Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 17, 1903, Image 7

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LjL iL/V/I\Ol O l Lj = I\U = ii/Tit
Pe ru na Drug Co. , Columbus , Ohio :
Gentlemen : "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley
has taken Pe = ru = na and I believe with good etfeet. "
W. S. SCHLEY. Washington , D. C.
A DMERAL SCHLEY , one of the foremost
notable heroes of the Nineteenth Century.
A name that starts terror in theheart of every
Spaniard. A man of steady nerve , clear head ,
tin daunted courage and prompt decision.
Approached by a friend recently , his opin
ion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna , the
national catarrh remedy. Without the slight
est hesitation he gave this remedy his en
dorsement. It appeared on later conversa
tion that Peruna has been used in his family ,
where it is a favorite remedy.
Such endorsements serve to indicate the
wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the
minds of the American people. It is out of
the question that so great and famous a man
as Admiral Schley could have any other
reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna
than his positive conviction that the remedy
is all that he says it is.
The fact is that Peruna has overcome all
Ask Your Druggist for free Peruna Almanac for 1904.
A Boston physician's discovery - '
covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax-
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power ; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Thousands of letters from women ,
prove that it is the greatest cure lor
leucorrhoca over ilJseovere : ! .
Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh , nasal catarrh , sore lliroat , sore
mouth and sore eyes , becnube these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the murous membrane.
For cleansing , whitening and pre
serving the teeth \vo challenge the
world to
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse Paxtinc , andthou
sandsoftestimoniallettersproveits value.
At druggists , or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A large trial package and "boolc of
Instructions absolutely free. "Write
The E. Paxton Co. , Dept. 6 Boston , Mass.
during last Year
They a-e settled and settling on the
Grain and Oruzing Landg , and are pros-
peronc and j.atiKficd.
Sir Wilfred Laurier recently raid : "A
new mar lias ripen upon the horizon ,
and Is toward it that every immigrant
who leaves the land of hie ancestor * to
come and neck a home for himself now
tarns his care" Canada. Thei e IB
Homestead * given
nivoy. NcbooI , CharcheltuIl-
wayo , Markets , Climate , every
thing to be desired.
For a descrfpUre Atlas and other Information -
formation , apply to BCPEMKTENDENTIM-
MIGRATION , Ottawa , Canada ; or autho
rized Canadian GoTernment
W. "V. Bennett , Kl ) New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , NeD.
Capsicum Vaseline
/ Put Up 2n Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mnstard or tnj
cllier pi lister , and will not blister the most delicate
kin. The pnin alliiyinnand ourntiro qualities of thil
rtielenre wonderful. It will to- > the toothache at
ence , and relieve heudacheand t-cialicfi.
We recommend it as the beet and safest external
counter-irritant known , also oun external remedy for
, pains in the chest ana EtoKncb and all rheumatic ,
iBearixlcfC and goaty compiuints.
A trial will provo what vre claim for it , and it will bt
found to bo invaluable in the household. Many I eoplt
| OT'Jti8 the best of all your preparations. "
> Price 15 cents , at all druggist * , or other dealers , or bj
1 pending this amount to us in postage stamps , wo will
( vend you a t ibe by mall.
1 NoBrtioleHhoiild beacc ptfnl by he public unices the
'came ' curries our label , as otbui wire it is not genuine.
17 State Street , New York City.
A. brilliant young woman named
Mudge ,
The child of a talented judge. ,
On a desert isle case
Had to painfully fast ,
' iror siie could make nothing but
fudce. Washington Star.
, Thare iz this difference between a
wize man and a phool the wize man
Jearns sumthinc from every one be
meets , while the phool tries to teach
sum thing to everyone he meets.
opposition and has won its way to the hearts
of the people. The natural timidity which
so many people have felt about giving- en
dorsements to any remedy is giving way.
Gratitude and a desire to help others has
inspired thousands of people to give public
testimonials for Peruna who heretofore would
not have consented to such publicity.
Never before in the annals of medicine has
it happened that so many men of national
and international reputation have been will
ing to give unqualified and public endorse
ments to a proprietary remedy. No amount
of advertising could have accomplished such
a result. Peruna has won on its own
merits. Peruna cures catarrh of whatever
phase or location in the human body. That
is why it receives so many notable and
unique endorsements.
Address The Peruna Drug M'f'g Co. , Co
lumbus , Ohio , for free literature on catarrh.
A steer weighing two tuns and
measuring 18 feet 4 inches from the
end of bis nose to the tip of his tail ,
will be exhibited in the live stock
department at the World's Fair.
This monster ox is the properly of
eight young men of Greeutown.'Ind.
A Pitsbunr minister waa in the
county jail , doing missionary work
amonir the prisone s. Hefout d adarny
scrubbing the floor on one of the up
per ct rrid < rs , and asked him if he was
in for disorderly cndu t. "No , sah , "
indignantly replied the ne ro. "I's no
common criminal ; I's a highway rob
her. "
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
medicine I have ever found for coughs
and colds. Mrs. Oscar Tripp , Big Hock ,
111. . March 20 , 1001.
Citizen ( excitedly ) Oolcer. there
is a aance hall open around the crrn-
er. I heard the music. And on Sun
day night too ! "
Mrs. VVinslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil
dn > n teethingboftens the nurns , reduces iuila-
mation , allays pain cures > colic. I"iice25 j bottle
lie "You know , my angel , it will
have to be a case of love in a cot
tage. "
She "That will be just heavenly.
Where is the cottage ? "
He "Um I haven't got the cot
tage yet. You see , I am saving up
money for a bicycle first ; much
cheaper than a horse , you know. "
Any one can dye with PUTNAM
FADELESS DYE , no experience re
Foreign Visitor--"To what do you
ascribe the remarkable inventive in
genuity of Americans ? "
Host "Puritan mothers. "
"I do not understand. "
"A boy rtith that kind of a mother
has pot to cultivate his inventive
faculties if he is going to have any
To listen quietly to a slander iz to
be a silent partner in the concern.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Be l Cou h Syrup. Tastes Good , use
In time. Sold by druxgluv
N. N. U. 802 - 51. YORK NEBfi
A Itttle St. Paul girl had a very
large family connection to pray for ,
and one nieht when she arose from
her knees , her mother said :
"WhyEdith , you forgot grandma I"
She got right on her knees again and
said :
"Ob , God , wouldn't that give you
cold feet ! 1 forgot grandma ; " U.
M. 13. in Lippincott's.
The man who kan't blush iz no
wuss off than a mule iz.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Winks "What are you carrying
that boat horn around for ? "
Jinks "Taht's to blow when I
want autoraobilists and bicyclists to
get out of my way.
New Boarder "What is the land-
lady's daughter playing ? "
Old Boarder "A mixture of airs
from a lot of old operas a sort of
musical hash , you know.
Policeman "You must be near
sighted. You can see by the bills at.
the front of the house that it isn't
a dance hall. It's a sacred concert. "
How's This ?
"We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward To
any case of Catarrh that cauuot he cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. C1IKNEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo. O
We , the uudetsifined. have known F.J. Chenej
for the la.t 15 years , and believe him perfect ! }
honorable in all business transactions and linan
cially able to carry out any obligations made b }
their firm.
Webt & Truax , Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O
WaldhiR. Kinuan & Marvin , Wholesale Drug
gists. Toicdo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting
directly upon * Jie blood and mucous surfaces 01
the system , i'rice 75c. per bottle. Sold byal
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are he best. -
Wit iz apt to make one grate mis
take it would rather lose a friend
than a joke.
Yung man , if yu expekt to suck *
ceeri , don't offer to settle with the
world for fifty cents on the dollar ; if
yu do , the chances are that yu will
git cheated out ov yure whole cljim.
Customs are stronger than laws ,
bekause the ? are older and more nat
ural , I suppose.
The strongest pashun of the female
harte iz to please sumbody , and be
admired in return for it.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil
Successfully used by Mother Gray , nurse In
the Ohildrm'B Home in New Vor . cure < 'on-
Btipntion , Feve'iBhness , Bad Komach , Teeih
Ing l > is rder . move and regulate the Boweli
and Destroy Worms Over SO 000 testimonials
At all drugpist , 25c. Hample FREE. Addregb
A. B. Olmstcd , LeKoy , N. Y ;
One ov the most diffikult things
in a man's karakter to estimate iz
the aktual amount ov happiness he iz
possessed ov.
Adam committed the most sin with
the least amuunt ov temptasbun ov
ennv ov our previous rekshuns.
Yery sedate children have often
been known to gro into barum-skar-
urn yuths , and finally settle back
into stupid old men.
The only pedigree worth having iz
the one a man makes for himself and
transmits for example.
Thare iz the vuluar in hi life az
well az low , and the hifaluting vul
gar are the most disgusting.
Grimes Gillot's wife evidently
thinks a good deal of him. See what
trouble sbe puts herself to to have a
nice dinner for him when he comes
Grant = T should say rather that he
thinks a good deal of her. He has to
eat of her cooking you know. Bos
ton Transcript.
Genuine wit and good sense are
usually found in ear.h other's com
Don't expekt mutch in this world ,
and then ifyu don't git mutch you'll
think its all right *
Thoze who read every took they
can git hold ov swallowing them
whole kontrakt a literary dispepshea
hard to kure.
Dandys are a quick studdy ; after
you have looked one over for a min-
nitt , you bav got the size ov the
whole o ? them.
Whether amunt ? men or animals ,
yu will notlss one thing all the ? ery
canning ones hav small beads.
"Way in "Which. Newness AdTertlsea
Itself Quietly Maker * Goincr to Ex
tremes in Exploiting : Prlnceaa Cat
Faihion Notet from New York.
TJTTING so nuch
emphasis on the
of Btrnightness of
front is resulting
in overdoing this
feature. Many
gowns faro design
ed in such manner
that from bust to
skirt hem or foot
flounce there is one
long unbroken line
that has at most
but a gentle con
cave. While styli -
i s h dressmakers
are striving for
this effect , it rarely
is graceful when
attained , nor does
it beeni to be a
fancy that will ne sightly even when ob
servers have grown accustomed to it.
The natural waist curves of the average
figure are not so unhandsome that they
should be obliterated , either in front or
raar view , and doing anything more than
Is a potent point. With skirt of this
length the gown may be simply made ,
or may be planned elaborately. This
first example was sketched in dark green
zibclline , with stitching and frogs of
black. At the left in the nest picture
is an elaborate model tan broadcloth
and sable. Even in tailored suits this
feature of extreme length Is noticeable ,
as will be seen from consideration of the
two stylish gowns put in the concluding
illustration. Ilere the materials were
gray mixed cheviot and darker gray cord ,
and dark brown mixed suiting with light
er brown cording , stitching and buttons.
What in the street dress is suggestion of
train becomes the real article in the
dress up. Its form in a stylioh carriage
gown appears at the right in the second
of these pictures , the original of which
was fuchsia cloth with mole fur and
black bruges lace for trimmings. In reception -
ception and evening dresses trains arc
noticeable for length , eome evening trains
beinjf altogether remarkable.
Bodice yokes increase in depth , and
those that extend out upon the arm are
becoming more numerous. Women whose
* houlders present fine lines like the latter
form , and current tendencies encourage
just such snug outlining of the shoulders
as has prevailed in skirts about the hiys
for several seasons. This trig yoke may
be of stuff that contrasts with the rest
f the bodice , or may be only an effect
M > purated from the rest by some simple
Dimming. Often it is in one with front
pieces , but fine sho'ulders am splendidly
sot off by yokes that do not have such
Furriers who store the peltry of their
customers during the summer found that
xhcso wares were in early demand. The
to correct defects here is pushing the
style too far. This applies in full force
only to gowns of the princess order
whereiu there is no break at about the
waist line , including much that is in
princess effect. In long wraps the pre
vailing looseness excuses the straightness -
ness , and in bodices alone the artificial
lack of curves is not to be condemned.
But at all times the princess models
make more of an impression than their
numbers warrant , and now that many of
them are noticeable for the unnaturalness
cause was not an unseasonable cold
snap , but a general desire to give to this
finery an overhauling. This season's
brand new furs , you see , are marked by
much trimming and by a deal of combin
ing two furs in one garment This ten
dency has prevailed for the past three
winters , and now has greater force than
ever. So , taking hint from the new
model garments , the owners of old furs
have fallen to considering the possibili
ties of refurbishing them according to
the newest fashions. There's not much
of their lines , rather than for the faith
ful outlining that is usual with this cut ,
they result in many a startling showing.
At most times the princess dress in ad
vance style stirs up much envioua con
sideration ; women are apt towish they
jould wear such fashions and to dare
hem , anyhow. Now that a few of the
how dresses are quite enough to make
he observer content with two-pieca ar-
Now that fashions continue to present
; reat diversity , it is difficult to be plain-
y in the forefront of the procession with-
mt being at the same time striking or
lecidedly odd. So the medium that will
dvcrtise its newness and not be open
o this fault is welcomed and taken up
iperb * . In this "way came a surprising
ulorsement for the length of skirt for a
reet gown that is shown in the first of
) day's pictures. A glance shows that
t affords the strongest possible contrast
with the walking skirt , and that likely
in the prospect. Costly as the new is ,
making over the old is not very econom
ical because of the unfailing high charges
for such work , coupled this year with
the call for other fur for combining with
the old , and for new trimmings. The
new tricks of combining are different ,
too , BO more than likely the old garment
will be poorly suited for making over.
Fashion Notes.
A silk fringe that looks like frayed-out
ribbon trims a recently imported gown
of white.
Buttons and tassels as garniture for
fur garments are ono of the smart winter
Gold and silver buttons in ball shape
are among the costly novelties in th
Dutton line.
A handsome brooch is composed of aui
oblong-shaped stone of amathygt rap-
rounded by small pearls.
Don't let the wrrld kno eunytbins
a out yure trials and trubbles ; it will *
excite their vanity sooner than Is
will command their compashon. '
It is said that the depression in'
the silk hat industry in London It-
increasing and of the 8,000 men en
gaged only a few years ago , morsj
than half are now oat of erapoy- )
menb The reason assigned is tbafc
the "topper" is no longer the ono
badge of respectability in London
business life.
Well Remembered.
Valley City , N. Dak. , Dec. 14.Tmi
yeara ago Mrs. Mntildiv M. Boucberj
of this place , suffered n great deal
a dizziness In her bead. She was cured
of this by a remedy called Dodd's Kld4
ney Pilis , and hns not been trouble *
Shortly afterward Bhe had a
billons attack and for this she
Diamond Dinner Tills and was com
pletely cured in a short time. j
In January , 1003 , she had an attacJ *
of Sciatica , of which sbc says :
"I was almost helpless with the
atica , but remembering what Dodd's !
Kidney Pills and Diamond Dinner Pillp
had done for me before , I commenced
a treatment of these medicines and ln
tbree weeks I was completely restore *
to health. 1 have great faith in tbesei
medicines , for they have been of s&
much benefit to me. "
Dodd's Kidney Pills are very popv-
lar in Barnes County , having made .
great many splendid cures of Sciatica *
Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles.
Many families use no other medicina.
The District School ofSpotless Town.
When the fall sea-sou opened , the
principal of the District School divid
ed the year's work into eleven classes ,
and asked that the head of each department *
partmont should put into verse the
lirst lesson of the year. The result
was very interesting , and we are glad !
to reproduce it for the amusement awS
instruction of our many readers.
AN MT head or NA J
Can loam the Alphabet to any ,
Hut U C It taki's the clover JI
Of ono who IK a little YYY
To C when reel ted true
The Alphabet's dirty through and tlirougb3
Hut tjikf this Q , the Alpha hot
A very thorough cleaning will get
If U will UUUU Sapollo.
For It finds dirt an EZ foe.
The Proof.
abc 13 efgh I jklmuopn II 8 T uvwx 1 e
PROPER enough , no douht , 'twould be
If you spoiled "cleanliness" with C ;
Hut a hotter way to Hpell it 1 know ,
Just S A- ! O L 1 O.
For that famed soap doth work a spell
And loads to Cleanliness so well
That all pronounce the two the same
Identical moaning though different nanm.
THE short word HEADING , If. twisted , 'ti *
bald ,
Will prove we GAIN by all we've RED ; .
But READING Is snob a valued thing
Its merits In no EAR I'll DING.
For he on learning's road must lag
Who fails to RIDE that gentle NAG.
I'll just point out one handy rule :
You'll always find there IS A POOL
Wherever there's SAPOLIO ,
And so for water need not go !
Each combination has the same letters in.
the word READING. "IS A POOL" ha&
the same letters as SAPOLIO.
WHEN yon have put coal on ( : ) the flr % .
Perhaps you , too , flame up with ire ,
And with an exclamation mark ( ! )
Your hands are now a shade too dark.
But then may come a ( , ) happy thought
Of wonders which that soap has wrought.
Whose widespread use through a period tr
long ,
Beyond all question marks ( ? ? ? ? ) It strong.
So you ditto ( " ) the course you always g * >
And make a dash ( ) for 8APOLIO.
TO MULTIPLY your pleasure each day
SUBTRACT all dirt that comes your way *
Bnt to do this , yon ought to kiiow ,
You first must ADD Sapolto ,
Which will DIVIDE by 3 your moll
And require but a FRACTION of former
toll ;
For "the Rule of Three , " aa may be seeiL
Is DIRT plus SAPOLIO equals CLEAN ?
IN life , whatever is yonr SPHERE ,
'TIs safe to STATE dirt will appear ;
Aiid this must qnlte annoying be ,
For dirt Is no delight to SEA.
But though It be piled MOUNTAIN hlgk.
'TIs PLAIN that H will quickly fly ,
If you've a notion ( AN OCEAN ) to OBEY
And follow what the wisest say :
And nil of them SayPOLEo ,
For that makes ev'rytblng clean as sn *
WHEN crusty old DIOGBNES went on u
daytime chase ,
With lighted lantern held before his phD >
osophlc face ,
He did not seek an honest man aa histo
ries declare ,
But searched for n dishonest man , ang
sought him everywhere.
For a dishonest grocer had palmed off oa
him some soap
That failed to clean his lantern and at
night had made him grope.
So now ho sought that rascal man 'roun
Athens , hisli and low ,
To make the man refund the coin or KT
DO not give EAR to counsel bad ,
For ev'ryone NOSE that makes one sa& .
The worst advice that TONGUE can tel'l
Is , "Take this soap , 'twill do aa well. "
Just put your FOOT down firm anfi
And tell the clerk his BRAIN Is wrong ,
And you've experience quite in point
To put his statement OUT OF JOINT.
Just NAIL his lies and let him know
Your HEART is set on BAPOLIO !
IT Is a matter of seneral NOTE
That into house or FLAT will float
Dust and dirt to take their place
In a fabhlon that's impolite and BASS.
For never mind how SHARP yon are
Their sly invasion yon cannot BAR
Unless the proper KEY yon know ,
Which Is , of coarse , SAPOLIO
The soap that brings yon REST rlgbi
soon ,
And keeps your bonse or FLAT IE
LET Housewife eqnal X pins E X-J-B
Let E the sign for Sapoilo be ;
For Dirt let minus X be bad : X
Then all these symbols we will add. -
The X and minus X drop ont
( As anyone can see , no doubt )
And leave what most the housewife
The bappy symbol we call ease.JSI
tHB cleverest bands , both short and Jonti.
Are far too clever to purchase -wrong ;
So they bny the soap with the little
A Bcap that dirt cannot withstand.
For the soap with stenographic speed
Is the sort of cleaner that people need
To handily handle hi handsome hands ,
Band SgpoIIo only meets the demand * .