Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1904, Image 2

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M RICE , Publisher.
Any harness will chafe if you fret
In It.
The rule of the lowest must mean
the ruin of the highest.
If the flood came again some
churches would meet it with Overshoe
Of more than 2,000 prisoners re
ceived at the Ohio State prison last
year not one could repeat the ten com
The problem of securing radium is
not nearly so serious as would be the
problem of what to do with it if it
were common.
It Is said that only 5 per cent of the
Inhabitants of Colombia can read. That
Jets a good many of them out on the
historical romance.
It Is asserted that "golf is making
' new man of John D. Rockefeller. "
Borne one ought to speak to the "new
man" about the high price of oil.
Dr. Robert Collyer , in explaining his
longevity , says he always walked on
the sunny side of the street. Others
have tried that and been suustruck.
The Rev. MInot J. Savage says that
Adam never fell. Then they cleared
off thedr sidewalks better In Eden than
they do here , or else the race's father
was very sure footed.
Marie Corelli has been awarded dam
ages of half a cent in her libel suit
against an English editor. As a mat
ter of simple fairness Marie ought to
use the money for advertising pur
Many a married man would like to
have the power of forgetfulness pos-
icssed by the Oakland , Cal. , man
whose excuse for becoming engaged
while having a wife was that the fact
had slipped her mind.
Miss Crabtree , who as "Lotta" was
once a stage favorite , is reported to
have made several million dollars in
real estate deals. Miss Crabtree is one
of the stage favorites for whom it will
apparently never be necessary to get
np benefits.
Discussion has recently been raised
again upon the old question whether
popular education is not left too much
In the hands of women. No matter
what the pedagogical answer to that
question may be , one human fact is
certain : that to brave , patient , indus
trious women who have served in the
public schools for small salaries every
schoolboy , young or old , owes unend
ing debt
A. great city church recently called
fks its pastor a clergyman who is 72
fears old , and the act prompts the or
gan of one of the smaller denomina
tions to name seven famous members
of its own body who have been "look-
tag for the ministerial dead-line for
forty years or more , and have not
found it" Probably the dead-line
moves about as fast as a man docs ;
but the paradox is true that if he
rtood still he would soon come up to it.
We are often too strict with young
people. They must have their fun , and
we must put our nerves in our pockets
and endure a reasonable amount of
uoise and laughter. Children have
their rights and we should respect
them. They try to do right conscien
tiously , and do not get half the credit
Uiey deserve , considering all the obsta
cles they find in their own natures
when they try to live up to our ideal
f a good child an ideal which they in
ttieir inmost soul despise and only tolerate
erate through affectionate respect for
elders. All " ' "
Zheir mothers say "Don't"
too often. Tolerance , patience and tact
frill settle many difficulties.
Neglect to train children in some
useful employment Is essentially an
A-merican sin. They order things bet
ter in Europe There every one must
know how to do something , men and
f/omen , plebeians and those of the
blood royal. The present King of Eng
land Is a bookbinder by trade and
served his apprenticeship just like any
one else. It Is said that he can do no
mean job yet. There are princesses
wio are dairy maids , cooks , florists and
the like. In this country the idle
youth develops into a manhood of in
eptitude and helplessness to be tossed
about on the waste waters of desola
tion. To prevent this It may yet be
necessary for the government to supply
the deficiencies of parents and guard
ians and make each young man self-
The complete emancipation of true
womanhood certainly means that a
man must eventually expect to go Into
the kitchen and look after other do
mestic arrangements while his wife is
pursuing dignified business down
town , but we submit that the woman ,
returning In the evening , has no right
to maul her husband and haul him
oefore a justice on a charge of "dis
orderly conduct" because he made
$7.00 run the house for only two
weeks. We are pleased to see that
Justice Mahoney of Chicago has taken
this general view of the situation , and
has discharged Mr. Buchholz from the
resentment of his infuriated wife. It
may be that Mr. Bucbholz was a trifle
lack In some particulars , but after
til $7.50 for two weeks' household ex-
penses would seem to be a creditably
showing , .onsiderlng the small spac ?
of time in which true manhood hag
} had opportunity to study domestic
economy. You cannot emancipate a
man from his luxurious Ideas in t
month or a season , and we trust thai
our emancipated sisters will be a little
easy with us until we have had more
experience in the great affairs of the
kitchen and the upstairs work. A wise
wife does not necessarily spoil the
husband when she spares the mop
handle , and a burnt chop does not of
itself constitute disorderly conduct.
Have you good health ? And a fam
ily to support ? Then you are rich.
Health is wealth. It is more than cap
ital. More than labor. It is both
combined. It Is ability , opportunity ,
success. Without it the richest man
is poor. With it the poorest man is
wealthy. The trouble with most of
us Is that Ave do not know how to
make a proper inventory of the best
things of life. We lose sense of pro
portion. We put some things too high
and others too low. Wo put monoj
ease , luxury too high and good health
too low. We forget that many a
wealthy man would give thousands foi
a good stomach. And your family
There's wealth for JTOU. An ineuin
brance ? A burden on your back
Man alive , there's where you lose you
clear sense of the things that sm
worth while in life. One of the great
est needs of human life is Incentive
something to live for. The man who
bears none of the burdens of furnilj
may boast of bis liberty , but the tinu
will come wheu he feels the vanity o
exihtem-fl. There is no stern necessity
upon hitr. . Likewise there is no < li
vine Incentive. As the years multiply
the einpuncsB of life appalls him. The
cry cointv to his lips , "What's the
use ? " But you : You have an Incen
tive the greatest a man can have : i
wife and children. Life can never
lose its initiative for you. You have
something to live for , strive for , die
for ! Look into the answering face of
your wife and into the faces of your
children. How rich you are ! Is it not
so ? Sometimes you say your lot i
hard. Some persons get on in the
world easier than you. But do they
get the best out of lifo ? May they
not be striving for the lesser things ?
You are rich. And don't know it !
That's pitiful.
Nothing better illustrates our pro
gress in things dietetic than the con
troversy of the doctors over the nutri
tive value of ice cream. Perhaps it is
wrong to call it a "controversy , " for
most physicians appear to have aban-
donedthe old-time contention that the
congealed milk fat is "poison. " In
deed , there appears to be general
agreement on the proposition that in
certain kinds of ailments , particularly
in fevers , Ice cream may be eaten
with positive benefit to the patient.
Time was when the lever patient was
even denied cold water. Now the doc
tor not only gives the fever-stricken
sufferer all the cold water he wants ,
jut they quite frequently pack him in
ice. All of which shows that therapy
is an experimental science , and that
the wise doctor Is not bound by the
traditions of the past. But what the
doctor believes and whit the food
expert will sanction are quite often
two distinct propositions. When the
national commission of food experts ,
appointed under act of Congress to fix
standards of purity for food products ,
reached Ice cream It balked at the job.
It found little difficulty In fixing stand
ards for milk , cream , butter , meats
and spices , but when it came to the
frozen delicacy that has reached such
an enormous sale in this country !
hesitated and pondered. To say that
ice cream must have' fixed percentages
of milk-fat and milk-sugar and certain
kinds of flavoring would be to rule out
"brick" ice cream , which is given sol
idity by the use of rolled crackers or
corn starch , and many other kinds of
ice cream which could not be charac
terized as unwholesome. If the com
mission of experts tackles the ice
cream question at all it should set a
standard of purity for the cream that
Is to be used in the manufacture of the
Jelicacy and should set the seal of dis
approval upon flavoring extracts and
adulterants that are known to be dele
OTer the Telepbone.
" ' "
"H'lo !
" ' "
"H'lo !
"Thatchoo , Pirn ? "
"Yeh. Hoozat ? "
"Smee Nell. "
"H'lo , Nell ! Smarter ? "
"Nothin' . Thought 'd call yup. Say ,
lim , Juno Tom Dtxon ? "
"No. Oozee ? "
"Letcha know some time. Say , Jeer-
ibout Kitten Jim ? "
"No. Whajjaknow 'bout 'em ? "
"Don't speak teach other. "
"Wot strubble ? "
"Ida know. Cummlnover soon ? "
"Yeh. Guesso. B' cheer cuinmln-
> ver tower house first. "
"Wilifican. Gotteny fudges ? "
"Lot zuvvem. "
"Well , I'll come. G'by. "
"G'by. Say ! "
"Well ? "
"Don't tell whattitoldjubout Kitten
rim. "
"I won't G'by ! "
"G'by ! " Chicago Tribune. \
No More Than Right ,
Egbeit But I have never loved be-
ore and you have certainly encour-
iged me ! "
Elsie And why not ? I always en-
ourage a promising pupil I Puck ,
Many a man doesn't realize how for-
unate he is when the girl refuses him.
Any man who works only for pay
eldom does Ills best.
A Mluiin.t ; .IU1JL.E
Ac-Ctrm Since you can get the
hoaso so cheaply , you will take ID ,
of cum 8e.
Henpeck I don't k hoi $ jet. I
haven't consulted Maria.
"Bufc what is your opinion ? * '
"Well , I may not be much of a
lawyer , but I'm too shrewd o give
uu opinion until I'm reasona ly sure
it won't be reversed " Philadelphia
Five hundred dollars wns recently
added to toe book fund of the mndi-
; ! department of the Univeristy of
Michigan to be used by the depart
ment In keeping up Its files of medic-
, il jcurnals.
Three Doctors' Opinions.
Buffalo , N. Y. . Feb. 15di. Physi
cians have accepted Dodd's Kidney
Pills as the standard remedy for diseases -
eases of the Kidneys and kindred com
plaints. K. II. Dunaway , M. D. , of
Bmiton , 111. , says :
"Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me of
Diabetes after everything else had fail
ed and I was given up to die. I have
inco prescribed them in my regular
nraetice for every form of Kidney
Trouble and have never as yet known
them to fail. "
Jcse L. Limes , M. D. , St. John ,
Kansas , says :
"I prescribed Dodd's Kidney Pills
for the litle daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
McBrlde of this place , who suffered
from Epileptic fits following Scar-
I -tlna ; results were miraculous ; t have
never seen anything like it. "
Leland Williamson. M. D. , York-
town. Ark. , says :
"Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best
.TUKllcine I know of for all forms of
Kidney Disease. I believe in using
the remedy that relieves and cures my
oatlents whether ethical or not , and I
always prescribe Dodd's Kidney Pills
and can testify that they invariably
accomplish a permanent and perfect
cure of all Kidney Complaints. "
"I heard them call each other hard
names yesterday. "
"Why I tbousbt they were sucb
frimds. "
"They are , but one said : "llello ,
floran-ikow kitintzky , " and the other
eplUd : "Why how are you , Z'ju-k-
intowskedtz ? " IPhiladlephla Bulle
The seventh edition of Couley's
"Constitutional Limitations upon
Ilia Legislative Powec. , " his ; just
beeu issued from the presTh ?
mil tor I * Viet T II. Lane , profess' r
nf law In l he University of M.cliig in ,
und the publishers are Little Brown
& Co. Coolev's Constjtuiionl Limi
tations ranks fourtn in a list of fifty-
two of the mo > t treq'iemly ' cited
text books during the peri id of the
1902 A Digest. Ic is cited In e\erv
argument and opinion on the sub-
J'Cts of which it treats. The new
edition of this treatise upon the
jreat principles that underlie our
jomplex system of state and national
ovarnmeuts , contains three thou
sand new cases , and gives the p es-
> nt state of the law upon all the
topics discussed.
The sovrelgbn mhtake iz. that
things are valued for what they hav
: est , and not for what they are
"Sir , " said the angry poet , who
tiid missed another oppoitumty tn
break Into piint , "I will be re-i em
aered when you are forgotten. "
' Oh , very likely , ' rejoined the
nan behind the blue pencil. "I
ilawys pay cash for my groceries. "
LJhic go Daily News.
"I hear your brother died and left
i lot of money. " "Yes. A polio'- '
nan shot him before lie got out ol |
: he bank with it. "
[ "he Robmt Physique Can Stand More
Coffee Than n Weak One.
A young Virginian says : "Having
L naturally robust constitution far
ibove the average , and not having a
lervous temperament my system was
ible to resist the inroads upon It by
he use of coffee for some years , but
inally the strain began to telL
"For ten years I have been employed
is telegraph operator and typewriter
> y a railroad In this section , and until
wo years ago I had used coffee con-
Inually from the time I was eight
-ears old , nearly 20 years.
"The work of operating the tele
rraph key is a great strain upon the
lerves , and after the day's work wag
> ver I would feel nervous , Irritable ,
un down , and toward the last suffer
'd ' greatly from Insomnia and neural-
; ia. As I never Indulged In intoxicat
ug liquors , drugs or tobacco in any
orm I came to the conclusion thai
ofiee and tea were causing the grad
lal break-down of my nervous system ,
ud having rend an article in the Med-
cal Magazine on the composition of
offee aiid its toxic effects upon th
ystem , I was fully convinced tha
offee was the cause of my trouble.
"Seeing Postum spoken of as no
inving any of the deteriorating effect * i
f coffee I decided to give up the stim
ilant and give Postum a'trial The re-
ult was agreeably surprising. Aftei
time my nerves became wonderfullj
trong ; I can do all my work at th <
elegraph key nud typewriter with fai
; reater ease than ever before. Jij
velght has Increased 35 pounds , mj
; eneral health keeping pace with it
nd I am a new man and a better one. '
fame given by Postum Go. . Bnttlt
Jreek , Mich.
There's a reason. * -
Look In each pkg. for trie femou.
Ittle book , "The Road to WeUville. "
The shades of : night were falling fast ,
4.s through nn Alpine village passed
k youth , who bore , 'mid snow and ice ,
V banner with the strange device
Excelsior !
lia brow was sad ; his eye heneath
flashed like a falchion from its sheath ;
i.nil like a silver clarion rung
Hie accents of that unknown tongue
Excelsior !
.n happy homes he saw the light
Df household fires gleam warm and
A-bove , the spectral glaciers shone ,
Ind from his lips escaped a groan
Excelsior !
'Try not the pass , " the old "man said ;
'Dark lowers the tempest overhead ;
I lie roaring torrent is deep and wide ! "
' ud loud that clarion voice replied :
Excelsior !
' 0 , stay , " the maiden said , "and rest
L'liy weary head upon this breast ! "
A. tear stood in his bright blue eye ,
But still he answered , with a sigh ,
Excelsior !
'Beware the pine tree's withered branch !
Beware the awful avalanche ! "
IMiis was the peasant's last good night ;
4. voice replied , far up in the height ,
Excelsior !
kt break of day , as heavenward
Che pious monks of St Bernard
Uttered the oft repeated prayer.
1 voice cried , through the startled air ,
Excelsior !
1 traveler by the faithful hound ,
ETalf buried in the snow was found ,
Still grasping in his hand of ice
Uhat banner with the strange device
Excelsior !
Chore , in the twilight cold and gray ,
Lifeless but beautiful he lay ,
* .nd from the sky , serene and far ,
ii. voice fell , like a falling star
Excelsior !
Henry W. Longfellow.
Youth and Age.
Crabbed age and youth
Cannot live together ;
Youth is full of pleasure ,
Age is full of care ;
Youth like summer morn , .
Age like winter weather ;
Youth like summer brave ,
Age like winter bare ;
Youth is full of sport ,
Age's breath is short ;
Youth is nimble , age is lame ;
Youth is hot and bold ,
Age is weak and cold ;
Youth is wild and age is tame.
Age , I do abhor thee ;
Youth , I do adore thee ;
O , my love , my love is young ;
Age , I do defy thee ,
O sweet shepherd hie thee ,
For methinks thou stay'st too long.
they Arc BInch Superior to Those of
Any Previous Time.
Whether the young women of to-day
ire the equals of those who lived in
ears gone by or not has been the sub-
ect of much discussion. Nearly all
nembers of the sex will agree that in
ill respects they are the equals and
n some the superiors of their progeni-
ors. A recent masculine writer , Rev.
Dr. Beverley Warner , agrees with this
lew. lie iays :
"The young woman is in the way
f receiving more advice than the
oung man which she conceives to be
gratuitous attention. " says Dr. War
ier. "She wonders that man , vain
nan. should be so self-deceived as to
hing that he knows anything about her
t all , above all that he seeks to couii-
el her majesty as to her mind , her
leart. her soul. her habits or her
noughts. "
And then he proceeds through 200
ages and nine chapters to do that
ery thing , discussing the respon ibili-
les , influence , occupations , ainuse-
lents and matrimonial affairs of the
oung woman , with only masculine
A flavor of old-time chivalry runs
tirough Dr. Warner's book which Is
amewhat attractive , if not exactly the
ualiry to be looked for in an Impartial
ritic of the Inexplicable sex.
"Man Is a poor creature at his best , "
e says , but that woman Is also a poor
reature he does not appear to suspect ,
he young woman of to-day he believes
) be the "fairest bloom of earth and
me. " He exalts her upon a pedestal
nd burns unmeasured incense before
er. "Princes bow before my lady , "
e says. "Peasants are ennobled by
er smile. The fairest fields of the
eautlful old world take on new color
s she sweeps over them. Dull souls
righten In her presence , tired hearts
irill with fresh impulse and beat more
opefully In the light of her eyes. From
le hour of her innocent babyhood ,
hen lying on the mother's bosom , she
[ ) peals to the strongest and mightiest
y the compelling trust , of her baby's
are until , In the midday of her gra-
ous womanhood , she turns thp world
bout her soft fingers , she reigns. "
This glorious being Dr. Warner holds
sponsible for very nearly everything
lat goes wrong in the world , and to
JT he gives the credit of the greater
irt of what goes right. She Is to re-
irm society and the stage , to check
le secularization of Sunday and even
> safeguard the English language
jainst the Inroads of slang.
"The woman's In 4 ration te over us
L We creep or climb , as we have
en struck down or lifted up by fem-
Ine Indifferpnrp. love or hate. Upon
.e comciOD ftfc.iji of life she easts a
radiance and over Its sordid cares anf
routine duties she throws a glory. "
Yet Dr. Warner does know.som .
things about women. "Whenwe tall
of the awful glory of her youth , " h
says , "her capacity for happiness , he ,
Influence for good , she is uncomfort
ably aware of her Rex and youth. Sh
Is not her own mistress. She Is nudes
perpetual orders to do this or do that
which she cannot co-ordinate with hd
Ideas of life. The word don't Is con
stantly ringing in her ears , with th
mournful and monotonous insistence o
a one-stringed lute. The very heights
and depths of her royal dower ofworn
anhood lay her open to falls and bruises
which men never know. And through
all the woman must smile and hold lr
chains the Impetuous tumult of he )
often outraged sensibilities where I
man would growl softly In his heart
and take himself off.
"The young woman cannot take her
self off with equal facility. She I
most often bound , as no man feeh
himself bound , to her environment Shi
is hemmed in by circumstances. He
cage may be gilded , her food and wate
of the best , her feathers of silver , am
yet the cage is there and she is in it. "
The London School Board has bee ,
beaten by the fat boy of Peckham
The fat boy of Peckham is a child o
n-V n
with his parents
working people , a'
Colegrove Road
midway betweei
Rye lane and tht
Old Kent road. H >
is about 4 feet Ii
height , with a ches
measurement of 4i
Inches , and weigh
of 144 pounds. Hi
has e n o r m o u
strength for his age
and altogether ii
the pride of Peck
Thp hov 5s ol
& y
. , school and thi
"JACK. f age ,
School Board hat
seen concerning Itself about his educa
Jon. After elaborate inquiries and ai
examination by a doctor it has beei
decided that he Is too big and tot
strong to go to school.
In the course of his remarks the ex
amining physician said : "This chil < !
s of abnormal development physically
His weight I find as stated ten stone
This abnormal weight is due not onlj
to fat but to muscular development ai
well , since the child can easily lift at
ordinary adult. Mentally he seems lr
some ways precocious ; he is quite edu.
"Owing to his size and habits I d
not think it possible to place him Iu
any school. It is obvious he cannot at )
tend an ordinary infants' department ;
not only would his extraordinary ap
pearance create disturbance , but ni
desk in that department would hoU
him , and his enormous strength \voul
be dangerous to the other children. 1
therefore suggest he be exempt fron
school attendance. "
The committee admit their defeat Ii
the terse sentence , "Agreed to exemp
from attendance. "
" .Tnck" as the boy is known in thi
neighborhood , is himself happily uncon
cerned about his education. Durinj
the day he is generally to be fount
in or near a beerhouse in Willowbrool
road , where in the doctor's words , "H-
earns his dinner by acting as an adver
tiscment. "
Skee Runners of the West.
During the last ten years skeeinj
has grown to be almost as much ol i
winter sport in the northern and north
western States as tobogganing in Can
ada. says Country Life in America ,
Where the snowfall , as in Oregon , Ne
vada , Michigan and Wisconsin , lies OB
the ground for weeks together , to th <
depth of several feet , skees virtual ! }
bcome the life preservers of the in
habitants. They furnish the onlj
means bywhich the mail carriers cai
reach the inaccessible and outlyinj
mountain districts of the Rockies
Skees differ radically from the Cana
dian or Indian snowshoe. They art
about seven feet long , four incho
broad , and taper from an Inch thicl
at the center to three-quarters.
The -western skee-runner can covei
on an average about four to eigh
miles an hour , going up and dowi
hill. Down hill an experienced runuej
can let himself go , but for a beginnei
-would be like turning on the clutch
valve of an automobile without know
ing where the brake was.
Skeeswere first known to have bees
used in the thirteenth century. Eigh'
centuries passed before the trappers
lumbermen and woodchoppers oj
America learned the vast superiority
of the skee over the Canadian snow-
shoe. In a century more the lattej
will be looked at in museums as tha
clumsy implement of the bygone age
His Idea of Greatness.
"Don't you sometimes think yoi
would be a greater man if you wer
to cultivate the art of oratory ? "
"I don't know , " answered Senatoi
Sorghum. "A great man , as yoi
know , is one who gets mentioned ii
the school books after he Is dead , in
stead of the financial columns of tin
newspapers while he is living. "
Washington Star.
More Unionism.
Clerk I want more salary , sir , be i-
rause I am going to get married !
Employer But 1 don't believe h
'unions" raising the price of labor.
[ Juck.
An ambition to own a sky-scraper 1 *
i loft ; i
A Professional Nurse Tells f r Ex
perience with DoanN Kidney 1'llla.
Montague. Mass.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. :
Gentlemen I heartily wish those-
< vho are suffering from backache and
disturbed action of the kidneys would
try Doau's Kidney Pills. As was the-
case with me , they will be more than fc
surprised with the results. I had been
troubled for years Avith my spine. I
could not lie on either side. Spinal
cramps would follow , and words could
not explain the agony which I would
endure. While in these cramps I could
not speak or move , but by making a
great effort nfter the crainjV had left
me I could begin to speak and move fl
attie , but my whole back was so sore
and lame that I could not even have-
the back bathed for some time. My
nerves were in a terrible state. I
would rather < it up at night than go >
to bed. drending the cramps and thft
terrible backaches. I consulted physi
cians , but got only a little relief for the-
time being. Seeing your advertise
ment , my mother urged me to try
Do/in's Kidney Pills. After using on
box I was better , and have ever since
been on the gain. I have no bachache-
and no cramps now , and I feel like a.
new person. My nerves are better and
I know my blood is purer. Words can
not express my thanks to you for what
Doau's Kidney Pills have done for me.
In my work as professional nurse I
have a chance to recommend them ;
and they did me so much good that I
will do so on every possible occasion.
Doan's Kidney Pills are sold at 5O
cents per box. Address Foster-Milbnrn
Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. , for a frpe trial box.
Be cheerful under all circum
stances , do not complain at every
IittI- trifle ; it Is invari-ibllv the
cheerful man who succeeds In life.
Kvery duty we omit obscures some
tiuth we should have known.
The Common Council of Detroit
his ; muted the League of Municipal
ities to visit that city and in-p-cfc
the municipal works and institu
tions. Arrarigf-nients have been
made for this trip on Saturday , Feb.
"Yes , I'll give you a meal nf v1c-
u-ils , if you'll shovel off these side-
a'ks. ' "
"Would yon not prefer , madam.
10 bsve rue shovel off the snow"
"Poor fellow I Have you tramped
ill the way Jiom Boston ? " -Chicago
Fun Iz as Necessaiy to the
Vangstcr az ynnaMno Is 2 Kanbage.
Cwnnot Jo Cnrea
y local appllrntions. as they cannot reach th *
IseaseU portion of the car. There Js ociy 009-
ay to cure Deafness , and that fa by con > > titi >
onnl remedies. Deafness Is caused byaa te
amed condition of tlie mucous Hnlns ? of Ui
iibtachian Tiihp. When tills tune Rets Inflamed
on have a rnmhlinp sound or Imperfect hcar-
nc. aur ! when It Is , entirely do ed 7 > exfness I
lie remi , aid : : the Inflammation can b-
; tken out and this tnbo restored to Ik normal
"nditlnn. hearmc will be destroyed forever ;
.1110 . ca-es out of ten are caused by < atarrh ,
\ nich h > nothing hut an inflamed condition of
lie mucotit s-urfaces.
We will KIVO One Hundred Dollars for any
ase of Deainos tVaibed by catarrh ) that cannot
o cured by Hall'- , Catarrh Cure. Send for ch >
ulars , free.
- , , x FrJrnE EY & CO. , Toledo. 0.
byDniE-ri t 7'-c.
Hall's Family 1'ills are the best.
A speedy wild duck can fly at the
ite of ninety miles an huur.
Successfully Catalogue frea.
toivn for nearly . J.H. Glff"7 1 So *
ialf a century.
I bav mnar Konfidonee inn a Man
vho no < > s Cow to Laff , than In 1
vho Awlways Trys 2 look Digpyfled.
-Dr. E. E. Leek , in the Clinic.
Mustang Liniment
cures Cuts , Burns , Bruises.
The man Who LatTs afc Seeln a-
ittle Kat run around after Its Tali
n ly knot ever B the president r-j
* ale Road , batt be Iz l a ma Trufb.
; - - ut I x to make Imitation M
le Syrup , to bos No. 473 , Bust Llrerpool , Ohio.
Ale medical authority declare *
hathpatty sneezing is an evidence
f a robust cnnstitur on. People lr
eeble he.ilrh seldom
sneeze , nnt
? hen they do there is little force tt
A jolly German
Innkeeper , on tht
iw ss brier , has undertaken , as the
esult of a vvag r , to roll a barrel o !
'ine acrjss Switzerland and I.aly to
ime. .
TP cure' * couehs and colds.
b Cou h Syrup. Tues GooO. 0
N. 0. 8l-8 . f-Erff