Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 31, 1903, Image 8
FHE VALENTINE OEMQORAT I. U. BICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full. So discount I. Me RICE , Agent THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure. THESE IS KO SUBSTITUTE In the District I'ourt of < ? h r- ry County. Nebraska. In the matter of the uppl'- ' l cation ol P. W C. LAWSOII , i guardian of the person ami- Order to show cause estate of Joseph Richardson - | son an incompetent person for leave to sell real ettate. j Onrcadiosand iilingthtt petition , duly veri fied of P W. C. Lawson. truardiaa of the person * nd estate of Joseph Kichrirdson , an incomp tent - ent person , for license to .sail real estate , de scribed ai fellows : West Half of the /outbeast ljuarter and Northeast Quarter of tue South east Quarter and Lot live (5) ( ) of Section live (5) ) , Township thirty three (33) ) . lUnge twenty seven (27) ) . or a part thereof , for the purpose 01 raisin ? lunda for-the necessary care , comforts and ut- tentloiirtue'sa-d ward'by reason of hisagcaiul Textile condition ; and it appearing from said petition that said real esiate consists entirely of grazing land , situated foa large extent in the saod"hills'fo'ur or live miles from Valentine , and has no other value exept for grazing purposes , and that in its present condition it. is the source of no revenue or income to said ward , Joseph Richardson , It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said word and all persons interested in said estate appear before me at chambers in the oourt House at O'Neill. Holt county. Nebraska , on the 19th day of January. 1904 , at 10 o'clock a , m. . to show cause , if any there b- * , why license should not ue gnmn-d to said P. W. C. I.awson. guardian to sell suid tral estate for the purposes iUxKo sot forth. And it Is further ordered that a copy of ihi order be published once each week for four con secutive weeks in the Valentine Oernicrat , a newspaper printed and published in said Coun ty of Cherry. Datd at Chambers in aaio Sheri dan County , this Olli dav of December , 1903. 474 W.H.WESTOVEK. One of the Judges of the District Court. In tlie District Court of Chrrry Coun ty , Xcl.i aska. Tn tin matter of tion of Sylvester Remaicy. guardian of the Person mid- } Order to show Estate of David Remaley , an i cause. incompetent person , for j leave to sell real estate. j On reading and filing the petition , duly veri fied , of Sylvester Remaley. guardian of the per sou and estate of David Remaley. an incom petent person , for license to aell real estate , de scribed as follows : South Half of the .Noith west Quarter and .Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Southwest Quarter of Northpaot Quarter of Section ten (10) ( ; and West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section three (3) ; and the East Half of Southea Quarter of Section four (4) ) , Township twenty-eight (23) ( , Range twenty-nva (25) ) . Cherry county. J eb- raikH , or a part thereof , for the purpose of rais ing funds for the support and of said'ward , and it appearing from aid petition that said real estate consists. of meadow , grazing and mostly piairie land and that in its present condition it is a source of no income or benefit to the said David Remaiey. It Is therefore ordered thai the next of kin of said ward and all persons inn-rested m said ctaste appear before me at chambers in tie Court House at O'Neill. Holt county. Nebraska on the 19th day of January. 1004 , at 10 o'clock a- in. , to show cau e.ifauy th re be , why license hould uot be granted to said Sj Ivesi r Kenialey , guardian to sell said real esUte for the purpose above set forth. And it is further ordered that a < opy of this order be published OLCC a week for four consec- cutive weeks In the Valei tine Democrat , a newspaper printed and published in said countj of herrjr. Dated nt chambers in said Sheridan county , this 5th day of December. 1903. W. H WEslOVER , One of the Judges cf the District Court. Taken Up ntniy plach.Smilcs east ot Cr. ok ton , Nebr. , on Notembe 23,1093. due brown mare about 3 years old , braudeo. Q I on left shoulder ED. PIKE. Al Smith was on the river this week. Sandy Blakely was down in this vicinity this week. Carr Bros , have been on the table land after corn. There was adanceattheSchlagle school house Xmas. It was fine. The school entertainment in dis trict No. 100 , was fine. All of the children's parents were there and were well pleased with the pro gram. The teacher is firm and took much interest in having the program well prepared. BLACK HAWK. Half Ratex to Portland , Oregon gen ctnd Rotnrn. via the North-Western Line. Excursion > cursion tickets will be sold Jan. 6 to 9 , inclusive , with very favor able return limits , on account of convention of National Live Stock Association. Apply to apents \ \ & North-Western R3y. t : : ai Moline and Fuller & Jou eon 61pi Wagons at rock bottom prices. 1'pi ' pi i ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Horses ses left shoulder. Range norm ' U. G. Criger Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand cut on si left hip Range lOmiles south of Men-1 man on the Nio- hrara D. Bray Rosbjud R I ) Cattle branded on left thigh or hip mine as cut norse brand same on t.ho ' * fi A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannis , Ne > On right side horses on left shouMer also cattle on right side Range 16 mile north of Hvanni A'len & Sons Ft Nlobrara. Brand No 870 Horses branded n left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine Gr H Postoffice address Cody , Neoraska ' 'attle branded as on ut on left side , hip mid shoulder ; horses ame tange. Snake Creek Seth Gary Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little White River. D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded m > I M oM m k left side as on cut , also 16 on left side 7 53 I with _ on left hip of some cattle ; also S46 on right side Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Z on left jaw Home ranch > i wey Lake Range on Niobrara River , eam f IP ! xiohrara all In fihern Connrv A Bnnson Address Arabia Nebraska Range -North of Niobmra river. Sawyer Bros. i ostomce address. Oaais , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cut tle Horses w on ngo on Sn > ikn r'has. Yingst. Arabia Nebr Brand registered Ko. 1139 Cattle branded on left side as in cut. Hors-s same on 'eft ' shoulder I Range on Ever JreeiTcreeTfj miles northwest of A.-ahia. Roan Brnthnrs Woodlake Neb John ltoan' pi ivtw mark. sin in left ear Kotlce. to Ci'1'rll'orn , in County Court w.thin and for Cherrv County Nebraska. J In the matter of the estate of Oustave Tonnhres licensed roihe rediton * of said Estat- : You are hereby n tifle < l , that I will sit at the loniity court room in Valentine in said county , in the leth day of January 1901 at 10 o'clock arii o receive and examine ai claims against SHid < taie. wlmn view to their adjustment and 1- iiwanre. The time limited ( orthe presentntion f rlalmagainpt said eatnte is the Mtli da of latmarv \ . D 1903 ami ihn time llinit n foi UIH layment of debts l.s one jear from snlu luth ay 01 .laninty 100 } . - - - Witness myli nd ? md the seal cf ald SEAL county court , this 2Jrl day of Dec-.m- vberlDQl W. R roWNB 49 4 County Judge VANTED-TRUSTWORTHY LAD OR GEN- eman to manage bulns > iu this County and djoinlnc territory for house of solid financial lauding. S30)stni ifht cash salary and ex enses paid each Mona \ direct from hi-ad- narters JJipenoe mouey advuusta- position er o n 'oW'fi Manauer , ens MILLS BROit N br i/'attleaud hor- f"H uranded on leltsirteor shoul aer. Brand register. ed 1091. Range I2m'le- ' sonthweHl of Mnrrlman on he Xiobrara river. H A BUCK FostoQlce addre Hyannis. Neb Branded on left Bide Uange eighteen miles north of Hvannia J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Otherbrands : OX If - Horses branded I , - < or + on telt sliotilder ; O le t 'thiirh. Range on Boaniman. Oordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P H. Young. Simeon N'ebr. Cattl" branded as out on left Bide. some Q.Yon kft side. " " on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon jCre k north of Simeon , Sand > Williams Merriman Vehr MosMy 01 left side. Some on right side Horses same on left- shoulder Runge Lake < 're k. S. D. J A 8AULTF > Postofflce : Gregory. Nebr. cattle on lef * hip Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown be'ow St. Francis Mission rostofflceaddress : Crookston. Nebror Hosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S n branded only on lett hip. Range : North of the Mjnnecha- duza , Smiles west ol Orokston , and Bull Creek. Anv information regarding cattle branded as above will be thankfully re 3elved by Wm. Skelly , Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Frauds Mission , Rose bud. S. U. J. "B. Lord Hmeon Net- Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder nd on right hip Range on rhe Niobrara F. W Jursig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown Jin cut on left side , loin or hip. Range between the uordon and Snake i uth of the Niobrara river J E Wallingford Kennedy Jfeb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded on lefthip. P 8 ROUSCHE Postofflce -.dress Brownlee , Neb .On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut I off ; hones branded | same on left hip. Also has stock branded H konside or shoulder , lor JIT or W orO 'VL orO or PZ. Also he-following , the first one being on side andhlp Wm. F. Schmidt . Rosebud s n Same AS cuter or with bar under * * : right ear slit and dulapped aorees branded flame on left hip J. J Peck Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses on leltthitfh. Range Head Pass Creek , 8. D. Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud. S. D. Battle branded as cut on left side with etripe under tail. Horses branded left thigh. IJarige ou Soldier cfe'efc. ' Garner Brothers. Corty. Nebr. Anywhere on cat-1 tie. Rtege. Nebr. ; Brand Registered ; < o (490 ( Brand rlghiirte ir hip Horses same ot > right shoulder Kange , Nlobrara 8 miles soutb f F. M W.lcotl ValentinNebr. . branded - on left hip. 1 VV. Bemip-t Sinieou Neb a Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks aud on th > rive * Frank T Lee Brown let * . Neb Cattle on teft side ; horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeastof Brownlee D. M .Sears Kennedy , Nebr Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore. Nebi Two half circles of left hip aud loft side of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper book on teft hip Chi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Simeon , Nebr. Cattle b-anded as in cut on right side. Kange : miles east of Simeon onCronin ranch. W Haley Valentine Net Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharp * Ranch and German precincts 6 mile1- south of Kilgore C. H Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip Also Range Lake Creek 8D WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle brandw : same as cut or left side. Horses # branded on left shoulder. Range 6 mile- south of Irwiii I JULIUS PETKBSON Postoffice address Gregory. Neb Branded as on cut Range two mile- ! north ofreeorv F. C. & M. 0. Metzger. Merriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left thigh , some are branded * ome cattle ruiaed E OD left si ie. Range H : < m Snake 35 miles soatu of Merriman , Others br anee 8 miles n rthwent of Merriman. Charles Richards. Merrlman , Keb ( Toodfellow. Cody. Nebr on left m left Jaw Range-Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. . Bame as cut on left 1 side and hip , and on ! left shoulder of her ses. AlsoK on lefl * ide hip. 3 on right hip and F4on left side on left hip of horses. on left Jaw and left xhoulder of her r > on left hip of norxes H Vrileiitiii - or Kenned } S mie hrnnrt"i * 'ft thigh Horses o left sbniil or'hiirh Som- on right thigh or shoulder. J P GAKDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On loft side of cat tle ; horses OHght armRange Range , north and eoutb of Niobrara verl2-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothlentnar Postoffice .i KilgoreNeb. Cuttle branded on side as on out same 01. inn on left Heyne Cody , Neb Brand register- ' No 1027 Uorsva branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb Lake In Cherry Co G W. Mc-Fjirlanri Valentine , Nebr Ranee : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Berry bridgetb C. E Wnght Valentine Brand reeister v'o 374 Brand in right C P. Jordan Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle tame as cut ; also CJ BE M on rtjrht hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information 'eadlngto detection of nisUers of - < too.k bearing any of these brands Morey & Rpwett Gordon. Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On Teft hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 24-0 * - w left side. Range South of Snake 35 miles iw of ffordon Robert Quisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. S Ml hip -p Y cattle Horses same on Hght shoulder. Ranire on snake River. Jos Bristol Valentin . Nebr Range on Nio' brara river four mile * east of pt \'iobrara Horses and cattle branded * B connected < n on "eft " hip or ide as shown in "iif Kt i-o : Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , s , D. Ccttle SOS on left side OSOonriehtside Some cattle also have af on neck Some with A on left shonlder and .some branded with two haa > acro.H * hind qnar _ _ _ _ ters. orses branded SOS on lefl hip Some cattle randed AW bar /-onnentad on both sides and f r hlo of horses. , Pat Peiper Simeon rfehr. Cal t eft n c : cB of bra r WILLIAJU FEBDON. Foatofflce addrwa Like cut on left side or hip lefl sl Horsea on lelt b te . S250.OO . , i HMMBBMBH WARD Tor c J- convu.uoii of anyone unlawfidly handling cattle In thenw brands. I : John Sedlacek i Valentine , Nebr. Cattle branded i/ onlaltbip. Horse * 8.xme on ft shoulder , rnf branded'- loft uhoulder f"ft "We Ram arnifeB.southwesPof Valentine on north side of . * lobrara river. Postofflce addreea 'rookston , We > C/v'tle branded FJC onIthcr hip 'or right side. on left boulder. Range-on ail. n - rhaduza 5 mllea cast of CrookatoQ. SWKKNEY BROS Post office dddresa Pullman , Net * Cattltr bruii'ted asou flit , horses branded same as attle except reversed S. Bee block Range -Steve and Stephenson Lakes * nd South ? 300 reward will be paid to any person formation leading to the arrest andco of any person or persons Rtn JIne cattle wJta. ? vn A NK MOGLE Postofttc address nody. Nebrkaka on nither side cattla herdmark left' * earj clipped and rlrhf ear split ihorscs an'ded ; S imo on left shoiilder 'Range ' OH Nlo'ara , ; : 'and ' D. Stinard Valentine. Nebr Brand re > r < attiv dn < l horsea uranded same in on left hip. Range 2 tulles east of Ft. Nio brara. V hraskn Lnnd and Feeding Co. < nrtlet.t Richards Pres Will G Comstock. V. r. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas > Cattle branded ovf * ny part of anlnurf ; ' , also th < j folldwlnz 7 brands : ' lorsef 1 ame 'Range betwees Gordon on the F.E. B. BIn . Address BARTI.BTT Bros. . * ' . hern- / Branded on lett - \f \ and KHriiiark. rnp nghi enr H irsc ! > have i.ime branit on I"ft Uiiph. ou Qor- 01. Snake rreeka , ° J $250 will be paid to any 3 tlon IeadlnS to the arrest anl < any . person _ n W BEAMER. Cordon. i Cattle brande * on leftside . - cut , 8-inch bo and 2H-Iuch circle Krand registered 875. il I L R08EBBBBY I 'o.stofflce addresM Pullman.el Jraurted on left hio name He d double dew IHI- south A -I PI.HMK on right hip southwestern < 'h rr\ A. VAKY.\N branded JY onrightslde Horses branded JV on right shoulder Reasonable reward foranylnlirrn3tfo5 : leading to the re- < * every of rayed parka , tie branded on tslrJeasslio-ATi ut. lauge-Soatlj Sparks OffKIo irarirer , ' * n&8& : ,