Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 31, 1903, Image 1
. . - rical Society VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 81,1903. NUMBER 5ft- 49 r49 * Your attention is now called to our line of I 49 49 Furniture I ' 49 and ask that you note our prices. 49 49 49 Bed Boom Suits , U 49 ' Golden Oak and Elm , nicely finished and pretty pat- & > 49 terns § 16.00 to $28.00 * * 49 &fr 49 Iron Beds , < f ? all colors of Enamel and neat patterns. . . § 4.00 to § 12.00 & } 49 I * % Large Arm Rockers , H Jj Golden-Oak or Mahogany finish 82.75 to § 10.50 & * Jo Also Sewing Rockers and Children's Rockers. i Extension Tables , - j { " " . . Ehu , Gloss finish , 6 feet § 6'.00. 8 feet § 8.00 fc > A Beautiful Sideboard , Elm , Gloss finish top , 20x42 , Beveled Plate Glass 14x24 , g Price , only § 12.50 J > t ? Besides carrying a complete line of furni ture , we also carry a nice line of 49 PICTUEE and ROOM MOULDINGS 49 of the latest patterns , and are prepared 49 to make all kinds of frames. 49 49 and see us before buying elsewhere & .49 1RED 49 FRONT MERC. CO. I .49 - ! * WINTER GOODS And FURNISHINGS. * Fancy Suspenders in single Cartons j Fancy Neckwear : Scarfs , Ties , Silk Handkerchiefs , MufHersj and Collars and Cuffs. Ladies Furs : Handsome and useful presents. Our store is chock full of goods. Come and make your selection. TAILOR . ul U AND CLOTHIER. 22S a'OE2H0EK ! ; : O fcJ ? i i i All Kinds of Coal ! ; 1 EK8 ! u5 < "Estate Oak" and "Radiant Home" , ] | IStoves are the best on the market. Neati ; and ornamental and they have good ; heating qualities. They'll keep fire through the coldest night' j with ordinary coal. Moore's celebrated Premium Thermom eter Guide Range is the best for cooking and will wear a life time. I gFURNITUEE and UNDKKTAKING. ; ' " FRANK FISCHER N GENERAL HAR WAR * . Ohart rod as a 8t tte Bunl. Chartered sa a National Bank Jun 1. 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine. Nebraska. of A riH.-1 ' $25,000 ' C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. . ' ' * M V. NimnT-aoN. C r V , GET- AT THIS ' YOUP OFFICE * ' t TALK OF THE TOWN Report of school district No. 2 , for month ending Dec. 24 , 1903.1 Nnraber of pupils 11 Average attendance 0 Those neither absent nor tardy were Rhoda and Arthur Hooper , ami Ralph Brosius. NETTIE KNEELAND , Teacher. F. M. Sagesser , of Chambers , Nebr.and daughter , Mrs. Horton , wife of Rev. Horton of Stuart , came up Christmas night to visit relatives and friends in town. Mr. Sagesser made a trip up to Gor don Saturday night , returning Tuesday. He is looking just as well as ever. 'j F. H. Baumgartl , the Crooks-j ton pioneer , was in the city Monday - | day on business and called at this * office for a pleasant chat and left j a dollar on subscription. He informs - j forms us , that his grand-daughter , Miss Viertel , has returned from the hospital at Omaha and is enjoying - : joying excellent health now. i Robt. Ellis and wife are the . proud and happy parents of a' ; I son , born Dec. 19 , 1903 , at the \ [ ! home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parry , i ! Mr. Ellis has been at work on J. j H. Sear's hotel building for the ' past two or three weeks. He callj j , ed at our office Tuesday with his ' father , in-law , Frank Sagesser. I Wm. T. Bullis brought in a load ? * of wheat Tuesday from his * farm near Britt which he sold at the Minnechaduza Mill. He took a load back with him and hadn't [ long to stay in town , but called'at ; our office in company with his iatlier , Wm. T. , before leaving -subscribed for the DEMOCRAT. ' Prof. V. T. Safranek , the pop ular bandmaster from the Post , was in town last week making ar- j rangements for another contest to ! be given in Valentine during the first part of January. The band \ held the reputation in Ft. Riley , , during the maneuvers , as by far : the best of its class , and they can expect a rousing turnout to greet them when they plaj * here again. Songs of an appropriate nature. will probably be introduced as al-.J so the latest music brought from the East by Mr. Safranek while onlhis extended leave of absence last summer. The concert will be one < of the proposed cycle of concerts ] in the towns on the road as far as t O'Neill. The program will be a good one. ] Friday , Dec. IS , .las. H , Qtrig- ley and the editor , I. M , flice , ' ( made a trip to Rosebud on business - ] ness and pleasure , staying1' over Saturday , returning Sunday. While there we visited Col. Jordan - dan , the veteran Indian trader , and f Dr. DeBell. Both have large j stocks of goods and several clerks to wait upon the trade , which is mostly the .Sioux Indians. We called on the agent , Dr. McChes- ' ney , and his office force , including l Messrs Mullen , McFatridge , Bordeaux - ' deaux and Smith , all of them courteous - J teous , efficient and entertaining. * Rasmus Anderson runs the hotel } arid seta good table which is presided - c sided over by his wife , good lookj j ing and neat with everything makj j ing one feel at home. Mr. Anderson - ' son takes care of the electric light plant which lights the city until 111 o'clock at night. It is. , run by water power from Rosebud creek , ' i which also does the pumping dur ing the day for the city water sup- ply. We visited old man Estes , who is now living in Rosebud. He ' is well known to all the old timers ' of Valentine as having charge of , the Indian freight -depot , , and in' the early days.helpeiJ to" start the j Democratic Blade1which ; vv. as the c fore runne : of. M pw JVAtE TnTB- ' * DEMOCRAT. We pSjo-gojSr visit ' 1 t * The Valentine Bottling Worlds puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Wash Honey was up from Wood Lake yesterday on business. Mr. Honey found time while in town to make this office a pleasant call. \ Report of school district No. 39 for month beginning Nov. 23 , and ending Dec. 25. Number of days taught , 19 ; number enrolled , 13 : average attendance ,8 ; those whose names are on the roll of honor are : August and Fritz Kludsikofsky , Henry and Rosie Classen , and An- ' j na and Joe Sedlacek. CARRIE M. WILSON , Teacher. , Dr. Du' > r l ) < * < -nred Sane The following article is from Tuesday's World-Herald : Dr. J. C. Dwyer , who was re ported to have escaped from the i asylum for acute insane at Lincoln j December 18 after a confinement I of two months , was a caller at the' ' WorldrHerald office this afternoon , j Dr. Dwyer escaped December IS : -and came to Omaha and reported to the"police. 'He was' examined by the police and"by the police ! surgeons and pronounced all right ! and dismissed. Dr. Dwyer rc-j turns to Valentine , Neb. , to con-1 tinue the practice of medicine in the town where he jlks resided for the last 15 years.Dr. . Dwyer is , -the" son of - Patrick Dwyer , 472 ' South' Twenty-second street , South Omaha . Jown the * Riv * r. , * 'Loju-Taylor was in day last week , vV . _ , . " Mr. Taylor 'is building a" new * 'chicken house. Aaron Grooms was on the sick list ] a few days last week. Martin Becker and daughter Mary were in Valentine Saturday.- > Well , Santa Glaus will soon be here 1 and we wish all a merry Xmas. Mrs. Lou Taylor was. very ill a few j days ago , but is better at this writing. ; Perry Bryant is rounding up his' cattle. He intends to dip them for the itch soon. Erank Ashburh has moved 'his/i' cattle over on Paul Charbonneau'a | place where he intends.-to wjnter' them. - i < Miss Clara Ayers , who is'teach ing' school in the'Kewariee district spent Sunday 'with Miss' Clara-L Crowe , who is teaching in district No. 33. - 10 .1' ] 1'IUfC I Ex erybody is rejoicing over the- - exceedingly fine weather we are ( having and fine prospect fcir stock , The entertainmenfrgivenb.VMiss Nettie Wilson , teacher in district No. 100- > was a grand sticcess ami a great cre ittotheschooliThe large audiance which attended showed -their appreciation of a good teacher and fine-order : Why nofc have .another for it looks like old times.- : , ' * . A . , , ' Ernest Schwidefsky is. going-to Washington in the spring. ' * , " % > - . - Tlie dance Xmas night at-W. W. Wh'itp's.was a grand success. The attendance large. . . : , r The Christmasdinner'at Geo.1 Hendorsbot's was fine. Everyone had a good time and -plenty of good.things to- , eat , ' The Xmas tree at the McCann school house --was grand. The children spoke and-sang and all did fine. We-would HkB ttypraise : , and teacher , twhoso ISNAPS ! OP 49 49 49 49 The holidays are over and we are getting ready to 49 invoice. WQ are closing out our 49 1 FURS at HALF PRICE | 4Q l * * d Children's Sets ( collar $1.50 | and muff ) were § 3.00 , now . < 49 9 Ladies' Collars that | were $2.50 , now. . . $1.25 19 19 9 "All other'Furs at half price. Children's Winter Jackets 9 at a great reduction. Handsome Winter d - Aff \ Coats , that were § 6.00 , now * J)4 UUi > 49 49 4 ? We have a full line of * 9 49 I * Indian and Fancy Cut Beads j | 9 at lowest prices. Give us a call and take advantage of the f ? r 9 49 49 49 49 Payenport & Thacher g 49 Reduced Prices. . . r ; / To reduce bur stock before our annual 'invoice , January * i f 1st. , we-will sell all goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Come and be Convinced. MAX E. VIBRTEL CUCIOKST.OK . . The BEST , fortable use and at popular prices. ; Our Stock'is1 "Always 'Fresh- ; - . - > Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens . . . . ' * ! t i " > i ' / ' ' JrHayHi6rlain and Feed " W. A.'PETTYCREW ' , . GENERttOSi ; rrrrrrrriTrrrrrr ' . - f CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STEJtE'R , PROP' * . ' : ' ' - . - . ' FRESH FRUIT AND GAME . ; IN THEIR"SEASON ; * " " " First-class ( line of SteaksKoasts ; . . " - . . ; Dry Salt. MeatstSmoked * * * . Fft.f OT ) . FICED WHIITKMOHK President SPAKKS , Cashier J WSTtrrrna , Vice Preslrfeut . 'OKA LJ y TTi-Rsi/AsalsJaiit rasbier Interest paid-on tinje . \ deposits. * VALENTINE STATE BANK Capital , sa . , . : . : / , - . - - . . Persons seeking.a place of safety fox their Offlco 'Hours money , will profit by investigating the 9 A. M. to 4 P.Tkl. methods employed in our business. pvww * - * * * - - * - * J * * * ' * ' . * * i * > . * , . ' . . - " * - * , * , * * . * , r . t V ' ' V t ; " ? ; V ' v . M - ; - . . . ! - ; , .