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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1903)
Historical Society f PINE DE CRAT. XV111 VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 17. 1903. NTTMBER 48 For The As tin ; holiday season tvill soon he at. hand we take ptaanure. in calling \ ( ur utt ntit n r < H few of the good w - have in store for } ou "We have the largest HI id most complete line of Skates ever produced in the 49 town. When you want a pair of skafes call for the 49 4S 49 49 49 49 49 4 49 oi which we have the exclusive sale. Each and every 49 pair guaianteed satisfactory or money refunded. J ! We have also just received 4) * large liiie of Silver Wnre foiit-isting f Keen Kutter , 1S47 Uoger Bros.'Norma" * ? and "Niekle Silver" Ware. Quality and prices guaranteed. i 5 * * . < 'all and see us before buying elsewhere. We can save you < S money and send you on your wav rejoicing , that you had been I * Ar * RED _ . FRONT * . MERC. CO. * * ft & J * ' SKJQ3 VV ! & IGET IT FOR CHRISTMAS Fancy Suspenders in single Cartons \ Fancy Neckwear : Scarfs , Ties , Silk Handkerchiefs , Mufflers' ' and Collars and Cuffs. Ladies Furs : Handsome and useful presents. Our store is chock full of goods. Come and make your selection. i iiu A L"I I TAILOR U . 0 i lilMnU. AND CLOTHIER. - 2S S2S3K&JS S S 3 All Kinds of Coal ! i "Estate Oak" and "Radiant Home" | IStoves are the best on the market. Neat i and ornamental and they have good ! [ heating qualities. They'll keep fire through the coldest night ] I with ordinary coal. Moore's celebrated Premium Thermom- ] I eter Guide Range is the best for cooking and will wear a life time , i IFURMTURE and UNDERTAKING. ! ! FRANK FISCHER ! IN GENERAL HAR WARE i sntjrt-red HH a Stte Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1. 1884. August 12. 1902 , The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska , .mis of f XC1 ' % * Exchange C. H. CORNFU , , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President M V ! & , ! ? + feGET PRINTING SJS ? ' Ydu tm ftfa TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Fecord \ . - > Dei-ailment of Agriculture . . Weather Bureau \ Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a. in. December 16.1903 Maximum temperature 44 degrees onine I5rl Minimum temperature , 06 dejjreesou the 12th Mean temperature 17. decrees. Total precipitation , 0 3 inch. D. P. McCALLUM , Official in Charge , A. S. Graeff was on our streets Wednesday. 0. "W. Hahn and wife were ID town yesterday. Ed Pike , of Crookston , was on our streets yesterday. 1. N. Rhine , of Crookston , was transacting business in town yes terday. W. H. Hooper was in town Tuesday and tells us that he lost five head of cattle in the stalk 3elds recently. Chas. Latta called on us for a social visit yesterday while in town after a load of grain and groceries and to have some dental work done. The ladies of the M. E. church will serve oysters and lunch at Bethel hall on New Year night from five until half-past eight o'clock. Oysters 25c. , lunch loc or 3oc for all. , * i * Geo. W. Keller , of Cascad , was in town the first of the week on business with the county officials , and found time to call at our office for a.short visit and pay another 'year's subscription to THE DEAIO- CKAT. The jR. li. Co. has been repair ing the ice track the past week , preparatory to putting up ice from the Minnechaduza Lake north of town by the mill , which they use. at different points on their rail road from Omaha to the Black Hills. Prof. V. S. Saf ranek , band lead er of the 25th infantry , and Hos pital Steward Esterly , of Ft. Nio brara , were in town last Saturday on business and for recreation. The professor informs us that he is contemplating giving another concert in our cit.v in the near fu ture. Forest , the next youngest bo.\ of Mr. and Mrs. James Sheparrl. wa * kicked in the face by a horn- that he was currying Tuesday. He was pretty badly , but not serinu. ly , hurt. One tooth was knocked out and another loosened but he WHS up and walking around a F w hours later. Next Sunday will be the fir-t quarterly meeting of the confei- ence year. Rev. A. R. Julian , the presiding elder , will conduct ser vices both morning and evening. On Saturday evening at 8 o'clock the business part of the conference will be held. All the official board are invited to be present. Louis Nollette , an industrious citizen , living 15 miles northeast of Valentine , was in town Satur day transacting necessary busi ness. Mr. Nollette only comes to town when he finds it necessary a he finds his time well taken up ii caring for his family and doiny his work since the death of his wife. His two oldest girls , aged 5 and 3 years respectively are with his brother Felix Nolette and his youngest at the home of his si t. r Mrs. Louis Taylor. This lav s his three boys , aged 12 , 8 and o years respectively , at home uith him. No one fully realizes the caru and worry that a man" will have alone with "Ins children who need constant care and with his work to do , excepting one who has I The Valentine Bottling Work puts up the finest kind of sof drinks. 11 Jas. Huds'on was in town Mon day from near Sparks and handec the editor pay for an estray notice of some cattle that he had taken up about a year ago. He is shorl some cattle and would appreciate information leading to their recov ery. C'OUKT XOTK8. Geo. Jackson vs Josie Jackson , divorce granted. Newton Grooms vs Ludwig Bock , dismissed. Enlow Cattle Co. vs Mallow B. Ganow et al , verdict for defendant. State vs Geo. Brewer and Ar thur Russell , jury said they were not guilty. State vs Chas. Hoyt , Mallow B. Ganow , Jacob A. Ganow rnd Mar tin Newcomb ; defendants dis charged. In the matter of the estate of Thomas J. Jones , deceased , order ed to show cause at O'Neill , Jan uary. 19 , 1903 , at 10 o'clock why license to sell real estate should not. issue. In the matter of the application of P. W. C. Lawson for sale of real estate of his ward Jos. Rich ardson , also , in the matter of the application of Sylvester Remaly to sell real estate ; parties to show cause at O'Neill , Nebr. , January 19 , i9Ui at 10 o'clock why license should not be granted. Newport Republican : "Anarch ists are coining out of the public schools , " declared Principal Camp bell of the Wentwort sceool at the , meeting of .the George Howland ' slub on Saturday. His words laturally caused astonishment , and ae hastened to explain that not the teaching of the schools , but the ittitude of many parents toward jliem , put the children in danger ) f becoming anarchists. ' 'When a body of pupils is per- nitted , " he said by way of illus- iration , "to go into a school and iy that one of their teachers must act ride on street cars run by non- mien men during a strike , and be iustained in their demands , I say fc is anarchy. It is anarchy. It s an utterly lawless obstruction of public business and a defiance of awful authority. No matter what ; he rights or wrongs of a labor Impute , they arc no concen of the ublic schools , their teachers as uch , or their pupils. Parents vho permit or encourage their children to behave lawlessly to- , vard their teachers must not be surprised if those children behave awlessly out of school. Such jhildren are probably the product ) f homes governed according to ; he modern delusion ; that a child must be only persuaded to do right ind never compelled. Thus brought n in ignorance that there is any f rce in the world entitled to its Dbedience , regardless of its pcr- 5r nal wishes , such children go on from one lawless act to another , ind only too often become rebels uainst society and the state that is , criminals and even murderers. The prevalence of youthful crime which now so perplexes great cit ies is not the fault of the schools , Dr the courts , or 'of the social or- [ jinization as a whole. It has root L i those homes which are without positive parental authority. The home is the foundation of civiliza tion. From it all the good of civ ilization springs , and also all the evil. Every criminal is essential- Iv an anarchist , whose anarchy be gins in the home without law. EX , . - I CHRISTMAS I IToys for the Children EU M 3L t < j Dolls- Games , Books , Etc. | I FANCY CHINA 41 49 u > 49 J ? Vases , Cups and Saucers , # 1 j * * Mayonnaise and Salad Bowls , * | NEW DESIGNS IN CUT GLASS , | ft Fruits , Nuts , & New York Buckwheat Ilour , 2 W & Log Cabin Maple Syrup. 49 49 49 Davenport & Thacher Reduced Prices To reduce our stock before our annual invoice , January 1st. , we will sell all goods at'Greatly Reduced Prices. Come and be Convinced. MAX S. VIBRTBL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA : Groceries ! The UEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh 9 * Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. ITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON j : First rlass line of Steaks , Roasts ! > n Salt Meats , Smoked FICED WUI-TEMORK President I.RS SPAKKH. ras'-fer .1. W STKTTKK. Vip PaMidniit iJA L , W TTfii1Asis ai f asliiir 'ereat paid on time deposits. VALENTINE STATE BANK i [ ' 23 OO Smplus.Sl.OOO r1 Persons seeking a place of safety for their > ' j Onlc Hours money , will profit by investigating the j | Vi 'j \ . M. to 4 I' . M. methods employed in our business. ! 1 ; Read the Advertisement.