THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses In full. 0 discount I. M. RICE , Agent. Absolutely IS HQ SUBSIW ' to Creditor * In County Court. wl uin and for Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska. In rhe matter of the e tate of Sarah Gra ham. deceased. Tn the creditors of s-ild eslate : You arc herohj imtillert , Thsit I will sit at the County Court Room in Vnli'iitlue in siid Coun ty , on thH : th day of .January KKM at 10 o'clock a. m to receive and examine a'l claims agains * * said estatu with s view to their adjustm ntand allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims uuainst .sain estate is the 80th day of January A I ) 1904. and the time limit-1 for payment of debts if * one > ear from said isith d j of Alarch 1903. Witness my han l and the seal of said County Court this : uih day of necemT , 1903. SEAL W. II. TOWNK. , r l 4 County Judge Notice to Creditors. In Connty Court , within and for Cherry Coun ty , Nudraska. In the , matter of the estate of Henry Woodson , deceased : To the creditors of said estate : You ar i.hereby notified. That I will sit at Iho County Court Room In Valentine in said county , on the SOth day of January 1904 at 10 o'clock n. in. to receive and f-xamine all clime against said estate , \\ith \ie\rto their adjustment and allowance IhcMlrne limited for the presenta tion of claims aguiift airi eatato is the 30th dar January A. . ! > . 1K)4 and he time limited for pay ment ot debts is one year from said ± hid day of June IflttJ. IflttJ.Witness my hand an l the seal of said SEAL County Court tills 6th day of January , 1UOI. W. R TOWNE. Cl 4 County Judge , Notice to Creditors. In County Court , within and for Cherry Comi ty. Nohnwka. In the matter of tlio eMate of Sarah Woodsou drweased : To the Creditors of sal' Estate : You are hereby notitled. Chat I will sit at the Cornty Court Room in Viiientlne in said county OB the 20th day ot Jaaua y 190 } "t 16 o' < lock a in. to .receive and examine all claims against paid e tate , with a view to i heir adjustm nt and alIo\Tanc < 2. The time limited for the presenta tion o { claims against said estate is tde 30th day of January A. D. 1901 aud thu time limited for payment of debts is one year from said llth day of July 1903 , Witncs my hand and seal of said county court l this 5th day of January. A. D. 1904. tJSEAL W.R TOWNE. r 51 4 County Judge. Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will. In the County Court of Cherry County , Ke rasfea. STATE OF NEBRASKA COUXTY OV CnKHKY. f To Mrs , 11. II Lane and Harvey E. Dewev and to nil persons interested intbe estate ef Fidelia A. Swan deceased : On read 1 1 gthe. petition of B. H. Lane praying that the instrument filed in thi Court on the 14th day ot Drcemi r 1903 , and purporting to he the last will and testament ot the said deceases , may be proved an * allowed , and recorded as the last will and testament of Fidelia A. Swan de ceased ; that said Instrument be admitted to probate , aad the administration of said estate bo granted V Mrs. B.U. Lane as executrix. U la hereby ordnred tnat ya and ail perncns intrst fdln said matter , may. and do appear at the county court to bp held in and for said county on the 23rd day of January A. D. 1901. at 1 o'clock a , in. , to show cause , if asiy there be , why the prayer of i ha petitioner should not be granieii.anri that notice of the pendency of said iHitltion and that the hearing thereof tie given to all persons interested in said matter by puo- llshlns n copy of this order in the V lentine Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said connty. for three successive weeks prior to said day of hfcsrlng. witness my hand and the seal of said court Jhla 2lst day of December. A D 1003 , ! SKAL W.R. TOWNK. i Bl 3 County Judge. Notice to Non-Resident. Defendant Benjamin F. Hflrrlll ami Mrs. Merrill , his wife , tirst name unknown , defendants , will take notice that on the iJth day or Dece.nber. llko , 8. Edwin DHV. plaintiff , filed his petition in the lit tilcc t.'nnrt of Cherry County , Neowska ftgaliitft snd defendants , the object and pra\er ot which are to foreclose a certain inortiige ex ecuted by Jjifajette Frizzell tea M. Henley , and a"liiied hy Henley to Susan J. IV-sons nnd assigned by hr to ilns plaintm , upon the > 'EM rctiin 27. Township 20 , K tnue 27 , to oe- : rure the payment of one promissory note dated Kovcniberti-J , lsM > . for.S40J.oo and dutanaimy- able In live years from the date thereof. That thrre Is now dim on * ald note and mortgage the sum of jd2i 00 for which sura with imprest from thin date plaint III prays fora decree that dclend- V ants be refjiilred t * pay the sa ne or that said premiejs t > t sold to satisfy the amount found Ji uuu. uuu.You are required to nnsw er said petition on j or before tUe Ltt dar of February. 180J. M E1JWIN DAY. t-lalnuff. Ueceml > r 24 , UWJ. 4 John > ! , Tucker , utton.ey for plaintiff C'vtitent hotter. DKl'ARFMKNt OF THK INThRIOl' . STATKS LAND OfFlCS. Ktofcen Bow. Nebr. Dec. 19. 1P03 , A enfflclentcontest affidavit having bren lllcd In tuia omce by Rollo B. Woods , contestant , agaliidt boniefltead eulrNo. . 1775. mnrie Auuiut at 4. WW , for N&ifKtf. NEjfNWJi Sec. V. ahd ov j NWi NWJi Section 23. Township yt \ , tJange SI W. by durance Woods , conivtitee. in tvliich * it is alleged that Clarence Wotult IKS abandon ed said mud for more than S years la r past ; thai lie lus not uecn OH tin ; place or mad any effort to maiutuiu hi > * residence tliereon itui ing told time ; that all of tlie e ocfecis exist ui to ttiu prn otit tirnn and tht lie ha-i made no ut- t tnp tour < the * atnn. sa.d parties are hereby notllled to appear , respond an- ' offer ev dene- InN touchuiff xaid allegation at 10 o'clock n m. ou N February S. ittM before Clerk of the District 1 Court. Mullen , Nebraska ( and tbat final h-.annz de w 111 be h la at 10 o'clock a. m. on February o , Toi ) 1004 before ) the Keclater and Receirer at Hio United Ktatca Land Oflaco COI in Broken Bow , Ne braska. on i The ald contestant having , in a proper afn- to dam , filed December 18 , 1903. set forth fact * esl trhlcn show that after due diligence irarsonal i servica of thfs notica can not be madeIt is i ' oWerad and directed mat sucb uotlc < J be 'U ' by dud uid proptv publication. ALONZO HEATH address rody. On loft side. Hor-1 ses left shoulder n rii U. G. Criger. merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand cut on si AIS teft hip Range lomlles south of Merri man on the Nlo-l brara D. Bray RosbJud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Borso brand same on tha left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on loft shoulder also cattle on right sine Range 10 mile * north of HvannU ! A'len & Sons Ft Niobrara Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range , Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine G.H Seager Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska ( 'attie branded as on utonleft side , hip ad shoulder ; horse * ame Range. Snake Creek Setb Gary Merriman , Nebr On both side and hip. Herd mark dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Banco Lake Creek and Little White River. D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on ( eft side as on cut ; also to on left side with _ on left hip of some cattle ; also 846 on right side Horse brand , rake and 16 on leu shoulder or hip Z on left jaw Home ranch un i if we } I ake Range on Niobrara River , east i 'MH Nlohrara all in rh rr fomirv A. Benson Address Arabia Nebraska Range -North o Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. ostofflce address. Oasis. Nebr I G. K. Sawye > has 1 charge of these cat tle Horses I > Q ou eft shoulder , some IstoK'l left side ! H rspB T H 8ame eft thigh Itauge on Sunkn rir-i E fi f'has. Yingst. Arabia Nebr Brand registered No. 1139 Cattle branded on left side x in cut. Hors- same n left sh' ii'der ' jRangem Kve reen creek 5 miles nortnest of Y-abia. Roan Brothers Voodlake Neb ohn Roan's livtaemark.sht left ear Taken Up Uny plach , 2 miles e.v-t "f Crookston , Xchr , , Novembe25,1993. . one browii mure about < ars old , brande-i HI" " Wt shoulder 40 o ED. PIKE. Hotter tu Credi'orx , County Court wtthln ami for Them ronnty . In the matter of theestateofGubtaveTonnices ceased the reditors of said Estatn : You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the unty court room in Valentine in said coimtv. the isth day of January 1904 at 10 o'clock a in ! receive and examine an claims against said taie , wiiha view to their adjustment and al- K-ance. The time limited forthe presentation claimagaiuBt said estate is the IGtb dav 01 fliiarv A. D ll)03and ) the time limited forlh- ymenl . Of debts is one year from Bald ICtb y ol Januaiyj9M. ( , Witness my hand and the seal of ftlrt county court , this SSi'd day of Doe in bsrjpol. w.X TOWN ? MILLS BB08 Merrlman , Nebr. uattleand nor- neg urandcd OD lett side or shoul our. Brand register ed icai. Range llim'le- ' southwest of rterrlman on h Niobrant river. HA BUCK Postofflce addre Hyannis. Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Xebr. Otherbrands : ! < If - Horses branded : , < orf fen lelt shoulder ; f O left thieh. Range on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P II. Young. Simeon Nebr. Cattl" branded asnt on left side Some Qyon hft side " "on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Cre k noriu of Sline n. Memman 01 left side Some mi right side Horses same on left shoulder Itange I ake . S. n. .T A SAULT8 I'ostofllce : Gregory. Nebr. Cattle on lef1 hip Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand aa shown St. Francis Mission Postofflre address : CrooVston. Nebr , or Hosebud , S. I ) . Cattle branded as In cut , Some cattle in S n branded only on lelt hip. Rnge : North of the Mmnecha- duza. Smiles west ol Cruokston , and On Bull Creek. Anv information reuarding cattle branded as above will be thankfully received t > y Wm. Skelly. Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S. D. J. B. Lord < lmeon Stock branded eame as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range onhf Niobrara F. W Je.rsig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown .In cut on left side , loin or hip. Range Detween the ' ordon and Snake 4fiufh ot the Ninbrara river J R Wallingford Kennedy Neb. Catt > e branded same as cut ; also some branded ( J | on lefthip P 8 ROUSCHB Postofflce a 'dress Brownlee , Neb Oi < left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; borees branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded H on .side or shoulder , or JK or W orO 'VI. ' Joro or FZ. Also Bi he-following , the ( Irst one being on side and hip chmidt Rosebud S O as cut r with bar under * : right ear slit and dulapped Horses branded on i onmi J. J Peck Cody , Nebr iBl both sides. Horses VC on AGO ( eft thigh Range Head Para Creek. 8. D Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud. S. D. Tattle branded as cut on left aide wlib. stripe under tall Morses branded left thigh. , Range on Soldier crock. Gamer Urothera. Any whom on cat- ' tie. Horse * on left shoulder. Range- North Eli. F. T. Brackett Rlege. Nebr. Brand Registered ,101490 Brand right side jrhip Horseb same OP right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore F. M Walcott Valentine. Nobr. branded ir vt I'in- Simeon Neb a Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river FranK T Lee. Brown lee Neb Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Rauge Four miles northea-st of Brnwnlee D. M SPHTS Kennedy , Nebr Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on loft hip. dorses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WTLSON Postofflce address Kilgore Nebi Two half circles of left hip and left side of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip Chi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Simeon , Nobr. Cattle b'auded as in cut on tight side. Range : n miles dast of Simeon on Cronin ranch. . Haley Valentine Net > Brand regiiteree No 200 Range in ciharp * Ranch and German precincts 6 mile < > south of ) H Little. Merrlman. Nebr On either side Horses same on hip Also Range-- Lake 3D WILLIAM HKAMEB Gordon , Neln. Cattle same a * out left Horses branded sH on left shoulder Rauge G mil * south of Irwln JULIUS PETERSON ostofflce address Gregory. Neb randed as on cut Range two mile.- nrth ofGrotrnrr F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Metriman Nebraska. ( 'attle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left , thigh , some are branded cattle firinuod XE on left si : e. Range Ho SnaKe r 5 miles south of Merriman. Others bra ntH miles n rtbwestof Merriman f Char es Eichards. Net .lamps (4oodfpllow. Cattle br-tini. ' * on left aide. Horses J3 on left jaw Range Between the N'fobrara And Medicine Lake. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , aud on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoKSW on left Hide hip. 3 on right hip and F-f on lelt side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. ill Q on lelt hip of horses. R M Faddis & Co. Postofflco address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded ion 'eft thigh Horses < leftsnoulderj orihiirh Sonv on right thigh or shoulder. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft ' side of cat * tie : horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara ver2-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofllce i0dres- KilgoreNeb. Cttttlo branded on sldn as on out sam - ot. hin | Some on left side VA George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand regi tere < i No 1027 Horses branded ou left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake In Cherry Co G. W. Mr.FHrland Valen'ine , Nebr Ranee : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and smith of Berry bridge th C. E Wnght Valentine Nei r Brand regtBtpr- Vo 374 Brand ' n richt 0 P. Jordan Rosebud , SD Horses aud cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE f J on right hip. Kange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information 'ending to detection of rn < Ulen of earingany of these brands Morey & Hewptt rordon , Nebr Jrand registered 292 On Teft hip if cattle. Horses- ame left should & .IS1 24 ° lauge South ot uake 35 mile ? Eobort Qnis nbery Postofflce address Simeon. Nebr H left hip on 1 cattle. orse.s same on nght sh.iulder River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr Range on Nio- hrara river four miles east of Ft Horses arid branded eft hip or - irie HS 8hn\vn in "lit r Albert Whipple & S na Rosebud , , D Cattle hranrte" 808 on left slfle OSOon richt side Some cattle also have a - fen neck Some with A on left sbonlder and some branded with two liaaj * firms- * hind qnar ters irses branded SOs on lefl bin Some cattle inded AW bar oonnert d on both sideu hln nf Pat Pel per Simeon Nebr. n i 1 ofbr _ > WILLIAM FEEDOX. Postofflce address BrownteeH0fc Like cut on ctt&r leftside or hipaa : * Horses niittuscm in left hip. _ _ convictiou of anyone unlawfully handling cattla in these orands. John Sodlacek Valentine , Nebr. 03 Cattle nrandedt ( on left hip. Horses sam * on eft shoulder. on loft bhooider Home . on Ramie 9 miles southwest of Valentine on north bide of r * iobrara river. PlK " BOJj Postoface address < 'rookstoa. Neb Cattle brandad PB on either &p or right side. Horses PE on loft shoulder. Range On Mlnne- chaduza 6 miles esat of Crookaton , SWEENEY BEOS. Postomce address Puliman , Neb , Cat ) ie bran edason lit. hursts branded tame us attle except reversed S. see block HangeStve and Stephenson Lakes and South # 300 reward will be paid to any person , for in formation leading to the arrest and oouTksuop of any person or pe.nw n * talloz rAttl * wit * i * FRANK SIOGLK Postofflo addroM Cody. Nobw ka On eitlier Bide oatUo 'herdmark ' left ear clipped and rirht eaF spllt'jliorses anded , same on left ab oiJder fRantce oa Nio ar 0. Stlnard * ate Brand Httlv and homes Rinded am - * > i1 * n 'eft hip rfxngti tIle , tslif "t Vie Feeding Co , Richards Pre > Will GOomstook. V. P. has C lamisnn s > c&Tr8a9 Cattle branded on any part ofanim&l ; Iso the followinc brands Rauge betvreea vordon on the F.E. tvaunib UD B. & M 8 R in VorthVeiteni v * braska Ellsworth Metzger Bros. Gregory N fr nhern ro Branded ou left de and thigh Earmark , squre roi > right ear Her c.bavf -atne branrt enl l ft thigh. Range on Qor- " Hurt Hnakej Creeks. J IlKirard of saeao will be paid to BV jirson for information leading to the arrest and Inal conviction of - . - ' - any ni- person niry r n. "iff > - - Vro U _ _ - W BEAMKR. I'httltbninde'tf mi leftside cut , K-mcli tx h cirri * ab on Viohrara river PM MKi Postoffii-e Hyannis -itork " -'cht side and hip on right hip - outhwesfurn ' "herrv 3 unt\ J A VARYAN Pullman , Nobr Ca tle branded JY on right side r Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my J F. Swain rtparks. Nebr. Utle branded on ft side as show. cut. Range South Sparks on Nic- ara river.