Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 25, 1904, Image 5

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Ireland Wins In
Preliminaries by Johnson and Dil =
lard , and Smith and Richardson.
The boxing contest at t. Nio-
brara last Friday night was begun
at 9 o'clock p. m. by Johnson , of
company B , and Dillard , of com
pany D , of the 25th infantry , get
ting into the ring. Mr. Langley ,
of Ainsworth , was referee of the
evening and W. A. Kim bell was
time keeper arid master of cere
Johnson and Dillard shook hands
and made for each other , striking
right and left with several clinches
and breakaways , Johnson doing
the leading. Johnson landed hard
loft on Dillards jaw and followed
it with a right swing which landed
on the face and staggered Dillard.
Several hard punches in the face
and a left swing for the head
brought Dillare to the floor but he
was up and fighting when the gong
sounded , but practically knocked
out and gave up when the gong
sounded for the second round.
The second bout was between
Billy Smith , a local man who has
had considerable experience in box
ing and doesn't know what it is to ,
"get licked , " and Kid Richardson ]
who took part in the previous contest - '
test , and is Ireland's sparring
partner. The fight was fast and
furious from the beginning with
wild "swings , " "ducks" and
"clinches , " each being hit repeat
edly in the face and body so fre
quently that a short hand reporter
couldn't have kept up with their
movements. It was plainly evi-,1 ,
dent that Richardson was in much
better training , and hardened to
givetand take blows without losing
his wind.It became a test of endurance -
durance and wind with them , even
in the first round which seemed
twice as long as it should have
been , the blows finally becoming' ' i
light jabs that were not evaded ( !
and .sapped the strength of the one | '
giving the blow as much as the one ,
receiving it , though neither was ,
hurt in the least. Once Smith
made a lunge and tried to land
with a right swing but RichardsonJ ;
ducked and Smith fell full length
forward on his face. Richardson
got in some good licks in the second
end round and had the advantage
in his favor , though there were no
knock downs. Nearing the close
of the second round Smith becom
ing completely exhausted threw
up his hands and walked back to
his corner leaving the victory to
Kid Richardson.
Round 1. Several blows right
and left exchanged. Smith landed
hard right on jaw. Richardson
returned hard left and right on
breast. Richardson rushed Smith
to ropes and put left to face.
r Smith failed to land with right
swing and fell forward but was up
and game when the gong sounded ,
Round 2. Richardson landed
several times on head with right
I1 I and left. Smith ducked a right
swing and blow after blow was exchanged -
fr changed with successive ducks and
swings in which Smith fared worst.
Richardson rushed Smith to ropes
with several blows to head and
breast and Smith clinched. Smith
rushed Richardson and landed with
right and left on face. Several
rushes and clinches followed in
which blows were rained on each
other at every effort but were only
light jabs at close in fighting and
arms mixed and entangled each
other. Richardson rushed landing
right and left successively and
ducked , bumping their heads to
gether and again jammed his head
into Smith's breast. Smith rushed
and put right to breast , missed left
swing , landed right to neck and
clinched. It was plainly evident
here that Smith was winded. He
made efforts to return several suc
cessive blows to head and breast
but they were not vigorous andj
put up his hands after a mix up
and gave up near the close of the
second round.
The main event of the evening
between Hamp Ireland , the color
ed champion of the 25th infantry ,
and Jim Farrell , of Norfolk , which
by the way is his fighting name ,
began at U:45 p. m. 250 persons
were present to witness the bout ,
some coming ' 75 to 100 miles with
j ' , a team and others from different
j ! points east and west , though the
! crowd was not as large as was ex-
| j pccted for the event. Ireland was
'cheered j ' . as he walked down to the
stage and for some little time after
taking his corner. It was appar
ent when the two men stepped up
to shake hands that Farrell was 20
pounds the heavier of the two and
was taller and broader across the
shoulders , though he was not in
training and his flesh was soft. At
the sounding of the gong both men
bounded into the ring and showed
by their first efforts that they were
more tlian ordinary men in the
Round 1. Af ter sparring for an
opening ' Ireland got in a left swing
to Farroll's jaw which brought him
to his knees but he was up instant
ly and more cautious. Ireland put
left to wind and a clinch resulted
in ] which the comparative strength
of ( the two seemed nearly equal at
that time. Ireland put left to wind
and ; rushed to a clinch andimmed-
iately after the breakaway Ireland
rushed and landed a hard left swing
on ( Farroll's face which staggered
him and a general mixup ensued
by Ireland following up his lead in
which he put a stiff right and left
jab to Farroll's face and several
exchanged ' in the air went wild of
their ] mark. Ireland tried a left
swing ' but Farrell ducked and as
he straigntened up Ireland put a
stiff left and right to his face and
they clinched just as the gong
sounded. The round was clearly
Ireland's and he was loudly cheered
by his admiring friends.
Round 2. As the gong sounded
both men bounded to the center 01
the ring and began sparring for an
opening. Ireland tried a left hook
for Farroll's jaw and fell short.
Farrell returned a right swing to
jaw which landed hard and brought
Ireland down. Ireland got up and
sent a left to face and Farrell re
turned another hard right swing
to j jaw and Ireland went down
again. Ireland got up and sent
left 1 to face and got a right swirfg
on his left shoulder and went down.
Ireland ] tried a left swing which
Farrell ] ducked and they clinched ,
in which their strength was given
a test for a moment , as each gave
the f other a tug. Ireland
tried f a left swing for the head and
missed and Farrell came back with
hard ] right to face and Ireland went
down. The gong sonded and both
took t their corners. Farrell had
the j best of this round.
Round 3. Ireland put left and
right to face and clinched , then
left ] 'to shoulder but Farrell had
his ] guard up and broke the force
of the blow. Ireland put left to
face j and Farrell put left to Ire
land's ] jaw and followed with right
to \ jaw , and Ireland countered with
left ] swing to Farroll's head. Sev
eral swings intended to do some
work failed to land for either and
they j rushed to a clinch in which
Farrell jabbed Ireland in the ribs
and was cautioned by the referee.
After the breakaway each was a
little more cautious and Ireland
landed a stiff jab on Farroll's nose.
Sparring was light at the close and
the gong found them ready to take
their places in the corner , though
Ireland had the best of this round.
Round . Both men rushed in
Jfresk apparently antf Ireland gut
left to face and repeated with left
and right to face in which he
seemed to be doing the work when
Farrell made aleft swing which
Ireland ducked and they came to a
clinch. Ireland put left to breast
and tried left swing but failed.
Ireland swung left for head , Fa.r-
roll ducked and they came to a
clinch when the gong sounded.
Round 5. Ireland put in a left
hook for Farroll's jaw and Farrol ]
struck with left for body and came
to a clinch. Several swings again
failed to land hard by either and
light blows struck each others
arms. Ireland put a right to
breast and fought slowly waitiig
for an opening. Ireland put in a
hard jab on Farroll's right eye and
got away. Fan-oil was crowding
the fight in this round and Ireland
backing off waiting for opporhini-
tie * in which he landed each time
and rot away clear , excepting one
Hound 6. Ireland led with lelt
to wind and jammed his right
shoulder into Farroll's stomach in
a clinch. Ireland put in a left to
face and got a right swing to face
from Farroll. This was repeated
and Ireland put left to wind and in
repeating it came to a clinch as he
ducked forward. Ireland put left
to wind and clinched and just after
the beakaway put in a hard left to
breast and repeated it but left an
opening and Farrell put in a hard
right swing over Ireland's heart ,
which caused nim to drop his
hands and staggered back. They
were fighting hard when the gong
Round 7. Ireland led with a
left swing for Farroll's head re
peatedly but failed to land and
then put in a hard left to FarrolI'.s
breast and followed with a left to
wind but got a right swing on the
head which brought him to his
knees and while ho was clown was
struck by Farrell two or three
times on the head before he could
raise and was cautioned by the
re feree again. Ireland jumped up
ami put a hard left to facer ami
rushed Farrell to the ropes on the
west side , putting in blow after
blow. Farrell was staggered by
the blow in tha face at first but
seemed to recover and swung hard
riirht and left to Ireland's body
and the two were fighting hard
when Ireland went down and the
gong sounded.
Round 8. Both men seemed
cautious but firm. Ireland tried
left swing repeatedly. Farrell
rushed with right swing but Ire
land ducked. Ireland put left to
wind and followed with left to
breast. Ireland landed right swing
on left side of Farroll's neck which
brought him to his knees. Farrell
ittempted to rise but steadied him
self with his hands to the floor and
as the count proceeded his head
drooped and he sank tothe'n'oor
and was counted out. The bout
was closed and the crowd yelled
for Ireland as the champion.
Quiet was restored and Ireland
came to the front of the stage and
announced that he would meet any
man not over 158 pounds in the
country. Tommy Sullivan , the
second for Farrell , stepped to the
front of the stage and announced
that he would accept the challenge
for Jack Sullivan of Wyoming ,
whom he claimed was the best 158
pound man in the country.
Jack Donovan and Tommy Sulli
van were Farroll's seconds.
Ireland's seconds were Com.
Serj. Green and Private Hays of
the 25th infantry band. There
was good order throngout the eve
ning and those who were there
expressed themselves as well pleas
ed with the entertainment.
N. B : In round 2 it is claimed
by some that Ireland was not
knocked down but once and that
the other three times , he went
down to dodge a blow. It is the
intention of the editor to be fair I
to all parties and our position some
those on the stage we may be mis 1
taken. 1
1c 1c
1200 to 1500 tons of hay for sale. \
. A. H..STEES . , 1
t *
Kennedy , Neb. 1I
While "ntistcr" Dpvr pnnpcri the llnus
And the b-iys wo e gelling up sn | ( i ;
"Rust , r" veiled tlic * hot that iilwlijs r ym -
With itrinhnt n the load.
While o'er Ih3 Handy soil they flew
Aiul the wagon fairly urortned ;
"Uubter" felt so very bine
c i d hear th bay rack tnnan.
"B s'er" pnlle.i leather as Inn -v r di-J ! f T
Not even when he rodtli _ iiru. . li - of h
Rockies ,
And > ( ha hope of in tny h" ne'er will anyinoiv
Not even if he eats oold co'ikies.
lie was v ry much fatigued when Ihe liojy f n v
was o'er ,
We ire glad to hen * imer"
No one was seriously hurt.
John Eedfern has rented Will
Wiseman's place.
David Groves was a caller at W.
A. Smith's last Sunday.
Mrs. Brosius has gone to Vnlen
tine on a visit relatives
David Groves is intending to do
some trapping it f ter school is out.
Foreman Bunks has nothing to do
nowadays but read novels and write
lov < 3 letters.
The Wizard reads the real estate
transfers with interest and thinks
they should be continued.
One of Geo. Sawyer's team * pass
ed through Big Valley last Monday
curoute for Woodlake for a load of
provisions for his ranch near Ken
Sparks Stonis.
Mr. Callen had his corn shelled.
Henry Brown's baby has been
quite sick.
There will ne preaching in SparKs
next Sunday.
The last two days makes one feel
like making garden.
Aaron Grooms and family lia e
visiting in Sparks.
Edgar Brown is visiting friends
and relative * near Sparks.
Mrs. Jim Hudson and Miss Mabel
Dyre speut Monday afternoon at
Tom Hudson's ; also Jim. Huggins , j !
E.I Brown and Jennie Peterson.
The dance and birthday party
given by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hudson
Feb. 17 , in honor of their daughter
Miss Ethel was well attended. Pres
ents received : dress , Miss blythe
and Sophia Powers ; breast piu , Ed
Allen ; handkerchief , Gertie Allen ;
white silk muffler , Mrs. Jas. Hughs ;
breast pin , Dick Alleu ; box writing
paper and euve opes , Ida Shelboru ;
white rnufHer. Joliu Shelborn , Jr. ;
water glass with Lord's prayer en
grave t , Virginia itowden ; glass
pitcher , Mrs. Simmons ; sugar bowl
H K. Brown ; handkerchief and
breastpin , Edna Hudson ; handker
chief , Orin Grooms ; ceileloid backed
hand minion , Homer Bristol ; hand-
knrchief , Mabel Pyre ; hair clasp ,
Mrs. Myrtle Morrison. Supper for
all free. If anyone wants 10 have
a good time , go to I oni Hudson's
to a dance.
We want to know who. Ed. ]
The Eed Front Merc. ( Jo. carry a
complete line of spoiling goods.
One brown yearling horse colt i
randed , | § fgi on 1 ° hip-
12 D. STINARD , Valentine , iVebr.
From Ft. Xiobrara on Dec. 26 ,
1903 , 2 four-year old bay horses
with halters , branded F on left
jaw , and one brown horse brand
ed on left shoulder. Their
av-HsKEierage weight is about 800.
A suitable reward will be paid for '
information 'eading to their recov
ery. N. S. ROWLEY ,
3 Kennedy JNebr.
The KticliCNt linn red
Uliles in the World. I
The Black Hills , in the southwestern - a
western part of the state of South 0
Dakata , produce one-third of the
gold foune in the United States ,
and are said to be the richest one
hundred : square miles in the world.
A new booklet on the 13lack Hills
has been issued by the Northwestern
ern Line , with r fine detailud map I
of-this wonderfel region. Send
four cents in stamps for copy of
the booklet to W. B. Kniskern , P. |
T. M. , tocagp & North-western , ( :
R'y. , qUcag&l'ill.
Meal * Lunches Short Orders
First clans meaU at all hcnrs ,
< \ a.\ nid ; i * -Li. C.\M ( is m
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
-F. D. Cflhota , Prop.
Double Track
Ut -ticffit Jlixxunrt
n in ! ( lii < ttyo.
fHi-fi-t lint' to St I'ttii
l in.
IHrrrt iin < > to lilacl ; IIIIl.i.
* l'l'llfi ' " ' "I' * t ( If/Cllf
um/t ittnl time r < ir < ( n.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents pur line
Mii-h insertion. Amen > ; reading matter , lOcenUs
| i r line each insertion.
Ail kinds ol heavy hardware and
waon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Good fresh Meafc and Lard at
Stetters Meat Market. 26
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the Red Front Merc Co. 27
Elevating Graders , Wheel and
Drag Scrapers. Write for prices ,
STKOUD & COMPANY , Omaha , Neb.
6 S
Certificate of Publication.
J > rATK Or iSEr.UASKA )
of I
Lincoln , February. 1 , 1004.
IT is hereby certilied. that the Gei iniin Mutual
Fire Insurance Co. < > i Uninhu in the stale ol .Ne-
bruska has omplied with ilie Insurance i aws
01 this sut , api > lie < tbiu to Mich companies and
is therefore uihoii/ed to continue ill-- business |
ot Firr insurance in t is state lor Uie current ;
yeai t-ndt u January 31st 19i)3
\\iincbs my hand and the sf > al of Ihe ,
A'uditor ot 1'uhlic .Accounts the ojiy
and year lliei above written.
. . ,
Auditor ot 1'ublie AccoiiLts.
O ! of IS 'ariii -'iiul
! r'iiul Xittirc on Petit
ion lor settlement uf Account.
In ihe County Court of Cherry county Is'eb-
To the lieirs and to all persons interested in the
estate of ( Jubtave 1'onniKdb , deceabud :
u > reading the pcti.ion oi l-'n-uerick Tonnl-
jres , pntying a Hnai settlement of Inaiconnt
hi d in thi court .n the loth day ol Fehnury ,
19W. lti hereoy or deled thutjou , and all perj j i
-ons iut rest l m sud niaiter. may. dud io ap- '
ot-ar at the county Court 10 lie h. hi in and 1-r
bain county "ii thu I2lhuayof March , A. D. 1901 '
. .t 10 o'clock a. ID. , to show catibe , it any there '
be why thepia > urftne petitioner should not
i > e granted , and that notice of the pendency oi ,
siid : petition and that the hearing tliereol be
Riven to all persons inter jste. < hispid matter bv
pub.ibinni ; acopy this order in the \ alentine
iJeniounii , a AKeKly iiewapaper printed in said
coiiiiij for ttirt-e buocebsiveeekb piior to bald
iia > of tieannj ; , |
* \V.K.T.VVNE , '
Sl-AL County Judye.
In the County Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska. '
In the matter of the estate of Sjlvester E.
ir. di erased :
Mu.on tin1C n daj of F bniary , 1004. t Is
raiisr cuniiuy o i to Ue heanl upon the iii' : .ou
auu r.ho\vi u oi li. .J Lowe a red.tor t said
est-it .askin , ; the coti't to sei avde ihe o der
allowing chiitns nuue on the Clh day of Fei-ru-
ar > , IIKJJ. .uid a-iKinj ; that the suld order i e va
cated and syt aside and that a rt-lieanii be
grontd and that a time be Used for said hear
ing , and notice given io all parties nitereateu ot
said Hearing , and it being considered by the
ourt , s tid inotnu is sustained , and the orderot" ;
this court heietofore made on the Ctn day of I
Keiiniar > 1004. allowing c.aims ag mat this es > -
tate , is hcrcb.v betu > ide and antmiietl and the
court here now lixes March la. li ! ) > 4 , at 10 o'clock
a. in for the hearing ot claims against baid es
tate , and it is lurtherordeied thai the becond
notice he punlisuvd m the Valeutiue Democrat
lour succe-slVe weeKs
County Judge.
6 4
Chicago Minneapolis
Main Office
Manhattan Building ,
Dealers in
Stock , Grain , Provisions
Bought and sold for cash or carried
on reasonable margins , upon which
commission will be charged of i
on grain , on stocks and ion llax.
Private Wires.
Write for our market letter and pri
vate telegraph cipher mailccLfrcc.
Ship Your Grain to Us.
Prompt Returns.
Best Facilities Liberal'Advances
Usual Commissions.
Valentine , Nebraska.
(1st door north 1st National Bank. ) J
Lincoln De
If/ftf QOinnal Parrfe
/rleaolUHdl / ( / ualUQ-
Tin' I , Valley Hereford Kanch.
Brownie ? , Nebr ,
1'rtace ) ; * " ' * !
1MI3M : nnil ( urJr
Cojit ll-Wl ai ne l
of 1'iwl i * . Atleiy. . \ \ hton i" i.l ? r
Nosttx-k ' "r sale l present. Kunuh four t
north-wist i flJrou ulce ,
C.I1. FAO.
Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ten
Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 to
-Screenings 70c " $13.00"
Phop Feed . . . .1.05 " * 20.00 "
Corn 95 " $18.00"
Chopcorn 1.00 " $19.00"
Oats 1.20 " $23.00"
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. .Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
mouth and Friday presediug.
j i I Dentist.
: Office over the grocery doparment
I of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agcacy July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
, Blacksmith
i Brown lee , Xebr.
Hoes general blucksmithingathard
times prices for cash.
City Delivery man ,
I runks , valibi-s and packages hauled to and
irom the depot and alt parts of the City.
First-class Shop in Every Inspect
Bun de Quinine Eair Tonfc , ' Golden Star fcair
Tonic , Ilerpkjide and Coka's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Kights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward 8. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El
liott's i Drug Store.
Valentine , tfebr.
Practices in District Court . .
and U. S. Land-
Office. Keal Estate and Kanch Property
unnehranrt anld. Hnndftd Abstractor.
Robert G. Easley , .
Z Office over Red Front ,
Valentine ,
Proprietor of
Valentine Dray ,
Will do all kinds of draying- , express
and freight work. Special attention
given to fine furniture.
1M-P-A.-N-S Tabules"
Doctors find :
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-centrpackage s enoush lor usual ( rcaer
Bions. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
BUDDly for a vaar. AH druggists sell them.
If you need a gun or some am.-
'munition call on the Red Front
Merc. Co. , the ? can supply all your
wants. 36