Home Untldcr Corn.
So named because 50 acres produced
lo heavily tliat it's proceeds built a lovely
Lome. See Snlzer's catalogue. Yielded
fa 15)03 in Indiana 157 bu. , Ohio 160 bu. ,
Tennessee 08 bu. , and in Michigan 220
L.u. per acre. You can beat this record
In 1001.
120 btL Beardless Barley per acre.
310 bu. Salzer's New National Oats per
BO bu. Salzer's Speltz and Macaroni
1,000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre.
14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay.
150,000 Ibs. Victoria Rape for sheep per
100.000 Ibs. Teosinte , the fodder wonder.
54,000 Ibs. Salzer's Superior Fodder
Corn rich , juicy , fodder , per acre.
Now such yields you cnn have , Mr.
Farmer , in 1904 , if you will plant Sal
zer's seeds.
m stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co. ,
I Crosse , Wis. , and receive their great
catalogue and lots of farm seed samples.
( C. N. U. )
The guide book to ncll is not a
primer on the way 10 heaven.
The more ways a man thinks over
to get a girl to let him kiss her the
surer he is to find that the best way
jnst to go and .do it. New York
Pi ess.
A Genuine Kair Grower.
A doctor-chemist in the Altenbelm
Medical Dispensary , 1170 Foso build
ing , Cincinnati , Ohio , has discovered
what proves to be a positive hair grow- *
er. This will be welcome news to the
thousands afflicted with bald heads as
as those whose hair is scanty and
out. The announcement of the
doctor-chemist in another column of
this paper explains more fully what
tills new discovery for the hair can do
A trial package can be had free by en
closing a 2-oent stamp to Altenucim
Dispensary. 1170 Foso build-
? ninti. Ohio.
H F Homestead Lands of
Star Attractions
illlonnot nrreacf magnificent Grain
and Grazing Ln ils to fce had a ? n. lice
Kfft , or by jn.icl-.ase from Hallway
Companies LnuJ Corporations , etc.
The Great Attractions
Ooo < l Crop * , delightful clixrmtc.
Mpletiiild Mt-liooJ syntein , perfect
oclitl c'oixlttlotiR , exceptional
and ufflueiioc ncqulretl eunliy.
The poiwlation of 1VF/-TEKN
C.t3TAi.t increased 128.000 by imml-
Kmtion dnnnpthe poityear.over 50.000
ncr Ariel icnnt- .
Write to tlie nearest authorized
Canadian Goiomment Ajrentfor Cnna-
tllan .Atlat and otl > er information : or
n.ldrp SUI'fiurvTKVDENT nilUGRA-
Kl JIo\v T'TcL' ! T'clj
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mustnrd or anj
ether piaster , and will not blit-ter the mp t delicate
tkin. The pain nl laying and curative qnulitins of thil
rticle lire wonderful. It mil * to i the toothache at
once , and relievH heudocbeund frciatics.
iVe recommend it as ( ho herft und safest ertornn ]
counter-irritant known , also as sin external remedy foi
pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic ,
neuralgic and KOIUT complain:0. .
Atriaixvill pruvo wliat\\e claim for it , and it will hi
found to IK ) invaluable tu the household. Many poopii
ay "It is the host of. all your preparations "
Prioa 15 cents , at all dru ci tc , or other dealers , or hj
pending thUainnunt to us in postage stamps , wo vfill
end you a t bn by mail.
No article hon Id ba accepted by fho public unless the
ame carrier oar label , as otnerwifo it IB not genuine.
17 State Street , New York Crty.
Sleep eiu'hc hour hours of the
twenty-four , eat three meals a day
ann walk on the sunn ? side of the
way. Robert Collyler
coifh < ; and colds.
i Bast Cough Syrup. Taytea Good. Dae
N. is. U 8074 Hrtaft
Ciyar DeiltT ( drsconsdlatelv )
"I've lost another steady custonur
Tor my imported cigars. "
Friend "Whor"
"Wilkins. "
"Dead ? "
"IJo ; cone off on a wedding tour. "
"Tie 11 come back "
"Yes , and then he'll begin smok-
1ns twofers. "
Pe = ru = na Saved Her Life.
[ it was catarrh of the lungs so common in the winter months. ]
Miss Jennie Driscoll , 870 Put
nam Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes :
/ / people knew how efficient
Peruna was in the cure of ca >
tarrh , they would not hesitate t&
< ry it. I have all the faith in th e
world in it as it cured me , ar/J
/ have never known of a case
when the person was not cured
in a short time. " Jennie
Mrs. Col. E. T. Gresham , Treasurer Daughters of the Confederacy and
President Ilcrndon Village Improvement Society , writes flie following letter
from Ilernden , Fairfax Co. , Va. :
Hernden , Va.
The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , Ohio :
Gentlemen- cannot speak too highly of the value of Peruna.
I believe that I owe my life to its wonderful merits. I suffered
with catarrh of the head and lungs in its worst form , until the
doctors fairly gave me up , and I despaired of ever getting well
"I noticed your advertisement and the splendid testimonials
given by the people who had been cured by Peruna , and
determined to try a bottle. I felt but little better , but used a
second and third bottle and kept on improving slowly.
"It took six bottles to cure me , but they were worth a King's
ransom to me. I talk : Peruna to all my friends and am a true
believer in its worth-"Mrs. Col. E. J. Gresham.
On a Plain Subject in Plain
The coming winter will cause at least
one-half ot the women to have catarrh ,
colds , coughs , pneumonia or consump
tion. Thousands of women will lo e
tlipir lives and tens of thousands will
acquire some chronic ail
KEEP ment from which they will
never rccovor-
you take the neces-
IMHE snry precaution s , the
MOUSE ehanres are that you ( who
read this ) will be one of
No woman who h s a child of her
own can ever be entirely just to some
other woman's child.
"I know a man who says he can't
sit down and he can't stand up "
"Well , if he tells the tiuth , he lies. "
Tfew Jersey saloon-keepers have hit
upon a heanless way of ad ling to
t eir profits. In Ba\onneithas been
shown that steady patrons of some of
the saloons have had thier lives in
sured by the proprietors ; fien they
are kept full of stimulants , and in a
shirt time end thier career. In
m.iny cases the insuiance was effcctd
without the knowledge of the in
the unfortunate ones. Little or no risk
need be run if i'eruua i kept in the
house and at the first appearance of an. ,
symptom of catarrh taken as directed ou
the bottle.
Peruna is a safeguard , is a preventative -
tive , : i specific , is a cure for all cubes o (
catarrh , acute and chronic , coughs ,
colds , consumption , etc.
If jou do not receive prompt.and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
* ie pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice irr.-itis.
Address Dr. Hartmnn , President of
Clip Hartmaii Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Li tie B"b Knew Her. LittU
Willie "Who is that lady ovei
thert ? "
Little Bob "Ho That ain't nc
lad ) ; sho's my sister ! ' ' Manchestei
riTO Permanently Cured. Nontsornenroujmewftfrei
rl I iS Iirt da } ' * u.-e of Dr. KlineN Urt-it J er o Ke-
ctoier. b-'d forFKKKiJsJ OO irmlbott f.mti neati e.
DU. K. II. KLINE. Ltd. . 93i Arch Su. Philadelphia. 1'a.
Melamenchvtraeus solifugus is as Jn-
snilar earthworm lately noticed on
Mt. St. Ellas , Alaska. By night it
swarms on the snow of the Mai isnina
utacier , but when thp sun shines it
burrows to a depth of 18 inches'or
mote under the surface.
"Have yon ben eating oranges ? "
"No. Why ? " "I see the skin all
A KZLLION AMEBIOAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure , their complexion soft and clear ,
their breath sweet and their -whole bodies active and healthy -with CASCARETS Candy
Cathartic. The quick effects of CASCABETS as system cleaners and blood purifiers ; their
promptness in curing- pimples boils , blotches , liver-spots , blackheads , and in sweetening a
tainted breath , have become known through , the kind words of ladies who have tried them ,
Hence the sale of nearly A MTLUON BOXES A MONTH. The quickest , surest , way to beauty
is to cleanse the blood , for Beauty's Blood Deep. The first rule for purifying the blood is to keep
the bowels free , gently but positively. OASCABETS Candy Cathartic are the only medicine
to do it. All druggists , lOc , 25o , 50a Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped COO.
Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bsmedy Co. , Chicago or New York. m
Good Dehorn ins Chute.
We have published .several plans for
dehorning chutes , hut here is one that
is somewhat different from the others.
\Ve copy it from the Live Stock
Record :
Following is the material required
for a complete chute :
Six posts 6 feet long , 2x4.
Six ties 3 feet long , 2x4 , for top and
Four pieces 3 feet 2 inches long , 2x4 ,
for trap plank to work in.
Six pieces 2 feet 5 inches long. 2x4 ,
for braces.
Two oak planks. 5 feet S inches , 2x4 ,
for trap plank.
Fourteen planks (3 ( feet , 3x0 for sides.
One plank 6 feet G inches. 2x32 , for
Four wood hinges , Llfas215 inches
One piece 4 feet long , 2x2JX . for
lever to raise trap plank ; 22 inches
from hole to hole in lever.
Thirty-seven bolts 5 x % Inches
two bolts with rings in for rope.
Eight bolts % rG inches.
Two irons % inch , 10 inches from
crook , to raise trap plank connected
with lever.
Put a rope around the neck and over
the nose , like a halter , and pass it
through rings , drawing the Lead low
down. Live Stock Record.
\Vheclbirrow for Winter.
There Is more or less carting to be
{ lone on every farm , and it is not al
ways a good plan to do the lugging an 1
waste more or less strength , which
plight be saved by the sled -\vheel-
parrow. The illustration sliows how
easily the farm barrow , whether of the
box type , as shown , or with the flaring
sides , may be utilized. A broad runner
is made ( see figure 1) ) of two pieces ,
? f inch board , with an upright piece
which holds the runner to the axle of
the baiTow.
This runner is faced with sheet iron
( the blacksmith can put it on at small
expense ) , which also runs up at the
ends. Remove the axle from the bar
row , if it is round , as it probably is. and
insert a square axle of wood. Have
a piece of iron made like that shown at
figure 2 , and apply it to axle and
runner , as showu in figure 3. It should
be screwed to tne upright strip , which
Is fastened in the runner , and bolted to
the axle. This sled barrow can easily
be made by following the directions
and the plain illustration ; will cost but
little and save much labor.
Mules for Market.
The advantage of a mule over a
horse is lie can be taught to turn ahort-
gr , thus preventing the breaking dowi !
of vegetables or other plants. He can
0 in rougher places , Is not affected
by heat as bad as the horse , and re
quires less attention In the way of
lurrying , rubbing , etc. His feet
being smalLr , lie can walk closer to
the row of growing plants.
To make a good mule worth from
50 to $80 at weaning time or $140
co $100 as a 2yearold. . he should be
foaled from a large mare in April 01
May. He should run with the dam
until October 1. then be weaned. At :
this time he should be at least 52
Inches , Pnt him in ashed with plenty
of light , and feed oats , with clover and
imothy hay. Twomuch corn fevers
he legs a'od produces scratches. The
aecct summer he should have access to
pasture , with a little corn each day ,
mtil cold weather , when he should be
jmiipht back to the barn. At 2 or 2 %
'ears old he should be 10 hands high ,
'at and ready for market.
I-'ffects of l > rnlnnSe.
By means of drainage of land the
rnrlous chemical actions which take
jlace through the action of the atmos
phere on the surface soil are carried
flown to a greater or less pxtent into
the subsoil , for as the water level Is
owered the air enters from above to
111 the cavities of the soil By drain
age , also , the depth to which root *
will penetrate is increased , for the
roots will not grow in the absence of
oxygen , and rot as soon as they reach
a permanent water level.
Stick to Yotir IJnsiness.
It is the man who hammers awa.\
that succeeds. The last two year >
have given great hog prices. Man.\
rushed headlong Into the hog busine-.s
The hog market Is very discouraging
as a result Many will call th
business unprofitable and will , perhaps
undertake the giowing or feeding oi
some otlier class of live stock.
It takes time to be prepared t
handle hogs properly , and the-man wit-
does it in a profitable way will not lo-
money when the prices are low ; and i
he sticks to the business , the rsii : _
tide that is sure to follow every d.
pressed or glutted market willi - . \ \
him a nice profit.
The same is true in regard to Ui- -
raising of any class of farm anirn.il
Cattle , slieoi > . hogs and horses h.i
their ups and downs in the marl : '
The- winner in the end is the one wL
chooses the < -la s of animals he likp <
prepares' himself to take care of tlu-n
well , usts good blood , and ccitiruu'
business thiough adversity : is well - , . <
during ttio balmy days of prosper.A !
Generally spoakin : : when everybol
sells out and prices are low. is a go >
time to stock up ; \\lien everybo'1
turns buyer , and hogs , cattle or r-li'-o ,
are eagerly sought foiit is a good tim
to sell. The sure , certain road to .
good income is to eh ese a line'of AVO : !
and follow it closely. The other opei
ations are really side lines and can gc
with the ups and downs of the market
St. Paul Dispatch.
COTVS and .FowN.
Dairy cows of the best class pa >
better than any other stock which d -
mauds no moie capita ! , and fowls pa.\
better than any small or minor in
dustry of the farm. Taken in comhi
nation they are just the thing for ni
industrious man of small means who
has ten acres of good ground. Upon
this much ground , with this combina
lion , such a man would be sure net
only of a good living , but of saving a
snug sum every year.
Poll ! " in Second Place. ,
John Sollie , who Avon first prize at
the National Creamery Butteruiakers *
convention in 1002 , was beaten by M
Soudergaard at the
1903 convention re
cently hold , though
the winner's mar
gin was only .01
of a point , a margin
so small that it
must have tested
the judges' taste
to detect it. Thf
scores of the first
three were : M
s - id u Sond-Tgaard. 90.75
John bollie , 96.GG.
F. H. Kclling , 94.91. The two first
named are Minnesota men. Kelling re
sides at Jefferson , Mo.
Farm Notes.
The German Empire and the Unitec
States Government are to have com
petitive exhibits in forestry at th
World's Fair.
The United States Government has
commenced the work of irrigating 2 -
000,000 acres of land in Central Wash
Ington from the Spokane river.
The best remedy for lice in poultry
houses is to add a pound of concen
trated lye to a wash-boiler of soap
suds and to apply the suds hot on the
walls , floors and roofs of the houses.
All lice , with their nits , will thus be
destroyed surely and quickly.
An excellent way to test seeds Is
to place a few between two flannel
cloths , dampening the cloths with
warm water , placing them in a warm
location and keeping them moist. Some
of the seeds will germinate if kept
at an even temperature. Another meth
od is to p'ant a few In a cigar box fill
ed with earth.
The winter Is the time to clean up
the farm. On some farms the waste
water Is thrown near the house ; dead
grass and weeds accumulate , and filth
in various forms exists. Cold weather
hides many disagreeable things , for
then tfiefe are no odors , but the filth
remains , however , and decay begins
with the warm weather and spring.
Every farm needs a good cleaning up
at least once a year.
If butter is a specialty on the farm
the pigs are necessary to insure a
profit. In the winter season the feed
ing of skim milk and buttermilk to
pigs is the best and cheapest mode of
making pork. With a clover patch
for the pigs to occupy in summer and
a mess of bran and buttermilk at night
they will grow rapidly without any
other food. If pigs are confined in
pens they should have the grass cut
and thrown into the pens , as they
should have some kind of bulky food.
In the "good old times , " says the
New England Farmer , fanners very
often kept their wool for a v.onb'-ler-
able time , sometimes for yeari , waitIng -
Ing for a rise In pH e. There is no
temptation In these tidies to Jo th--
because there is no reason to ppose
that wool , low"at .cs price la , will ever
get much above its pi ent level. But
It was always a scm wiat riky busi
ness to store wool unless It was p -
away with vevy great care. The saf
est plan , undoubtedly is to dispose
of eaeb clip art cairami ,
A Wish. 'iliiune * Ul ) , 1 w su lj
lad your voice J"
Tnicke < l.No doubt you would cu- {
loy using it. "
Tbinue "No taint that , but I was.
tbinking if It were mine I could stup
It when I liked. " B stnn Post.
Mrs. Hayes * First Letter Appeal-
ingto Mrs. Pinkham for Help : ,
" DEAR Mns. PIXKHAM : I have been
under Boston doctors' treatment for a
long time without any relief. They
tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I can
not sit down without great pain , and
the soreness extends up my spine. 1
have bearing-down pains both back
and front. My abdomen is swollen ,
and I have l.'td flowing spells for three
years. My appetite is not good. I can
not walk or be on my feet for any
length of time.
" The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor
given in your little book accurately
describe my case , so I write to you for
advice. " ( Signed ) Mns. E. F. HAYES ,
252 Dudley St. ( Roxbury ) , Boston , Mass.
Mrs. Hayes' Second Letter :
"DEAR MRS. PixrcnAM : Sometime
ago I wrote to you describing my symp
toms and asTceil your advice. You re
plied , and I followed all your direc
tions carefully , and to-day 1 am a well
"The use of I/ydia E. Prnkham's
Vegetable Compound entirely ex
pelled the tumor and strengthened my
whole svstem. I can walk miles now.
"Lydia E. Piiilc ham's Vege
table Compound is worth five dollars
lars a drop. I advise all women who
are afflicted with tumors or female
trouble of any kind to give It a faithful
trial. " ( Signed ) MRS. E. F. HAVES.
252 Dudley St. ( Roxburv ) . Boston , Mass.
$5000 forfflt If original of above letters proolng
genuineness cannot t > < t produced
Two old pals met on the street.
"I si.v y u in the liquor men's
parade Tuesday"one of them said.
"Oh , yrs. "
"Now tell me about it. Who woret
thnse fellows in front on horses ? " I
'Those ? ' ' "Why those were tha
wh"lesalers. "
"Well , who were those fellows in
< arriaees ? " I
"Those fellows in plus hats , smok
ing the big , black cigars ? " {
"Yes. "
"They were the distillers and
brewers. "
"Who were those fellows walking
there with the white plug hats , !
\\hite coats and gold-headed canes ? "
"fey were the retailers. "
"Who were th se fellows that
brought up the rear"
"F llnws with caullfl'jwpr no5ea
and friniie on their pants the crowd
thar I was with"
"Yes. "
"Uh , they were the consumers. "
The Delewarean.
An Insignificant Guest Mam
mon "Did you attend the we3-
ding ? "
Cupid "Yes , I was among th
also piesenr. " Hrooklvn Life.
The people of Macoo , Ga. , do manj
things to show the w rid that it is a
live town. A farmer there erected ,
in a cemetery , a cnn-ricious and ex
pensive monument to himself. The
residents horabarded the marble
shaft with revolvers. The farmei
then offered $500 reward for the con
viction of any nee who had a band in
the disfigurement of his monument *
The people hurued him in efflgy and
offered SI , 000 to any one who could
find out who they were.
A Snre Starter for 111 Health.
Useless -worrying ( a form of nep
vousness ) is indirectly the resul $
( through the nerves ) of improper feedIng -
Ing , A furniture man of Memphis
says :
"About a year ago I ivas afflicted
with nervous spells , would worry so
ovfr trivial things.
"I went to consult one of the best
physicians in Memphis and he asked
among many questions if I drank cot
"His advice was : 'Go to some pro
vision store and get a BOX of Postum ,
drink it In place of coffee and as yoq
are confined to your desk to a greaj
extent try and get out in the open ail
as much as possible. ' I followed his in
structions regarding the Postum.
"At that time my weight was 145
and I was taking all kinds of drugi
and medicines to brace me up , but alj
failed ; to-day I weigh 165 and all o }
my old troubles are gone , and all , tbj
credit Is due to havmg followed tbij
wise physician's advice and cut off th ,
coffee and using Postum In its place.
"I now consider my health perfec-
I am willing to go before a notary pnb
lie and testify that it was all due t <
my having used Postnm in place o
coffee. " Name given by Postum Cr
Battle Creek , Mich ,
There's a reason for quitting th
drug-drink coffee , and there's a reasoi
for drinking Postum. Trial 10 dayi
proves them alL
Look in each package for a copy o
the famous little book , "Tke Road i
Wellvllle. "