Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1904, Image 3

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The diiEculties which ciicouiitercd
Wasluiigtou ivhun he took up his great
( rust , us comnumder-iu-chief of the con
tinental army were most complicated
tind iunneijjjf. The theater of the strug
gle was a vast one , geographically ,
stretching along the Atlantic coast from
Massachusetts to South Carolina , while
the whole population was only three mill
ions not very much greater than that
of the State of Michigan , and not so
great into a million as that of Illinois.
Out of this small , scattering and peace
ful population an army was to be raised ,
organized and equipped capable of con
tending with the chief military and niari
time power of the globe. And it was
not to be a straggle between government
tind government , between one nation and
another. It was a rebellion , and there
\vas really no central authority , no arms
or warlike stores , no navy , no treasury
r financial system or responsibility. It
was only a brave anod patriotic people ,
email in numbers , without discipline 01
military experience , without arms am1
without money , rushing thus bare-handed
Into a conflict with the mother country ,
their own government ; a powerful nation
which had recently been raised by the
peuius of the elder Pitt to the front rank
among the great warlike nations of the
ivorld a nation whose military posts and
possessions already dotted the globe ,
whose victorious navies covered ever.\
ocean and sea. whose moraine : drum beat
as Webster said , was heard round the
world. It was against such a power as
this that this handful of patriots had
thrown down the gage of rebellion , and
Washington is known in history as a
providential man ; that is , a man raised
up by Providence to fill a great place
nrnl perform a great mission. However
this may be , he certainly had great parts
nud great sind peculiar fitness for the
most difficult and trying place which he
tilled in history. Lie had had experi
ence in the previous Indian and French
wars , and had proven himself a wise ,
competent and heroic officer. He had
preat personal advantages for command.
Jle was of fine physique and imposing
presence , a splendid horseman , carrying
with him ever the port and air of au
thority and native majesty an idea !
So wnen this noble Virginian appeared
before that northern army and drew hij
sword as their commander under thoH
Cambridge elms his fame had preceded
him and he was received with shouts oi
welcome and of confidence. Then all
men knew it was to be a struggle to tin
Llardly a better instance does historj
aftord of patience under provocation , 01
dogged determination under difficulties , o'
unconquerable will and courage , holdiiij
on so long and coining out triumphant a'
last over such mighty opposition. Thesi
great qualities , as we have already seen
belonged to the man more than to tin
soldier. It was indeed the great mar
behind the soldier , the man with tin
great patriotic heart , with the wise head
ind the lofty , unshaken soul , thai
brought us through that long and tremeu
lous straggle and gave us our glorio.i
place and opportunity among the nation *
No other man on this continent but In
ould have done it. Greene , among tin
: enerals of the revolution , would bait
ome nearest to it , but he- would hav
But in looking over the whole field ant
ccord. in the light of all the facts aiu
istory , it will be seen that Washington
nade no military mistakes , that he im
roved all his opportunities , that hi
reneralship will stand the test of criti
"ism. lie struck whenever he had th
hance , his plans were good , and whei
ompelled. his retreats were masterly.
The coach which bore George and Mai
tha Washington from Mount Yernoii ti
Savannah has been removed from th
premises of Augustus Prey in New Yor
to Mount Vernon , where it \\i\l \ remaii
hereafter as an example of what a fir.1- ,
'lass long-distance vehicle was in tl'i
ighteenth century. The coach was pir
'hased twenty-five years ago at the ce
'ennial in Philadelphia by Benjam i
Richardson of Harlem. After his deati
"waive years ago it was purchased 1-
Mr. Frey , who has had it on exhibitioi
since. Occasionally it was dm- :
in processions , yud its ancient color a \
Venetian blinds always attracted atteii
tion. Some time ago Superintends
Dodge of Mount Vernon came to Xe
York , made a careful examination of t ! i
coach and pronounced it genuine. It w : !
suggested to the "Ladies' Association < i
the Union" that they secure the co : ' ;
for the museum at Mount Vernou , ai ;
Mr. Frey notified Mr. Dodge that 1 !
could have the ancient carriage. The vo
hide is said to have been used by Was'1
ingtou on his journey to New York t' < i
his first inauguration.
That cberry tree episode with a few modern variations. Philadelphia
One of Cztr'M Cruisers Sunk and
Another Dl.vib < < ! or Captured
Formal ion of
War Indued.
LONDON. Dispatches to the
Daily mail from Tokio and Nagas-
ukai , dated February 10 , report the
arrival at Sueb9 , Japan , of two larue
Russian steamers. One is the volun
teer fhet sjjiatioa trinspjrt E-ca-
torinostay , which recently landed
tr'Ops and arms at Port Arthui , and
the other is the steamer Argun , be-
Im ing to the Chinese Eistern Rail
way company. Both were captured
by the Japanese cruiser Sai Yen aud
HVi Yon , in the neighborhood of
Fuasfl , Korea. The Elcatorinostay
is of 10,000 tons displacement ad
had been lued up as an auxiliary
ciuiser. She had thirty rifles on
board and was one d-iy from Vhidisv-
O'tock. The Argun was going to
Vladivostock from Nagasaki.
The Russian whalprs Glorijie ,
Niretai. Alexander and Michael , cap
tured by the Japanese have also ar
rived at Sasobn.
ment that .Secretary Flny had issued
a note to the powers asking them to
join in assisting on the rec > pniti n
of the integrity of Chin i and Korea
during and after bostifities , created
much comment in diplomatic circles ,
where any action taken with the
view of localizing the theater of war
is welcomed.
There seemed to be great doubt ,
however , of the propriety of adhering
to the latter clauses of Mr. ILiy's
note pending more deGnite advice.
At the foreign office where there is
some disposition to distrust the
purposes of the United States'an au-
tborltive expression was not obtain
Fireigrj Minister Lamsdorff talk
ing to the diplomats , spoke feelingly
of Japans' action and declared the
rzar bad done all in his power to
avid a confl'ct , but the events f
the past few days had proved Japan
to be bent on wrr and that no co- -
cessions Russia could have offered
would have restrained her.
Formal War Declaration.
ST. PETESRBORG. The Offlcinl
Messenger this morning contains the
"Supreme manifest :
"Bv the Grace of God , we , Nfchn.
las II , emperor and autocrat of iill
the Russhns etc. , make known to all
our loyal subjects :
"In our solicitude for the mainten
ance of peace , which is dear to our
heart , we made every eff-rb to con-
FO'idate t'anqnility in the far east
In these peaceful aims we signifi d
assent to the proposals of the Ja panes
government to revise agreements
regarding Korean affairs exi'-tng be
tween the two governments How
ever the negotiations he jun up"n
this subject were not brought to a
conclusion , and Japan , without wait
ing the receipt of the last responsive
proposals of our government decl i ed
the negotiations oil ar d diplomatic
relations with Russia diss-lvid
"Without advising us of the f-ict
that the branch of such relations
would in itself mean an opening of
war-like operatio > s the Japanese gov
ernment-gave eiders to its torpcd
bo ts to suddenly at'ack our squad
ron standing in the outer harbor f
the fortress of Port Arthur. Upon
receiving repo'ts from the v'cerov
in the far east ab nit this , are imm -
tliately commanded him o answer
the Japanese challenge with armed
"Making known this , our dec's'on ' ' ,
we , with unshaken faith of the Al-
rritibtv. and with firm expectation
of and reliance upon the unanimous
willingness of all our loyal subjects
to stand with us in defense of 'he
fatherlind , ask God's blessing upon
O'u stalwart land and naval forc-s.
"Giv n at St. Petersburg , January
27 , 1904 , A. D. ( New calendar , Feb
ruary 9 , 1904) ) and in the tenth year
tf our reign.
"Written in full by the hand of
h s imperial majesty.
Japan Master of the Sea.
BERLIN. Naval men were doing
linle else at the admiralty ind y
than talking about the Japanose-Ru-- engagements aod tbe educations
ti be drawn then from One co -
vction was that Japan had acquir-d
s ch a superiority that her command
if the sea practically results.
Consternation At Paris.
PARIS The news of the first
Japanese attick with torpedo b tuts
on the Russian fl et off Port Arthur
created cnnsternation nere The otli-
cials of the foreign offloe were am ug
the fi'St to receive tbo information ,
and these advices were similar 10
those of tbe St. Petersburg Oilici si
Gazette , showing that two Russian
tatilesbips and une cf.uiser veie
damaged aud also that fuur toii-edo
boats made the attach , j
Uxtent Not Fully Known , Uut
Crtlt lUuclied Countries of Eu
rope Stirred by News of
Actual AVarture.
ST. PETERSBURG. An official
dispatch received here says that
J ipancse torpedo boats have attacked
the Russian squadron in the outer-
roids at Port Arthur and that three
Russian ships were damaged.
Adminl Alexieff's otlicial report
of the attack by the Japanese is as
follows :
"I most respcctfuly inform your
majesty that at or about midnight
uf February 8-9 Japanese torpedo
bo its madtt a sudden attack hy means
of mines upon the Russian squadron
in the outer roads of the fortress
ot Port Artuur , in which the battle
ships Retvizian aud Czarevitch and
the cruiser Pallada were damaged.
An inspection is being made to
ascertain tne character of the dam
age. Details are following for your
majesty. "
PURL1 ARTHUR. Japanese tor
pedo boats attacked the Russian
fleet during the night and three of
the Russian ships were badl > dam
aged. The Japanese , who thus se
cured the first success of the war ,
escaped undamaged.
In consequence of the attack by
the .la pi n esc torpedo boats martial
law has been proclaimed here.
BERLIN. A special telegram
from St. Petersburg says three Rus
sian ships at Pore Arthur were se
verely damaged 1st night ty torpedoes
discharged from Japanese torpedo
b ats while' the latter were passing
this harbor. Subsequently a large
fleet of Japanese battleships and
cruisers appeared before the port.
UHE FOO The Japanese fleet at
tacked Port Arthur at midi ight rn
Monday. Two Russian battleships
and one cruiser were disabled by
The battle was being continued
this miming at a range of three
miles. There has been no further
ST. PETERSBURG. The follow
ing otlicial bulletin has just been
i > sued in the form of a telegram
from Viceroy Alexieff's chief of
staff , dated February 8th.
"By order of the viceroy , I beg
to report that this day at about 11
o'i lock in the morning , a Japanese
squadron , consisting of about h'fteeo
batttle ships ann cruisers , approach
ed Port Arthur and opened fire
The enemy was received with a can
nonade from the shore batteries arid
the guns of our squadron which also
paiticip-ited in the engagemep' . .
"At about mid-day the Japanese
squadron ceased its tire and leii , pro
ceeding south.
"Our losses in the fleet were two
officers wounded , nine men killed
and forty-one wounded. On the
sh'ire lotteries one man wai killed
and tune were wounded. The bat
tleship Pultava and the cruiser ISovk-
each had a hole knocked in her side
below the war line. The forts were
slightly damaged , ( signed ) MAJOR
Bryan Gains in Will Case.
NEW HAVENConn. In two de
clsions handed down today Judge
Tbayer , in the superior court , sus
tains counsel for William J. Uryan ,
in certain contentions growing out
of the refusal of the probate court
to admit to probate as a p rtoftba
will of the late P. S. Bennett the
sealed letter giving $50,000 to Mr. '
Brian. One decision sustains a
demurrer entered by counsel for Mr.
Br\an to a plea in abatement filed
in behalf of Mrs. Bennett , widow uf
the testator , from Mr. Bryan's ap
peal from the probate court's deci
sion. The other decision overruled
a motion by counsel for Mrs. Ben
nett and to her heirs to expungp cer
tain portions to the answer of Mr.
Byran to the appeal bought oy ilis.
Problems For Authorities.
BALTIMORE. Md. With the
great tire which ate up property var
iously estimated at rrom $25,000,001 !
to $150,000,000 slowly burning itsell
out Baltimore awoke this morning
to lace the ravaue question of civic
an < l municipal readjustment.
Found Guilty of Assault.
Glover , a former Missouri crngress.
man , who has been on trial in tba
district GI urt on a charge of baving
ussaulted Sergeant Ditcemo'.e of ob $
Colorado national guard witb'mtenl
to kill on December 28 last , whea
resisting arrest by the milluia , was
today found guilty of simple assault
by the jury and was sentenced to paj t
flUO One or serve six months in jail
Sentence was deferred.
One of Czar's Crui-eta Sunk and Another
Disabled or Captured Confirma
tion of. litis-iim Defeat at
Jsipan has captured two and per
haps five Russian steamers used as
transports , one an auxiliary crusier.
A formal declaiation of war w.'is
issued by the czar of Russia. Jap u
will issue a declaration today.
A gale is raging at Chee Fee , which
threatens the destruction of disabled
Russian warships.
Demoralization reigns at Port
M. Kurino , Japanese minister at
St. Peteisburg left that city. Ru-
sinns watched the leave taking but
he was not molested.
Japausee troops have arrived at
Japan has seizeid the p-irt of Mas-
am ho and will establish a naval
and military base.
President Roosevelt will toda/
issue a declaration of neutrality.
Secretary Day's note looking to th- >
localiztion of the war is favorably
LONDON. Dispatches t3 the
Daily mail from Tokioand Nagasaki ,
dated February 10 , report thp arrival
at Sasebo , Japan of two large Russian
steamers. One is the volunteer fleet
a -ociation transport Ekatorinostav ,
which recently linrieo troops and
arms at Port Arthur , and the other
is the steamer Anrun , belonging to
tlie Chinese Eastern Railway com
pany. Both were captured by Ihe
Japanese cruisers Sai Yen and TTpi
Yen , in the neighborhood of Fusan ,
Korea. The Ekatorinostav is of
10.000 tons displacement and had
been fixed up asan auxiliary cruiser.
She had thirty rifles on board and
was one day fioru Vladivostok. The
Argun was going to Vladivostock
from Nag-xsaM.
ST. PETERSBriRG , Tha state
ment that Secret irv Flay had issued
a note to the powers asking them to
j u'n in insisting on the recognition
of the integrity of ( Jhina and Korea
during and after hostilities , created
much commeirj in dipl iraati- circles ,
where any action taken with the
view of localizing the theatre of war
is welcomed. There scorned to b2
great doubt , however , of the pro
priety of adhering to the lat'er
clauses of Mr. Ilav's note pending
mnre definite advice.
TOKIO. It is reported that two
Russian battleships and one cruiser j
were destroyed during the torpedo
artiick at Pwt Arthur Mondav night.
The navy department d H-S not con
firm thp report tb-it the Jipaups < >
uVet is still oft P irt Arthur. Ad-
viee of a general navil enasagement
are hourly expected. T3e success
of Japan on the sea would carry enor
mous advantage and practically
decide the war. On paper the fleet
are almost equal , although the Jjp-
anese are confident tlvit their person-
ale is superior. They siy that a
drawn battb would be reallv a Japan
ese victory on account of Russia's
lack of f icilities to dock and repair
her largsr craft.
BERLIN. A dispatch to the Vns-
siscbe Zeilung from Yokohoma says
thp greater number of the Russian
warships at Port Arthur have already
been disabled , and that several
Japanese warships have been sent
home for repairs.
It is learned here tonight that the
request of Russia for permission to
send warships though tbe Kiel
canal , has not yet been considered by
the foreign office Conlidence was
expressed at the Japanese legation
that , Germany would not grant this
permission before informing the
TIEN TSIN Tbe Russian garri. .
son was withdrawn yesterday tc |
Shan Hai Kwan. Tbe posioffice was
transferred to tbe French author-
ties. Yuan Shai Kai , govern' r ol
Chi Li province and comraanderin-
chief of the army , has issued a pr > c-
hrnition forbidding raejt nt'S of
secret societies or seditious move-
Kills Mother and Herself. 1
DES MOINES. , Iowa. Miss Hoi-
da Nelson , a young woman schoi 1
teacher of Ft. Dodge , la. , in a
moment of insanity , brained bei
mother with hatchet while th (
latter was sleeping and then jump '
ed into a cistern , drowning her.
self The young woman was aboul
> \enty-sixyf > arsoflire. . She had been
teaching in the Wahkonsa sch-iul at
Ft. Djdge aad had to relinquish hei
school wurk on account ot ili-beailn
Frank Orerman and Miss Adelaide
Wiegand were married at Petersburg
The last case of smallpox has been
stamped out at Alda and the quaran
tine has been raised.
A small bridge burned near Mar
kell and passenger trains were deb -
b > ed on the Union Pacific.
The annual meeting of the Young
Mens' Christian association of the
state will be held ao Lincoln.
The Nebraksa state conference of
charities and corrections began its
lighth annual session at Lincoln
this week.
The marriage of Miss Sena Jensen
and Fred Hargees of Beemer town-
snip , Cum lug county , occurred a't
West Point recently.
Rerescutative Klnkaed has recom
mended the appointment of G. F.
Hicks as p. sttuaster at YVelistleet ,
vice R. JBicknell , resigned.
" Governor Mickey returned to Lin
coln from Holland , where he assisted
lu dedicating a church ereted by the
people of iii-jkman and Holland.
Henry Hartz and Miss Blanche
Speer of West Point were married at
the Congregational church in that
city , the Rev. II. A. Hanson ollicia-
The Rev. Henry B. Smith of Fon.
du Lac , Wis. , accompanied by bia
family , arrived at Falls City to take
charge of the Episcopal church at
that place.
The Rev. Elmer Cole delivered his
farewell sermon as pastor of the
Christian churcn at Falls City to a
crowded church. He will go fco
Hutchiuson , Kas.
Elder J. D. Lemon , recently of
[ Southern Kansas , has accepted the
paator.ite of the Christian church at
Table ROCK , and with his family hai
arrived to assume his duties.
An entertainment will be given by
the pupils of the Nebraska School for
tbe blind at Lincoln. The iruesta
will be members of the state board
of corrections aod charities.
The county commissioners at Fair-
Ibury appointed Jb'iank A. Houston
'county clerk to n'll the vacanoj
caused by the death of W. S. Dilter.
Mr Houston has been deputy clerk
for three years.
J. C. Burke , a farmer residing
near Pickrell was injured while
shelling corn by being kicked on tha
head by a horse. His right ear wai
nearly torn off aod he w-as badly
bruised about tbe head.
A charge of embezzlement has just
been filed at Nebraska City against
Archie T. Davis , a traveling man
for the Morton-Gregson Packing com
pany of tuat city. The whereabout *
of tne man are at present unknown.
Mrs. John Kopp of Plat smoutk
wa- > injured while coasting Tuesdaj
evening. The sled she was riding
collided with another and in the
mixup she received an ugly g-sh on
her right limb , which required fifty
'stiches to close.
Judge Bourne of Beatrice pre
formed two marrirage ceremonlet
recently. The couples were Jacob
Dumler and Miss Mary Beck of Rus-
sie county , Kansas , and Richard
Risher and Miss Alice May Pike ol
A three days' meeting of the Sarpj
County Poultry association was held
at Papillion beginning February 3.
Enters have been bonked from
Omaha , S-mtb Omaha , Fremont and-
Weepinu Water. A number of valu
able prizes are offered.
Suit has been commenced In th
district court at Plattsrnoutb foi
85,000 by B. F. L uehlin as next
jfriend to Louis A. Mary E , John J.
and William F. Pope , minors , against
Ge' rge Obeile a saloonkeeper al
Greenwood , for selling liquor to them
as minors.
At Plattsmoutn County Judge H.
T. Travis nasappointel Isaac D.
Harmer of Aov : a administrator of
the estate of Barton W. Harmer.
The personal property is valued at
$100,000 and tbe real estate at 3459 , *
000. There are four heirs.
The Beatrice chapter of tbe Daugh
ter of tbe A mericau Revolution heli
an interesting meeting Tuesdaj
afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. H.
Begole. There were short addresset
.and a musical program , after whici
a light luncheon was served.
The regular help at the Home res-
turant in Columbus walked out o
a strike Tuesday because a colored
waiter bad been employed. Thi
trouble was anticipated and anOthei
force of cooks , waiters , etc. , was 01
band to take the places of those who
walked out.
Harry Priest of Homer has been ar
rested charged with being a fugitive
from justice in tbe state of Iowa.
He is said to be wanted on the charge
of seduction.
At a meeting of the school boar *
'at Fremont a successor was elected
to succeed Superintendent Laird ,
who was not a candidate for ze-elee-
tion. While ft Is not positive
known who was selected , it is gen ,
erally understood that C-mnty Super *
intendent Charles Axaott was chosen.