Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1903, Image 8
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i M. RIGE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full , discount I. M. RICE , Agent Absolutely Pure THEME KQ SUBSTITUTE In the District Conrt of Cher ry County. Nebraska. In the tnittpr of HIM appl'-l cation of I * . W C LAWMIII , i guardian of the pern maun t Order to sliow cause estate of Joseph Richard- | Ron an incompetent p r.soii for leave toaell real ut-talu. J On reading and Hling the pp itinn. duly veri fied of \\.C.Lawsoii iniar-iiaa of the person Kud. estate of Joseph Kich.ird-.ou , an tnpomp"t- eut person , for hcen e to tie1 ! real estate , de- < eribud a * fellows : West Half of the nntbeast Quarter and Northeast Quarier of tue .smith- fast Quarter and Lot live (5) ) of Section five ( . " > ) , Township thirty thr e (33) ) , Range twouty-se\en (27) ( ) , or a part thereof , for the purpose of raising funds for the necessary care , comtorts and at tention Uue sa d ward by reason of his age ami fcetilo condition ; nnd it appearing Inm said petition tluusaid real esate consists entirely of grazing land , situated foa large extent in the sand hills , four or live miles from Valentine , and lias no other value e.v ept for grazing purposes , and that in its present condition it is the source ot no revenue or Income to said ward , Joseph Richardson. It is therefore ordered that the next of MM of eald word and all persons Interested in said estate appear before rae at chamners in the rourt House at O'Neill. Holt county. Nebraska , ou the 19th day of January. 1904 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there b- , why license should not De gran ed to said IV. . G. Uiwbon guardian to sell said n al estate for the purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of thl * order be published once each week for four eon secutive weeks in the Valentine Demcrat , ; newspaper printed and published in said Coun ty of Cherry. Dat-a at Chambers in aaiu Sheri dan County , this 5th dav of December , 1903. 47 4 W. H. WKSTOVER , One of the Judges of the District Court. In the District Court of Cherry Comi ty , In thp matter of thcapi lii-i-1 tionol' Sylvester ReraaUy , j guardian of the Person ad \ order to show Estate of David R maley , u i cause. incompetent person , lor I leave to sell real estate. J On reading and filing the petition , duly veri fied , of Sylvester Remaley. guarduu of the per son and estate of David incum petent person , for license to sell real estate , de ncribedns follows : South Half of the Noith vrest Quarter and .Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section ten (10) ) , and West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section thre * (3) ; and the East Halt of Soutbea > t Quarter of Section four (4) ) , Township twenty-eight (28) ) Range twenty-flvo (25) , Cherry county , Neb raska , or a part thereof , lorthe purpose of rais ins ; funds for the support and mamteuai ce 01 said ward , and it appearing from aid petition that said real estate consists of meadow grazing and mostly piairie laud and that in its present condition n is a source or uo iucome or benefit to the said David Remaiey. It is therefore ordered that the next of Kin of said ward and all persons interested m said etastcappear before me at chambers in tie Court House at O'Neill , Holt county. Nebraska on the 19th day ot January. 1904. at 10 o'clnck a- ui. , to show cause , if any th re be , why license ebonld not be granted to said SjJvesi rRenialey , guardian to sell said real estate for the purpose above set forth. And it is further ordered that a opy of this order be published OLCB a week for fourconsec- cutive weeks in the Vale"tine Democrat , a newspaper printed aud published in said countj of Cherry. Dated at chambers 111 said Sheridan county , this 5th day of December. 1903. W. II WEnfOVER , One of the Judges of the District Court. Taken Up at my plscb , Smiles east of Cr-okston , Xebr. . on November 25,1993. one brown m reabinit3 years old , branded ) | on left shoulder " " " 195 ED. PIKE. Bailey Brief * . G. H. Seager came out from Cody last week to his ranch. E. L. Sellers is freighting wood from the river. J. F. Young and Chas. Sellers fin ished putting up the phone wire from the Gunderson ranch to Bish op & Young's ranch the ISth. Ray Gunderson was visiting with Lee and Cora Sellers last week. Mrs. John Bishop went to Cody the first of the week. May and Kellie Gunderson are visiting at the O S ranch this week. ; Fred Walker was rounding up horses on the river last week. Myrtle Fair-head will spend Christmas with her parents. James Goodfellow went to his home last week. G. L. Hauver was doing some plumbing for Hugh Sears and for Heyne last week. GUESS WHO I AM. , Moline and Fuller & Johnson Wagons at rock bottom prices. ( Jo. ALONZO HEATH address ' 'ody , Nebraska On left side. Horses ses left .shoulder. Range uorrii U. G. Criger. Merriman Nob. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand Samea3 cut on si AJSi left hip Range lOmiles south of Merri man on the Nio brant D. Bray Rosejud S D Cattle branded.n left thigh or IMP same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shouMer also cattu on right SKI * Range 10 miles north of FUannl A'leu & Sons Ft Niobrara. Brando \o 870 Horses branded mi left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles of Valentine G H addresp Codv , Neoraskn 1 .it tie branded as on ut on left side , hip t d shoulder : horses 'tange. Snake Creek Seth Gary Merriman. Nehr On both side and hip. Herd mark dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little Whit * River D A Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon.ebrash.i C'Utle hrande.l < r left side as on nit also 16 on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S46 on right side Horse brand , rake , md IP on 'en ' should * " i hip Z on left jaw Hume Uewey Lake Range on Niobrara River. emt Wort Vlnhrara all in Cherrv Coimn. v.hra-V Address Arabia Nebraska Range North of Miobrara river Sawyer Bros i ostotllce address. Oasis , G. K. Sawyei has charge of these cat tle Hors'S IK 01. eftsh sto IBrV left side s sain ( > left tiiiuh Rauge on ' 'has. Arabia Nebr Brand registered No. 1139 Cattle branded on left side as in cut Hnrs s same o left shn Range * n zreen creek 5 miles nort i- est of Kuan Wood lake Veh Joinifoan' - p ivtm oiar > - , n left ear Notice tv Cwdi oi-x , n County Court within and for Chern County Nebraska. fn the 'natter of the estate of Gustave.Tonnigp.s ceased oilic reditorofsald E tnt- : Youa'-ehei.liv n tided , that I wi-1 sit al the 'oimt\ court mum in \ alcniine in said conur * oiith10th day ol lamiary 1904 at lOoVlocka m. toreceiveand examine : u claims atftinst s.tid e-Ui e. wl nn view to thrir adjustment and 1- nwance The time limlt d foi ih - prosentMtlon > f'-l. im Hgaiii8t said est > < p is the I'.th ' da o ) January \ M l)03anilln ! ) tine lln.ii. i | ( , t th , pa > ment of debts Is one \ . r from < i. icth day ol .laiitin v toot. - - Witness mn nd and the -.eul of sHid county rmirt , this 23r i day of UPC m- bei 1903 W. R ToVVNE County Judge WANTED- TRUSTWORTHY LAI ) OR GEN- teman ) to manage busmt * * m this County and adjoining territory f < house ot solid financial standing. 52 00 straight cash salary and expenses - penses pnid each Mondav direct from head- q-art-rs Expense mnenrivnnMl : po uion ir.r in D Addres Ma-a et , 0 5 Mon i > MILI.S BROS. Merriinau , Nebr. J.atneand hor- > .es orauded on Jeirsideor shoul ner. ner.Hnind register ed KW1. Rjinge 12inUe- Kintliwest of \fprrinian on ? ! > Viobrara nver. H A BUCK Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. / Otherbrands : ! < If - Horsestbranded : on leithouider : f-Q 'eft ' thiirh. Rangp on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P n. Young. Mmeon Nebr Cattl branded as cut on lefi side "ome 3.Y011 ' " ' 8i"e " " on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Cre k north of Sime n , Sand } Willmm- MerriniHii 01 lett side Some on riant side Horses same on left shoulder Range Lake Crppk S D I A riAlTLTS Postoflice : Gregory. Nebr. Cattle on lef1 hip Horses on left shoulder Some stock yet beating my former brand a. shown heiow St. Francis Mission Postofflce address : Cmokston. Nebr , or Kosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , - ome cattlp In S I ) brandt d only on leit hip. R-nge : North of the Minnecha- dtiza , 8 miles west iOl Crokston , and on Bull Creek. Anv information regarding cattle branded as abovewillbethankfullyre-eived t > y Wm SkHly. Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S D. J. B. Lord * tmeon i " ! Stock branded same as cut back oi right shoulder on right hip Range on F. XV JtTsig Valentine. Nehr Cattle branded as shown .in cut on left side , loin or hip. lUngc Deiween the i-iordon nd Snake ijtli ol the Niobrara river J B Wallingford Kennedy , Neb. Cattle branded snme HS cut ; also some branded " " lefthip P 8 ROUSCHE ceti-'dress Brownlee , Nen Uii left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horaes nranded same on left hip. Also has stock branded B on aide or shoulder , r JK or W rO'VL ' i r o F/ \.lso he-following , the first -n > < > n sid and hip Wm F Rosebud SI > Sam - as cut r with bar under S ; right ear slit < nd du'apped norths Draudfd r n Mthh J J Peck Cody , Nebr OB both sides. Horses on loft thigh. Range Head . s I ) "f Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud. S. D. Tattle branded as cut nn left .side wltli ftripe under tail Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek F T. Hranknu Rlege. Nebr. Brand Registered jo 1490 ynn > m a > MnM gfeB | Brand ngh' -idej > rhip I Horseh same 01 right shoulder Range , Niobrura 6 miles south of F M W.ilooti Valentine. Nebr CHIII * -.ft ' . . - Simeon Neb D Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks < tnd on thp "Jinnrara river FratiK T Leo Rrnwnlee Neb. Cattle on left > ide ; horses same on left shoulder Kange Four tulles northeast of RmwnlPP D. M * > enrs Kennedy , Nebr Tattle branded as on cut.Ief t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder Range Square Lake WLLLIAM WILSON Postofflce address- Kilgore Nebi Two half circles 01 left hip and left sidf of neck Horses same ou left shoulder SomeeattJe branded reaper hook otr left hip f'hi Psi Cattle Co Ednard i ewis. foreman. Simeon , Nebr. Cattli- anded an in cut "ii rteht side. Knnge : miles east of Simeon on Tronin ranch. W b Hale > Valentine % ei Brand reuisterv No 200 Range in c < harp Ranch aud ( Term : - precincts 6 mil * south of 0. H Little. Merriman , Nel On either side Horses same on blp Also Range Lake RD WILLIAM KEAMEB Gordon , Cattle same as out left si-'e Horses branded , on left shoulder , Range b mi south of JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory. Neb Branded HS on cut Kange two mile * inrth of f-i F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Metriman Nebraska. Cattle branded 01 leftside : Horse * branded on left thigh , some are branded ome ' r-uided. on left si Rang - ori Snake 35 miles so.ith of Merriman , Other * raneoS miles n rthwpstof Merriman Charles Kichards. Merriman. Neb Tattle tiritin > n on left side Horses J3 < u teft jaw Range Between the Mobrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. Kowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. , Same as cut on left , 1 side and hip , aud ou' ' j left shoulder of hor- 1 ses. Alsoa on left Hide hip. 3 on right hip and F + on left side Q on left hip of horses. p ou left jaw and left shoulder of horsei UJQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddia& Co. i'lisiofflce addrpss- Valentine or Kenned } Some branded n eft thigh > n right thigh rj.houlder. H OAKDINKI- Cody , Nebraska < > n eft side of eat- fle horses O right armRamie Ramie , north and ofiohntrb ' ' south .I'-i-mile * of Frank Postofflce .ddres. KilgoreNeb. Cattle ibranded on side as on cut sane oil nin Some .in left side V'A George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand regUtere- No 1027 Horses branded on eft shoulder Ranee north and -outli of Cutcomb l-sike i' Cherrv Pi G. W \ii-F-trlHiin Valen'ine , Nebr Ramie : four miles east of Fort Viobrara , north uul south of Uerrj hririj : * tit- C. E Wrij/hi Valentine tiraiid Vo 374 Brand in riirlil ' P Jordai. Rusebud , SI ) Horses and tame as cut. also CJ BK i.l on nprht hip Range on oak and Butt creeks. A MheMl reward t o r information eading ro detection of nisller * ol bearing any of these brands Morey & fordon. Nebr Brand registered S292 On left hip f cattle. Horses -ame left should er , also "eft " RidP Range South ol ? Hake 35 miles Postofflce address Simeon Neiir left hip - > n * cattle. 'lorses sanieon right shoulder Rani'e "n Mver Jos Bristol Valentin , Nebr Rangf on Nli - brara river four miles emt of Ki x'ohrar ; Horses abd attle br ndd B fonnectrd n eft hip or iid - R.S iplit Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , i. D. Cattle tirandeu SOS on left side OSO on riehtside Some cattle also have -f-ou neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two haas > across hind quar ters. Horses branded SO.s on left bin Some cattle Branded AW bar connected > n both snips off hln of hrirsou Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. ( e n ofbi WTLLIAAI FERDON Postofflce addrese Brownlee. N" r * ? j. left J REcon con- i , convutiGU of anyone unlawfully liandling cattle in these orands. John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. Nebr.CO Cattle branded j on left hip. Florses on eft shoulder. -fome branded' * " N on left shoulder v > me > .Q on fi side oTn'ileTsotuliwest ' of Valentine on north side of i > iobraru river. PIBK Postofflce address ( rookston. Nab Cattle branded FE on either bip or right side , Horse * PE on left shoulder. W " * * Range- Mi ne- t-haduza 5 mile * east of Crookston , BRO > Pill man ni ie brail I'd an on m . branded .jinieas attle except reversed S. riee block Range Stever Stephenson i ake ind South < 3ixi reward will be paid to any person for In. urination leading to the arrest and conviction .f any person or Persons itwiHnsr nattJi with i &IOOLB Poatofflo address Cody. Nebraska > On either side cattle herdmark left 'e r [ clipped and rirht ear . Hth9rse3 anded isame on left ah oi-lder iRange on Nio ar * and Viv1t < ln r nTnn D Sfinarri v -ilentlne. V'ehr " ale Brand retr jMtered ' attlv ADd horaes Branded same ain * - in on left hip tfioge 2ulle > -asl of Ft. Nio- Land nnd Feedipg Co. RIch-irds Pre Will G Comstock , V. T. Phas c tami.son Kec&Treas * Cattle branded on my part of animal ; - also tb" following brands randtxi tba -tame Range between 'iordoo on the F.E. &M V..B.B. and - on B.&M H R in NorthwMtera vddres" Net * 'herrj'fl" Kmnded oi > left 'In and thigh "armark , s u r - rep right ear Hurses have rtme brand enl l -ft 'high. R-tuge on Qor- > on and Snake Greeks. I Ketcttrtt of 5O will be paid to any rson for Information leading to the arrest and niai conviction of any person or n ru > n * . > U * - \ - f.\-r- G. W. BEAMEB. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a-iu cut , 6-inch bo and 2H-Inch circle Rrand 876 < .i.-.lj or ed 'ft -hiitt- 'tier ' inch cirol * Mn -ox Registered 870. Range- miienun. . t irwm on Niobrara nver I L ROSEBEKK\ f'ullman , Branded on left hlu orses snnie H * d " < irk double new ! HI south A .1 PLITMKI Postoraeu Hyannis. I rlchtsidn nn < hip neht side and hip Horses on riRh "outhwestern J. A. VARY AN Pullman , Nebr Ca tle branded JY on rigutside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the recovery - covery of cattle strayed fn m range J. F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Jattle branded on eft side as shown cut. Rauso-Solith Sparks on Nio brara river , * * *