Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1903, Image 3

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They were returning home and the
jgjlamonr of the elopement had some-
- wbat worn off.
"Marry In haste and repent at lel-
: = ' . : re , " said Jack , just the least bit wor
"Oh , don't worry , dear , " assured Er
nie , "I'll see.that you don't have any
leisure. "
Ernie I am not so sure that Mr.
* Crlsp had any good wishes for ua
"who'll we were married.
Ida Didn't he throw old shoes at
jtho hack ?
Ernie -Yes , but he threw them just
4jike he was throwing at a cat
Ilia Wit Won.
.Tack I'd like to kiss you. Turn
: your head.
Ernie ( in pet ) Iwon't. .
Jack Then I'll try a compliment.
Ernie What good will that do ?
Jack A compliment will turn any
jglrl's bead.
Great "Graft. "
"If I had to work , " said Dusty Den-
enis , "I'd ruther be a street-cleaner iu
Wall ' street den anything else. "
* "Why so ? " asked Timothy Ties.
ecause de paper says der are thou
ands of dollars dropped in Wall street
-every day. "
"It was the most sensible cane rush
I ever saw. "
"But you told me that no cane rushes -
-es were sensible. "
"This one was. The dean of the old
college rushed out with a cane anc
scattered the whole bunch. "
Givinsr Him Away.
LaMontt Dudley is at college. They
-eay he is half-back now.
LaMoyiie I guess that's right. He
Jhas paid 011 7 nfty of that hundred he
xjwed his tailor.
He Objects.
Eva Dear , there is a little space In
piy ring for a photograph. Won't you
give me your own ?
Tom Do I look like a pugilist ?
Eva Of course not
Tom Then I don't belong in the
There to Stay.
The old Kansas farmer was sitting
on the fence looking at the dark fun
nel-shaped cloud in the distance.
"Xo , these cyclones ain't no good , "
3ie grumbled.
"Ilow's that ? " asked the stranger.
"Wai , they take the chimney , shin
gles and everything else off the roof
but the mortgage. "
She'd Heen Rune : .
Ethel You seem happy. Anything
on hand ?
Edith Sure. Don't you see this
"Yes , " said lie sickly looking party ,
? 'I came from New York , hoping to im
prove my condition , but I haven't suc-
Jceeded as yet"
"Why , my dear sir , " rejoined the
Chicago man , "being here is a decided
Improvement. "
The I > rar Girls.
Miss Elderleigk The mountain air
Is certahily ierUitaratkig. I feel like
a 2-year-old this morning.
ifiss Younger And you look it
times 'over.
He Got Out.
Gyer Wen , poor Peckcrn is out of
bks misery at last
Mjer WLen did lie die ?
Gyer He didn't die ; he got a di
Pallo u Rncclaln.
"Where Imve you been ? " asked the
'Tve beeii down to the wholesale
house to get enough 'doth for three or
four pairs of trousers , " responded the
small tailor.
, . J'VYUy , ypu , pnly have an order for
ioue pair ? "
"Yes , but it's a dude. "
Naggsby A man who "was
anwe or less hftndsome called at the
house to see you this -morning.
Najrgsby Wlmt do you mean by a
man being-nume or less handsome ?
Mrs. XjiRgsbjr I mean that he was
more handsome than you and less
handsome thiwi the man I was foolish
enough to throw over for you.
On- Imp rtant Chance.
Ilalsted What do you suppose Chicago
cage will be like one hundred years
from now ?
Wabash Oh , it will be quite differ
ent In some respects.
.jHalsted Doubtless ; but in what
particular ?
Wabnsh Well , there will probably
! be an entirety different set of contrac
tors working on the government build-
hug , for one thing !
From i n I o Worse. "
"It is sad , " remarked the moralizer ,
to think that every man has his price. "
"Yes , " admitted the demoralizer ,
"and "it Is sadder to know that more
tfhan half the time he"can't get It"
IMot Abii ( Inncl J5 oT Objection
BIad < ; by fll mbi r of I'rovi-
ftloiial Cab net , bnt Govern-
in cut Tuhra No Chances.
NEW YORK , Dec. , 16 An alleged
plot to assassinate William Powjell ,
United States minister to Ilayti and
charge d 'a Hairs at Port au Prince ,
S-n D.'iningo , has been disclosed ir
u communication from an official oj
the present D jmini.ju government tea
a fellow countryman in this citv ,
vvh > -rmeily was an oflicial undei
Wosy Gil , the recently deposed presi
dent of the rep Jblic.
The letter stares that , the plot
had been so arranged that , ex-j. < r < 'si
dent Jiminez , undr-r whose leadersbij
U'osy Gil vvas overthrown , should b (
killed at about the same time.
The plot to assas-i-ate Ministei
Towcll , it was asserted , was coi.cei
> ed because of his opposition to plain
ot certain ollicials.
The plan as reported , was to If I
two or three men act into a fign ;
along the , street which Mr. Pouel
was passing. It was arranged tha'
in the m lee other plotters sh.'uili
engage , and itoul 1 be an easy mat
ter to kill the American "by'acci-
dent. "
With regard to Jiminez , the wri ej
asserts that he was to be the victirn
of plain assassination and that al
ready t o unsuccessful attacks havi
been made upon his peison. The firsj
occurred Dec < mber 6 , when a she ;
w s died at him while he was diiv ,
ing. The second attempt was madj
three days later.
Jimi-ez was the candidate for th |
prrsir'cncy ' in rpposiii n to Genoia
Morals and the p > rtisans of tbi
man uho desirts to s-icceed Wisy Gi
are sa'd ' to be at lo trerheads.
Vhile the plot against Ministe ;
Powell is said by the airhor of th |
l.tter to have been abard- > ned because
cause of a strong st'ind taken by
member of the cabinet , it is said thj
American diplomat is being caieruJlj
guarded where ver IIP cfes ,
Say Fences Do i Harm.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. Ne.vs
papers published in western Nebra
ska in the reigiO'i of the cattl (
ranges , are being received by mem
bers of congress. The-e western edi'
tors are den uinng - the administra ,
tion for ordering the prosecution 0 !
the cattlemen who had fenced Ii
public lands for pasturage.
DisciHSing t-ie snujett yesterrlaj
a Nebraska ropreseniative , in wh-isj
district there is miuh public lind ,
said he feared the rec2nt indiclni'Mitj
wojld cripple ths chiuf it.dust y ol
the state and keenly iciycttal UK
necessity Tor su ; h ; iutijn' He * wa ?
convinced the land H unfit for cultii
vation and that-to inclose it by fence )
was positively beneficial to the gra > !
and imp'-v-jd the land T ir pastur.
aue lie said he bad just been t Iq
by one of tbe scic-n iss ; if lhi agri
cultural rJt pirtrnent tlr-it the Jattei
h < d fenced in certain tracts of 'laugt
land for experiment 1 purposes , ad
milti-ig only a certain numuer 0'
cat vie.
flay [ Sot Escape.
OMAHA , Neb. . Dec. 1G. Past
master J. C. Mitchell of Alma wu
1 f rnif'd'tliat'rie dlff nT'j'S 'ape in
d rfimant by the f U raf grami
jslHioiiuh be was unahie to asi- *
p sitivfcly tli < t a true biH * was re.
t imed against liitu , b'forehei-efir
eri IKinie. "liie Al L a official ieh rat ?
will baviuj'padded his qujiitcrl > re
| 0 t witri a vie\v to ontanini i
In.'lie' ratios fr the ollii-e y t j
s le of stamps' i'ie the orli se. Mi -
Mi ch ! ii s id to b ve "fie friro th {
s'amp-hawkit.g ' busiutjis and p < dJM'
th-i pi.stal . likeuesies ul VWJuingoo'
ab ut .I/oven , wr ing uusin > ss m n uni
pmiitic letter wriijei&-ly Jay in A supplj
i f stamps with Uiie plea " -now-is thj
tl'i'e to i'uy3. ?
' The Bee saysr Assfst nt Unitecj
States District Attorney Kish is au.
t.ori y for the stateiiient thatli (
government will be ready lo try tin
Dietrich ca'se in Omaha In Janua ]
, uid that the hearing will imL be li o
iu Lincoln as liiiherto report - d '
"A special jury will be diawn to Irj
the cases it would be fair uciUhij
to .Mr. Dietrich nor the govornmes t
t try the case with a jury that \ \
familiar pradiea'ly v\ith al ofil (
evidence in me case as well as
puiliculats nf * . . in i . nv nt. "
Robbed v J..K uu is Steep.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 16 While 400
guests were asleep uvtruead iu u , l
Eiie house , Fouith ad Clark avenue - '
nue , fuur aimed buiglars earlv yes. i
terda m irumg broke open th. ' cash '
diaweranri inner safe doors with ham-i
rne-s , slolc 3500 * and a sackful if
guests' valuib'es and fatally i t jure I
UK' night c.erk. Geoige Ilamintr , an }
tne porter. Victor Dausson. T >
fractuied the emplnyes skulls 'v\itb
hammers and pistols. i
( Special to State Journalf-
BEATRICE , Neb. Dec. 10. It
was leained here yesterday that Geo.
L. W. Colby , formerly adjutant gen
eral of the Nebraska national guarrt ,
whose accounts have been invest ! '
gated by the feloial grand jury at
Umaha , had in accordance with the
direction of Governor Mickey , turned
over to his suc-essor in ollice $2,282.
This is the principal amount in dis
pute. The momy was accompanied
by a draft for the full amount of re
ceipts for the sale of quartermaster's
stores. This latter sum is a verj
small item. The 82,282 was appropriated -
priated by the legislature for the
purchase of olankets lo replace others
given by the adjutant general to
the state for the use of convicts at
the penitentiary. The money was
drawn from the state treasury bj
General Colby lor the purchase ol
blankets during Governor Savage's
term of office , but Governor Savage
did not consent to the purchase and
General Culby retained the money.
It is bdlieved that the turning
over of the money to the state by
General Colby will have some effect
on the action of the grand jury and
may possibly end the investigation.
The grand jury for several days is
said to have been considering the
question whether or not the monej
belonged to the state or to the guv
Trial Day Is Near.
OMAHA , Neb. , Deo. 16. The fed
eral grand jury yesterday was occu
pied in hearing witnesses in the
Hastings , Neb. , postoffice removal
case , in wliich the department had
made charges of excessive expense
lor removing the postoifice of that
city from one building to anuther.
Judge Munger made an irder foi
tUe drawing of a special trial jury U
try the cases now before the court.
Tiie drawing will be made Decimhei
19 and jurors will report December.
28. This is taken to indicate thai
the trial of Senator Dietrich will
commence soon after the first of the
At the office of District Attorney
Stimmafs it was sc-ited that extra
ordinary effort would be made to
prepare a government case agarist
thtisa indicted in the postoffice cases
as speedily as possible.
Special agent A. Gregory , of the de
partment of , arrived in the
city and during the forenoon was be
fore the giaud jury. lie brings with
him , it is stated , evidence furnished
by the Washington authorities in con
nection with tbo Hastings postofficQ
trans sctions.
Slate Representative Frank Currio ,
indicted last week for alleged itleg ]
fencing , appeared in court and gave
$1,000 bond.
Said Judge Mupger :
"IhecturD wi.l be convened on
the morning of the 23lh , ready to
transact snob business as may be
brought before it. I understand that
some eighty indictments more av.y
fi How , anr ] a great many cases me
lelt , eve from pt'vi us lerms. We
shall be ready to tike up thesa mat-
teis and get them OJt of. the wiv.
As to the lUiatiugs as , I cannot at
this time see \\liy the { iovernmeul
should r < quire an additional moutl )
to prepuie lor tiial.
Hangs Himself In Jail.
TIHLAMA , Neb. , Ijec. 17 "n1
n-on 1'adr CKlr , in jail heic for tnt
murder of his si n , Willi : > m S
dick , ctiuniiUctl suicide by hangi g
last niybt
PK d > ck was , not confined in a eel' ' ,
but occupied. a r < > orn with lamd
wiiido-s. He SAung one of llu ins -
s ce\ ! window suuilt'is ov * t
bis bf d and suspended himself from
it with a mufllcji tied around his neck.
The bOly la * nn the bed. the head
being sHuhtJy raised.
Paddock wis : a wealth ? farmer ,
who lived Fn Silver Cre k to nsi.ip.
IT wjs seniystnen ) civs olci. He
shot and killjil his s 'n NuvMiiber 27
Ha hid li en drinking lia.-dcid-r.
His son thought he was dri-iKim. to i
'mii'-ii a d , ace rcli-ng to the r pntj
Ufade by the hired mart',1 remon > ltat-
.ed uilloliiS lather who1 thereupon , -
cvin > > U Jo greatanmer , seizi-d a '
clnuble barreled shotgun and killed
Student Delivers V ol-ut Speech.
ST. PISTIiiltiDURG , Dec. 1G A\ \
the i-ohteclmir institute litre in
the uicacnre of a laige assembly a
student nam'd Ko an , . delivered'a
violent , speech. No arn-sts were
mad ? a& tt.e affair occurred within
tne uimetsfty buildings , wuicli ire
under l'h'e"jurisd'ictidn uf the piofess-
OIS. '
Hundred Alade II nnelcss.
PIT1SKUR-G , Pa , Dec. 17. Be ,
twcen seventy-live and one. hunciTU '
people were rendered homeless yes-1
teiday an I diiven rut into tne cold , I
with nothln ; but their nitjht clothing - '
ing b. a lire which dest oped the
liming mill and lumber yard of the
Liennelt Lu i bar uid Manut.ictnrini , '
company at Milirale , Pa. , and paiti"
[ illy destroyed a dozen housis acjjoin-
ln the burned mill pr perty. For
a time the entire town was threaten-
Bd. The loss will not exceed 550,000.
A Colorado woman has written to
the World's Fair management saying
that she possesses a - handkerchief
made by the wife of George Wash
ington , and that she would like to
dispose of it for exhibition purposes.
In her letter she says : "The haud-
krchief was a big one , and the
wearer doubled it to ihree corners to
place round her neck. It is about
one-fourth of a yard square and hem
med on one side. It is some of her
own work. You never saw such /iue /
work. I got it in California 13 years
ago from Martha Washington's great1
? rand dau ntei. She was very old. "
Old liones , Alum , Flint and Sulphuric
Acid for liaising Bread.
Housekeepers have recently been
BOlicited by some of the giocers and
by peddleis to try another kind of
baking powder "cheaper and just
as good" as they say. This is an
other scheme of some baking powder
manufacturer to get a new brand on
the market by offering the grocer a
large profit. Housekeepers are not
usually much benefited by suih
changes. Alum baking powders are
generally low priced , buti they are
well-known to be dettimental to
health. Large quantities of one of
tnera were recently siezed in New
York , being found to be largely com
posed of sharp pointed grains of
ground flint and sulphuric acid.
Most of the so-called phosphite
powders are mixed with alum. The
manufacturer of a phosphate powder
ha ? patented the process of making
the principal ingredient of his pow
der from bones digested with sulphu
ric acid.
Housekeepers do not want such
mixtures in their food. They should
never encourage peddlers ncr admit
testers or alleged experimenters in
food within their doors , and when
buying baking powder sb < uld net a
brand well-kn wn to be made of cream
of tartar , which is a healthful pro
duct of the grape.
The report of the curator of th
museum of the University of Michi
gan shows that it is visited byin
average of nearly one hundred per
sons daily.
Those who luv munny seldum luv
enny thing else az mutch.
Nothing but a mirakle will keep a
prodigal man ritch to the end ov 1m
A lazy man iz wuss than a ded one ,
bekause he takes up more room
When there is a danger sign up ,
some people get a reputation for
bravery by skating nearer to il than
any one else.
Some people are just smart to make
people hate 'em'notsmart ; enough tr
climu over all obstacles , and get to the
Most wimmin would rather be ad
mired for their buty than be respek-
ted for their sense.
The Marble Exchange of Knoxville ,
Term. , will make a complete exhibit
of the marble industry of the state at
the World's Fair.
The gratesd h TOS the world haz
ever produced hav been thoze who
hav conquered thernsehes.
YuKan'tgit wit or wisdum in a
college ; you may learn thare how to
use it.
Character is the ponr man's capital.
If you , hate another , it is s.ow
suicide for yourself.
The Ulcky man is the one who
grasps his opportunity.
Character has a commercial as well
as an ethical value.
Genius darts , flutters and tires , but
perseverance wears and wins.
Twenty \ears ag > an unsuspe ted
urin in Lexington Ind. . stoln thret
-jiecss fr in a ne'ghbor. ' Ihe clrsjoil-
cd farmer has ju t received five dollars
lars from a resident in Washington ,
D. C , COD fossil g the theft , ana thug
making financial reparation. He
states that for years he has beea
unable to'sleepeil , as a flck of
geese alwajs haunted his dreams. DC
matter where he sl-pt.
The m-'Sb feel
gencrouS'Souls praize
the rnosE , and she it the leass
A Western W
Newcastle. Wyo. , Dec. 21. Tliere i3
.a man in this place wlio claims that
no one need , suffer with bne&iclie. a.i
he lias proven'in his own case Quit it
can be completely and permanently
ITis name is S. C. Hoist , and he is a
stock raiser anil wool grower. i
"I was shearing sbpcp at the time
the tirst pain came on. " says Mr. Elolst.
"I was so bad for two years after
ward that I could hardly sit down ,
and when once down it was almost
impossible for me to get up again.
"I tried all the medicine I could
hear of and several doctors without
help , not even for u moment. I u ed
Dodd's Kidney Pills and they made a
new man out t r r e. I felt as if there
was new blood-i1 ; * y veins. I am a. ?
stout in the baci : as a nvilp and can.
lift and work as hard as I please with
out an ache or pain in any part of my
"It is now over a year since they
cured me and I can say there is not a
healthier man in Wyoming than I am ,
and before using Dodd's Kidney Pills
tnere' ' was not surapre complete phys
ical wreck in the whole country than
I was. "
No inenrlnfj on Flrt Case. Grand Jurj
Selects Others to Keep 111 in Com
pany. Among Them Lowo.
Mitchell uud
[ Special From State 'otrnal.l
OMAHA , ] STeb' Dec 18-Tne Uni
ted States grand jury yesterday made
Its report to the court , returning
nineteen true bills.
These include indictments against
United States Senator Charles II.
Dietrich , forall-ged illegal leasing of
a building at Hastings , Neb. , to the
government to be used as a postotlice ;
Former Adjulanb General Leonard
W. Colby , for the alleged embezzle
ment of government funrJs ; Daniel
Giins of Bassett , Xeb. , for alleged
perjury in swearing falsely to home
stead entries ; Former Srate Rppre-
ssntative Elliott Lowe , for alleged
conspiracy to bribe a United States
Senator ; Pos'master John S. Mitch
ell of Alma , Keb. , charging him with
illegal sale of postage stamps ; Wi'l- '
iam M. Irwin , on a charge of acting
as agent for Mitchell , and ac Mnst R.
M. Allen , president of the Standard
Cattle company f\ir the alleged illegal
fencing o < government lands.
The other indictments were similar
lo that agiinst Allen , but do not involve -
volve extensive tracts of land. The
jury reported it had further matters
under consideration.
The statute under which the in
dictments against Srn-tor Dietrich
"M drawn provides a pr n illy of § 3,000
fine and requires tbe return of all
tnoripy paid by the government un
der the contract in case of conviction
The penalty for bribery , ivitb which
Elliott Lowe is cbaraed provides a
hravy line and imprisonment i ot to
exceed ten yeais. The penalty for
ernbrzzlemeut , which charge is plac d
ag'inst ' General Clby , is either fine
or imprisonment , at the direction of
the court.
The indictments against Senator
Dietiith and Representative Lowe
are in addition to those returned
against them some time ago. Sena
tor Dii-trich is charged with alleged
violation of section 3739 of the revis
ed statutes which provides that no
member or delegate to confess
shall "directly or indirectly by him
self or by any other person in trust
for him , or for his use or benefit , oren
on his account , undertake , execute ,
ho d or enj } , in whole or in part ,
a y contract or agreement mide ; < r
en ered into on behalf of the United
States , by any otlicer or person au-
thomed to make contracts on be
half of the rnited States " The
indictment "charges that Sena'.or '
Dii-ttich leased to the government
on Apiil 24 , iflui , a building at lT-i > t-
icgSj Neb. , to be used fui a postoilice ,
at an annual rental of $1.300. There
s one count which crveis the amount
receive 1 for rental on the bui.rli .g
fr in the d ; te or its lease by th gov
ernment to the pres nfc time , ( q-i 1
to a snm slightty in excess of $2.000.
The it > di : tojeob against ; Former
Representative Lowe charges him
' < \ii1i * ' nll-"ged con-piracy lo bribe a
United 'ates-seiJalcA' . . Two cownr1 ? ,
nichuf SuGO , a , e named in the bill.
It is charged "that tl.eso accounts
were paid to Lowe bv Po-'tmvb r
John C. Mitchell in consideration f.f
Lowe's endorsement of Mitchell's
candidacy to Sen if o' Dietrich for the
; sp' oi"lment as postn'a'tei at Alma.
Gen. Leonard W. Olby was indicfc-
erl ten'the a leg.ed emhP3 zl.aWnt of
i m units agjrrt-gating-83,000 of nov-
rpuwuifc funds , poad to him in t usrj
iy trie state of Nbraska and others
'or qnjpmentv belonarina to cbe Uni-
ed Sta > es army. Thebill' cha yes
hac whilrt.adjjuttir't general of Neb-
iaska General Cclb" turned over to
tire Mite" DeVjit nfia'ry rfurihc Jan-
' i905-700 Otjl'ed ' ' -
IHT'F , - 'Slates-array
blankets tn-Uc us d-in - * n"jemergency
caused by atfjre in that institution ;
thar tfve state legislature appiopria-
; e1 S2i'80 to reimburse the goveru-
aicrit for these bl ukels' the amount
bdyg tarncfl .over .to Colby to be
p'Ud tit the government : that tne
amount- was never paid ioto the Uni
ted States" treasury nor t'uned hak
j-jhlo the state treasury when Colby's
term as adj tai.t- general , expired.
Will Probaftfy Not Be Shot ,
'y YEfc. . COLO. , ' Dec IS. The
fi' dinys of the ciu in. the
case of Pr\ate : Uaggett , the sentry
wfvt fan - found 'asleep at his post at
T r i idc. hive been m il"d * nr1 were
ext t cfeed to rracfo the state house yes
terday morn mr. Uad-r rmliftuy
law , tl ev must I e aporoved by the
coven or n fore tliej ? b-cotne cff ct-
ive. Adj it , ut' G'-nenil Hell insists
, tnat u ner , the l\v jUatb should ba
: metad ant tu th'csleepiu&'sen'l.rvmiin.
Will II. Dailey of Nebraska City
las leased the Callaway Courier , and
Rrjll take charge at once.f t , ?
Ben Jcnes , sheriff of Pierce county ,
xr rested Chai les Anderson on a charge
of beating his wife.
Charles E. Coburn and Miss Agnes
toli were married ac Beatrice Sun-i
flay , the Kev. Edgar Price officiating. '
The Southwestern Nebraska Poul
try association will hold an exhibit
at Beattice December 15 o 19 inclu
After a lingering illness of two-
months' duration. Noah Welch , of
Callaway died.
Mrs. Amanda Cbarsell , an aged
lady living with her son , was found
dead in bed at her home at Nebraska
Skinner & Ashley of Beaver City are
feeding 3,000 sheep tor the spring
market on their ranch one mile west" "
of Beaver City.
Percy Agnew of Plattsmouth ha
gone to Phoenix , Ariz. , where he will ,
try to regain his health. Ue has
been suffering from lung trouble.
At Pierce , Grand Army post 19b
held a campSre in Inhelder's hall.
There weie a number of stirring
Henry Lenig , a young farmer of
Decatur , slipped from a roof OQ hla
house and fdll to the ground. He
was picked up severely injured.
Eobbers blew open the sa/e in the :
postoiliee at Newcastle , Neb. early
one morning and secured $250 in cash
and S130 in stamps.
The city council of Nebraska
City has decided to ask for bids fort
a tire house to be built on the site/ /
of the one destroyed two years ayo.i
William Atwood cf Plattsmoutb
'celebrated ' his eighty-sixth birthday. ' .
Ill is wife , to whom he was married In
ilSU , and his children and grauu-
children were pnsent.
At a bazaar given by the ladies of
ithe First ; AI. E. church at Osceola
, lasting from Friday noon until Satur
day night over $160 was cleared and
enough stock lift ovtr for another
'bazaar in the near future.
Kay Beera uncl : recently manager
of a manufacturing establishment at
Kansas City , divd at the residence of
his rather ao Hardy , Dr. E , D.
Beem , of consumption.
The annual meeting and rally of
'the ' Christian church was held at'
( Beatrice. A dinner was served in tbo
'basemdnt ' of the church. There were
a number of addi esses. ,
0 Miss Kathryne White died of ty
phoid fever at Nebraska City at the-
home of her mother , Mrs. Mary J.
White. Miss White was in the senior
class of the High school there.
John Kelly , an ex-base ball player
at Fremont , has pleaded guitly to a
charge of abandoning his wife and
has given a bond to guarantee her
support in the future.
Word was received at Beatrice of
the dea.h of Daniel Williams , at
Chicago last week. Williams who
WHS 75 years old , formerly lived In
Beatrice and was a conductor on tha
Burlington road.
Eudi Iph B. Schurman , who has
been managing an Angora goat farm
at Kirksville , M ) . , recently sold rjis
herd to a stock raiser there and will
go into business in Frea out He
and Julius Fo elsorig have foimed
the Fr. ujcnt Cooperage company and
will rnHI u fact u > re butter tubs. " A
building has been r en led in the fac
tory district and niA.hioery ia
being insulied for the piant.
TuepnpIU of Mrs. 0. W. "Bene
dict of TreutOn gave a musical at
tue Cony rtg i local church. The ,
program consisted of several num
bers of piano and vocal Soles' and
ducts A H rge and appreciative addi-
e , ce .affceudeJ , . AUJOU the &e&S
numbers were a tfcesjlo by Mia&GalJ
Tooujai and' fcbe pijuo duet by- two
li'iieboys. Chester Collet t'aud'Ger-
aid Benedict. * * fl
* * * i V
Mr. G.'W. Smith of DenveriCol.
has b vugtil/tbe later-srs > 4 BuUon &
Uurton in "The Commeci li > , ? a6
Treuton , tatTing p'tssesioi * . XJeeeraber
15. HurtO'i 8z Barton Irrvelraflt'np
a reputut on of running one of 'tba
best houla In the valley Ibey , ylll
enter the bu-lofaa elsewhere oc BUB a
u..iry ou a plfice just eastoTto n.
. Shr ff Ben lories went ofat near tba
Wajne county Hoe and arrested Goar-
1 s N. Anderson , R farmer living in ,
P eice couoty , who is charged 'Witri ?
crucily beatiug bss wife. Thei war
rant was sorn out by the faJtberof
Anderson's "wife. AoUersoB. . ir > ia
all.'jjre'd. has bet- In the uabH bf com
ing to town and gelling dtltplc' ' and !
tuen going home and beatiog hia
John McCool and Mil fee Kenney
two Dorse thieves a ed 22 * ar > d 17f
years respectively , have been arrested
at D-kotaOity They s : y they will
olead yuiltr to a charge of si ? arin > j a *
ti'u , Harness and Wavjon.
Professor George Herbert Palmezr
of Uirvird bas accrptd the i-n vita-
tu n of Chancellor Andrews to deliv r
the address at the midwinter com
mencement aod charter day , Jeuru
ary 15 , at the state university.