Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 14, 1904, Image 4

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Thursday , Jimnary 14 , 1904.
Entered at the PostrOfflce at Valentine. Cherrj
county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
Subscription SI.OO per year in advance : $ l.CO
f- . When not paid in advance. Single copies 5c.
DNpLiy adver1 ' < ! . : l Inch single column I5c
[ > er Issue or * > . * a year.
I cil ; Notices , binaries , lx > dge Kosolution-
ind Socials lor i-veune 5c per line per Issue.
P-ranils. l\i i 'ies $4.00 per year In advance
additional space ? x-on per inch peryearjenRraved
blocks extra : § 1.00 each.
Parties living outeide Cherry county not per
( tonally known are requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If over 0
months In Arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Will Russia and Japan fight ?
The National Democratic Con
vention will be held in St. Louis
July 6 , 1904.
W. J. Bryan will be given a re
ception next Monday evening at
the Lindell hotel in Lincoln. A
large number of persons will be
present to greet Nebraska's chief
tain upon his return from foreign
The trial of Senator Dietrich
last week ended as if by mutual
consent of all parties engaged in
the trial. The prosecution gave
way and made but a feeble attempt
after harrowing the earth to shake
up testimony. Judges Munger
and Van DeVanter , General Cow-
in , the attorney for the defense ,
and district attorney Summers all
seemed to go through the case as
if planned out before hand and
were only making a display of
what would appear to have been
a rehearsal of the case. Dietrich
was dismissed by Judge Van De-
vanter instructing the jury that
they must acquit him , because he
was not senator when he recom
mended the appointments of post-
SjBaster for a consideration and
'l leased his building at Hastings to
'the government and that he was
not senator until accepted by the
senate. It seems that this con
struction is wrong and that their
decision of the law will be reversed
by every citizen who takes any
interest in the matter. Dietrich
was senator from the time he was
elected. He drew his pay as sena
tor and his recommendations were
received , accepted and acted upon
as coming from a senator with no
question arising as to whether he
had the right or authority to ad
vise. He was senator by all the
customs ever practiced by the
United States at any former time
and drew the salary of senator ,
even if the senate had rejected him
in December of 1901 , up to the
time of the senate's rejection. To
all intents and purposes he was
senator at that time , though not
permitted to act in conjunction
with other senators as a law mak
er until that body had passed upon r
his election as being legal , regular
and that he was not disqualified P
from holding the office. No mat
ter about the decision of Judges
Munger and VanDevanter which h n
legally made Dietrich a free man :
In the eyes of the people he will
be branded as they think of him
and the impression made will be
that of guilt. Dietrich escaped *
the clutches of the law by a technicality - * -
nicality so called but he will not c
escape the condemnation of all tc :
righteous , honest , law abiding citi-
zens. Their verdict has been rendered -
dered and the man who carried pi
around a coat pocket full of but01
ton pictures of himself , pinning w ,
them on people's coats in his camtl .
paign for governor in 1900 will be
heralded as a great man only by
his warm republican supporters.
More Local. W
Tom Hudson is in town.
Richard Osborn was in town
trading , Tuesday.
E. D. Spencer was down from aj.
Crookston yesterday. fa
Corn Shelters , both hand and wl
power. cr
Lwroifi LI&BSS CQ.
Just opened up a stock of
Dry Goods , Notions , Cloth
ing , Furnishing Goods ,
Shoes and Flour.
door to Democrat office.
W. A. Bonser is up to Rosebud
this'week on business.
J. A. Sparks is now able to walk
around with more ease.
Earl Riggle is building a house
in the west part of town.
Try our Fiber Wall Plaster.
J. L. Ashburn has gone up the
road to work on county bridges.
Wm. Kelly , Billy Smith and Mr.
Donovan were in town yesterday.
The county commissioners ad
journed yesterday and went home.
Repair that wall before winter.
Grand masquerade ball tomor
row nignt , January 15 , 1904 , at
Sears' hall.
J. T. Kief , of Arabia , was in
town several days last week hav
ing some denta7 work done.
3Mrs. . Geo. Veach went up to
Chadron the first of the week to
visit her sister Mrs. Ennis.
Mrs. J. T. Kief is in town this
week with her daughter Miss Bernice -
nice who is attending school.
The most complete line of lum
ber in the Northwest.
Gordon is agitating a town hall
and expects to build one at cost of
six or seven thousand dollars.
Archie Pettycrew has purchased
the Tillson property on Hall street ,
and is clerking in his father's store.
A man from Long Pine was in
the city the first of the week look
ing for a location for a bowling
Moline and Fuller & Johnson
Wagons at rock bottom prices.
A head on collision of a passen
ger and freight near Topeka , Kan.
latt week killed 17 and injured 20
Jas. Collins and wife are in town
yet but are going to Fremont il
they fail to find a location here
that suits them.
Mrs. David Brown has roturnocl
from Illinois accompanied by her
mother who expects to make her
future home in Nebraska.
Henry Brown was in town trad
ing this week. He says he hasn't
been enjoying very good health
the past -couple of months.
Hammond & Bullis' black team
ran away Monday , going dov/n
Catherine street but ran into a tele a
phone pole and came to a stop. t
Jake and Aetna Brechbill were g
in town during the past week , v
hauling wheat to the mill. They v
ire good industrious farmers liv
ing near Sparks. tl
Lawrence Rice lost one of his
kidjinittens a couple of weeks ago.
Eas fur top and is light brown in
olor. Will finder
< please return
o DEMOCRAT office.
A steamer wrecked in a storm n
n Puget Sound last Friday and 52
persons were drowned by putting n
ut in life boats. Those staying n
vith the ship were found before
.he ship sank. hi
Now is the time to decide the
natter of having a town hall or
ipera house. Let those who are ,
nterested in this matter come forv
ard and help to decide what
hould be done.
A volcano has broken out on
jugar Loaf mountain in Rowan >
ounty , Ky. . and is assuming di
larming proportions. There are th
ive fissures iu the mauntain from PC
rhich pours out smoke in consid- th
rable volume and is accompanied if
a ee raocs oose.
i. ass * .
Why don't Valentine have an
opera house so that we can have
some place to go , some place to
hold public meetings and let's help
to build it. Who'll subscribe 8500
. ; tock and how many , a hundred ?
; Married at the home of Judge
j Cowne Tuesday evening at 7 p. m.
Mrs. Fanny Calkius , formerly
Miss Fanny Swartz and widow of
Ed Calkins , deceased , to Wm. M.
Calkins of Cody. Win. is one of
Cherry county's finest young men ,
industrious , well liked , respected
by all who know him and worthy
of the good wife he has secured.
THE DEMOCRAT joins with the
many friends of this young couple
in extending congratulations. May
they live long and prosper.
The boxing contest that is to
take place here Saturday night
is undoubtedly the best thing that
ever happened in the biffing line.
The participants are all men of
ability and reputation and every
thing is ready for a great enter
tainment for all who may attend.
The following program has been
arranged : Preliminary Billy
Smith against Kid Donnivan , of
Hot Springs , S. D. , 4 rounds. A
high jumping exhibition by the
champion of the U. S. army. A
battle royal will be the next event
5 men going into the ring at the
same time. Then comes the main
event of the evening , a ten round
bout between Hamp Ireland and
John Brown. Both men have ex
cellent reputations as scientific
boxers , and those failing to see
this bout will , miss a chance 6f a
life time to see some beautiful and
scientific sparring. Doors will be
open at 7 p. m. First bout at 8:30. :
Come and see this , boys , and see
what physicial culture can do to
develop man's physique. Reserv
ed seats on sale at Elliott's drug
store. Price 81-50. General ad
mission 81.00.
The marriage of Miss Clara M.
Ayers , of Valentine , ISTebr. , and
Mr. J. A. Yeast , of this city , was
solemnized last evening at 8 o'clock
at 104 Ivy street. Rev. Nisbet , of
the Westminister Presbyterian
church , performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Yeast , as Miss Ayers , was
one of Nebraska's most beautiful
and charming young women.
Mr. Yeast is one of Atlanta's
most prominent young men , being
business manager of the J. A.
Hesse Electric Company. i
The young couple have a host of
friends who wish them much hap f
piness. Atlanta News. I
THE DEMOCRAT has been sending
ing out some statements since thei
first of the year to many persons' '
who are delinquent on our subscription - >
scription list. Sending so many
it is intere sting to note how the
different ones receive the state
ments. Some pay up with a smile
and pleasant a word , wishing us well
and from that all the way down
the line to the close , tight fisted ,
grasping , squeezing , wrenching , ,
writhing , twisting , miserly person si
who would accept free favors for t
years and never pay a cent. If d
they got into trouble they'd exk
pcct you to say Lothin' about it in y
the paper , but pat them on the. it
back when they come to town or
went away from town on a vaca
tion and look crossways at the edi
tor for a month if he forgot to
notice it and throw down the pa
per in disgust when his name islet
lot mentioned , saying , "There's
lothin' in the paper anymore. "
Some of 'em get mad when you '
land them a statement , and others fcci
smile. Some write you a letter , ci
ihat would do for a curio to put j ta , t
ip at the next World's Fair , while' '
thers say kind words and actually
ihow that they are sorry that it
las been a case of englect or for-
fetfulness upon their part. But
he meanest of all are those who M
ay no attention at all to a dozen
iffercnt statements and finally Si
hrow the paper back at their
lostmaster and say , " 1 don't want su
hat paper enny longer , " and mark wl
f4 vrefoosed. ' ' That's the kind of ho
fellow w $ ijijs to atfet , TVe !
want to size him up and tell him
what we think of him. He's two
mean to associate with humanity.
Such fellows sooner or later get
into trouble and think the world
has turned agin them. Yes , we'd
like to size'up such a man. Anyone - j
one can earn the editor's liV ! ng'
gratitude by taking a poke -u , 'tis '
proboscis and smearing it all oer
his physiognomy. Right here
comes to mind the familiar air of
the Old Oaken Bucket as we think
of its treasures as written in song.
"How dear to my heart is the steady
subscriber ,
Who pays in advance at the birth
of each year ;
Who lays down his dollar and smiles
at me gladly ,
And casts 'round the ofiice a halo of
He never says "stop it" I cannot af
ford it" ,
Nor "I'm netting more papers now
than I can read ;
But always says "send it , the family
likes it ,
In fact we all think it's a real house
hold need. "
How welcome he is when he steps in
our sanctum ,
How he mates our hearts throb , how
he makes our eyes dance ;
We outwardly thanK him. we inward
ly bless him ,
The steady subscriber who pays in
The homes of such men are like gard
ens of eden ;
We know that his household by him
doth enhance ;
Tne little ones cheer him and every
one loves him
The cheerful subscriber who pays
in advance "
The honest subscriber who never re
foosed it ,
The cheerful subscriber who pays
in advance.
They know it takes money to get out
a paper
And willing to pay up their share
in advance.
Below we give the substance of
what some generous persons say
in respect to our statements and
others who pay up without wait
ing for a statement. Compare
them :
* * "
, Jan. ,190- .
Dear Sir :
I received your statement for
subscription to your paper. I
didn't know I owed anything. I
thought it was all paid up. I know
I paid Bob Good a dollar once
when I was in town but I guess he
forgot to mark it down. You look
up my account and see if you can't
find that I have paid you. Well ,
will send you the money any way
and please. stop the paper as I
ought to send it a year FREE now.
If you want to send it free for a ;
year I think maybe I'll subscribe
next year. Yours truly ,
- , Jan. , 190- .
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Dear Sir :
1 send you the money for sub
scription to your paper. I've been
baken' ; the paper a long time but
ilidn't never pay nothln. I didn't
know you CHARGED for it. I gess
you kin stop it. My nabor takes
and I kin BORRY his.
Yours truly ,
- , Dec.-
MR. I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Dear Friend :
I enclose herewith P. O. order
'or § 1.00 to pay for THE DEMO
CRAT for the ensuing year. I will
ake the paper as long as you are
the helm.
Your faithful friend-
, Dec.
IK. I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr.
You will find enclosed 81.00 for , =
ubscription to THE DEMOCRAT
rhich is a welcome visitor at our m
ome. Very truly yours ,
Jas. E. Pepper W. U. McBrayer Canadian Club
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer
a specialty. : : : ' '
Oakland Hunters Rve Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
rpHE OWL SALOON Proprietor.
" *
_ I V W Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
Valentine - - Nebraska
4 Minimum of Friction Gives the
axlmiim of Life
. . . . TO THE .
Smith Premier
Type wr iter
.Ball Bearing Carriage , Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
jj Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
" " ' Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
Smith Premier Type-writer Company.
Corl tli and Far-nam St. ,
Omalia 2N"el > r.
Contractors and Builders , Carpentering.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sixes.
CS ? Work shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop.
Valenti n e , Nebraska
RATES $1.00 tr $1.25. C. D. JORDAN , Propr.
Opposite the Court House , 2 blocks north of Depot.
If you need a gun or some am-
unition call on the Red Front
ere. Co. , they can supply 86"e
ints * 86
"e have LOTS
of Milk and
Cream. Best quality. Let us sell
you some. RED GATE