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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
' FIBROID TUMORS CURED. 1 'Mrs. ' Hayes * First tetter Appeal ing to Mrs. Pinkiiam for Help : " DEAR MBS. PINKIIAM : I have been xmder Boston doctors' treatment for a I long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I can not sit down without great pain and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back aikl front. My abdomen is swollen , and I have lv d flowing spells for three ' years. My appetite is not good. I can not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. " The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case , so I write to you for advice. " ( Signed ) Mns. E. F. HAVES , 252 Dudley St. ( Roxbury ) , Boston , Mass Mrs. Hayes * Second tetter : "DEAR Mns. PIXHJIAM : Sometime ago I wrote to you describing my symp toms and ast.-cd your advice. You re plied , and I followed all your dircc- ttions carefully , and to-day 1 am a well woman. "The use of tydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely expelled - , polled the tumor and strengthened my whole svstem. I can walk miles now. "Lydia E. Pmkham's Vege table Compound is worth five dol- 'lars ' a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give It a faithful trial. " ( Signed ) MRS. E. V HATES. 252 Dudley St. ( Roxburv ) . Hoston Mass $5000 fnrfflt If origlnnl of abovs letters proving tie prnducetl The first number of Tlu > Jnurnn' ' ' f 'Infectious ' Disc ses , a new p 'nodi cal-devoted to medicin il r < search and supported by tlie McCor nick Memor ial Institute f r Infectious Disease of Chicago , app ired Jm ; 1. It fon- talns a pinr-r by Dr. Frederick G. NOvy , pr f ssor of b > ctcriol * ny at the UniveiS'ty ' of Michiuan , and Ward . M : N al , "On thCiltliva t ou of Trypnnosnnia Hrucei. " Dr. JST - v is Due 'of the editors of tue Journal. JUDGE NOT Dnwnton "Ue Biokur must be los ing BQ'-ney. " Upton "Guess not. " Bovntcn "He used to have a luxurious tbiid-fl' or flat , and now 1 find he bas moved up to the tenth st rv.n Dptcn "It isn't safe to juflee by appearances. Per baps the folks on the second floor have a baby. If men bad only temptations to gieat sins , they would always be good ; but the daily fight witb little ones accustoms them to defeat Jean Paul Hienterr SlOt ) Urn ii i MOO. Tlio readers of this jupor w ill bo nloasert to lenrn tlml tlirre is at lfi-t mits dreaded ill-case tlia hCJfiico tilt * bo-ii able to cure in all it" tta e.s. and is ( : uirrl > . Hull' * Catairii ( . 'lire K the only \ > itnecuro known lo tno medical fmtcrnitj. " Catarrh heinu a canslituUoual dis ease. requires a constiPitioiia" Ueutincnt. llailS Catarrh CuieisUiROt inteina'iy. ariinc directly on Uiu blood and nuicuiis buriauo * of the system , hercby do troyinn the foundation of the dis ease * and pivinfi the patient strength by building up the constitution and acting nature in uomg lte > work. The piopnotor * lurve so much faitli in Us curative powers that tliej olfor One Hundred Dollars for any ca'-e that it fail * to nre. Send for lint of testimonial- . . A Mre > s. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O Sola by Drugpktb. 5c. Hall's. Family I'HN are the bpst About one thousand ships cro s tbc A tan tic every month. Teosinte and Billion Dollar Gras < * Tlie two greatest fodder plants on earth , one good for 14 tons hay and the other SO tons jrreen fodder per acre. Grows everywhere , so docs Victoria Rape , yielding 00,000 Ibs. sheep and swine food per acre. JUST SEND lOc IN STAMPS TO THE John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , Wis and receive in return their big catalogue and lots of fnnn sed samples. Health Before Wen 1th. Nine out of ten ailments first show themselves in constipation. Nature's warning , if left unheeded , moans serious chronic trouble later on. Medical sta tistics show that a greater number of people suffer from constipation than from nil other diseases combined * A great talk is made about consumption , but if the truth were known , constipation bills more people than consumption. Within the last few years a medicine has been { discovered and made known to the Amer ican people , of such merit in curiug con stipation and its consequences that now over ten million boxes of CASCARETS fere Whi QYry yenr , tiie greatest sale ever attained by any one nieuicine Hi the . and this is the strongest prooj Surjd. is the best and Ul dp all and .giQr jjian claimed. If yon are a Sufferer yon arfi not doing right by yourself OP rflnr family if you fail to give CASCA RETS n trial , and riglit here we want to warn you to get the genuine , because kll great successes breed imitations. The genuine tablet is put up in metal boxes and has the word CASCARETS with the long-tailed "C" on the cover. Every Cos- caret tablet is stamped C. C. 0. The unrighteous p nny corrupts the righteous pound German pro verb. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. t S CURES WHlVE Alt EtSt.rA'14. 5J Bol Count8yruj > . Taste * trood. u c V | in lima So d by drugglu N. " N. U. 809-6. YO K NE8R Married VVoman'a Pence of Soul. The basis of a newly married wo man's peace of soul is trust. Slip feels that the responsibility is on h r h"us- Dand to make good the manly quali ties with which slie has endowed him , and because of which she has con sented to become bis mate. Occasion ally during the first few moirWis of her married life Constance laughed to think tiiat all her maidenly eagerness to solve tic riddle of life brilliantly , and all her profound searching of the myste ries of the universe should have end ed In her becoming an everyday house wife with dustpan and brush , and the wife of one who , to all outward ap pearances , was an every-dJiy young man. But her laugh savored of glad ness. She had given herself to him because she had faith that his energy , self-reliance , fearless humor and sym pathetic hatred of sliams would dis tinguish liim presently from tlie com mon herd of men , and vindicate her infatuation. She had given herself to him , besides , because he loved her a delightful consciousness. According ly. she enclosed herself in the web of hnppiness which her confid'ence ' in him had ppun about her , and took up her domestic duties Avith light-hearted de votion. Nevertheless , no woman emerges from her honeymoon with exactly the same estimate of her lover as before. If nothing else , she has seen his men tal and moral characteristics in their undress , so to speak , and become habit uated to their sublimity. We may be no less fond of a person whose anec- doios have grown familiar to us , and analogously a wife does not weary of her husband's qualities merely because they have lost the glamor of novelty. On the contrary she is apt to continue to adore them because they are his. Still she feels free to scrutinize them closely and unconsciously at least to submit them to the test of her own silent judgment. She discovers , too , of course , that he has ideas and idio syncrasies the existence of which she never suspected. Ordinarily she finds to her surprise that his attitude in regard to this or that matter has shifted perceptibly since marriage , so that , instead of be ing lukewarm or ardent , as the case may be , he has become almost strenu ous or indifferent in his attitude. Hence she divines that during their courtship some of his real opinions and tenden cies have been kept in retreat. From "The Undercurrent , " by Ilobert Grant , in Scribner's. Girls and Live Lsttern. Girls , put a brake on your enthusi asm when it leads you into writing impassioned epistles to the men with whom you imagine you are in love. When the right man comes write him as many letters as your love and discretion suggest , but don't put any thing on paper that you will be ashamed to read in later years. There is nothing sweeter.than a gen uine , tender , girlish love letter , but don't take the "gilt off the ginger bread" by wasting your letters on the wrong man. Do you know what he does with those letters ? Very often he carries them about in his pocket for weeks , whore they rub up against sordid bills and business letters , and every time he wants a certain letter he takes the whole bunch out and your pretty , lov ing little message gets sadly frayed and soiled. And sometimes ( and this is worst of all ) I am sorry to say that this careless man lets your letters lie around the house where all who are curious may read them. He does not do this because he loves your letter , but because you are not the right girl and he is not the right man. and the letter is valued accordingly. When the right man gets a letter from you he will not carry it in his "general correspondence" pocket ; he will have it tucked off by itself In a special pocket and if it looks worn and soiled it is because it has been taken out and tenderly perused many times and oft And so , don't you see , little girls , that when you scatter your letters too freely among your men friends you are not only wasting your precious thoughts , but that most precious of al ! womanly attributes your dignity. Seattle Times. BIon Who Bnnsta of .Love Conquests , Girls , I wonder if any of you num ber among your men friends one who boasts of bis conquests among womjen and displays love letters which he has received from different girls. If you do know such a man , ffiy ad vice to you IB to "drop him. " He is not to be trusted , and he will treat you the same way he has treated oth ers The man who reads a woman's let ters to another woman or to his men friends is beneath contempt. He is i miserable wretch , who goes about the world making love to girls , and after he has won their love , and the poor , little things have committed their sen timents to paper , he makes a jest and a boast of the pathetic little effusions to all who will listen. Girls , your own womanly intuition ought to warn you against such men ; but as long as men and maids aii.l love shall last there will be deceiving on 3ie one hand , guileless trust on the ither and much heartache all around. However , even If you cannot detect .he unworthinesa of such a man at right , when you once realize his per fidy you owe it to womanhood in gen eral to unveil his character. And last , but not by any means least , you are quite as much to blame as he if you listen when he offers to read you an other woman's letter. Remember that he will read yours to the next woman , and do your share toward discouraging and putting down his abominable conceit Spokesman Review. Have Few Clothes. Have a few clothes and wear them ; do not put them by and forget them , and spend a fortune on renovations when you call them to mind. Get the materials as good as possible , and the styles excellent if you can afford to pay for them. Tlie difficulty in dres > now Is the various occasions , each de manding such very different clothe * . Town and country would seem to be diametrically opposed to each other. A woman skillful with her nedle can often buy for a very little a last year'd garment or hat at the sale , which sh * can transmogrify , and it is worth whh from economical motives. Women should always be dressed appropriate ly and never buy anything which is t marked fashion of the moment , becaiis it grows old and must pass awaj Clothes that attract the eye are a mi take ; they should only be worn seldon and require a large wardrobe. It i wise to keep as few colors as you so that hats , , petticoats , gloves am shoes will suit all. Cheap fabrics ar never worth buying ; good fabrics r ducocl in price are quite another thinj. A clever woman who must count "th siller warily , " adopts a certain styl of her own , which she modifies accoul ing to the dictates of fashion. The Circ of the A beautiful hand should be lonjr delicate and narrow. The skin covering oring it should be very fair or of n uniform pale color , Avith a slightlj plump back , devoid of protuberant veins. The thumb should reach tlu middle articulation of the Index fii1 ger , the latter just a little lower thai the nail of the middle finger. Tin- middle finger should be longer than the ring-finger by half the length ot a nail , and the little finger should stop at the second articulation of the ring- finger. Sudden transition from cold to heat should be avoided for the hands , which should be washed only in tepid wa-ter. with a pure soap , not oftener than three washings a day. After wash ing with soap , rinse the hands thor oughly , always in tepid water to which has been added a teaspoonful of perfumed glycerine. If the skin of the hands is rough , bathing In either bran-water or marsh-mallow-water will soften it and make it supple. Do not use fat sub stances to attain this same result , for although they are temporarily effect ive , they end by reddening the skin. A woman desirous of keeping the beauty of her hands unimpaired should never go out without gloves. Woman's Homo Companion. Whv His Mnrrince Was a Failure. He regarded children as a nuisance. He never talked over his affairs with his wife. lie never had time to go anywhere with his wife. He doled out money to his wife as if to a beggar. He looked down upon his wife as an inferior being. He never took rime to get acquainted with his family. He thought of his wife only for what she could bring to him. He never dreamed that there were two sides to marriage. He never dreamed that a wife needs praise or compliments. He had one set of manners for home and another for society. He paid no attention to his personal appearance after marriage. He married an ideal , and was dis appointed to find it had flaws. He thought his wife should spend all her time doing housework. He treated his wife as he would not have dared to treat another woman. He never dreamed that his wife needed a vacation , recreation or change. He never made concessions to his wife's judgment , even in unimportant matters. Success. For Corset Covera. Women who like to make their own corset covers , yet dislike to overhand In as much lace insertion as Is now uiodigh. on ajl new corset covers , will find in the embroidery departments a Strip of fine lawn with the lace inser tions for botU flie back and front wov en hi as well as the beading and lace that head the top of the corset cover and all for 98 cents. All one has to do is to sew a belt about the bottom , do little hemming on the front and run in the ribbon-draw strings and , behold , there is one of the loveliest and daint iest of corset covers. A Proud Woman. The county officers at Abilene were . astonished the other day at the appear ance in the court house of a little , old ( woman who came to pay her husband's funeral expenses. The husband had been drowned so long ago as 1879. He was buried by the county. Ever since , the woman said , she had been working : and saving to relieve his spirit of the memory of a pauper burial. It was a pathetic story and one which touched ts hea'rers mightily. Kansas City Journal. ARE ESPECIALLY LIABLE TO Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh , Which Sets Up a Host of Distressing Diseases. PE-RU-NA Both Protects and Cures a Cold Read Proof. Mi s Roe Gordon , 2102 Oakland av.- Oakland < Heights. Madison.Vis. . , writes : "A few yenr * uyo I caught a net ere cold , which remitted in chronic bronchitis ntnl catarrh. Our fumlly pliyblelan prescribed meilclne * which c 'O temporary relief only. I heijaii taklnc I'eruna niul improved nt once. Two bottle * cured me. I recommend Peruna to all euffcrcra , and nm most jcruteful to you for your tulunblc medicine. " Mliu Rose Gordon. Wnnlilnzton , 1 * . C. , 60 ! ) II ftreet * > . W. Dear Dr. JIartmnii : "I lined to think thnt tbo doctors knew oil about our aches and pains and were the proper enc to consult when nick , but olnce I hate been sick myself I certainly hud good reu on to chance my mind. Burin ; * the winter I eaucht a heavy cold , which dc > cSoped Into catarrh of thb bronchial tubcn nml an In- Hnmcd condition of the respiratory orcunn. The doctors \vcro afrnld that pneumonia -would net In and prescribed pill * , powdcru and poclv until I loUcncdof the whole Milne , BM I did not Improve. Ono of the ladles In the Homo had o bottle of i'crnna and ho odrlocd me to try that. Shortly after I bccan ulnjr 1 * I felt thnt I had found the right medicine. I used two bottle * and they restored mo e4 lly and pleasantly to perfect health. While my utomnch tra tcry delicate , 1'eruiiadld not nauseate mo In the leant , but iiarc me a seed appetite , and I ivNh o express my jrntltndo to y < for re tored health. " 3I1 H Ko-alle Von Strncnnlnjf. A w irld's congress of fraternities will be hell at the World's fair the last week of September 1904. The cadets of the Culver Military Academy , of Culver. Ind. , will oimp ; at the world's fair frum May 23 to June 6 , inclusive. A 5,000 horse power engine is be ing ins ailed in Machinery hall at the wurid's fair. The transportation r quired a train of 21 cars. Tin t tal weight of the shipment was 720 tons , divided iito 202 packages. Marconi is stated to be working at a notahle wireless telephone. Mrs.WInslow's SOOTHING SYKUP for fchil- Jr n Ujethtnjsoftens the euros , reduces intla- matiou , allays pain cures , colic. Piire25tj bottl < It' ? easy tosolain why others shouldn't make mis kes. SEND Be IN STAMPS and yon will receive postpaid a largo 10e box of the strongest and most i crfi et laundry blnlnir made Send today to f ranWin UJu- liig Works , Kvansville , Wis On an average of 700 British sub jects are born every year at sea. PUTNAM PADELHSS DYES rolor Silk , Wool aud CJotton at oiie boiling. Dick Turpin's pis 01 was sold IB Loi'don r cently for S26 75. Piso's Cnre for Consnmption CHred me of a tenacious and persistent cough. Wm. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street. New York , March 2o 1001. The density of relative population of Cuba is nearly the same as that f the United States. In Emmon8 Connty , Dakota. We can sell yon 160 acres fine land. You can break 300 acres this spring , sow it to Salzer's Flax and reap enongh to pay for your land , etc. , having a fine fnriu & } the first year. Teg § peh tot anle. . . JOHN A. SALZBR SUED CO. . In iive minutes the average man would die fur want of air ; for want Df water , in a week ; for a nt oi sleep in ten days. Ripaiw Tabnles are the best i djsp"psia medicine ever made. A hundred millions of them have been sold in the United States ID a sinple year. Constipation heartburn , sick headache , dizi- _ ness , bad breath , sore throat and ev-r other Hlneb3 arising from a oisordered , -tomach nra relieved or cured by Ripans Tabules I One will generally pive relief within twentj | minutes. The five-cent package is enou n or ordinary occasion * AUrt-ueeists i ll them. The sense of smell is keenly do- reloped In the aborigines of Peru. &t niqht , in the densest woods , fiey hey can distinguish , solely by the jcent , a white man , a negro , and 3n i of their own race. TITO rt-nnoirenUjrCured. KoCtsernerroasneseaftei r 11 u rtr t day's usti of l > r. Kline's Great > erve R - etoicr. irtj fnrFKCK tt.UU ln.iIboK.cand tr-ati- Di XJilKLlNK _ , ttd. . 931 Arel BU Pliiladdnhln I'm. ! CATCHING COLD Isthe Beginning of Most Winter Ailments Pe-ru-na Protects Against and Cures Colds. There is no fact of medical science Letter established than that a teaspoonful of Pernna before each meal during the winter season will absolutely piotect a ' person from catchinjr cold. Now , if this i is trie ( and there is no doubt of it ) , thousands of lives would be saved , and tens of thousands of cases of chronic catarrh prevented , by this simple precau tion within reach of every one. After a cold h + been conti acted a teaspoonful - spoonful of Periina every hour will short ly cure it. leaving no trace oC it bHiind. After chronic catarrh has become estab lished , or the first stages of chronic bronchitis or consumption have been reached , it will take much longer to effect u cnre. It seems strange that as well known and well established as these facts are anv one shonld neglect to profit by them , and yet no doubt there are many who A Tell Ciiy. lod. . furniture factory is making what it is said will be the iirgest chair in the world. This piece of furniture will be exhibite * ! in the Varied Industries pilace at he world's fair. Its pr portions ire such thit the compiny will have i fully furnished oflicn beneath the seat of the mammoth ch ur. The largest bronze statute in the vorld is that of Peter the Great at 65. Petersburg. It weighs about 1,100 tuns. KnrliiBt Cane. Another new thing. Can be cnt six times during a season and sprouts ag'n with lightning rapidity. Next to Sil- zer's Teosinte it will make more green fodder than anything else , cheap as dirt and grows everywhere. Of Baker's Renovator Grass Mixture , jnst the thing for dying out pastures and meadows , Mr. E. Rappold. East Park , Ga. , writes , "I sowed Salzer's Grass Mixture on soil 'so poor two men conld not raise a fuss on it. ' aud in forty- ono days after sowing I had the grand est stand of grass in the coanty. Salzer's Grass Mixtures sprout qir.-kly and pro duce enormously. " 100.00C barrels choice Seed Potatoes. SALZER'S NEW NATIONAL OATS. Here is a winner , a prodigy , a man-el , enormously prolific , strong , healthy , vig orous , producing in thirty States from 150 to 300 bushels per acre. You Ind best sow a lot of it , Mr. Farmer , in 190-1. and in the fall sell it to yonr neighbors at SI a bushel for seed. JUST SEND 10c IN STAMPS to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , and receive in retnrn their big catalogue nnd lots of farm seed sam ples free. < O. N. U. ) A curioos lake is located in the center of Ei'lfline ' , an island in the North Sea. The suifaee of the 1 ki te quite fresh , and supports fresh water crpatures , but de p down it is as salt as the greatest depths f the sea , and salt-water fish iive in it. p-iy little or no attention to them and o on catching cold , acquiring ihronic ca tarrh , bronchitis an.l consumption. Catarrh May Permeate the Whole System. Mrs. Mary E. Sampson , West Derry , Rockingham County , N. H. , writes : "I had terrible headaches , both ears run and I was nervous all the time , also had tro-blo each month ; was deaf in one ear for thirty jears. I took six bottles of Peruna and one of Maualin and am happy to say that it is the Lest medicine that I ever used. I ain not so nervous , I my appetite is good , everything 1 eat with me , and I am fueling better in every way. I think Peruua is a God send to women and a blessing to suffer ing humanity. " Mary 10. Sampson. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna wr > te at once to Dr. Hailman , giving a full stitement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman. President of. The -Uartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O. The lirpest ; punch bowl ever made will be exhibited in the palace of V.iricd IrHiiiitri'S at the world's lair / pigMs 134 pounds and its cost In ulass and labor alone is over $1 8)0. ) The famous McKinliy bo.vl , heicto- f ire tiie greatest made , weijjns 85 P"unds. Men who tahc much rnve their b'-'irds yio v griy ; e.trlie : than tneir h'-iir. Tn < 2 h.iir of men who are stu- rlii'iinr think nricb , bec < mes griy loni : before their beards. POOR THINGS Foreign u.--t "The younc of this c-o.iutiy are charming : but \\hy have the married women such a diauuid out lo k" Host. " \Vi-ll , you see , some ol th m are worked t' dea'h because they h ive no servants and the rest of them aie woiriedto death because they have. " Ever Orosn.1 Xono better amJnone so low in price. Ic pcrpkt. an'l uprostpaitL Finest k illnstralpd ratnlogne ever printed sent FREE. Engrav- ' JDRS of every variety. A great - , lot of extra pkcs. of seeds , new * sons , prvsented free with every order. Some sorts onions only 55o 'per Ib. Other seed eqtially low. - > A"J years a seed grower and dealer . and all customers satisfied. Jioold -f . seeds. New , fresh and reliatle every year. "Write for bhr FREE cataJogna. , R.H.SHUMBaY.aouford.IIL ! ! Artificial eyes were first used by the Kg ptians , Ions ? before the Cnrislian era. Mammies fme been found wiih artificial optics. They were fashioned of gold , silver , copper 01 ivo-y.