Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 11, 1904, Image 1
THE VALENTIN VOLUME XIX VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY 11 , 1904. VI UV S Your attention is now called to our line of ft 4 ? Furniture < ? 4 ? and ask that you note our prices. w ft * C * ft * jBed | Koom Suits , ' ft ft * > < ? * Golden Oak and Elm , nicely finished and pretty pat- terns . : . 816.00 to § 28.00 * P T T > J | Uron Beds , 4 $ * all colors of Enamel and neat patterns. . . § 4.00 to $12.00 ' $ Large4 Arm Kockers , j _ f n Golden Oak or Mahogany finish . $2.75 to § 10.50 * [ f' 3n Also Sewing Eockers and Children's Rockers. | * Extension Tables , * ? Elm , Gloss finish , 6 feet 86.00. S feet § 8.00 v is A Beautiful Sideboard , ft ft * * S Elm , Gloss finish top , 20x42 , Beveled Plate Glass 14x24 : , < 5 Price , only § 12.50 ft ft * Besides carrying a complete line of furniture ftft ftft ture , we also carry a nice line of ft J * ft * PICTURE and ROOM MOULDINGS ft i * of the latest patterns , and are prepared aft to make all kinds of frames. * ? ft * H Call and see us before buying elsewhere i * < ? ft * I RED FRONT MERC. CO. S * if ft * South Window FULL OF BARGAINS ! ! Ladies' Jackets , Furs , etc. at Half Price MA TAILOR MAll . AND CLOTHIER. \ S S-KjSS2S2SiS2 i5SS1S2t All Kinds of Coal ! * "Estate Oak" and "Radiant Home" iStoves are the best on the market. Neat ! and ornamental and they have good i I heating qualities. " They'll keep fire through the coldest night i with ordinary coal. Moore's celebrated Premium Thermometer - eter Guide Kange is the best for cooking and will wear a life tune. r 1 FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. FRANK FISCHER DEALER IN GENERAL HARDWARE Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank 1.-1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK . i. " * * Valentine , Nebraska. to ) of OAPITAL PAID LN Grneral Banking Exchange and $35,000. Collection linsiuess 1 C. H. CORNELL , President. J T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NIOUOT ON. Cashier. PRINTING We Caa SaUtfy You io' Qualify" JPrice''and1 TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a. in. . February 10,1904 Maximum temperature 53 degrees Minimum temperature , 12 degrees below Mean temperature. 11 degrees. Total precipitation , .14 J. J. O'DONNELL , Ofllcial in Charge , W. IT. Carter was down from Cody last week. Een Roberts , of Merriman , was in town Monday. A. Canenbur < r was down from Merriman Sunday. Mrs. McDonald was down from Crookston Friday on business. Allen Sparks is in Hot Springs , Ark. , boiling out the erysipelas. Del Query is staying in town the past week on account of the ill ness of his sister Myrtle. The reservation in the northern part of Sheridan county , 5 miles wide and 10 miles long , is to open ed up for settlement. Mrs. J. C. Webb , of the Dono- her hotel , returned Sunday from a visit to Omaha and Fremont on business and visiting friends. Win. Morrissey returned Sun day from a week's visit to Omaha attending the lumber men's con vention and while there had his ears treated. Capt. Shaw's daughter , Lena , a girl 14 years old , has come from Michigan to make her future home with her father. She arrived last Friday night. * * -T Sam Hudson was in from Sim eon Sunday and Monday and called at our office on business before re turning. He says stock are doing fine this winter and there is plenty of feed. We vant local news and want you to hand in a local next week if you know something worth tel ling about. Encourage the young folks to write up something for t the paper. Mac Cramer is having all the hauling he can do and runs two one horse drays since last fall. Since purchasing the the Red Front delivery wagon he has been busier than a fly in July. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Morey have come down from Deadwood to stay with Mr. Morey's father and moth er until spring on account of grand ma Morey's health not being very good the past fall and winter. Mrs. C. R. Kinkead and Miss Emma Riggs , of Woodlake , were pleasant callers at our office while in town Saturday. Miss Riggs says her father is well plessed with his home in Virginia near Rich- mond. Wanted A good , live , city lo cal correspondent who can look after matters of news importance J in the city , receive advertising J matter and in general look after { the interests of the paper. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT , i - ! ( Ben Lovejoy called on us yesterday - day while in town. His father \ C A. Love joy and his boys have < a fine ranch , 15 to 20 miles south ( of town , and put up 2000 tons of ] hay each year of which amount \ they sell each year 300 to 400 tons , i The weather has been fine this ( winter , excepting a severe cold spell which occurred January 24th ( and has been cold most of the time since , though there are warm days and cold days in succession. The s cold days seem to be the most numerous - i erous and they seem colder too ( just after a real warm day. Some i snowhasfallen.but not enough 1 for sleighing nor to cover up the i range. . The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Levi C. Sparks , manager of the Ludwig Lumber Co. , started Tues day morning on a trip back East to visit his father and mother who live at Buchanan , Mich. Mr. Sparks will be away ten days or two weeks and expects to stop in Chicago and Omaha on business while away. Uncle Jas. Collins and wife have f rented the Tillrnan hotel at Hoop er , Xebr. , and last week took charge. They arc good people and THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT wishes them success. The1 people of Hooper can feel thankful that they have secured people as worthy as are Uncle Jimmy and Aunty Collins. E.H. Bohle and family departed for Bassetfc last week where Mr. Bohle opens up a stock of general. merchandise. During the time Mr. Bohle was in business in Valentine we found him fair and courteous in his dealings , a good citizen and a good business man whom we re gret losing. The people of Bassetb wall find Mr. Bohle and family to be good people and THE VALEN TINE DEMOCRAT takes pleasure in recommending them. A special term of court was held last Saturday by Judge Westover and the following cases disposed of : "W. R. Boddy was released upon an affidavit from Bee Moffitt thakBoddy had not struck her over Lhe head-alkali--and that she-had- testified to this because she was if raid that Valentine citizens would send her to the home of the feeble minded. There was not sufficient 3vidence to hold Boddy after this affidavit was made and he was ac- 30rdingly discharged. Adi vorce was granted Mrs. EmmaSchlueter from Andrew Schlueter. Geo. L. Hastings pleaded guilty'to robbing the depot till of $19.60 and was sentenced to 18 months in the pene- tentiary. Judge Westover re- burned to Rushville Saturday night. John Hittle , of Penbrook , a good Did timer in Cherry county , called Wednesday while in town and paid mother year's subscription in ad vance to THE DEMOCILVT. This is Lhe way of the world ; some men ire always paid up in advance and 3arn well the position they occupy in life. They'll meet any neigh bor more than half way on any fair proposition while others are Iragged'along as an acquaintance , is a friend or in any position they may occupy ancl always expecting bhe long * end of the bargain or they'd kick over the traces. We want to beg Mr. Hittle's pardon for speaking of the other fellows in the same breath .or the same irticle. Mr. Hittle is growing old ind cannot expect .to live to see mother century but when he has finally laid aside his hoe and plow for the last time and departs this Barth he'll not leave behind him iny unpaid bills to torment himin the next world and" it is the wish of his friend who pushes this pen cil that his remaining days will be made brighter and more cheerful than in the past. The same wish to all the good old men of our ac quaintance. , C t1n n film roll Amman * * * * niotit. On Saturday next , mass will be said at Arabia at 10 o'clock in the morning. Explanation of the catholic doctrine after mass. On Sunday next , mass will be said at RTenzel immediately followed by in instruction. for the children. Quarterly assessment , WOf-O O.-O.-O O O O C O OMQ O O. O O ft * 3 Skirt Bags ft One of the newest and latest fads of the season , prices range from. ' 75c to § 5.00 & Is to Lc popular for spring wear.Ve have a ft * . complete assortment of gold buttons , trimming ? , 49 fancy braids , etc. Collar and cull' sets , dainty 4 ? and elegant , they are washable and cmbroiderd in 4 fancy designs ; collar full length , cult's adjustable. Beits and Girdles n The new crush leather belt , 24- inches to 4 inches wide , tapering to a narrow front with the large buckle , girdle in taffeta silk and cord effects. ft Spring Dress Goods ft * Lovely spring dress goods are arriving in Mohair - hair , Etamines , Seeded Voile , Black and White Brilliantine , Thistle Silk , Mousscline-de-Soic , Bar Voile , etc. : : : : : : : : : : . Thacher To reduce our stock before our annual invoice , January 1st. , we will sell all goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Corne and be Convinced. MAX B. VIBRTSL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA & e The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. s v s * v < r 3 r rsi CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked FICEDVHI ITKJionR. President JIIARLKS SPARK'S , Cashier I ; J. W STKTTKK , ' Vice President CORA L WAOTKIIS , Assistant Cashier i | I-.tereat paid on time deposits. Capital , S25.000 . VALENTINE STATE BANK NEBRASBLA. j ! Surplus , $1OOO j ' i ' ! - Persons seeking a place of safety for their i i ; . t Offlco Hours money , will profit by investigating the i" 3 A. M. to 4 P. M. i > methods employed in our business. ! " CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. * Are -now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best "grade. Lunch Counter fc Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.