Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 14, 1904, Image 7

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Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters
by Using Pe = ru = na.
Mr. Brock's
Age is US
His age Is 115 years , vouched for by authentic record. He says : "I at
tribute my extreme age to the use of Peruna. "
Born before the United States was
Saw 22 Presidents elected.
Pe-ru-na has protected him from
all sudden changes.
Veteran of four wars.
Shod a horse when 99 years old.
Always conquered the grip with
Witness in a land suit at the age
of 110 years.
Believes Peruna the greatest
remedy of the age for catarrbal
BROCK , a citizen of McLcn-
ISAAC , Texas , has lived for 115
years. For many years he resided at
Rosque Falls , eighteen miles west of
Waco , but now lives with his son-in-law
at Valley Mills. Texas.
A waterproof cloak costs about
Iwenby cents in Japan.2 It is made of
> iled paper , and will last one year
* itn ordinary usage. They are worn
ibiefly by coolies who draw handcarts
ID the streets.
5 To prevent the extinction of the
; hatuics in the Swiss Alp ? , a law lias
> een passed in Gris inns , Switzerland ,
Kohibiting the shooting of chamois
m the mouuntains. A real cbamins
ikin is now worth $ " 0.
"Lust time is never fount ! apain. "
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or nny
therplnster , and will not blister the most delicate ,
kin. The pain nllnyingund curative qualities of thu
rticle are wonderful. It will "to > the toothache at
nce. and relieve headache and sciatica. ,
vVe recommend it as the best iind safest externa *
ronnter-irritnnt known , also iw an external remedy fox
pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic ,
neuralgic and Roatjr complaint * .
A trial will prove what we claim for it , and it will bf
found to be invaluable in the household. Many peopu
ay "It fa the be t of all your preparations. "
Price J5 cent * , at all druggist * , or other dealers , ornj
tending this amount to ns in postage stamps , we vrtll
tend yea Htibebr mail. , , .
No article should b accepted by the public unices the
tame carries our label , as otherwise it is not genuine.
17 State Street , New York City.
A Boston physician's dis
covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax-
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power ; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Thousands of letters from \vomon
prove that It is the greatest cure for
leiicorrlicea ev'er discovered.
Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh , nasal catarrh , sore throat , sore
mouth and sore eyes , because these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
For cleansing , whitening and pre
serving the teeth we challenge the
world to produce its equal.
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse Paxtine , andthou
sandsoftestimoniallettersproveits value.
At druggists , or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A large trial package and book of
instructions absolutely free. Write
The B. Paxton. Co. , Dept. 6 Boston , Mass.
A short time ago , by request. Uncle
Isaac came to Waco and sat for his pic
ture. In his hand he held a stick cut
from the grave of General Andrew Jack
son , which has been carried by him ever
since. Mr. Brock is a dignified old gen
tleman , showing few signs of decrepi
tnde. Ilis family Bible is still preserved ,
and it shows that the date of his birth
wns written 115 years ago.
Surely a few words from this remarka
ble old gentleman , who has had 115 years
of experience to draw from , would be
interesting as well as profitable. A
lengthy biographical sketch is given of
this remarkable old man in the Waco
Times-Herald , Dec-ember 4 , 1S9S. A still
more pretentious biography of this , the
oldest living man , illustrated with a
double column portrait , was given the
readers of the Dallas Morning News ,
dated December 11 , 1S9S. and also the
Chicago Times-Herald of same date.
Learn something frrn errors and
you will make less of ihfim , but get
excited over mistakes and they will
increase till the iusuiance companies
w ill icfuse you.
Salt water tanks are to be attached
to tbe side of some of the German
railroad cars , for the purpose of con
veying live fish frm the seaboaid to
the in'and ' cities and towns.
"An * how's yef husband the day ? "
asked Mrs. Kafferty of Mrs. Mul-
A stubborn man in Lewiston , Me. ,
refused to pay his poll tax and defied
the authorities to collect ; it. He is.
now in jail , and has been plnying
SEND Be IN STAMP1 ? and you will receive postpaid
a largo lOc bor of the btiongest and most perfect
laundry bluing modo. f end to.liy to Franklin Blu
ing Works , Evans > ville , Vila
Asa rule married men live seven
years longer than bachelors , and
wives live years longer than maids.
"We use Piso's Cure for Consumption in
preference to any other cough medicine.
Mrs. S. E. Borden , 442 P street , Wash
ington. D. C. , May 25 , 1901.
All the soldiers in the armies of' '
Denmark and Swedin can read and
write. In tbe Russian army seventy , I
percent of the mm are illiteiate.
economy Is tlie road to wealth. PUT
NAM FADELESS DYE is tbe road to
Those who win do more than their
share , andi before the world is free
from misunderstanding all of us must
do more than our share.
CITQ Permanently Cured. NofltaornerronsneRRoffei
rl I O tiryt dajV u of Jr. Kline's Great Nerve lie-
ptoi r. Scad lor KKEKS- mill bott.and trvati eu
DK. fi. II. KLINE. Ltd. . 92i Arch St. , Philadelphia , 1'a.
The strength of two horses equals
that of fifteen men.
Hermetically sealed glass cnfflns are
cnr.iinc iu vogue in Fzench cities.
It is asserted that a body buried in a
ylass c-tffiii becomes mummified in
abosit thirty years.
This centenarian is an ardent friend ot
Permia. having used it many years.
In speaking of his good health and ex
treme old age , Mr. Brock says :
"After a man has lived in the world as
long as I have , he ought to have found
ul a great many things by experience.
hink I have done so.
"One of the things I have found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
proper thing for ailments that are
due directly to the effects of the
climate. For 115 years 1 have
withstood the changeable climate
of the United States.
'I have always been a very healthy
man , but of course subject to the little
affections which are due to sudden
changes in the climate and temperature.
During my long life I have known a
great many remedies for coughs , colds
and diarrhoea.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy ,
Peruna , I have found it to be the
best , if not the only , reliable rem <
edy for these affections. It has
been my standby for many years ,
and I attribute my good health and
extreme old age to this remedy.
"It exactly meets all my requirements.
It protects me from the evil effects of
sudden changes ; it keeps me in good
appetite ; it gives me strength ; it keeps
my blood in good circulation. I have
come to rely upon it almost entirely foi
the many little things for which I neecj
"When epidemics of la grippe first
be an to make their appearance in this
country I was a sufferer from this dis
" / had several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that Peruna was a remedy fet
this disease. When I heard thai
la grippe was epidemic catarrh , J
tried Peruna for la grippe and
found it to be just the thing. "
In a later letter dated January 31 ,
1903 , Mr. Brock writes :
" 1 am well and feeling as well as 1
have for years. The only thing thai
bothers me is my sight. If I could se <
better I could walk all over the farm and
it would do me good. I would not b
without Peruna. "
Yours truly ,
For a free book on catarrh , addre.s
The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O
If you do not der've prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. llnrtman , giving i
.ull statement of you case , and he wil
ie pleas-ed to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman. President o
The Hartmau Sanitarium , Columbus
A liberal start and the best plai
give the least expense. A cheap Stan
and a poor plan produce a dangerouj
Quality is the key to commercia
Mr. Kaufman says : "Don't
so many pockets you cannot Iind wha >
you want in a hurry. "
Successful men are misers of min
A hyi otberical religion is apt to bi
"Whether I speak to one. or t .
thousands in my audience , I Rlwavs
try ' to do my best. " John 13. Gougn.
Mrs. Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chilf
rm tcethlrpsoftens the euros , reduces imla1
matlou , allays pain cures colic. Piice25ubottl <
The earliest honk which mentions "
gold is the Bible. See Genesis ii , 11 ,
Millions of Vecetables.
When the editor read 10.000 plants fo ,
16c. he could hardly believe it , but upoi
second reading finds that the John A
Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , Wis. , than
whom there are no more reliable and ex t
tensive seed jrro-K-ers in the world , makei
this offer. This great offer is made t <
get you to test Salzer's Warranted Veg
etable Seeds. ?
They will send you their big plant and :
seed catalogue , together with enougfi
seed to grow
1.000 fine , solid Cabbages ,
2,000 delicious Carrots , )
2.000 blanching , nutty Celery ,
2.000 rich , buttery Lettuce.
1,000 splendid Onions.
1,000 rare , luscious Radishes ,
1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
providing you will return this notice , ani }
if you will send them 20e in postage ,
they will add to the above a package ol
the famous Berliner Cauliflower. ( C.N.U. )
Of all sad words that make us hot P
The saddest are these , "I forgot. " Pa Pu
a i
SYRITP cures cousrhs and colds. pi
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Die
In time. Sold by drugcl-iu. o
N. N. _ , . 8O63. . YORK NtBf
or >
bi >
$1 S
Improved Nest Boxes ,
The accompanying drawing repro-
lucedfrom Orange Judd Farmer , illus-
a-ates very well the improved nests de-
tlgned and successfully used by Wil-
lam Proctor , of Essex County , Mass ,
They are very easily made and the
plan of construction Is as follows :
Take three boards , one inch thick by
12 inches -wide , and of any convenient
length. The boards are placed far
enough apart to admit of two nests
side by side.
Strips two inches wide and one Inch
thick , represented la the diagram as
b b , are nailed across both top and
bottom to hold the uprights In place
HJid make the frame firm. Supports
for the nest boxes are wires , desig
nated by c c in the diagram , and to
put them in place holes are augered
through all the boards , which is best
done before the rack is put together.
Strips might well be used in place of
the wires and would give additional
strength. If wire is used , it will prove
most satisfactory if kept tight.
The nest boxes are made of one-half
inch lumber. They are 11 % inches
wide , 12 inches long and five Inches
deep. The bottom is madeto project
six inches , providing a step for the
hens to alight on. The space above
the boxes would depend partly on
the breed of poultry , but with boxes
five inches high a 14-inch space be
tween wires will be sufficient. The
improved nest boxes have the advant
age of being light , easily made and
readily cleaned.
.Rabbits in Appi Orchard * .
One of the incidents and expenses
of orcharding on a large scale is the
constant warfare necessary to wage
on rabbits so likely to work great
destruction to young apple trees.
Wellhouse & Son , of Topeka , Kan. ,
for their orchard in Osage County ,
used a carload of lumber on the con-
struction of 1,700 rabbit traps. For
four ( orchards they have 2,000 traps.
These traps consist of a box 22
inches long , made of ordinary G-incb
lumber , 1 inch thick , closed at one
2nd , and -with an inward swinging
svire gate , a , in the other end , which
is shut by contact of the rabbit with
trigger , b , after he has fairly en
tered and taken the bait at c. About
feet of lumber and 4 feet of No. 12
galvanized iron wire are consumed in
he making of each trap , which costs
oinplete from 12 to 15 cents. This
rap , as now constructed , is consid
ered well-nigh perfect , cost and effi
ciency considered , and is the result
f twenty years of experimentation
n making traps , and studying the na
ture and habits of the rabbit. Farm
md Home.
New Sujjar Plant.
The Agricultural Department is in-
luiring into the statement of Consul-
general Guentber that a new p'nnt has
een discovered in South America that
promises to supplant the sugar cane
md the sugar beet. The plant contains
large amount of saccharine matter
md a high percentage of natural sugar a
roperties which are easy to extract ,
is said to be easily cultivated in
ilimates like those of the southern nor-
ion of the United States. According
experiments made by the discoverer , .
he director of the agricultural insti- "
ute of Asuncion , this plant is said to
leld a sugar which is from twenty to
flirty tinjes as sweet as ordinary cane
beet sugar , .
Minnesota Dairy
The report issued of the State dairy
nd food departments shows that
18i creameries of Minnesota
lave been inspected duriug the past /
ason consume every & 3y 5,400,000
rounds of milk ; TU figures for the
-ear show that V&,000,000 pounds of
utter are prothiced by these creamer-
and sold for ? 17,500,000 , ofwliich
.oOO OOO went directly into the pock-
its of 'the patrons of the creameries.
Che 681 creameries are furnished \vith
nilk by 420,000 cows out of the 915-
) cows in the State. '
Wide and Narrow Tires. is
At an experiment station it has been
lemonstiated that it requires 40 per
lent more power to draw a load on a
ivagon with 1-inch tires than one In
a 3-inch tire. With a
ayuamoniertef carerul tests were made
with a loaded wagon drawn over bluegrass -
grass sward. In a wagon weighing
1,000 pounds It was found that a load
weighing 3,272 pounds could be drawn
on wide tires with the same force re
quired to move 2,000 pounds on nar
row tires. Moreover , the wide tires
did not injure the turf , while the nar
row ones cut through it.
A Bie Grain Farm.
Oklahoma claims to have the larg
est farm in the Southwest. It is the
101 ranch in the Ponca reservation ,
and Is so big that it is necessary to
plant several varieties of wheat in it
one of which ripens several days later
than the other in order that all of
them may be harvested at their prime.
On1 this farm the wheat fields are of
one thousand acres each , the cattle
pastures are of one thousand to 1,500
acres each , and pasture six thousand
head annually , the corn rows are one
and a half miles long , requiring five
hundred mules , and three hundred men
to handle the crop , and it takes thir
ty self-binders three weeks to cut the
wheat crop and a dozen or more steam
threshers forty days to thresh it.
There are fifty thousand acres in the
Possibilities of Poultry UnsinecB.
The next thing in New York may
be an egg corner. The eggs laid in
the United States every year by hens
are worth fully 9145,000,000. The poul
try sold brings $139,000,000. To haul
to market all the eggs that all the
hens lay every year would take a train
of cars SCO miles long. This wouid
reach from Washington to Chic go.
where everybody eats one egg a day ,
or a total of 2,000.000.
The great American people are only
beginning to realize what a boon they
have in the great American hen , and
they arc cultivating her and her pro
geny. They are providing incubators
to raise her little ones that she may
not be interrupted in her work of de
livering the daily egg for the daily
consumption of not only the Chicagoau
but all other townsmen. New York
Fine Potatoes in Maine.
"I doubt if any of youpeople down
here in Washington ever saw any
thing like the sort of Irish potatoe ?
that we raised in Maine this past sea
son , " said Mr. A. C. Gardiner , of the
Pine Tree State.
"We have one county Aroostock
that is the banner potato county oJ
the Union , and this year it broke al
its previous records in the production
of the Murphys. Don't set me dowr
us a retailer of romance when I tel1
you that I saw among a number ol
giants grown there one specimen thai
weighed four and a half pounds. Plen
ty of three-pounders were in evidence
and the big ones were just as palata
ble and luscious as those of smaller
size. " Washington Post.
To Boom Spanish Farm inc.
American capital will be used to
open up large areas of undeveloped
farming land in Spain , if the $5,000.
000 company , announced to be undei
way in New York , succeeds in its at
tempt. Apparently , the plan is to stan
factories for making agricultural ma
chinery and to introduce extensive irri
gation and other ambitious projects
All this would be a great turning ol
the tables since the days when th
whole of America was mainly a stamp
ing ground of Spanish adventures.
Grind Grain for HOSTS.
In feeding dry whole wheat there i |
much waste because much of the grain
is swallowed whole. Any small graii
used for feeding hogs should be coarse
Jy ground , for unground grain is tota'
ly indigestible , for the outer skin tiia
protects the digestible portion of tiv
grain is unaffected by the digestiv
juices of animals , and. having no giz
aard and grit whereby to do the grind
ing themselves , it is not digested , bu
wasted. Farm and Ranch.
The Farm
The farm surplus should never b
sold in its original condition if it cai
be changed to something else wit
profit. Hay , when fed to dairy cows
and only the butter is sold , leaves .
portion of the profit on the farm , a
the butter is derived mostly from th-
air , and it is to this fact that cream
cries which return the skim milk an <
whey to their patrons have done mucl
to increase the fertility of some farms |
by rendering the manure of the farrm
more valuable.
Water for Horses.
Horses rcqiiire a considerabli
amount of water daily , the quantirj
varying with different seasons of tb
year , the amount of work performed
etc. The time of watering , whethe
before or after is a matter o
little importance and , generally speak
ing , may be regulated to suit the con
venience of the feeder. Horses be
come used to either method of water
ing , and irregularity should be avoid
ed , as sudden changes are apt to prov- °
Tobacco *
it is not generally known that tobac
co is grown somewhat extensively TI
several districts in England. So als
' Indian earn. The great bar to sue
cess iu the culture of the tobacco plan
during recent years is the want of th.
sun , but it is a fact that marly cigar
smoked in London are formed of ma
terial grown within a radius of fort ?
miles from Bowbells.
Pica Eat Charcoal.
It is said that charcoal Is a verj
'valuable hygienic agent for pigs. It
a corrective , and acts as a prevent
Ive against various diseases arisinj
from disordered digestive organs , 1
onie charcoal , or even ashes , are PIT
the pigsty , the pigs will soon shon
they like it _
Many women are denied the"
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
MRS. PrrrKnAM : I suffered
with stomach complaint for years. I
got so bad that I could not carry my
children but five months , then would
have a miscarriage. The last time I-
became pregnant , my husband pot mete
to take kydia E. Pinliliam's Vege
table Compound. After taking the
first bottle I was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach , and began to feel bet
ter in every way. I continued its use
and was enabled to carry mv baby to
maturity. I now have a nice baby
girl , and can work better than I ever
could before. I am like a new woman. "
Llns. Fiu.rc EHTEP. , 22 S. Second St ,
Meriden , Conn. $1000 forfeit If original of
above letter prosing genuineness cannot bo produced.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkharn. She will understand
your case perfectly , and will treat1
you with kindness. Her advice4
is free , and the address is Lynn ,
Mass. No v/oman ever resetted
having- written her , uud sh.o has
helped thousands.
The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
( Jives to Salzer's Oils its heartiest en-
dor-eiuent. S-'l/er's Xew National Oats
yielded in ! ! ! ( from IHO to oUO bu. per
lure in . ' 50 different States , and you. Mr.
Farmer , can bent this in 1004. if you
will. Salzer's seeds are pedigree seeds ,
11 red up through careful selection to bit ;
Per Acre.
Salxer's Beardless Harlev yielded. 121 bn.
Salzer's Home Builder Corn . " 00 bu.
Spelt'/ and Macaroni Wheat SO bu.
Salzer's Victoria Rape GO.OOO Ibs.
Salxer's Teosinte. the quick grow
ing fodder wonder 1(50.000 ( Ibs.'s Hiilion Dollar Grass. 00.000 Ibs.
Salzer's Pedigree Potatoes. . . 1.000 bu.
Now suHi > : elds pay and you can have
them. Mr. Fanner , in 1 ! 04.
and this notice to the John A. Salxpr
Seed Co. . La Cro se. Wis. . and you will
pet their bis catalogue and lots of farm
seed samples free. ( C. N. U. )
man bas CMI led this world up
ward wituuut some of tbe light of
Mother Gray's Sweet Powdera for Chil
Sncce Ffii'ly ' * sefl by Mother firay , nnrse In
* h M'lnllr n' * H mIn New Yor cure 'on-
Mipnt'o . i-eve islinp" " . Hud -tomncli , Teelh-
ig I'lH rder . move nr.d leRiilatp llit > Howcls
hiul l > e < > tro Worms < > VT 30000 tesiimontalM.
> \tall dnipsfist. USc.ample FKEK. AddrcH
A. b Olu.sted.IxHoy , N Y.
A machine for making the tins used
fur snrdines lias hecn invented by : i
Norwegian. Hitnertoa skilled work-
mau could make about COO tins daily ;
the new machine will produce from
15 000 to 20,000 a day.
Some years ago the sexton of the
Catholic cuuich at Grand Falls , N.
B. , had a head of pure white hair
Ic became thinner and thinner , until
in 1900 he was perfect ! * bald Then
a thick crop of jet black hair bean
to sprour , intprmingled with gray ,
lie is in his eighty-tilth year.
Studying the he.iuty of utility saves
money and.lengthens life.
Inside methods and means are very
vital things in these days and thej
will be mure so later on.
A Phjsician's Statement.
York town , Ark. , .Tan. 11. Lelano
Williamson , , M. D. . one of our cleverest
physicians. 1ms miule a statement , In
dorsing Dodd's Kidney Pills and say
ing that he HSPS them in his daily prac
tice in preference to any ether kidnej
medicine. His statement has created a
profound j sensation , as it is somewhat
unusual for a physician to publicly in
dorse anything in the shape of a pate l
mcdidiip. Dr. Williamson says :
"After twenty years' practice in a
sickly and , malarious country I hnvo
come to the conclusion that it is al
ways best to use the remedy that will
relieve and cure my patients whetliei
ethical or not. }
"I have used Dodcl's Kidney Pills
with uniform success in the various
forms of Kidnry Disease , Pain in the
Back , Gout , Rheumatism. Inflamma
tion and Congestion of the Kidneys and
all kindred diseases ; I always pre
scribe Dodd's Kidney Pills in such
eases and can.tesjtjfv that they inva
riably restore the itiuneys to their nor
mal state and thereby relieve the blood
of accumulated poisons , producing
prompt and effective cures. "
Siberian railway trains , under a
new schedule , cover the distance from
Mscow to Port Arthur , 5,388 miles ,
in thirteen days The fare including
sleeper , is 8134. Tbe traveler who
wishes to be exclusive can have a
special train of three cars for SI.03 a
For Infants and Children.
jibe Kind You Have Always Bongs !
Bears the
Signature of