Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 21, 1904, Image 5

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    was down rom
, -Try ourFHer Wall Plaster.
, . . .
,47. ' ' ' '
'LuDwio'LUMBER Co. i
fr * * J *
. J. -Wliillan's"-was..up---from
Woodlake last week.
Extra copies of THE DEMOCRAT
.at this office five cents.
* *
Editor Heath was down from
Cody Tuesday on land office husi-
Bcpair that wall before winter.
47 ' > " } LUDWIG LUMBER Go.
Miss Lou Webb has returned
from her visit at Lincoln and Fre
f Senator O'Kourke , of Gordon
.was in town Tuesday on business
vVj.before.the land office.
JL - . .Jas. Day , of Woodlake , called
* 3d tFriday town
new his subscription to this paper.
The mos tcomplete line of : lum-
tr inJhe Northwest. -
,7 : ' ' : * ' LUDWIG LUMBER-Go.-
David Dunn called this week to
? re1oew , his subscription to TJEIE
"DEMOCRAT and "pays another .year
, 'in ! advance. . . . , , .
A. O. Coleman , of Jlilgor.e . .oall-
ed on us for a visit and to get ac-
, Best qjityeps sell
* l , you . . . . some . ( . , . ; , . l&EQ , ; < , ' - GATWMRY. . 'V * TV / - \ : LL
4:0 : AARK DrCvriiFMr rrop.
Davenport & Thacher have been
the < weelcfe" and
invoicing p.asfctwo
, .hjij. * . . , % - . . j , _ j . _ ; . . " - .
tipon completing are now. . ready
witli numerous bargains. - See
* : | 3fe . Lena § ; Francke , whp - has
for several
' weeks" helping Mrs ; Anderscnrin
/the Jiotel , has been home for a few
days on1 a visit1. -
llice. lost one of his
" ' color. finder " please f ettirn
- ,
. .4 arid ' , - .Fuller ' &i Johnson .
r < *
* * .i- - 4.
Wagons at rock bottom prices ;
'J'he case of rank liothlcntncr
v . .JSa.t.ejrSc 6nTtdB , brou'ght a lot
Georgiftrand _ Nenzei citizens tote
to iT1 last Friday. The case was -
dismissed by the county attorney.
. - - '
- - <
* * i
! . Elmer Cole , of .Whitman , came
ufHo "Valentine yesterday onbusi-
ness , returning last night. Mr.
-vC6le is a son-in-law . .ofr. . T. Bul-
-lis and formerly tended bar at- the
Stock Exchange.
.Corn ShellQr .J pJli horntl" ;
jpower. v- ' , ;
47LuDWi6LoirjER Co.
. „ . Judge Towne"was .pr.etty Jjadly
bruised up. ybienhisJiQtse got
' " ' T * -ti J-4 - ' = ' "f ii5'l1r ;
.Vs'care.d near-SnTn\Js iofoga4lcry ;
. . abput two weeks ago , but has been
"lip ami attending to'the 'duties of
" "mVofficeTike airdld" Veteran r
* " .
1 * f ' *
Henry Morgan , Peter Hoffman ,
, Han : pstennair' ami E. Eo'bfcrt
tH 'iArij jiiVJc-- those down
Friday. 'Mr.
ea at our office and en-
ne for a year for the
The following program will be
rendered at theJKacher's meeting
Recitation s. . ' . ' . " . r . .J > * fctt 'ICneeland.
jwnJSr.V32vir5if ? iTrrirps m Lh School
Col.ett ,
Miss.Sn.itb ,
Oard of Thanks.
, , lr. We , flesYre tOjJjMink our friend
sistance and sympathy during our
. , . ,
rli'ti'f ,
' ? reccnb bereaveiuent and in the los
t < . ? > : ( tf' HJ. . . " - . ,
< o"our little daughter , JL/eona.
- - * -
' ]
. . Dunn JLjugtsid of 15
- - - - -r- |
The article in" last week's DEM
OCRAT stating hat' Mrs" ' David
BrownTiad feturned from eastern
111. , bringing her mother with .her ,
Ihouldhave read Mrs. David
vt. .
u\ \
! I Correspondence , j
Mrs. D. P. White has the-grip.
S. Johnson is on the sick list , but
is better now.
Frank Murphy's boys are in town
going to school. i
Mrs. F. Brackett has got the ery
sipelas but is better now : - -
Mrs. Geo. Murphy's , sister came (
this morning from Minn.
Misses Stella and Sadie Johnson
went to thp river last Friday.
F. Piothleutner got in a car of
coal- and stopped the coal famine.
H. Buttinghaus was up from Val
entine to look after his stock inter-
.0 my ! Our ! mail messenger vows
he wpirft canyany an'dbodys''mail
, ' . . * * , . .
Miss Errniline Fee , the Georgia
school teacher is progressing .nicely
with her school. . .
Miss Rose Guilders' , is here . on a
' : f '
jsit'ahd will return nextMonday <
' t' * D T. . - Av4 f' . ' ' T'Jpljr'
If ii s 'Cafcrie Wilson is getting
rith her school and has
pe . .S. .S i * ; VjV - , '
16 .pupiibLenrolled.
. . , ' . . .WONT GARRY MAIL. ,
AVtm > .JIeckel was in Bailey last
week. ' > ' ' * ' . , * -i > .Sr '
G. H. Segar was out to his ranch
last week. lv - . . . . . . , . . ,
Dale Crane twusj hi Bailey last
week on bu ins | . , . - "
on the.Minnetfonka. . . / < * . - . .
. , . . .
S ' '
't.tit.- > iti : t
it to be''qri the''jiimp (
Jfor-th ibacjSehjrs this year.
Geo.Hey.he anH Arthuf Eeath put
up a new windmill last week.
* MesdarnesSellers and i 'inalsou
visited at Lee Sellers' the 17. . . . .
. .
v - - * ' .
; Hugn.'Sears shipped 'two .cars of
horses tb"Hlinpi8-last 4week
tie in Bailey the.past fortnight.
1 ?
Arthur Heath anticipates making
an extended visiji w JM .V . r
' j u
-Chas.-Sellers and GTe'OT. Weede
-were-at G. L. Hauyer's Sunday last
Frank Heath ; vnd , Lillie Fairhead
, were , - , at f w. the , Dfmon'd , . , - „ . „ . - - Mr-faVfch : Mst "J
Mesdames Poland and Heyne
drove over to Hugh SeitrsHro 'see
some cattle dipped. . . <
Dr. Campbell has four cases of
typhoid tover afc'GTGimder8pn'S.
T.hey are improvinS.ftti.this ; > wriiiing. t
Several persons from Bailey at-
tended the-'dauce at Albert Russell's fcs
the night of 4"EE :15. "An elegant r s - *
? | J > r it
vawyrcW Wt :
If. itu
- * \ -t1j u
Tii&re"lias been l-lhooked on4o
the telephone line south and "west
of tody and 4 more will as soon as S
4hey can get i llpj cS- ' - ! = > . .
There will. be.apopcorn social in a
the Georgia-school house Jan. 29 , r
L ' Everyone is invited to : epme
ancl have a good time.
. - - - GUESS WHO I n
. i/
' - - * ? r /
.Arabia Items. \ icl
Jordan s fplljsri\6rej""visiting ! with si
A. Kief's last -Sunday , where Mrs. d.
Jordan will remain for a few "dayjs ,
- Girls and. old. maids you -must
remember this is leap year and a
chance of your lifetime to add a better
- - -
ter balf ; '
Last Sunday a crowd of the s !
neighbor gathered at the home of
Mr. Kreycik and wife and spent a '
r * " * " * \ "y - *
very pleasant day.Games'rand a sl
good dinner and supper were the
" Last Friday nighl the Lime'Kill #
Cliib gavg a hail and/opsterr supper is
in tht S\van Lake hall , -which was > CJo
attended by a goodly number ot o
happy , good iiatured young Jadies w
and gentlemen bent on enjoyment. .
At an early hourtheprmcipal.guests ; u
. st
arrived and soon the rooms were p <
resounding with brilliant wit and
conversation , . ; for/ tHe violioistfcad .
" '
T - * T
ious wafting' for 'tlie music , a guitar ?
duel 'Ittuno were brought for ii
, ) - - . .
many merry feet were.w.ant to Keep
time to the 'airy strains. All at
once a chorus of murmur.2 ' 'He's
come" proclaimed the arrival of the
somewhat tardy but gladjy wel
comed violinist. Then he was seen
to enter with his instrument which
then seemed very welcome to many
eyes. As quickly as possible he. was
hurried to his stand and told , -'Give
us somechinli quick -.arid - , "
In accordance : with their wishes the
violin was soon giving forth such
fascinating strains of dance music
that the most devout church mem
ber would have been tempted to
join in the bewitching sport. From
that moment till about midnight
lie was kept in a sweat for the large
drops of perspiration were seen to
stand out upon | his brow and yea ,
they were very p lainly seen upon
the crown of his head too. At the
above mentioned time (12 ( p. in. , )
supper was announced by the' head
cook and a portion of the crowd was
admitted to the dmning.rooni where
they were .confronted by a table
laden with pies , cakes , -cookies ; ; etc. ,
but of all and above all was a generous -
erous- ' supper of oj'ster stew.No
onQ 'as tifit 'au.l consequently
many of them were want to return
their bowls for . .refilling.- While
ft ' *
they * were"- ! Svely/attaeking- nup
pei-.Jtihex4tngindeiof : ; | : the crowd were
still collected in the ball room where
jokes and stories wa's the principle
theme.V hen f - " all . . . . . . had . , . appeased . , , % .
their rather ravenous appetites ,
judging from .the way they ate , we
are tempted to think they had stint-
' ' ,
> * * - - -V-
- 4
edthetnselves Jo limited rations for
several days pfevJous itutiijffgiwas
a aih "enlerecr Tnf6""wTth"renewed
zest , and the d $ > jpis of perspiration
wer.e,9.gMUseS9S 'sleal : oufr'ott the
j * * * * * * \ \
genial fE f -yiolinisT higjflyr "pblis.hed
ierown. j-JAbout four o'elobk sotii'e of ;
i the mejrymembers bega'n"'t6'dybop ,
" ' * * , " ' ' '
jC ftf S - -
sp jsomjjbodyjaiade a stait ; and soon
left to serene
quiet. Ti > ly the bachelors are lav
ish in their 'hospitality an/thos& in
attendance- - - 'event 'wmbe
long in forgetting- . . . *
. " > . !
v ? * -
.The folo ] ipJr * upiiti' < 'Vfer6"p not
absent during the first half of the
school \ ear :
Grace Wiyronet' ' .Edith Wi-luer
Stiller'faagiier' fJEverett WalKer
Hurry luiguit
Harvey McXam e Harold \\elker
Vivlfin Youiijr . . . . Jou Wig.oiier.
George. i > . Kalph
Kcl Koiiiintvaly.Ehillj ;
_ . . . .
Simiiel Wi'ner : .ohi ;
Domin Mc.Numett Vertii
Oivlgnt'McNHinee" " Hazel
.ila tiberbart LI > yd King
Miirou Ki. K r jyVLlpjrd K 't-rltart
Don 1'arker v . . , . "VJHn.iii . King . . ,
t i f ! " ' .Tjvw.r - > s. " * v
Merle - - lUfssoll vye.kT
lilsi Baker'l ; - , „
"Boys and girls ; this in Tans some
thing. : . Habits like tbist awworth
forming. . If jour ; name is not in
the above list , it should be. You
surely , have" missed something of
' * " "
" ' n > - * ' -
importance in your school work'
while * tiievfhave . * not.
Miss Carlson spent 'Saturday and
Sunday in "Valentine.-- , . . . . .
Guy KennefeJWni8--Redfern
ind Otto Shatzthauer entered school
recently. ( . . ;
Leola West-has been , absfiit"for
several days on account of the"'sick
ness of her brother. John. ;
Pupilsof the ejgTiingrade , History-
jlass have been , .making : avstiidy. ol ;
slavery , ending the subject with , a
lebate. . . > . . - . . 1
T e musicrplay.ed on the street
Uuesday by , the minstrels was en-
eyed by the pupils who marched
town in a body.
The ninth grade has taken up the C
study -of Agriculture. Physical tc
jeography will be'dropped in a tcc <
'ewdays and book-keeping will be a
studied' . . . , . * - * , , . : " c <
i. * r - * * * C
Examinations this --week. Some
jupils dread them and'"for good
Reasons 'too. itThe earnest , .student
alwayspj'eprfred , , .Such a habit
sarriecf on througlij--5-fve bverconies tl
bsta(5les and. brings results.
.lenuin to inauuge bu sin-ss in this County uiul tl
idjoininy terrHo.ry fur bouse of solid linanciul tldi
itauding ; § 2.03 stni' rt cash salary and ex-
jenses 0aid * each < Monday direct Jrom head- di
luarters. " * xi'eusq , money advaned ; position
jcrmimenc. Address Manager , 605 Iklonon
43 is. . .
8&.3M Profcntlo
Mr Edwards has been before the public for
some fifteen , withthe "
years appearing -the "fisk
Tennessecans" three seasons , with ' 'Donovans
Tcnncssecans" two years , and with Ihe "Stew-
art-\Vilbcrforcc Concert . "
Company. fie has a
wonderful voice and never fails to take , his au-
dicncc by storm
bnrn i' : > * Baltimore.MiKv and
at tha Chicago "Collag of MugjcTji'ridgf
:3 Zeigfclt. Hevss ccon'qspomtcd
jfi ls in 0ihc m'csic ijcpartin'dnt'.of
-gr.Ttfn7tjsica-recifaJs--n ; { most - ofthecities of
the East and.tlis South ; and "has .appeared with
such artists. , as.Jules Levy. Carl .Lpchman , ' Clar-
nce. .Eddy , and with the Theodore Thomas
New Orleans Grand
' Colored Concert Company
has been Binding inibile "eirice'olU
dnougli tc carry a tune. JUia firs't ajj-
pearanca was at the "Zoo" ihlmlfuii- "
aijolis , lucl , , S'tn ing the "Holy City- *
at the ago of Jour years. Since that
time ho has Appeared fo ? the "Ro J
.Men ; " "Eastern Star" and qthey.lougt3
throughout IndianaA hincVsbme
fisiaryaail - agnafanteqi"ofexceHont
care has induced' Ilia parentsjo ' V.
him to appear with tlio "Xevv , 'Orleans
Gi'and Colored Concert Compar.y" foy-
jthe season of 10UJJ-4 , '
; The boy" i5"truy'a } wonilr-i. singing
all-theJa test songs in a clear soprano
Veic& > * > --\fiinyprQrioiAD ? hir.i equal if
not-superior to the or.ce famous Blanchard -
chard Ka vanaugh , who received 81.MQ
a concert at.thoagra of snven years
Wilton Juncjtion la. , Oct.19 . ,
90S.- - The NcS aff5 Coloi-cd
* ' " " ' , . .
- : * ' - * ' * r.- - ' '
Concert corapahyappcarod at the
house here * lust Saturday
yivin.thc .first number
f ouivlecttirecourse. . They
, v.r
ommittce"in . - - - . . ' . . . , iir/niTg / lZ.'f' ; ' th'eir'-rJaitrons . - * . -.rv---------
0 atteiid. Lach member of the
ompany sustains a special part
nd each -\vars 'enthusiastically re-
eived licre : Tjie bass siri ng of
tlr. Edwards , " the violin playing
if .Mi'v-Panion . : and the solo work
* " * * -
1 Alastcr Bass. liss Knox and
lis's Julious delighted us as also
he artistic work of MVIiss Jeii'ers
n the piano. The company im-
iresscd us as being ladies and gen-
lemen. Kespectfully.
-L. G. Eocht , 'CQin.-SiiperJnten-
ent Public Schools.
* - f . . - . -
At the M. E. church , Thursday
i Jan. 28 , ,19,04 * > - * # * , ; .
\h-nls I-iuriches. Shfi'tOrdc-rs
! Firs : clews mcfils at all litters ,
day and "i ' "lit.Oyslci sr-'m
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always-on hand.
, E-D.CllQta , Prop.
itftirecn Jllnsonri Jttver
a it tl Ctiiftiyo.
Direct line to St. 1'trttl-JIiiunnijt-
Dirrct line to Hind
* l > l > tl t < > ttcitrt'ttt ( tf/cnt for r
initH and time vui-tt
Business , Notices.
Notices under 'this 'heading 5 cents per line
h'lnse.rtionAiipn -reading matter , 10 cents
per Hue each insertion ? ' : '
* *
Ail kinct&o.f ! tieavv hardware and
wood stock at E. Breuklandera.
v-'Good fresh Meat and "Lard at
' '
. - W'Si ii , I ;
. . -rr-vv-- : i ' ' . ; V-
I gjji-iioW'whidy | o-take orders/or J
Cue.-Jj mt-Underwear' ' for ladie § aii'd
, aucl. ehildreQ-rt. ; MRS" EUIORE. 8G
For all .kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertakingvworvpall }
" La It's'.lid l if s 'S Sksrl * : *
Orders taken for Ready-Mude
lailoi Skirts aMea'ficnaLle prices.
MRS. EmyRE. ' ' < . . - / . -
i * " ' : "
- , 2 * * "
* * JLOS'iT ! ' ' - ' *
f'.One'brmvn.yearling hprse colt
on J
1"5 "D. . STINAJID Valentine , JS br
' " " " * " 7T . * . . V1
' The.Eed-Front Merc.'Go .
Merc.'Gocarry ? -i'5.5 , > a
complete line of spofting'gdblds.
will be paid forinformation : Jead-
. . . . . : , -
i"-i. ' *
" -
; ; ! : fv ic V
ing to. theTQCO very , ' of'on.e brown
m'a'rc , stolen fro ni my'h'o'mestcad
northeast oE Valentine , C'hristmas
night. Said mare is brandedyrS L
under inane , vis iO-.v cans- old and
about 1100 pounds" ; has white spot
in forehead , one'-white hind foot.
one front fo.Ot scavmLabojiie fet-
ock from wire cut , . and Js pt low-
' 'Ll 'i"r r.
' 'i"ryyi
ii i
and blocky bcnrcly' " ' " " 1 > - *
50 . . Valentine , - JsTcbr. . .
. . . . . . . " . ' = -/H- * * & & ; &
Chicago. , - , . ? > SiinneapoHs'
, . , - * ' ' .
jt gf
j § >
Main Office
ST. I > AUL , AltNN.
Dealers j
Stock , Gifai.ri7"Provisions
Bouirht and.sjjuld.-fiiri'CjM h .or earri d on
reasonable maFytns , upon which a
commission will be charged of k on
4jrain , i on stocks an4 i on llax.
Write , for mrj a'i rletter and pri
vate teleirraph'&Tpher mailed free , f
ProiDDt Returns. " Best Facilities ;
X-iheral Advances. ;
Usual Commissions
Valentine , Nebraska.
Fitst door iorth of Flsrt National Bank ,
Lincoln . DCS Moines
Vni. JJrown , living jjAmiles ;
northeast of Crookston , has lost !
0 head of tattle : 3 steers and 3
heifers. Three of them are branded - ?
ed half circle S high behind left
shoulder. Qther 3 not branded.
All two-year olds , red and white
spotted , excepting one red heifer
branded. ' XotifyV. \ . F. Brown , .
Crookston. , I ebr. . and get re ward. '
' ' ' ' " /
00 i . . , . - . . . - . . :
; ' . , , TIi f } . ( ! \ * . ( | . . ' \ Hi refonl Jia
. I3I . : < ( > ' \
f * \ /i . % .J i | . „ ; , , I | - / } . | 4 I / „ . ; „ (
I' < l > J -f ' " > III ' !
v ij ; . , ' t . Oii ju70ivi.f.i. !
y < nl jiS'Mi ; Sip
X 'lli' '
; 5ltiiir pr - -
: S'o r Nil r t | > rt.vs fit7 < Uaiieh IVfr.r T 'lcs
i , MrowiiIcL ' , Nef'f '
Mrnn , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00.ton .
MiorlabulJf. 80. p r cvvt $10.00 ton
riiop F ed i.Q ' ; /1 : ; : ' ; j20,00' "
Corn .95 * J8.00. "
. ' . . . .LOO " " t
' ' tK
. . . . .1. 0 " K
John Nicholson ,
Whl be in Valentine on the 20 , ' 21 ; 22
and 23rd of eachmonth. . Reserve
your work for hitnl Otlice at Doriuher
* * *
JCxaininatiou Third Saturday g/'c'uch
rnouth and Friday preceding.
. Dentist ; , , , ; ' . , . .
t 'Office ' over the 'grocery , deparmcnt
' : , b'tT ' : C..Hornbv.'s.stbt6.
' Vriil boip * Rosebud agency July
t 3'rd/Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 ,
times pritub for cash. 't \ "
; H.
/ ; : . : t-ity : ipeliy-arymaiiv.
vallft-a and iiUchait&r hauled * to--and
' . ' . iruni'lbeitBpui'aiKluIi puctsO/ the City. .
3WA. : . KIMBELt. .
j / ; . , Barber / , , ; ; , ! '
'I First-clns Shop' in Every "Hespect
r K-II de < 4ulhniK Ilafr Tonic. Golrfea StarBalr
-j Tonic. Herploide and Coke's DandrulF Cure.
j Try Pompeian Face- Massage Cream
I . . . . .
- ! If ! - I - i | -
County Sitrveyor
< Wmxliake
TO. .
t- t
' ' . - i- ' .
a an rgepn
; ty , . at ; , $ & $ 1 Ate p'8
- " DrntrStoVu'Ni'rhTF ! : -The Dtni-
! - - -
, . . . . ,
. - . ,
i- - t -w i " , ' 0 ' } t. c ; i
I oher lesuleiice. . ulierry 'btro it.
. i- i . ' , y . I-- .
rd' S > Fumy -
, ' iQiananii : Siirgeon
> riiat\ttaW-OKEl- \
Drug" Slore.
, Kcbr.
! 'i-H.-ti < : ( s in IMstrlct Court and U. S. Land
- HHH ! Kptatn and iancb
. . .
t _ n/l < - ) ! HundMl A hai
i Robert G. Easley ,
L t OUice over Red Front.
F. .M. BLAKE ,
at Mrs. Shore.
Valentine. . . - Nebraska.
42rent ATortheni
at O'heilj ; Xebr.
Going East , . * ' Goin West.
Leaves 10:10a.rn. , . . Arrives J:50p.m.
Tassenger , dail > - except .
' ) nneitions with Elkhoni 'traiiiv. east and
westbounu from sll ' '
pDints-AyuHtof O'JS'elJl. route to Sioux City at d beyond.
Tlirouah conuectjoiiifrSionr Falls , MJuue-
a'johs. St. Paul and all i.otuts jnortli and west.
Bay local ti Ueta to O'Neill.
Ko.ii'.its , ir , A.
. - - . . , - . - "