaiity .vul : T.-ed J'eiuna
lor catanh of iho throat. - . * IUi.rood rc-
MiH < . -is the -'lifvo letter testifies.
From a Catholic institution in Cen
tral Ohio comes the following recom
mend from the Sister Superior :
"Some ie.iib ago a Irieml ol our insti
tution recommended to us Dr. Ilartman's
I'ernna as an excellent remedy for the
inliuenza of which we then had several
( which threatened to be of a serious
"We began to use it and experienced
Rjir.Ii tv" 1 < M-fjil nic''to thit iTipp then
Guest ( fmm Utah ) ' -Among the
Moruians madam , only tlie favorite
wis : really regarded as a wife. The
rest were more servants "
Mis. Suburb "Ah , I see , Utah
w-is so fir fri m the city that there
was no other way to k"ep them. "
Thare iz lots ov things in this
world that , the haff ov them iz worth
more lhm ; the wb"le.
W irds that burn V ses in the
wastu basket N. Y. World.
Given Away
To a certain
number of con
sumers buying ALABASTIN E and
sending us before October 15 , 1904 , the
closest estimates on the popular vote for
the next President. Write us or ask a
dealer in Alabastine for the easy condi
tions imposed in this contest , which is open
to ail.
is the only sanitary wall coating. Any
one can npoly it. Mix with eolcl water.
Not a di e-hreeding , out-of-date , hot-
water , glue kakomine.
Fatnple Card Free. Mention this paper.
ALAbAST'NR CO. , Grand Racids , Mich.
or 105.ater St. , New York City.
The Rev. Lymin Abboi , eel i tor of
The Outlook ni.ri f > r UI T mil ister of
Plymouth chur h. Brooklyn , lectured
11 lore 'he students of the University
of Alich. Jan. 25. on "Ideas "
Hnn'l Pow r Hny Press S2S.OO.
Greatest , simplest , best hncntion of
the age. A boy can make regular sized
MX 18x48 in. bales like fun. and two
boys caii Ivile three tons per dav easily. ,
to tlie John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La
Crosse. Wis. , with 5c stamps for mail
ing , nnd jret their biff catalogue , fully
deseribin this jrreat Hay Press , so also
hundreds of tools and tliom mds of va
rieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds.
E. II. Lpmare is at present orgi-
nistof ( J-irneuie hill in PMsbu'g
He was brought fr m Eouland to
take tins place up n the dptth of
Frjde'ic. Atcnrr , i s f Tinnr incirn-
bt-nt. He is considered , next to Al x-
anrler Guil nsint. "ne of the grpatist
musical attractions of the exposi
Pernna has become our favorite medi
cine for influenza , catarrh , cold , cough.
and bronchitis. "
Another recommend from a Catholic
institution of one of the Central States
written by ihe Sister Superior reads as
follows :
"A number of 3 cars njco our attention
was called to Dr. Ilartmau's I'eirhn.i ,
and sin.-e then v/e have nscd itith
wonder ! nl results for i'ip. coujjis. colds
nntl catarrhnl diseases of the head and
"For Rrip and winter catarrh e.spe-
cially it has been of .yrcat service to the
inmates of this institution. "
All Over the United St Jtes Use Pe-ru-na
lor Catarrh.
A recommend recently received from
n Catholic institution in the Southwebt
reads as follows :
A Prominent Mother Superior Says :
"I can testify from experience to the ef-
fici ncv of Peruna as one of the very best
Waiter Yes , he's getting rich
Pfoprietor How do you know ?
"He used to give me a big tip
every day , and no * I only get an
occasional nickel. " Philadelphia
Tricing to interest a very small
audience with a cocuik 1 ktur iz a
good deal like tireing to hit the two
corner pins on a 10 pin alley with a
single ball.
j Boston will erect in the Monde
I Street at the world's fair a shelter
nousa costing 10.000. Ir will be
a replica of the one in S'mtn park.
llrp.VlnsloWs SOOTHING riYKUP for chil-
dn n leetl > iHK,6uiitfUK the turns , reduces intla-
matioii , Mllay&iidiu cures colic Pi ioul5o bottle
The olcJ cup which Mrs. Langtry
received when she won one of the
great races at Ascot , England , some
years ag i will be exhibited in Due
trophy room of the phy&ical culture
buildiug at the wrld's fair.
Mother Gray'u Sweri ; Powders * for Chi-
PnccefuUy s-d by Mother Gray , r.nrse In
Chillr n'u Himin Kew yof cure on-
faiipution. Fere i hne-c. hud i < > mHch ,
iii. i'i mder * . move and jv ulate tiu
aHl(1ftinW.nmt .
- \ OV.T 30,00 t u
A tall drug j s : ! 5 ample FHKE.
A. b. ulnibicaO , L-Koy , N. 5T.
It iz a good thing to laff every
cbunce we kan p' ' ; but lulling iz u
weakness , and tnare iz few things
that men tire or quicker , and re
mum her with more disgusc. than too
much latter.
makes top of the tnaricpt batter.
Beliere in tourself. You cann it do
your best if y iu are constantly think-
iug ibat another can do IE better.
I'a'flicfedwilh 'r CvMfi/nfnr
EOI8'r Sty6W26F !
"Without s-e.jt and toil no work
is ruide peifect. WithouB exertion
; in'l di igcucu success is lareiy attain
ed. "
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yean 1
uie to trv reruna. Alter UMUR
bottles I 'found myself very much im
proved. The rcnnins of my old disease
heiiiff now so sliirht. I consider myself
cured , yet for a while I intend to con
tinue the use of I'eruua. i am now
treating another patient with your med
icine. She has been sick with malaria
and troubled with leucorrhoea. I have
no doubt that a cure will be speedily
effected. "
These are samples of letters received
by Dr. fiartman from the various
orders of Catholic Sisters throughout
the United States.
The names and addresses to these letter -
tor * have been withheld from respect
to the Sisters , but will be furnished on
One half of the diseases which afilict
mankind are due to some catarrhal de-
ranypiiuMit of the mucous membrane lin
ing some or an or passage of the body.
A remedy that would act immediately
upon tu ! congested nrticous membrane ,
restoring it to its normal state , would
conseiiiH-ntly cure all these diseases. _
Catarrh is catarrh where v < r located ,
whether it be in the head , throat , luugs ,
stom.ich. kidneys or pelvic organs. A
remedy that will cure it in one location
will cure it in all locations , reruna
cures catarrh wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the n > e of 1'eruna ,
write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
The Hartmau Sanitarium , Columbus ,
A L'-na Face never maid a Saint
an' a Lillin Kou iteuents iz the nex1
Thing tn a ( ioud Square Me < ] .
"I would like to o st-iln the tile of
your papers for a week bark " Why
don't you try a purous plaster ? "
She Why don't you water your
horse ? " He ' ! dun't have to.
He's a bay "
Indians and oeun > es , as a rule , rra
p sss-sed of keener hearing than
white people.
The U. S. Dept. -Aericnlture. .
Gives to Super's Oils its hc-irtiest ender
dor ement. Wilzer's Xew National Oats
yielded in inftt from ir 0 to oOO bu. pel
arre in 30 different States , and yon , Mr.
Farmer , can beat this in 1004. if you
will. Salzer's seeds are pedigree seed * ,
bred up through careful selection to big
Per Acre.
Salzer's Beardless Rnrler yielded. 121 hu.'s Home Huilder Corn 300 bu ,
Pppltx. and Macaroni Wheat SO bu ,
Salxer's Victoria Il-'pe 00.000 Ibs.
Salzer's Teosinte. the quick grow-
ins : fodder wonder 100 000 Ihs ,
Sab.or's Billion Dollar Grass. fiO.O'JO Ibs.
Sal/.or's Pedigree Potatoes. . . 1.000 hn.
Now such yield- ! pay and you can hava
them. Mr. Farm or. in 11)04. )
; ind this notice to the John A. Silze *
Seed Co. . La Cro e. Wis , . and you will
get thpir bier cat-ilogue and lots of farm
seed samples free. ( C. N. U. )
Largest growers of
YegeizHe Seeds In the
range fron
60 ccnis to
$1.50 per
pound , end
no better
seed is
found on
earth ,
Eow to gro
1,200 boshela
Odors per acre
lOc. mill each ounce order.
Oz. ,
20c. Catalit ? Be , f r
John A , Salzsr Seed GoLA , SSS '
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for nnd Superior to il-stard or anj
rlier pi > ster. and mil not bli-ter the mo > t d ! icH-
-kin. Thepuin allnyinsHud curitive < inHlitie of thil
rticlenre troinlerful. It will -to the toothache ai
jnte. and relieve nciuticc.
Ve recommenil it as the lx t . nd snfert eztermU
oiinter-irritant known. ulh > H < an external retne < ly lot
pains in the client nnd stomach aod all rheatimtio.
neunil icun.l Ruatrcompliiiiiix.
A trial will prove wlmt we cmim for it. and itwlll h
* -nd jroq at be by inaii.
Noiirticle-hould twacc pied by ' .uputliconlentht
it is not geuumai ,
17 Staic StreetrNew York City.