Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 17, 1903, Image 4

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, December 17 , 1903
Entered at tb e Post-offlce at Valentine. Chsrrj
. Nebraika , as Second-class matter.
Subscription per year in advance : Si .60
When not paid in advance , Single copies Cc.
DUplay advertl ivg l inch single column I5c
per Issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Ix > dge Resolution
ind Socials lor Revenue 5c per line per Issue
Brands. 1H inches $4.00 per vesr in advance
additional space$3-00 per inch peryeanengraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
eonally known are requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If over 0
months In arrears.
Notices of losses ol stock free to brand adver
They Were All "Accidents. "
he Long Pine ( Neb. ) Journal ,
a republican paper , referring to
Senator Dietrich , says : "He was
a political accident ; the republi
cans of Nebraska are not responsi
ble for him , and his eclipse is a
matter of small moment to us. "
Of course , the republican party
is not responsible for the conduct
of any man it places in office or
for the results of any public policy
it may adopt provided , always ,
that the man's record is not satis
factory and the public policy re
sults in disaster.
In the olden time political par
ties were held rigidly to account
for the conduct of the men they
elected to office , and for the results
of their policies. But in these
days republican leaders would have
us believe that the republican
party may exercise the power and
authority conferred upon it by the
people , without assuming any of
the consequent responsibilities
which men have been taught to be
lieve were the accompaniments of
Of course , Dietrich was a politi
cal accident. Of course , the re
publicans of Nebraska are not re
sponsible for him. To be sure ,
they elected him lo the office of
governor and they elected him to
the higher office of United States
senator ; but they are not responsi
ble for him. He was a political
accident just like all the republi
can officials chosen in recent days.
Rathbone , Neely , Machen , Beav
ers , Heath and many other repub
lican politicians who have recently
been summoned to court to give
account of their stewardship , all
of these were political accidents ;
and even though they are repre
sentatives of the republican party ,
that party is by no means respon
sible for them !
Dietrich , the republican United
States senator ; Weston , the re
publican state auditor both of
them heralded in the year of our
'Lord 1900 as among the men who
would redeem Nebraska ; Colby ,
republican adjutant general ; Cole ,
the republican commandant at the
Grand Island soldiers1 home , all
of these were political accidents ;
and , although they were placed in
office by the republican party , the
republican party is by no means
responsible tor them !
There are things , as well as men ,
that were accidents.
The dishonest schemes relating
to the public lands under the republican - '
publican administration these. . '
were accidents. I
The fraud , the bribery , the cor
ruption , the blackmail in the post- <
office department under republican <
administration all that was acci
Tke questionable transactions
relating to government contracts
to which republican congressmen
were parties under the republican
administration that was all acci
The embalmed beef distributed
among American soldiers , concern
ing which we heard so much from
Theodore Eoosevelt , then lieuten
ant colonel of volunteers that was
"all 'accident.
.Thfi cjindals. relating to the purchase - s
chase of vessels during the Span- \
ish-American war and under rea
"publican ' administration : they t
were all accidents. e
R It was an accident when , under d
the republican administration , M. v
. & Louisj who , for al } the public u
Just opened up a stock of
Dry Goods , Notions , Clothing -
ing , Furnishing Goods , j i
Shoes and Flour. jj j i I
j '
ixt door to Democrat office.
knows , may never have visited
Kansas City , was carried on the
pay-rolls of the government as
cashier at the Kansas City postof-
fice ; and there were a number of
other "accidents" of similar charac
ter when it was discovered that the
republican administration would
permit such practices.
Of course , one would dislike to
run the risk of being arrested on
the charge of treason ; and yet , in
the presence of all these "acci
dents , " relating to republican officeholders
fice-holders and republican policies
one might be tempted to suggest
that when a party shows that it is
incapable of avoiding such k'acci
dents" as these , it is about time
the American people retire that
party from power.
We desire it to be distinctly un
derstood , however , that we do not
make this suggestion in a formal
way. We know there are those
who believe that , although the
republican party pillage and steal
from the government ; although
the republican party permits the
trusts and the representatives of
special interests to pray upon the
people ; although the republican
party repudiates in its policies the
purest traditions and highest prin
ciples of our government , the re
publican party can do no wrong ;
and to men like these , who have
repeatedly admitted that they are
"the best thinkers of the country , "
we by no means desire to give
offense. Hence , the thoughts that
surge uppermost in the mind at
this moment will not be given ex
pression . WorldHerald. .
More Local.
Corn Shellers , both hand and
Elmer Ayers , of Crookston ,
was in town today.
Try our Fiber Wall Plaster.
Frank Lamberson is down from
Gordon this week.
W. G. Sawyer , of Elgin , 111. ,
came out this week and went out
to his ranch.
The'most complete line of lum
ber in the Northwest.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Holsclaw , Wednesday night , Dec.
16. 1903 , a boy.
The ladies bazaar at Bethel hall
last night was well attended and a
pronounced success.
Do not pump water by hand. Buy
the old reliable Eclipse Wind Mill.
There has been complaints made
; > f cattle dying in the stalks by
Farmers of North table.
< ]
A. T. Tostevin , of Merriman , l
\V. D. Armstrong and E. C. Cole ,
rf Cody , were in our city yester-
Repair that wall before winter. \
Dr. A J. Plumer , of Hyannis ,
md Judge W. L. Stark , of Aurora ,
vere in the city the first of the
veek on business.
Moline and Fuller & Johnson
Wagons at rock bottom prices.
Sheriff Layport took Tellies and
'oole to the penitentiary , and
roung Dodson to the state reform
chool yesterday morning. Last
reek he took Meade , Bad Hand
ncl Lame Dog down to the penj- .
entiary. W. K. Boddy and Sony -
y Ford are yet in jail * to await a R
> U
; ecision of the supreme court *
rhich they hope will give them a |
, ew trial. i
Valentine , Neb. , Nov. 21 , ' 03.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present : W. E. Haley , chairman ,
and L. Laufer.
Commissioners ordered the fol-
'owing lands stricken from the tax
1st :
.ots l 2 blk 7 Villauv of Valentine. j ear 1886
7 8 1 1887
1C o 1889
32 1880
23 5 McDonald at ! 1890
789 7 Village of Valentine. 1894
" - l " 4 " Sparks 1894-5
" " ' * * '
20 1 1900
nene. 10. unw. wne 11 32 25
The commissioners appointed
Wednesday , Nov. 25,1903 , to hear
testimony in regard to granting
liquor license to Arthur B. Reis ,
of Crookston , Nebr.
The commissoners recommended
sale of the real estate of David i
Remaly ; also the real estate of
Joseph Richardson.
Adjourned to Nov. 25 , 1903.
November 25 , 0903.
Board met as per adjournment. ;
Present : Chm. W. E. Haley and
L. Laufer.
The case of Arthur B Reis ap- ;
jlication for liquor license contin
ued to January 5. 1904.
The commissioners declared the
section line between section 24 and
section 25 , township 31 , range 27 ,
a public road.
Commissoners ordered school tax
of James Mangan , amounting jto
§ 19.65 , refunded , the same having
been erroneously assessed. Also
school tax of Joe Roth , amounting
to $8.10 , refunded , same having
been erroneously assessed.
Adjourned to Nov. 27 , 1903.
November 27 , 1903.
Board met as per adjorunment.
Present : Chm. W. E. Haley and
L. Laufer.
The proposition for the sale of
lots 1 , 2 , 3,14 , 15 and 16 in block
5 , McDonald addition to Valentine
Nebraska , having received a ma
jority of the votes cast at the elec
tion held November 3,1903 , on
said proposition is declared carried
and the commissioners proceeded
to sell said property to E W Webb
for the sum of § 450 , payments as
follows : ' $100 cash , § 100 in one.
year , $100 in two years , $150 in'
three years ; interest from date at ]
7 per cent.
The commissioners ordered that
all county officials shall give Surety
Company bonds for their term of
office and premiums on same to be
paid by the county out of the gen
eral fund. The clerk is instructed
to notify the county officers-elect
of the action of the board in re
gard to official bonds.
The following official bonds
were approved :
ftlathias Boltz , overseer disi. No. 6 ; v" J Peter
son , 7 ; K ECraue,9 ; Renerauet , 26 ; J K Lee ,
* 6 , C H toiler , justlc- , Boiling Springs ; JK
Leu , Loup ; J E Wist and Andrew Benson ,
\Vootllake ; W F McGee , constable. Moiling
Springs ; J W ttlillhms , Woodlabe.
The following claims were al
lowed on the road fund :
Rene C'ant overseer clrad $36 allowed < 27 00
W K McUee * " 33 27 00
Oversee'8 :
Wm Johnson 380 JK Hones 800
Slat Boltz 21 Arthur Howerlug 27 00
. K Kuskie 25 G Hendershot 27 00
F D Spall 20 G B McNamee 16 00
* W Keller purchase roail grader 100 no
IZoa-i work :
{ uoL-met 1850 Chas Ixjwer 21 OC
has Sears 21 00 Q E higgle 3 00
r A Uitt 14 oo
.tidwi'i : Lumber Co material 99 40
; T "avis M 5241
llnert U Metzgar " 40 32
j .v Keller grading roidi ; etc 14665 '
The following claims were al-
owed on the general fund :
\ o tiuaituck expu etc 29 00
ohn Keretel trees court house yord 24 50
I itzgnrald hauling cinders 4 00
Rice supi lies 8 vO
I Buttinghaus deilve-ln c ballot * 5 00
ttm I'arison w .rd an J mil 88 90
v H Tfwne fees Brewer and Godfrey 25 Go
A'unes'Odfrey casH :
irthur Bnwerin 3 70 B F White 8 60
'rank ( Jilek 11 10 Krneat 'chubert 7 10
Witness Browi r ca e :
luih S\viget 10 00 M Swigfrt 10 00
'muk lummjll 1250 EOSwigert 1250
; eo w Hytt 14 5 A en C At-bott 14 50
luolyj Miller 21 00
. w Hup lees Russell case i 50
MileBrewer 75
; Clar exitn Campbell ? ase 3 35
K Simcms d ravage and wc d 24 CO
\ Eransfe - < > Brewer ca 3 65
Witness'Bad iand * " xvflfuer T Bishop 3 00
arlwilner 3.00 Jos Bad Hand 350
eter ad. Hand " 3 50 WluttHagle 3 50
G Shaw interpreter Lame Dug cage i 10 j
nhn JI Tucker defending " CO 00 {
nht G Eas > " Arlip T Mead CO to , I
S Barker delinquent tax list etc 605 so „
f-es Printing .0 supplies 19000
JunusJos Irwm deceased ;
CStotte Sio ASelmeuwin'Or 310
.T parks 2 10 L E Stuart 3 10
Harry P ifngbes 2 10 wiu Calklni s in
Krt Front Merc Co MippMe * 987
S Moon making ballot box 3 25
rativasnjr vnt s 'n3 J n Pettljohn 2 00
TCH vnnv 200 C S Seece 200
! IrvunGas" :
! Alfred l.fwN 1370 Dwuilsmi 1 10
w i Haskin l 10 Joint l'.r < lic > 1 10
J s llalstffld l 10 w \ I'aveny J 10
C S lieece delivering lulloU 35 00
W K Towne fees :
Mead 9 .V Baddy 11 yo
"tO'-'kton 8 05 Bail Hand 9 45
Lame Dog 12 Oi webster 10 ft >
S Q St am delivering ballots 30 00
. F M wiilcoitUefenriind Had Hand 60 00
Witness Boddy CUSP :
Grace Hoffman 2 20 ! inni ni.t Hoffman 2JO
J 1 A Lt-wia 2 20 A N Corap-on 2 lu
Alti't B M it If. 210 Dr > liiK > kI"y 1 W )
I Bertha Mat-lie * 1 10 M.ttt Hoffman I lo
Meiul Case :
Felix BlacK 3 & > Ifalpn Cnnb 4 on
LOitullitt 400 M V Nicholson 200
Stockton ras * ;
Minnie Stearns 16 50 K B Stearns 16 50
Johnson Cooley 10 50 Oi vi' Conner 1C 60
Ki-es Printing 'o sup 19 25 o & fgt 7 41 11 80
[ J C Keeee dtlivrring t'allots 25 00
! D w HiMriter Dwver insin ' case 9 10
-cob Mogie Irwm ane 4 30
S F Gilman light ' -ourt house 19 00
liobt Uobinson janitor anM I'xbur * ct 49 oo
Brewer , Russell and Go'Jfrev cases lie 93
Taking i wyf r to insane asylum 44 50
, Stoci-ton case 31 05 Mead casa 14 10
| Board pris. pasting election u.iti vs etc 406 50
Election boards 1903 :
G Gun er on judge & rtn 17 60
! Ed S wood 4 00 win Ballard judge 4 00
Jes west elk 4 00 Arthur Brooke lk 4 uO
School district 88 bouse 2 00
i L E ritu.trt judge & rtn 9 so
J S Newell " 4 00 F L Re-d clfrlc 4 00
w Rea 4 00 w H Ca-ter 4 00
M W A hall 2 00
J A Yaryan judge 4 00 Alex Hurr judge 4 00
Albert Pratt " 4 00 S wright elk 4 oo
J F Hawley elk and nn 21 oo
Sand Hills Cnmerc Co house 2 oo
J D Spall jud & rtn 8 50 C w Bennett jud 4 00
H B Clapp 4 00 H A Daniels elk 4 00
F SLovej > > elk 4 00 school dis 20 hse 2 00
J C Recce jud&rtn 11 00 E R titillwell judg 4 00
T M Carr 4 00 Joe McClouu elk 4 00
Nell Hanna elk 4 CJ l Hancock bouse 2 Oo
I jud&rtn 13 00 O.Starr judge 400
J Dennison * 4 00 Len winslow elk 4 00
Chas Aaks elk 400 School dsa 49 be 200
J . 'acobson judge 4 00 Egbert Bonn r jud 4 00
r w Murphy 4 00 J B Sweeney elk 4 On
E omstock elk , nd rtu 25 oo
Neb Lind & Feeding Co house 2 Oo
G w willLnis judge and rtn 15 50
w (1 Keilur " 4 00 F w King clk&hse G 00
John w\sung " 400 G\VUu.m 4 Ou
G Ku-el ! clkirtn 17 50 ' an Adamson elk 4 oo
Gwi t < iel > judge 400 Dan r.trnes ji.dg 400
R i tiiilaipie judge an house G M )
> P wuuejud&itu 8 30 Hi-ffman judge 4 00
IT wColeiuai. 4 00 J A w Joni s'n elk 4 00
Kobt U trues elk 4 00 School dis 82 hso 4 00
GE , M.vN
H Pi-ruth juu&rln 8 0 Jj.o MrlBll..w cik 4 00
w Farkt-r" 4 00 A ISruckett 4 oo
A r.pke " 4 00 1' Ueige liuuee 2 00
' Ilolst jud& rtn 15 70 is woodward elk 4 00
SIrwiu " 4 Oil BIrwin 4 oo
P" 4 00 S Young bse 2 00
SQ patn clk&rtn 14 75 J teadinan jud 400
w Kennedy 4 ( X ) w Wilkinson 4 00
C Steadman hse 2 10 K F Kinie " 4 00
F A oil' 4te clk&rtn 7 50 Chas Lowe- Judge 4 00
Bowden " 4 oo M Uecker 4 oo
School dis 4 hse 2 00 win Foster 4 Ou
B Me M t jud&rtn 1700 wH Brown elk 400
R H Lee " 4 OG J Chal.otte * 4 00
Ed IIiser " 4 00 F T Lee h-iusa 2 00
1 Johnnon elk nn 21 oo E Volleutine jua 4 oo
w Turner " 400 LDTice 400
School dis 19 hse 2 00 w K daiikins " 4 00
T Kelly elk and rtu 7 10 w F Brown jud 4 oo
A Pike 4 60 F Baumgartl 4 00
M W A lull 2 oo win Epke " 4 00
E Quibhle jud&rtn 12 50 H Green c'k ' 4 00
A Tostevin" 4 00 w R white 4 00
G f olsom " 4 00 M W A hall 2 00
i ; E Law on jud & rtn & hse 31 50
DThurston ' 400 wwAlt elk 400
A. T Davis " 400 Thos Stansbie" V400
1 Nollette jud&rtn 0 00 Ed Satterleeclk 4 00
B M..rgan ' 4 00 R Rainslord " 4 00
H Boitz " 4 oo School dis 47 hse 2 00
v E Cartyrtu&clk 17 09 G w Keller judge 4 00
M B Truas ' .1 ' 4 00 J J ix > we " 4 00
Scho ! .is 35 hse 2 00 John Good 4 00
Fno wray rtn&jud 9 20 J M Col man elk 4 00
r C Gallow-jy " 4 00 A Trappel 4 00
a Richesiin " 4 00 Hchool dis 42 hse 2 oo
2 Anders rtn&jud 20 00 T w Pool elk 4 00
3 U Long ' 4 00 S Uutton " 4 00
fhi s Carr " 4 00 School dis 68 hse 2 00
i Bristol tn&clk 7 75 Henry Brown jud 4 00
J w Hudson " 4 00 Frank Grooms 4 00
} uy PolHn - 4 00 School dis 71 hse 2 20
' Lansin.Tt < i&jud 6 60 Fiert Buechle elk J 00
' i irmesher - 4 00 Elwood tteth " 4 00
! Onnesher " 4 00 -hool dls C hse 2 00
\ . Salman rrn&clk C.90 "B F Hobsou jud 4 00
E Pettycrew 4 00 H Jaycox 4 00
: ho ) l dis 12 hse 2 00 w K Hooper ' 4 00
: D C lark judge 4 00 A D Pettycrew elk 4 00
t K H ley " 4 00 J r Keeley " 4 00
, T Bullis " 4 00
. G wird : elk 4 00 J Groves rtu&jud 9 10
tt Parks - ' 400 EL Davis " 400
7 Honey judgf and house C 00
Koad fund : - -
. M Gbarnovneau supplies 4 75
parks Bros " 22 25
[ arris Johnson pv.s.r'dis 17 $25 less S3R il 22 00
BRice ' V. . % sn " 1200
Whereupon the board adjourned
: > Nov. 23,1903. J
las. R. W Canadian Club
All the standard branHs of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , GordnnV Dry Gin , and Cigars
of tlif clmiceht brands ' lu * Ftiblion I ottled Reer
H Kp 'ialirv. : : : : : : :
] Ouklunri Hmifi'rsR\e Rhi - ( Jrass I Jowars Scotch Whiskej
' , - B HUl
- l
l SALOON Proprietor-
. v v v Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter. And FRED KPUG'S BEEF
Choicest Wines and Cigars.
W T. Bishop ,
. The Wilher Uarn
Your Patronage Solicited.
Valentine - - Nebraska
mimum of Friction Gives the
Maximum of Life
. . . .TO THE.
Smith Premier
Type wr iter
' " " ? Carmgc. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
- - , and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
Premier Type-writer Company.
. l/rh nnd ITarnmn St. ,
Tracewell & Bonser
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
j *
We iiave g me to < ; < msi 1 enable expen-e > f rebuilding and en
larging ur barn to ma e room for hay and grain and to accommodate
people who drive in and want tli ir teams rnkn care of while in town.
We are now p'-eptred to d this a-id have plenty of Hay and Grain
and lots of staMe 'oom We have new riga and good horses. Horses
for sale Baled Flay alwayp on hand.
* " * " * ( s /a % fva * -
. - j 1 f3 * i
* a JH a a A I '
tf * f o , J J n
73 ' f A 1 5
If . f-v * ! n nil 11
j JJil J , Uiiijllf iajj
First Prze $50.00
Second Prize 25.03
' ' '
Third Priz . . . . 15.OO
x purth Prize 10.OO
Fifth to Fourteenth Prizes each. . 5.00
i OT AG P L I G H T F A P I C K S S P 0 I' G
\ D G JI L R T 0 P P G I T 31 0 USE S P I N C
A T U U I T O YV I P E H 0 WSI E W 0 A
iM i 0 G ( T R D B 0 \ T K A T Gtt r s r N D \ Y 0
iG T B 0 Y ti M N A E F A U ZE YO u 31 U L E T
G 1 R L E Y E ti 0 O X L T I1 K X 1 N if I L L H
D U S T R I N G T I M K I E 0 I E\V U I S T H
N 0 S E P F I T K I C K T B A S E B N A. I I * T
O S H 0 E D E S K R 0 W K A C K H fi C H A I L
r t 0 A L 1 , H A I R K : B R 0 W N C H A T K I N ( r
T 0 .N E W N L A N D R 0 Q U 1 U K S L 0 W H E A D
I1 T R A P 0 S N D 'A T F L A GW A T C H 0 31 R
( j L A > S B I R 1) S T A R T R 1 P A H < T A S S T 0 V
K A L L K I T S K I P S I W 0 0 D L O U H 0 S TO N
K S 0 R T H A N D W I XE r A L K X 0 0V B LAD
; 0 0 N T R BE . U G T 1 .1 E 0 K.E a S G R B R A N'
ti O K T 0 \ T G tt A i X B LOO D A N E G R A T
CONDITION S-Send your name nnd address , with list of counT ! ! ! ' '
state if an old or new subscriber. Qua ( must accompany jT S"ords and
year's renewal subscription , or for a new subscriber to tlU Wolr.9,1 ? ' * ? * as a
gllsh words can be used. Names of places and persons or worrf 'iv Only En-
not allowed. A word of the same spellingcajinot bo repeated wi , one letter
once used , mark it off as dead. If the samfe letter is found in nWJitiL51 Ietter
the chart , it mar. of-course , bo used.- Old subscribers br'nsrino. HP er part o ?
ctiher along : with their own renewal will have their nrlzmnn * \.dew > sub"
"he Weekly Worid-KeraJd is issued twice a w ek-8 oaSs J oube
on P-iday. It la well written , concise and intorestir. ; . havms ? i ? A.uesr
telcfrftphio a d cable news of the worlfl and AH local newTnfvLl * very la
OjMflittr tt it aair-tcn * guts 4:14 spaai SSiifiS e& * te and