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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ! M RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full. N'o discount I. M. RlCE , SA/mTL A'otice to Creditors , In County Couit , within and for Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sylvester Orr , deceased. To the credit' n of said estate : i'ou are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court Room i" Valentine in said county on the Gth day of 1'Vbruary I'M at 10 o'clock a. m. . to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and Allowance. The rime limited for the pre-enta- tion of claims against said estate is the Gth day of February A. 1) . 1SKM and the tune limited for payment of debts is one j ear from said 1st day Of August 1903. * Witness ray hand and the seal of said HEAL county court , this 12th day of January -v 190J. W. R.TOWNE. 02 4 County Judge. Order of Hearinsnnrt Notice on Petit ion for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATKOF NennASKa COUNTv OF CHEUUV f3a To Benjamin W. Pearson. George O. Pearson , William W. Pearson , Brit V. Pearson , > trlla Everett. Edgar McManning , Elsie Webb and to all persons interestedln the estate of Peter Pearson , deceased : ON readingthe petition of Benjamin W. Pear- con , praying a final settlement of hi- , account lild in tnN court on the 2-'ud day of January , 1904. It Is hereby ordered that you , and all per rons interested In said matter , may. and do ap pear at the L-ounty Court to be held mandf r said county n the 13th day of FebruaryA. D. 1904 at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , it any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency oi said petition and that tha hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing acopy of this < ) rder in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing , * W.R.TOWNE , SEAL County Judge. -Y 23 Notice of Sale. In the matter of the estate of David Rcmaley. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of nn order of UonoraoiH W. H. Westorer , one of the judges of the district court of Cherry coun ty. Nebraska , m de on the 19th day of January. 1W4 , for the sale of the real estate hereinatter described , there will be sold o-i the 19ih day of February , 1904 , at9 o'clock a. in. at public ven- due. at the froutdoorof tbeCourt house at Val entine. Nebraska , to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to-wit : South halt of the Northwest quarter ( s } nw4) ! end Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter ( nwiinwJi ) and Southwest quarter of theNortti- east quarter ( sw&nt ) of Secti- Ten (10) ( . and West half of the Southwest quarter ( wi sw 0 of Section Three (3) ( ) , and the East half oi the South cast quarter ( e&sel-O of Section Four (4) ( ) . Town .sliip Twenty-eight (28) ) , Rauge Twenty-five (25) ( ) , Cherry county , Nebraska. . Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated Januarv 23,1904 SYLVESTER RE T ALEY , 2 4 Guardian of estate of David RenuJey. By-Walcott & Morrissev , his attorneys. Notice of Sale. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Richard son NOTICE Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of HonorablH W. H. Westover , one of the judcea of the District Court of Cherry coun ty , Nebraska , marie on the 19th day of January , lH)4. ) for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold on the 19th nay of Feurunry , 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public vn - due at the front door of the Courthouse at Val entine , Nebraska , to the holiest Mdder upon the following terms , to-wit : one half , cash , bal ance upon one year's rime with interest at ten per cent , secured by a first mortgage upon the premises hereinafter described , the following real estate , to-wit : The West half of the Southeast quarter ( \vyx setf ) and the Non beast quarter of the SoutlK-aut quarter ( neKsetf ) . and lots Five (5) ( ) of Section (5) , Township Thirty-tnree (33) . Range Tweuty- se\eti (27) ( ) , Cherry county , Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated January 23.1904 23.1904P. . W. C. Lawson. Guardian of estate of Joseph llichardson. By Walcott & Morrissey his attorneys. 2 I 1H-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription - For mankind The < -ceut package s enough lor usual occas ions. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a bupply for a year. All druggists sell them. WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY LADY OR GEX- tleman to manage business in this County and adjoining territory for house of solid financial standing. $2 00 straight cash salary and ex penses paid each Monday direct from bead- quarters. Expense moju-y advanced ; position permanent. Address Manager , 605 Monon Building , Chicago. 48 12 RANCH FOR SALE. 6 quarter sections of Deeded land some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range-now vacant. 200 tons of hay din be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Also so- open water on a part of the range the , year round. 84,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr , / , , - * ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Tody , Nebraska On left side/ ses left shoulder. ttange north U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand Sameas cut on si A1S _ tcft hip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio- ' brara. D. Bray RosbdudS D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Fostofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 miles ] north of Hyannls A'len ' & Sons Ft Niobrara. Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range , Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska ' Cattle branded on left side as on out ; also 16 on left side with n. on left hip of some cattle ; also 846 on right side , brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip. Z on left jaw Home ranch -011 Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara : all in Cherry County. Nebraska A , Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. i'ostofflce address. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses OS on eft shoulder. ome stock Fg left side _ same left thigh. Range on ( 'has. Yingst. Arabia Nebr. Brand registered No. 1139. Cattle branded on left side as in cut. Horses same on left shoulder. Range on Ever ureenlreek : 5 miles nortuwest of Arabia. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's piivtae mark , slit in left ear 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE - ' ' 7- ! . ' * ' - " ATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c , Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion frco whether an invention is probaWy patentable. Commnnica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest npenoy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice , without charge , in the Scientific Bttericati A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnrgest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms , ? 3 t year : four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers. ffiUNB & Co.361Bro2d Kew Yorfc Vnnch OlUco. 625 F RU v 'afiJilui.'ton. t ) . C Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance itlwillbe your neglect.t costs but t i trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. * They are represented : > y I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. Strayed from my place , 3 miles 2ast of Ft. Niobrara , two yearling jolts. Color dark brown or black , * i Dranded NB connected on left shoulder. Reasonable rcwa'rd for nformation leading to their recov jry. " " ' JOE BRISTOL. . Valentine , Neb. MILLS BROS Merriman , Nebr. uattleand nor- WH oranded on iettsirteor shoul- ner , Brand register ed lWl. Rangel2inUei southwest of YTerriman un the Niobrara river. H A BUCK Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on leit side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls J. W. Stetter , .Valentine , Nebr. Olherbrands : ! - < If - Horses branded : , - < orf ° n lelt shoulder ; f-O left tlileli. Range on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P. II. Young. Simeon Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc side Some Qvon left. Bide. " " " "on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Sandy Williams. Merrimau. Nebr. Mostly oi ) left side. Some on right side. Horses same on lefc shoulder Range Lake Creek , S , D. J A SAULTS Fostofflce : Gregory. Nebr. Cattle on lef * hip.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. St. Francis Mission Fostofflce address : Crookston. Nebr , or Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S D branded only on lelt hip. Rnnge : North of the Minnecha- duza , 8 miles west ot Crookston , and on Bull Creek. Any information regarding cattle branded as above will be thankfully revived hy Wm Skilly. Crooketon , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S. D. J. B. Lord Simeon Neb . Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. W Jtirsig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded a. shown ; in cut on left side , loin or hip. Rauge between the Gordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J R Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded | on lefthip. P S ROUSCHB Postofflce a'dress Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hi p. Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKor WorO'TTL ' orO or FZ. Also the-following. the first one being on side and hip ooft G.H. Seager. Postofflce address Codv , Neoraskn Battle branded as on ut on left side , hip * < d .shoulder ; horses Range , Snake Creek J J. Peck Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D. Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as cut on left side with etripo under tail. Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garner Brothers. , .Xebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horse * on left shoulder. Ranee- North Eli. F. T. Brackett RIege , Nebr. Brand Registered $0 1490 " Brand right side or hip Ilorseb same oc right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Greek and Little White River. ( J. W. Bennett Simeon Neb a Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and 011 the Niobrara river Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range Four ralles northeast of Brownlee. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore Nebi Two half circles of left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip Obi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Wood Lake , Nebr. Cattle branded as in cut , on right side. Range : r. miles east of Simeon on Crouin ranch. W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also g > Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses branded on left shoulder. , Range 6 mile. * south of Irwin. JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Meiriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left thigh , some are branded Some cattle briiuled XE on left si le. Range an Snake 35 miles south of Merriman , Others raneoS miles n rrhwestof Merriman. ' Charles Eichards. iwerriman. Neb James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses on left jaw Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. JRowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , ' side and hip , nud on left shoulder of her ses. AIsoKn on left Hide hip. 3 on right hip and F + on left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder ot horses. " UJ Q on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branrtPd on left thigh Horses on left "boulder ! or thigh Som on right thigh or shoulder. J P GARDINER Postofflco address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara ver,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofflce address KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut same oil bin Some on left side. VA George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Cattle branded as in cut on left side. side.Old Old stock 2 Y Range : lour miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of bridge the C. E. Wright. 'Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhen- on right side C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also eft side. lange South of Snake 35 miles sa of Gordon. Robert Quisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. S left hip on Y cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. Ranee on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded rrB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtside Some cattle also have af fen neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two baas across hind quar ters. Horses branded SOS on left hio. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and 'oft hln of Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. i > WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brown lee. Neb Like cut on either left side or hlpralao left side. Horses same as cut on left nip. S250.OO RE- WAR Dior con- convif uoii of anyone unlawf handling cattle in these orands. John Sedlacok ' Valentine , Nebr. 03 Cattle branded i { onleftaip. Horses sam on eft shoulder. Some branded' ' ' on left shoulder SomeN.a on [ leftside- Ran ire oln iies southwest of Valentine on north side of Mobrara river. PIKF BROS Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range On Minne- cbaduza 5 miles east of Crookbton. SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed See block Range Steve and Slephenson Lakes and South $300 reward will be paid to any person for In formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with ahnv < brand 1 FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody , Nebraska 1 On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and rlTht ear split jherses t > anded .same on left sh otilder iRonge on Nio ars land Medicine Canyon D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. iartlctt Richard ? Pres Will G Comstock , V. T. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : torses name Range between Gordon on the FJB , &M V.R. RanJ lyannis on B , & M R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BARTtiErr RICHABDS. Kllsworth. Nebraska ! Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb " Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square < rep right ear Horses have same * brand on left thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake ] Creeks , A Reward of $ ! $5o will be paid to any nrson for information leading to the arrest and nnal conviction of any person or praons steal. ne * wlfh < lh < wahran < t G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a > iu cut , ' 6-lnch bo < and 2H-inch circle .Brand registered 875. [ left 3uoul-5H . Jnqi circle ,1-in * * * i- box. Registered 87 ? , Range 6 miles south oi frwin on Niobrara river. " ' J ! ROSEBEKRY Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded on left bio ; 'horses same Herd- mark-double dew-lap Range south Brush Hill A J PLUMES Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb right side and hip Also have stock branded m rieht side andhip Horses / on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry : ounty J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JT onjightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from iny range. J.F. Swain Sparks , Nebr. il Jattle branded on aft side as shown _ cut. ' 'Range South t Sparks on _ Nio- rara riverj