Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1904, Image 5

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    * V1
L. N. Parker fell on the ice yes
terday morning and broke his left
shoulder. He and several others
were preparing a road across the
Niobrara , south of Crookston , on
the ice for teams to cross over
when he slipped and fell. He
drove to town abd had Dr. Compton -
ton build him up , and , excepting
for the pain and inconvenience
will get around.
/ 'Several Britt people were Val-
Jentine visitors Saturday.
. Arthur Brown was a business
. .visitor at Crookston last week.
Mr. Broad and son have been
'busy ' cutting ice the past week.
Old winter is still in his glory ,
* "biting the toes and stinging the
: nose.
A man from the East has pur
chased the Austin property near
Geo. Johnson has been busy
hauling grain to the half-way house
the past week.
D. D. Kellogg , our industrious
merchant of Britt , took a load of
freight to Cut Meat last week.
The Old Bob Sled" has been
brought out from its hiding place
and many have been enjoying
sleigh rides.
The U01d Russian Bear" is do
ing considerable growling. No
wonder , the "Little Japs" arc
hard on her trail.
Arthur Graeff has been building
a house on his claim. He expects
to be a real estate owner in Cher
ry county some clay.
Mr. Bullis has been busy break
ing colts of lato. The cold weath
er only seems to make the people
of Britt more energetic.
Mr. Fowler and family have re
turned from their visit to the hay
fiats and are now enjoying them
selves visiting at Harmony.
The North Table telephone line
has been connected with Valentine
Anyone from the West Table has
an opportunity of doing likewise.
Now is your chance.
Mrs. Henry Sanner invested in
a new incubator and will surprise
her neighbors with early spring
chickens. Oh , my ? The work to
keep the little chicks in clothing.
This month calls to our minds
the two greatest American states
men ; Washington and Lincoln.
Long may their lives be incentives
to our youth of bravery , honesty
and truth.
. - The people of Britt are getting
quite anxious about the where
abouts of Eric Anderson this win
ter. We wonder if he is frozen up
or is he afraid to venture out this
cold weather ?
Big Valley.
\Vm. Smith went to town last
Jesse Brosius made a flying trip
to Woodlake Saturday.
Win. Banks informs us that Joe
Cochran has sold his hay.
J. W. Groves shipped a car load
, of sheep to Omaha last week.
. This is leap year , girls , hut it is
advisable to look bpfore you leap.
Elmer Shaul has quit school and
has gone to trapping musk rats.
Ed. Lewis has purchased the Wilson
southwest of Ara
son Bros , ranch
Walter and Bay Tiukham were
callers at Jacob Groves' last Satur-
cley evening.
Oscar McDaniel and Tom Tink-
hamwent to Woodlake on business
one day last week.
David Groves took in the sights
at Omaha last week and looks well
pleased with his trip.
J. E. Cocnran has sold his catte
, and-we eai he Ageing to quit
ranching ; and'bid farewell to Nebr.
. Banks must expect to go a
* * * *
Geo. Bake well attacked a coyote
.with his hounds the other day , but
the coyote was too fleet and George
did not succeed in taking Hs scalp.
J. B. Leader went over to Curry'a
sawmill on the Niobrara river after
a load of sawdust to use in packing
ice , which was taken from Bed Deer
Geo. K. Sawyer , of Kennedy , has
shipped in a load of supplies for his
ranch. Among the supplies were a
two buggies. Geo. must noiTexpeet
to he a single man forever. Of
course this is leap year and wtwill
have to excuse him tuis time.
Real Lstate Transfers
We want expressions from people
ple who read the real estate trans
fers. Do you appreciate this work
and you particularly interested
in this kind of news matter ? If
so , please write us a card to that
effect , so that we may know
whether or not to continue run
ning them.
The following patents were issed to
the following Feb. 8 :
W D Boyles , sene 4 snw swne 3 34 37
C J Dix , senvv esw nwsw 4 28 38
R Stevens , swse ssw 26 sese 27 28 39
L J T laeger , lot 5 senvv neswr nwse
G 33 39
Gee .lessen , nw 15 34 37
J Slavinski , sse ssw 2 23 26
A J Wilson , ssw 11 wnw 14 28 26
Jonh Todd , snw nesw nwse 35 29 26
E G Lorenson , lot 3-4 sec 4 28 , ese 33
29 26
Ed Brahmstadt , ss\vnwsws\vnw27 29 26
J G M Griesbach , ene 21 wnw 32 32 25
The Heirs of Lucy B Elliott , wnw se
nw nesw 27 27 26
Jos Stolzle , lot 3-4 sec 5 lot 1 senw 6
31 25
The Heirs of Lucy B Elliott , se 17 t7
Gee Dew , ese swst sene 28 29 26
11 Schlegel , lot 1-2 sne 2 34 30
A Palmer , sw 12 33 35
Charlotte Skirvinjj. wsw nesw swnw
27 23 27
Seth T Duncanson , sese 14 ene n-.v-nt-
23 27 27
E Mercer , lot 7 sesw 6 enw 7 27 26
Adelia Young , ws-v wnw 34 28 27
Nellie L Johns , sse ea v 7 27 29
P M Walcott , assignee , nwsw 27 ns v
28 27 33
Ellen Walcott , lot 1-2 * ne 4 27 27
L H Wood , lot 1 eene ese 2 27 27
F M Uokey , wsw 4 stse 5 27 27
W E Jenkins , .U , ne 14 34 28
Lizzie : H Aiuslie , enw wne 28 31 29
E D Justice , sw 21 28 27
W L Rogers , sese 9 swse ssw 10 29 33
B H rftiinpson , ene ese 31 33 35
E E Williams ese 9 wsw 10 28 35
U D Brown , nnw 26 nne 27 28 30
F 3t WMlcott. assignee , lot 1-2 aec 5 2133
Ed C Hall " SSW 22 23 31
Mary J Chambers. FWIIW w.s\v sesw 33 23 27
.1 lliinnati Gates nsw 13 27 2r
II W ATnimm , sue nse 3 < 27 31
Febmary 9 :
A J Hale , ssw 10 nsw 15 33 40
The Heirs of Gee dmftu , ese 22 wsw 23 31 23
Helen Nelson , senw 11 33 39
Gee C Bakewcll , nsw sesw swse 11 3J 2G
H A Buhlke , lot 4 sec 10 , lots 1-2-3 CO 30 30
Win .1 Ogle , nne seue ucse 21 30 29
Heirs John N Km , wne nenw nwse 23 33 29
J C Dam , nsw seswwnw 11 33 33
Ed V Stratton , ssw swje 21 sese 20 31 39
E F Sanboru , use sne 34 33 33
A J Branes , lots 3-4 sec 24 35 31
B F Frusli , nsc nsw 3 30 25
C O Day , ene uwne neinv 10 30 23
T B Head , lots 2-3-4 sec 7 lot 1 sr. 18 33 28
F P Mliis , ssw 12 c nw 13 32 39
B F Bovles se 8 31 37
S S Tltcher , ne 19 30 29
H Montgomery. iot 1-2 euw 19 30 29
G E Hale , .snw 11 sen nese 10 33 40
E Sarders. nw 8 32 40
E B Boyer , ene 22 mvmv 23 swsw 14 30 3(5 (
February 10 :
Catherine M Donoher. snw 1 sene nesn 2 29 29
Earl K Batch , esw uwsw I uenw 12 33 40
Bessie E lloiij-e , nnw IIUK 24 30 38
Uar y While , seiiw nesw use 30 33 39
Henry Nansen , sw 2J 29 38
Feb. 11 :
Gee Lorenz. s\v 28 34 33
John S Graujj" . ese22 wsw 33 30 GO
John H.xeber. senw nesw use 33 30 30
H F Hurnham. ssw 1 sse 2 SO 31
F K Thompson , ene nsc 20 31 23
J W Crowe , wne 32 31 39
Frank Bresee. mvac 7 33 40 -
J JJ Stoll. nw 22 2G 25
Fee 12 :
CT Fries , lot 1-2 enw 30 33 40
F L Silvey , ne US 33 2U
F C M.lls. nw 24 3. . ) 2C
C H Arolwrvsf 3 51 2J (
John Specht , use nesw senw G 33 25'
Jos Bachelor e > w ase 32 30 31
John H Bachelor , sec 6 30 32
John E Nye , sec 54 30 32
Jas Neltej nse nsw 35 30 32
February 13 : - 31 35 26' '
Fr-d A Hull , swnw 11 31 35
E J Russell , s ne nese 4 29 31
Em Thompson , wsi nesw senw 34 32 23
T N McHride , "e 12 34 23
6am K lines , ssw swse 24 nivne 25 32 20
Gee N Hershcy , ssw sse s 32 35
John Marcusou. nsw nse 8 32 35
H A Tho.mpuon. se 7 32 25
S K Imes to J C McNare , w d § 700 swso ssw 24
uenei 3i2G
Marie Pavllk to J C McNnre , w d § 300 BEG' seac
swne 17 32 25
J A Yeast to J C McNare , w d § 400 ene swne 23
SwnW24 : 33 2&
WmT Scott and w to J"C McNare , vd ? 000
.n .
Why tlio TiviaWWu
Establised for nearly a century
and read regularly by more than
500,000 persons in the west and
southwest , the Twice-a-week Republic - ,
public of St. Louis can justly lay
claim to that enviable distinction ,
"Favorite Home Paper. "
It is great because it has always
aimed to inform , instruct and enr
tertain its readers on all matters pf
public and home interest. In 1904 ;
it will be especially interesting and
valuable. Here arc some reasons
why you should subscribe for it.
This is campaign year , and you5
will want to be informed of the
movements of party leaders.rer
ports of the Great National anclj
State conventions , the progress'of ;
the campaign , reports of the elec
tions , etc.
Ymi will want to know all about
the World's Fair , to be held in SjL
Louis from April 30 to Dec.l , 'oi.
You will be interested in and
kept well informed by the Farm
Visitor , a regular supplement of
the paper , prepared especially for
the farmer and his family.
You will want to know what the
world is doing in every field of ac
tivity , and through the unsurpassed - '
ed news and special service of the
Twice-a-week will
- - Republic you
not be disappointed.
In short sketches , choice bits of
fiction , articles of interest to wom
en , children and the home , fashion
hints and helpful household suggestions - .
gestions the Twice-a-week Rcpub *
lie easily leads among the , veekli4s
of the great west. '
If you want the Twice-a-week
Republic sent to your address , or
der it at once direct from the office
at St. Louis , Mo. , or through your ,
local news dealer. It cost only § 1 *
a year.
JJ t4ce to Creditor * . j
In County Court , within and for Cherry njnn
ly , Nebraska. * ; '
In the matter of : he e tate of Mlfllin P. Ihos-
uis. deceased.
I'o the ere utors of s-i'.d ' estate :
You are hereby notified , That I vrrll sit at ihe
Countv ' .ourt ttuoin in Valentine iu siid Coun
ty , on the l-Jih day of March 11)04 ) at 10 o'clock
a. m to receive and examine a 1 claims a aiiis *
.slid estatu with ; t view m their adjustm ut an < l
allowance. The time limited for th - prescnti
tion of claimrtiiainst said estate i < , the 12CU day
of Ma > ch V 1) 1004. ami the timlimlte for
paluent oi ioas i * one > -ar from said 3rd day
ot Juty 190.J
Witness my hand and the seal of sa a County
Court this 10th day of February , I'JOt.
\V. K , TOWSK ,
51 County Judge
Notice to Creditors. ; ' : *
lu County Goiut , within and for ClierryfCoun/i
In the matter of the estate of William A.WiI. oa
deceased :
To the creditors of said estate : . -r\ \ j
You aru hereby notified. That I will sit at tlffi
Count > Conn Itoom in Valentine iii snid county ,
oil the 12th day of AUrch 1904 at 10 uc'ock a
m. to receive and examine all < . ] mis ; iuainst .
said estate , \\ltli - \ie\v lo their adjustment , a d .
allo\rnice The time Imnte-J tor tne p-eseu '
ti-jii of claims against saiii es-ate is six irqulh-
f o M Hi-12 ilav of - > "jiiember \ It. 19i 3 and tie
time limited pi\ .it ot dei'ts is one y "i-
froiii sa.,1 12tu da. of Srpteui. ) r I9u3.
Willies mj liaiiil an-l Ilieteal 'fsld
SK.VL ' ountv mint is lt > th day of | ? H ruary
-v 1304. . v
5 4 ( 'ountv Judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will.
Iu the County Tourt of Cherry County , No
ms > < a
To Hel ery Chandler. Richard .1. Chandler ,
Sarah Josephs. Wiuiam O. Cnandler. Millie
tinwi horn and tlattie Johnson and tc ail persons - . ,
sons i. terestnu in the estate of I'hi&ndui Chand
ler , deceased : . ji- '
Onre-adl" K the petition of C. A. Jol > nsi-n praying
tha' the instrument Hied in thii Court on ifae
14th day 01 ne.cemner 1903 , ana purporting 10 In-
Ill- last will and lestamnut ot the said deceased ,
may be proved au allowed , and reconled as ih
last will a M tea ammil 01 f inlander Chandler ,
de rt.sed , that said instrument b admitted -o
prouate. and the adminiTtration ol suid estu e
be granted t" < barles A. John m as executo. .
Tt is hereby ordered tha ynu and a > l per < f > ns
interestfdin said matter , may. and do appear
at ttie eountv court r.o be held in and for saul
couuiy on the 5tti day of Marcu. A. D loot , ai
10 o'clock a , m. to show came , it any there ! >
why the prayer ot he petitioner should not b.
ra'uie i.a j i mat notice ol tiie p . . .dtiicot : sat
petition and that the neanig : tnere-ti be mve.
to all pers iiit iiitere-ied i-i said in ite by pu -
tishiuua copy of this oMer K me V leiniU'
Democrat weekly , ewspaper printed in said
c unty. lor three aucct s-ive weeKs prior to Said
day oi htaring.
\ \ itness n > y hand and the seal of said court
his lOlh day of February. A D 19U3.
Y 5 3 lonnt ! > Jii'l.ue
lit fluOimric.t duirt of iiii rr.v
ty , \ * l runlia ' '
In the matter of the application
of hlnit < r Kver'-et'.guardun ut
atuiiti liver.iflt , a le m nor h ir VOrder to' ho. %
ol Kiniiiii hvvir-tl , decr-ased , | Cause.
form * riy Emma rearf > on.
On reading tiie i etition filed herein , duly.veri-
lied , of Elmer Everretf , guardian of the person
and estate of Stelliv Everret , tt minor , tor lii'ens <
to sell the lollowing desciiuel real , estate to-
wit :
The South H lf of the NortInvest Quiirtei
( sK-nwVi ) and the Northwest Quarter of the
Mouihwi-at Quarter ( wJ sw 4) and the noutb *
west Quartei of the Aoitheast Quarter (4wjf
lie } * ) of Section Eight ( S ) Ton'Ship Twenty-
eight (28 ( Uaiige Twe.nty.eigbt (2i ) . as described
in .said petition foi the purpose of raising tuiuls
for the educat on , support and iiiainteiiau.-e ut
said minor , and lei thf invtstnieiitot the resi
due ol the pioceeds ol the sale of sain Teat es
tate , and it &aiistat-torily at pearing to tluj Court it will tie tor the interest of th said
minor to sell said real estate , itis ihereloreoi-
dei ed that the next ot kin of satd minor..and all
persons interested in said estate , app-a'r befor
me at chambers in the courthouse in tUe City
of O'Neill , tlolt county , Nebraska , on the Irftti
day of aiarch. 1904 , at 10 o'clock a , m , to show
cause , if anv. here be , why lice-Hue should not ne
granted to said E mer Everrvtt , gu.tnlian , t < sell
saici real estate for the purpose above set torth ,
and it is further ordered mat a copv f this or
der be personally served upon ull PHI-SOUS miei-
ested i. said real estate residing in the staie of
rtOiiraska , at least louilruii dctjs before the
hearing , publiahed eacli WCCK in four successive
weeks in the Valentine i emocnit. a newspaper
printed and published in Valentine , 'Cherry
county , Nebraska
Dotted in chambers in said Holt county , this
17th day of February , 1904.
One of ihe judges ol the District Court of
5I Cherry , couuty , fccbraska.
1200 to 1500 tons of hay for sale.
, A. H , STEES ,
Tba Vood Value ol Xuts.
Nuts arc not only the cheapest source
of energy ; they arc the best. They are
maile up of fat and what is cnlle < l "pro
tein. " Tne little husks on the uut.s are
not nourishing , but they should In * eat
en -with the nuts because they help in
13ut nuts are so hearty a food that
they should never be eaten except r.s
the chief dish at a meal ; they should
not be taken at the end of a heavy
meal nor between meals. It is quite as
foolish to cat nuts after a meal as it.
would be to cat a beefsteak after a
. three course dinner.
' Nuts can be made into soups , can lc
, used in sandwiches , salads and in oth-
cV combinations both attractive and
wholesoiiic. They should be eaten with
salt and eaten with all sorts of fruit. : \
whole wheat puddinjr with chopped
nuts in it makes a meal uy itself.
.Nuts will keep you warm , iiv.e _ ener
gy , and , if you do not work too hard ,
'vliey will increase your flesh , but do not
eat nuts to any amount unless you give
up meat , for they arc a substitute , not
a food accessory. .
A TrouTilcsosnc Auf.
In the state of Colombia there is a
large ant ( Atla cephalotes ) = ? yhich
causes a great deal of injury to planta
tions. It attacks and carries off indis
criminately nil kinds of foliage , and no
sort of vegetation seems to conic amiss
to it. The quantity of foliage carried
off by these ants is immense. A natii-
" mlist recently investigated the uses to
which the ants put this mass of vege
table matter , and he ascertained ttuit
they employ it to make hotbeds upon
which their eggs are" deposited to be
hatched by the heat produced by the.
fermentation of 1he leaves. The anis do
not eat these portions for food , and the
larva ; arc fed upon a carefully selected ,
diet. Once the brood - is hatched the
ants clear away the hotbed , carrying
out of their nest all the decomposed
vegetable matter. This is thrown out
in heaps apart , and in the large ant
hills these heaps will contain bushels
and upward.
The First IJii.srltali Slave Trailer.
Sir .John Hawkins was the first Eng
lish slave trader. lie formed a com
pany 'composed of the leading men of
London and fitted out three small ships ,
which sailed in 15G2. Later Queen
Elizabeth lent Ilawkins Jesus , a large
ship of her own of 700 tons , and took
shares in the second African company.
She not only equipped the ship , but put
100 sokliers on board to provide for
contingencies. On the second voyage
Ilawkins bought 400 negroes and had
a narrow escape from losing them ow
ing to the lack of water when he was
near the equator. Hut , as he piously
recorded in his log , "The Almighty God
would not suffer his elect to perish and
sent a breeze which carried them safe
to Dominica. " This was the beginning
pli the slave trade , which lasted for
more than two centuries before' it was
k finally suppressed.
Tartaas of Scotch CIii * .
Many Scotch clan ? have several tar-
1ans , such as a common tartan , a hunt
ing tartan and a full dress tartan. Ear
ly in the day a highlander of position
dons a kilt of plain tartan , and in the
evening for dinner he puts on his full
dress tartan , with sporran and richly
jeweled dirk. For. example , the Mac-
pherson dress tartan is black and
white , with a narrow red line , and the
hunting Macpherson is a small blue
and black and red check. The Stuarts
have three tartans , and the design of
their hunting tartan in dark blue and
green , is particularly One. Each clan
has its own badge. The Duff men wear
holly , the Gordons an ivy leaf , the
Stuarts an oak leaf , and so on.
Breton and "I
Proof that the people of Wales and
the people of Brittany , in France , come
from the same parent stock is given ev
ery autumn when 'Breton boys go over
to England to sell onions from their
home fields. In Cornwall and Wales
their native speech is readily under
stood. A rinorican , the old language of
Brittany , the ancient Cornish and
"Welsh and for that matter Erse and
Gaelic are all closely allied languages ,
members of the Celtic group.Breton
and Welsh are very much alike.
Their First Fnlliiij ? Out.
The speeding trains came together
with a dull , sickening thud. A moment
later the happy pair sat facing each
other iu the cornfield far away.
"Well , what arc you crying for1'
asked the man. The lady wept anew.
"It it is our first falling out , " she
sobbed. Cincinnati Commercial Trib
Chicago Minneapolis
Edwards ,
Main Office
Manhattan Building , Co.
Dealers in
Stock , Grain , Provisions
Bought and sold for cash or carried
on reasonable margins , upon which
a commission will be charged of
on grain , i on stocks and ion flax.
Private Wires.
Write for our market letter and pri
vate telegraph cipher mailed free.
Ship Your Grain to Us.
Prompt Eeturns.
Best Facilities Liberal Advances
-Usual Commissions.
. .Valentine , Nebraska.
(1st ( door north 1st National Bank. )
Luncbj'S Short Orders
T. fXAfcG H
I . f- * > . . . -
I ? v > rrArTI
First chias meals at all hour * .
! day c.nd ni ht. Oysteis in
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
JF. D. Cohota , Prop.
Double Track
Itttllrooil lirttveenJliMNoitri Klver
timl Chivtif/o.
Direct I UIK to St i'lnt
Direct line to Iliac/ : / / ! / / .
to iicttr * t Hf/cnf fur
ami time vartts.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 oents per line
each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents
per Hue each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Good fresh Meat and Lard at
Stetters Meat Market. 26
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the lied Front Merc Co. 27
Do not pump water by hand. Buy
the old reliable Eclipse Wind Mill.
"One brown yearling horse colt
randed"iiBi on left hip. '
12 D. STINARD , Valentine , Nebr.
$50.00 REWARD
will be paid for information lead
ing to the recovery of one brown
marc , stolen from my homestead
northeast of Valcntin'e , "Christmas
night. Said mare is branded H S L
under mane , is 10 years old * and
about 1100 pounds ; has white spot
in forehead , one white hind foot ,
one front foot scarred'above fet
lock from wire cut , and is of a low
and blocky build.
50 Valentine , jSobr.
The Bed Front Merc. Co. carry a
complete line of sporting goods. .
Saloon building , together with
fixtures and furniture complete.
Also good five room dwelling house
with excellent well and small barn.
Easy terms.
A. B. EIES ,
52 Crookston , Neb.
Valentine social at Bethel hall ,
Feb. 15. Don't forget it.
Xotice of Hearing.
In the County Court of Cherry Couuty Neb-
I'UUNTY or ciiKitu\ .
loall persons interebted iu the estate of'
Charles A ! reiumel deceaoed :
UM aaiutf the petition ol.l \ M. Walcott. ask- * '
iiitribaia ueeree be entered oy the Cuuiuv
U urt of s-ud county to f uliy determine tne owu- ' '
ersnip ot certain i eal estate iu Cherry'County ,
.Nebiasha. and also rea < estate elsewuere in said
s ale , and asks fur a. hearing in caid matier : It
is hereby oroeitd tli-tt nil persons interested In
aid matter may. ana do appear , at Hie County -
Couit to be hem in anu for saia couuty on tue >
3rd uaj of iMarch 11XH at 10 o clock a. ni. to show
cause , it a.-.y there OK , why tluts prater ot the-
petitioner should iiot be granted ana that notice
ol the pencViicy of said petition and tiie hearing
thcreot oe given to ail persons interested iu naiu
inattrr by pu jiishiug a copy ot urn order m ihe
\aientiue Deiuoct at , a wecKiy uewspainjr puo-
iiBhea iu saia county lor 4 luecessiv. . we-jks prior
lo saia day > t heai mg ,
Uuteu tebr.iiiry 10,1904. . .
J -County Judge
Sisterly Devotion.
The beautiful Margaret of Navarre
\vits devoted to her brother , Francis I.
When he vras apparently dying at Mad
rid , she found her way to him through
privation and danger and succeeded in-
effecting his deliverance. When he was
ill at a distance from her , she went ev
ery day and sat down on a stone in the
middle of the road to catch the first
glimpse of a messenger afar off. And
she said :
"Ah , whoever shall come to announce
Ihe recovery of the king , my brother ,
though he be tired , jaded , soiled , ' di
sheveled , I will kiss him and embrace ,
him as though be were the finest gen
tleman in the kingdom.- '
TVhen ha died .she seemed literally.
heartbroken , and she did not long sur-
Professional Cards
, Nebr ,
I'riaw ;" ' ' I l Tnrlv
2-j .i at . .jiif
. .
| rn. .1
iiiifi-M in my lieu : .
No stork'nfaat present. Ilanch four m.I
nor. h-\v vs. . tirounlce , .Nehr. r'AUUIAMKK.
rari. bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 Itfh
Miortsbulk 85 per cwt.6.00 t > n
icnreafnps 70c " I13.UO "
< WFeed . . . .1.05 $20.00
Cora .95 " $18.00"
Uhopcoru 1.00 " 'ilD.UO "
Oats 1.20 " $23.00"
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. , lleacrvc
your work for him. Ollice at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding. '
Office over the grocery dcparmciit
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in. Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190i.
Blacksmith . '
Broirnlec , Xebr.
Does general blacksimthingatliard
times prices for cash. } .
* i
City Deliveryman. :
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
. iroin the depot and aU the City.
' '
r I
First-class Shop in.Evcry llcspect .
Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic. .Golden.Star Bair
Tonic , IlerpJcJdc au.d Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face.jfrassage.Creain ;
rCounty Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
PLysieiaii and Surgeon
Office' at Quigley & Chapman's
Drugstore. Nights The Don
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward % . Furay
Physician and Surgeon
OJIM Fraternal Hall or El
liott's -Drug * Store , r. 10UD2
F. M.
ft * Valentine , Kel > r.
Practices in'District ' Court and U. S. Land1"
. Offlcfe. Real Estate and Sanch Property
* " ieh * . and wild. Bonded Abstractor.
Eobert G. Easley ,
Valentine , . Nebraska.
i : F. M."BLAKE
-j- ' . , . . . ,
- - : ; f . - - * ,
* 1' f t f *
Valentine" , ' - / ' 'Keuraska.
M. WILSON ; ' '
Proprietor : of
Valentine Dray.
Will ili all kin s of dVaying , exprcsis
and freight work. Special atteutiou
given to fine furniture. ' '
If you need a gun or uome um-
munition , call.Ion "the Ked Front
ilerc. : Cp ? the can ; supply all your
' ' ;
cpanf . ' * " * ; Q
a. - - 36