Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 10, 1903, Image 7

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    Evpry "Wallc in tiife.
A. A.Boyce ,
[ a farmer , liv
ing three and
la half miles
from Trenton -
ton , Mo. ,
isays : 'A
vere cold _ _ _
tied in my = r
kidneys and L = !
II wns obliged1
to lay off
'work on account -
count of the
m my back and sides. For a
time I was unable to walk at all , and
very makeshift I tried and all the
medicine I took had not the slightest
ffect My back continued to grow
jweaker until I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills , and I must say I was
more than surprised and gratified to
notice the back ache disappearing
gradually untfl it finally stopped. "
Doan's Kidney Tills sold by all
dealers or by mail on receipt of price ,
CO cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co. ,
Buffalo. N. T.
iJTh ® FR
are the
Star Attractions
for 1904.
Millions of acres of magnificent
Grain and Grazing : Lands to be
had as a free gift , or by pur
chase from Railway Compan
ies , Land Corporations , etc.
The Great Attractions
Good crop * , delightful cli
mate.splendid ( clionl y tcm ,
perfect ftocinl conditions ,
exceptional rullvri y nrtvnn-
tr cc , and wealth and sxQla-
euce acquired easily.
The population of Western
Canada Increased 128,000 by immigration -
migration during : the past year ,
over 50.000 being Americans.
Write to the nearest author
ized Canadian Government
Agent for Canadian Atlas and
other information ; or address
Superintendent Immigration ,
W. V. Bennett , E01 Kcw York J.i'e EMc. , Omp.Jin.Ko ! > .
lllmo "
Wonders of New York
in 1909
An Attempt to Forecast the Changes
in Six Years
ZION : The Capital of a
Jewish Nation
Five Complete Stories and H. G.
Wells' Novel of Wonderful
( Edited by John Brisben Walker )
LOOK OUT for the Midwinter
Issue of the TWEN
Hcme Journal
A militia company , formed entirely
of Obinmnen , his been formed in Port
land Or ° . The members
, gon. are mer
chant0 , banKers and cJerks. At first
th ir military rmneuvprs ap eared
quite comical to tbe observers , but
they are improving.
I5YRUP cures coughs and colds.
Bet Count" Syrup 1'uates Gtxxl. use
In tliue. 'u.a
N. N. U. 8O1 - 5O. YORK NE ft
American , a guesb at a hotel in
3ekm , was awakened during bhe nighb
By a oil of paper falling. Getting
of bed , he saw , ' with astonishment , a
pole , to vhich'was aotached a fishing
fine , moving aboub the r .om , collectr
? Dg various objects and removing them
through the windjw. Upon going
downstairs , he was heard by the bur
glarious Chinaman outside , to whom
T .the rod belonged , and who escaped ,
heaving his fishing rod behind him.
Tenderfoot "How is business oub
there ? "
Gory Gulch Cibizen "Tisn'fc web
ib was ; too much competition. My
faro parlors used to be ciowded every
nitsht ; but six more places has been
op ned inside of a month ; though I
didn't complain , 'cause I still had
a good bar brade ; bub since Pete
P.igtfem opened his palace saloon and
com'uenc 'd giving a box of car
tridges with every drink , I'm begin-
nin' to think bhe only way fer me to
make a iivin' is to drop out o' bhe
liquor brade and go into the under
taker business. "
Wife "Considering how long I've
been away , I think you minhb have
made some preparations to receive
me. "
Husband "You do me injustice' '
my dear. I have had the library and
parlor thoroughly cleaned and aired.
"Servant ( interrupting ) "Please , ;
sir. the man has come with a wagon !
for them empty bobbles. " j
A Boston physician's dis
covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax-
tine is invaluable. "Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power ; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges ,
Thousands of letters from -women
prove that it is the greatest cure for
leucorrhaia ever discovered.
Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh , nasal catarrh , sore throat , sore
mouth and sore eyes , because these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
For cleansing , -whitening and pre
serving the- tooth \ye challenge the
world to produce its equal.
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse Paxtine , and thou
sandsof testimoniallettersproveits value.
At druggists , or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A larjco trial package and lioolc of
instructions absoUitely f roe. Write
The H. Paxtoa Co. , Dept. 6 Boston , Hass.
Loug engagements are rather expen
sive in Kussia. An engaged man is ex
pected to send a present Do his intend
ed every day.
TITO Permanent ) r Cured. No fits or ncrronsnefsafter
Ii I u ! ir-t il } ' UM. ' of Dr. Kline's Oieat > erre He-
t < toiir. i-iurifnrKUKK&i OO tnalbottif nnd tmitiso.
DU. R. U. KUKE. Ltd.931 " Arch St. , I'JUiladelpliia. ra.
Some Deadly mu = ic was discoursed
by a bhea ri al b'ass band in Jackson ,
Mississippi. To advertise tbe show ,
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Sabntltnte for and Superior to Mustard or nnj
oilier plsiBter , and will not blifter tbe most delicate
t-kin. The puin Hlaying ! and curative qualities of this
rticle are wonderful. It will * to : > the toothache at
otios. and relieve htmdacheaiid sciatica.
We recommend it ns the bwt imd safest external
f-ounter-irritunt known , alsn as an external remedy fur
pains in the chest und stomach and all rheumatic ,
neuralgic and gouty complaints
A trial will prove what we claim for it , and it will b
found to be invaluable in the household. Many people
say "It is the bent of all your preparation * ! . "
Price 15 cent * , at all dnipgistp , or other dealers , or by
pending tins amount to ntt in postage stamps , we will
send you a t 'be by mail.
.No article houId bo accepted by'.hopnbliounless tha
same carries our label , a otherwise it irf not genuine.
17 State Street , New York City.
We are never without a bottle of Piso's-
Cure for Consumption in our house.
Mrs. E. M. Swayze , Wakita , Okla. , Apri ]
17 , 1901.
Soon "What does Congressman
Pnpullem mean by saying bbab the
money of the country is unevenly
distributed ? "
Father ( a carpenter ) "Don't
know 'xactJy. Maybe he means thab
ib isn'b ricbb for a blatherskibe like
him to be drawing S13.60 a day while
a carpenter like me is often thankful
to make thab muoh a week. "
MrP.WInslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for ehll
Jren teethingsoftens the eums , reduces in'la-
matloa , allays pain cures colic. Pi ice 25o bottle
If you want creamery prices do as
the creameries do , use JUNE TINT
Ripans Tabnlcs are the best
dyspcpsin. medicine ever made.
A hundred millions of thorn have
been sold in the United States in
a single year. Constipation ,
heartburn , sick headache , dizziness -
ness , bad breath , sore and
other illness arising from a lasunien-d
stomach : ire relieved or rated by Ripans Tabules.
One will generally pive relief within twenty
minutes. The five-cent packape Is enough
for primary occasions. All druggists aeli them.
One hundred pounds of ambergris ,
which is chiefly used as a perfume ,
' were lately seized in Seattle as stolen
property. This substance is found
floatirig-in lumps in the ocean , and is
WcasSonalfy discovered in the intes
tines of bhe spermaceti whale , Ib is"
worth about thirty dollars an ouncej
or forby-eighb thousand dollars for thq
hundred pounds.
A whistling eel has been discovered
in the Fiji Islands. Ib whistles onlj
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
2Cc ,
Ua = of Tro Kinds of Fnr In Combina
tion Is Quite General Coats and
Evening ; Wraps Are Very Ornate
Thin Season.
New York correspondence :
JCn furs arc not
going to lie fine
enough this winter ;
they luust have emi -
i liellishment of some
\ stylish sortto take
' place in the first
rank. Naturally
there are not a great
many sorts of trim-
* i mings that are suit-
j able for this use ,
but the season now
beginning will have
more than are usu
al. The many tricks
of combining two
kinds of fur are still in force , and are
worked a.s persisteutlv and as effectively
is ever. But the possibilities in this di
rection have boon pretty well developed ,
so a new touch has beeu demanded and
been put forward. It consists of the us * ?
in a variety of ways ol fringes and cords
on fur. These trimmings may be plac
ed inconspicuously as mere edging , or
may consist of design work and orna-
nents , much like the ornamentation put
tributed over them with a lavish hand ,
hut though the cut usually Is of the loosest
est , the scheme of trimming ordinarily is
such that clever handling of the seem
ingly shapeless garment is necessitated.
It will not do to start with a carelessly
baggy foundation , just because a deal of
trimming is to go on it.
In less elaborate coats loose models
arc numerous , and the finish shows orig
inality. The latter statement is true in
such degree that it is difficult , indeed , to
secure a simple garment of sufficient in
dividuality to appear as of the new
stylos. The coats and wraps that are
not grand are finely contrived. Some of
these are sketched here. In the first pic-
lurf is a coat of dark brown broadcloth ,
its stole and cape effect ornamented with
shaped pieces of light tan cioth appli-
qued on and finished with brown silk
.fringe. In the next illustration is a coat
of blue Kihelliue trimmed with tan cloth
embroidered with tan cord. And in the
concluding picture is a black broadcloth
coat faiK-ifully self-banded. Coats of
tins last one's general Mrt are often' individual by ornamentation of the
seams. Strapping are various for this
purpose. They are left with raw edge
i when the material warrants such treat
ment. In elaborate coats eam finish
takes many fanciful and ornate forms.
The sloping shoulder is ( piite as impor
tant a matter as ever. Some of last
season's models seemed highly exagger
ated in tiiis respect , and hinted that the
end of this fashion was near. But foi
once the exaggeration did not foretell \
shift to some other idea. Instead , wom
en have become accustomed to this verj
oddity , and have voted it admirable , con-
I scqnently the winter fashions include
on dress poods. In the latter manner
much of this embellishment is very strik
ing. An ermine jacket finished with
lack silk cord and ornaments in liberal
supply will stand out as new , you may
lopouil. What is hastening the replac-
nsr ' f rwo-fur combinations is the oppor
tunity they ive for making good use of
my old furs. This stands for econom-
ziii . though making over in furs is cost-
'v business enough , but the out and out
-tvINh affair in peltry must be free from
ill such suspicion , according to those who
-et fashions. In millinery , fur trimmed
'iats ' are many , and the amount of ftlr
to the ha * is considerable , but rarely is
M e all fur hat seen , as they are deemed
suitable only for severe weather. The
Mght colored furs have the call for headwear -
wear , ermine , mole , chinchilla and squir
rel all ranking as stylish.
Coats are so elaborately made that the
shopper doesn't get much impressed with
Mic simpler ones until compelled to con
sider them by the prohibitive prices at
which the highly wrought garments are
much more of it Were there only a few
set ways of attaining it , the notion would
have become tiresome long ago , but it is
secured in so many widely different
ways that there's no sameness to it So
stylish women go on appearing shoulder-
less , and each woman in nearly her own
particular way. It is in this great oppor
tunity for individuality that the hold of
the fancy on women's favor lies. Then
the follower of the idea need not accept
an advanced form of it , for there are
numerous moderate responses to the
style. The costumes remaining in to
day's illustrations present it variously.
In the model at the middle of the second
picture it comes in an extension on to the
bhoulder of the yoke. This gown was
gray mixed suiting and black cord. Be
side it is an example of slope gained
through a cape , a frequent resort , espe
cially in pronounced models. Fuchsia
Venetian , black cord and chenille fringe
were the materials here. In the next
picture is an odd bertha effect , recalling
the occasional evening gown that makes
held. Yet these prices seem reasonable
enough when the nature of the garments
lias fair study , for fine materials , good
workmanship and the most ingenious de
signing enter into them. Eveniug wraps
tire especially ornate. They run much
to white and very light shades , and to
an abundance of rich trimmings. Passe
menteries , embroideries and laces are dis-
the wearer look as if she were pushing
up through her bodice. This was ii
two shades of tan broadcloth , the lightei
giving straps and bertha. Next this is i
purple voile self-trimmed with circulai
folds and enriched with black chantilly.
Wide crushed girdles are the fashion
able bodice finish.
Georpe "Jack , old boy , I'm so
glad I ran across you. Never needed
3 our friendship more. I'm In love
with the belle of tbe seasou , and I
promised her a sail tuday , but I bad
a run of bud luck : last night , and
haven't a cent left. "
Jack "Tuo bad. "
"Yes , I don't care for mjself , you
know ; but it's such a pity that a
charming creatuie like tbat should
be disappointed. You have a little
money to spare haven't yuu"
"Oh , plenty. Make yourself easy ,
mydearbiy. She shan't be disap
pointed. I'll take her myself. "
The sun-and-air cure for general
debility is being tested on the Weis-
sex Hirsch , a wooded hill near Dres
den. Mosfe of the patients treated
in this outdoor sanitarium are fe-
raa'es. ' A privileged feminine visit
or beholds strange sights there. In
the laaies' inelnsure she sees a fa
mous beauty playing at tenpins , and
clad only in a large biack hat , a
pearl necklace and one transparent
muslin garment. Young and pretty
women look charming in this simple
toilet , but there are many patients
who are nei'.her young , slim , no
beautiful , and words fail to convey
the oddity of their appearance.
Friend -"Bow did tbe count pro
pose to you and YOU accept if he
could not undeistand your language
hisv : }
nor you
American Deiress "Et was very
simple. He showed me his family
tree and I showed him my bank
book. "
An eagle can live twenty days with
out food , and a condor forty days.
Over 3,000,000,000 cents have been
issued from the Philadelphia mint dur
ing the past live years.
Bright's Disease Cnred.
Whitehall , 111. , Dec. 7. A case has
been recorded in this place recently.
which upsets the theory of many phy
sici'ans that Brlght's Disease is incur ]
able. It is the case of Mr. Lon Man-
ley , whom "the doctors told that he
could novnr recover. Mr. Manley tells
the story of his case and how he was
cured in this way :
"I hcvan using Dodd's Kidney Pills
after the doctors had given me up.
For four or live years I had Kidney ,
Stomach and Liver Troubles ; I was a
general wreck . 'id at times 1 would
get down with my back so bad that 1
could not turn myself in bed for three
or four days at a iiino.
"I had several doctors and at last
they told me I had Bright' ? Disease ,
and that I could never get well. I
commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills
and I am now able to do all my work
and am all right. I most heartily rec
ommend Dodd's Kidney Pills and am
very thankful for the cure they work
ed in my case. They saved my life
after the doctors had given me up. "
Mrs. Strongmind "Don't you
think woman's bai d lias played an
important part in the great work of
Philosopher ' 'Undoubtedly ; bub I
dou't think her hand Iras been quite
so effective as her slipper. "
Friend ; i You still employ Dr.
Hardhead I see "
Mrs. De Style "He's just lovely 1
My husband and I both like him.
When we are ailing , he always reccm-
rnends old port for my husband and
Newporb for me. "
TheBev. W. A. Lewis , of the Cher
ry Valley ( Pa. ) Methodist church , is a n
aandy man. His church was recently
rebuilt , and he did the painting , ma
son and carpenter work , and even car
ried the bricks and mortar up a thir fj
ty foot ladder.
The milkmaids of Swi'zerland who
possess musical voices command high-
sr wages than the maidens neb so gift-
id This is explained by the discovery
, hat a cow that is soothed by a sweet
melody yields more milk than one
which has not been so influenced.
Often Comes from Lack of Right Food , i m
Napoleon said that the best fed soi- mb :
riers were Lis best soldiers , for fear P <
ind. nervousness come quickly when PP <
he stomach is not nourished. Nervous
fxtir is a sure sign that the body is not tc
supplied with the right food.
A Connecticut lady says : "For
nany years I lad been a sufferer from 01
ndjgestion and heart trouble and in
almost constant fear of sudden death ,
he most acnte suffering possible. Dici
ng brought off weakness , emaciation
and nervous exhaustion , and I was a
complete wreck mentally.
"I tried many foods but could not
avoid the terrible nausea followed by
vomiting that came after eating until
I tried Grape Nuts. This food agreed
With my palate and stomach from the
start. This was about a year ago.
Steadily and surely a change from sick
ness to health came , until now I have
no symptoms of dyspepsia and can
[ walk ten miles a day -without being
[ greatly fatigued. I nave not taken a
drop of medicine since I began the use
jof Grape Nuts , and people say I look
Imany years younger than I really am.
"My poor old sick body has been
made over and I feel as though my
head lias been , too. Life is worth liv
ing now and I expect to enjoy it for
many years to come if I can keep away
from bad foods and have Grape Nuts. "
Name given by Postum C < x , Battle
Creek , Mich.
There's a reason.
Look in each package for a copy of
the famous little book , "Tne Head to
Wellvffle. "
[ Another club woman , Mrs.
Hade , of Edgerton , Wis. , tells
how she was cured of irregulari
ties and uterine trouble , terrible ;
pains and backache , by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable'
MRS. PTNKHAM : A while
ago my health , began to fail because of j
female troubles. The doctor did not >
help me. I remembered that my mother ;
had used Eydia JE. Pinkliam'a'-
Vegetable Compound on many occasions - '
casions for Irregularities and uterine
troubles , and I felt sure that it could
not harm me at any rate to give it a
trial. |
"I was certainly glad to find that
within aweeklfelt much better , thoi
terrible pains in the back and side !
were beginning- cease , and at the ,
time of menstruation I did not have1
nearly as serious a time as heretofore ,
so I continued its use for two months , *
and at the endof that time I was like
a new woman. I really have never j
felt better in iny life , have not had ai
sick headache since , and weigh 20 '
pounds more than I ever did , so I unhesitatingly - {
hesitatingly recomrae'nd your inedi- '
cine. " MRS. MAV UA irr.E , Edgerton ,
Wis.Pres. Household Economics Club. '
$5000 forfeit If original of above Utter
The Italian government has grad
ually estabJisbed a system of industrial - '
trial schools so that one is to be-1
"ound in every village which can !
joast of having an industry of any ;
Biavc Fellow. "Yes' ' said the
ientisb "to insure painless extraction !
'ou'll have to take gas and that's' '
ifty c ° nts extra. "
'On ! ' ' said the farmer. "I guessi
, ne old way'll be best never mind no1
"You're a brave man. "
"Onl it aint'me thab's gob the
onth ; it's my wife. " Philadelphia !
Jedger. I
The Nap of the Coat. \ "Oh my'j !
nurmurd the "fall overcoat stirring ]
measily in tbe clothes chest" ! cer-
ainly did have a good nap. "
"Which you ain't gob now"snick- |
ired the fab moth silting on a cam-t
hnr bail near bv" ' 'cause I ate most !
if it. " 'Philadelphia Press. -
Catarrh Cannot Be Carol ;
rith-LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot
Barn tlio seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood. ,
r conitltutional dl-ea e. and In order to euro it ]
oil must take Internal remedies. JlalFs Catarrh I
lure Is talcen internally , arid acts directly on the \
lood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ,
> not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ;
no of the be.t physicians in thus country for (
ears , and Ls a regular prescription. It Is corn- .
Oaed of the best tonics known , combined with. ,
lie best blood purifiers , acting directly on the'
IIICOILS surfiicas. The perfect combination of.
he two ingredients is what produces such woo-l
erful results Jn curing Catarrh. Send for tes-
imoniaN , free.
F. .J. CIIENKY & CO. , Props. , Toledo , 0. '
Fold fcy Druggists , price 75c.
Hall's KainiJy Pills are the best.
A dog's tailor does a booming busin
ess in Paris. The tailor Is a lady , ;
nd In her reception-rooms are fashion
ooks containing designs for dog jack-
ts in various colors and materials ,
rom cloth bo chamois and sealskin.
A featherleeB chicken , six months 0
* a curiosity he'onging to Charles Rob-
ason of Phillipsbnrg , N. .1. its skic
; smooth and velvetv , without a sign ,
f ha r or feather. It is the owner's
atention to breed from this chick , a&
atherle s nroilers would be likely to
ommand high prices.
Birds in the construction of their
psts , almost without exception , avoid
rigbb colored materials , which might-
: ssibly lead to the discovery of their
lace of abode by an enemy.
When it is considered desirable to ea- ?
) rt confessions I rom prisoners in Rus-
a , a drug is secretly administered in
leir food which makes them deliri-
Straighten Up
Tha main muscular supports of
body weaken and let go under
or Lumbago. To restore , strengthen
and straighten up , use
it Jacobs Oil
Price 25c. and 5Oc.