Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 10, 1903, Image 5

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titt-mi u ; th - pfist-omctj at Vateutims , C
Bounty. Nebraska , as Second-class rnatt r
Slowti tin * River
: ' i J. Wolfe's fall herd broke i
Ifist week.
' Quite a squall we had , but fii
V weather again.
> *
. 'Martin Becker and family spei
. Sunday at Mr. Taylor's.
' Frank Ashburn was in Valci
'tine the last of last week.
Shorty Mumford has been husl
ing corn for Felix Nollette.
" -Quite a number of families hav
the whooping cough in this vicii
. Miss Anna Becker and brothe
Henry started to school in distrk
No. 33 , last Monday.
Mrs. Ashburn , mother of Jarm-
and Thomas Ashburn , died at he
home in the south-eastern part < \
this state a few days ago.
( Jattle have commenced dying ii
those parts from running in th
Stalk fields. Martin Becker lost
fine , 'steerand. . . Jacob Sauerweii
lost one.
Bros , are breaking hors
. : > rWm. Finalson has built a ncv
sod house.
.had 5 inches of siiov
' 3
fall the night.of the Slfh.
SellersJBros. were in' Cody tlu
f ? 4lK and" returned tlm Oth ? ' "
' ' "Lee Sellers is freighting lumbei
Lfrom Cody , for cattle sheds.
* 'Lulu Sellers returned from
weeks visit , in Merriman.
jt The telephone line will soon 1 r
completed from Cod.v to Bailey.
Bishop & Young1 intend to pit
in 1000 head of cuttle this winter
: . 'Gus Gunderson was freightin ;
. .corn last week from E. L. Seller- .
Corn averages 40 to 45 bushel ?
' . -to the acre around Bailey and is a
good quality.
. . John Seager was visiting Fred
Walker and Bert Serls last week
-at the 7 ? ranch ,
J' G. H. Seager broke out with
-the prickly heat last week and he
went to Brustcr to be doctored.
Gus Gunderson makes a trip t.
Cod.v about every other day to see
his son E'mer who is down wit ! ,
typhoid fever.
1 ; & L. Hauver will move his
iarnily from Cody out to the ranch
. -as his daughter Bessie is out ol
danger , She had the typhoid fev
Joe Crowe , our mail carrier.
Says he makes better time than ai *
automobile would ; he makes a 7. .
mile trip three times week am ;
he is 67 years old.
! Tim last week in October , tin
iwholesale price of kerosene wa. <
advanced li cents a gallon. Mr > .
Rockerl'eller's hired girl must have-
struck for higher wages.
T Senator Dubois , of Idaho , wants
to disfranchise the Mormons , be
cause of their growing strength
and political ambitions. Why not
, disfranchise our monopoly mag
nates for the same reasons
The old saying is , "the first u
days of December rules the three
winter months. " The 1st was
warm , the 2nd was colder and the
3rd was several degrees colder.
, ; Mx > okcmt. for a tough time in the
' " . .spring on stock , . & . - . : . . . . . . .
Pcnbrook Quilta.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Brown
baby girl.
Fate Graddy sold his bugg.v
L. Morrison.
Wm. Graddy was down on t
river Sunday.
Hey Kuskie andF. Grooms we
to town Monday.
Dick Ogle and wife will go
Oregon in the near future.
Wai Hamar sold his mules i
Frutik Gokey , of Valentine.
The threshing machine has bee
here and threshed everything.
Dick Osborn lost 3 head of ca
tic from the corn stalk disease.
Dick Burdick has moved to th
rake ranch , opposite Penbrook.
Wra. Ryder has lost six head c
cattle from the corn stalk disease
Albert Hutchison has finishe
his house which makes him a nic
Mr. Sorby went to town th
latter part of last week.
H. Brown sold a team of mule
io Curly Huggins for something
a'er § 325. -
The dance at Dave Owens' wa
t'l right. 37 numbers and a gooi
, urn out.
To-day , Monday , Dec. 7th3 th
? orcupine prophesies fine weathe
'or three days.
Sparks will once more give ai
snlattainment and have a Xma ;
r MJ. Come everybody.
Dave Hamar , son of the Valen
ine groceryman C. P. Hamar
pent to the herd after his catth
Gus Kuskie is having an arcl ;
milt over his cellar out of .lime
ock. Wesley Holsclaw is doinjj
h mason work.
A young Irishman , fresh and
rcen from the Emerald Isle , or
lie "third day of.hiis arrival in the
teat America as he called' > it. writes
short letter to his dear old mith-
i , . - . ' - *
who ' " * Ire4
r , resides'-nearjCprkin
uid , as .follows : ' " * , . -
Cork- Dear Mither. -
Aug. the onthe. I just arrived
) .borrow and if i live till yester-
ay i will be apt to turn round a
Duple of times and stay awhile.
ie consumpthing has had me all
immei * . when you rite address
13 where i am at for i have just
sft the place i reside at. Please
) me over if you can't and if you
ant come , come by sea for if you
) me by land you mayn't get
rowned. Hoping to hear from
DU before i close , i remain as
aver , Murphy Pat.
Wood Lake School Not * > s.
The following pupils were per-
; cfc in attendance for the month
iding Dec. 4 :
it ' * Parks Harvvy McNam e
irion King Wilbur Parks
) yd K n Vivian
ace Wig oner Ed Koutinovsky
Her Wigner .Fo-ieph K 'unuovsky
iv vv.jcne Htrnian McNanve
> ytl-Eherlmrt Samuel Wagner
irridon wyman C-irl Bob-art
3 . a ley Merle Eoerharl
ilie Boliart Lillian King
E. B. Gowix , Prin.
Those perfect during the month
ere :
vir u'.i-.n-r AlbertKoimnovsky
t Day Dorwln McNamee
i ht .Mi-Naniee Don Paraer
rrett U'eUeElmer Shaul
a ive.s Rohart Klnyd Wynan
n ' -hft-ijar. Marry ifajj n
.rol I x eiker Nile \Vnlker
y ilnli Kaljih Baker
ell WelUcr Trov Hul" "
; ii- lik-r ; KmUy Villains
a Richardson N-llie K-LSJUS m
. ' Voaii Lucy Willams
it -Vdlcer CallhPowll
> tl e Lewis Llaneruarc
iil Sha-il Vivia Kennedy
Minnie Bailey has entered the
gh school class.
The vacation of two days Thanks-
ving week was a pleasure to all
Leola West and Chloe Waggon-
spent several days in Valentine
st week. j called oni
tiic past month.We were glad
60 different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
at your Grocer's.
to see them , 'too. Call : again.
Alva Shaul , who has plenty i
enthusiasm and lung power'irfak
a good leader of the school yell. '
Our attendance is. , good ; mo :
bhan half the number enrolU
jvere perfect in attendance , th
The vsixth grade 'class contaii
some of the best spellers in schon
it the match Friday Ruth Kenn
jott spelled the school down. A
; he former contest Vivian Youn
lid the same.1 The sixth grac
lebaters also defeated those of tt
ifth grade. .
Do HUM-rat if
. - . Washington , D. C , , Dec. 9. ,
James tj.Jones , chairmanK.c
he democratic national committee
Oday issued a call . for the commil *
ee to meet at the Shorehain hote
a this city Tuesday , January 12
or the purpose of deciding upoi
he time and place for holding tin
emocratic. national convention.
Business Notices , .
Notices mutar lh' hen'Miiu s ofiits pern
toll insertion. AIIIOIIH n-arlnm nintler , 10 oMit
ar UIIK eacn insenion
MI Kinds' ul licavlM.rttvy.inr am
.ii nn > v tid - < tnci < at K. Hrt-nkJander *
Good fresh Meat and Lard a
tetters Meat Market. "r 26
I am now ieud > to take orders foi
ne Knit Underwear for ladies auc
ud children ; MRS. ELMORE. : < - : 3 (
LOST- ! . ? - .
One brown yearling horse cell
randed , [ B@l on left hip. ' '
D. STINARD , Valentine. , Nebr.
Genuine home made Lard at the
jw Butcher Shop.1- - 26 ,
-1' "
' -
- - / ; t
For all kind's of .Undertaking
oods and Undertaking work , call
i the Red Front Merc.Co. . ; 27' :
The Red Fronts-Mere. Go. carr a
mplete line of sportinggoods.l ! f
Now is the time to get-grour in *
ranee on your buildings- and
: > ck. Storms have already begun
id'if you are without insurance
will be your neglect..J It costs but
trifle to insure against fire , light-
ng and tornadoes in the best-state
mpanies. They a're represented
r I. M Rice , Valentine , N'ebr. '
R OH FOR AL " ; ; - J !
6 quarter sections of Deeded land' '
d some school land. Range' for
0 head of stock and is the : best
nge now vacant. 200 tons of hay.
n be cut on this ranch and there
a good house , corrals , cattle sheds
ible , two windmills with never
; ling wells and stock tanks. Al-
open water on a part ofthe' '
tige the year round. $4,000 will
y it.Call at this office or writ a
I. M : RICK ,
Valentine , \plir. ,
Xinherit Lin
at O'ii > ill.Vin -
nu I'-sist. ' ' Coin } * West ,
eaves 10:10 a. in arrive * 950 p. in. :
1'iissenfier , dailj cxocpt Sunday. . '
onnections witli Elkhorn trsilns east : irn'l
it-hnnni ) from Jill poi ts vvvstof I 'NII !
irtesr roiit - to Sjonx Pity HI d by nd
brongh connetlnTi3 K-r'Sloux .frills ; Minne-
lis , St. 1'iiul iiud uU poiuuorth and
r local tenets" O'Neill. . ' "v ' "
' . G p. A
th * Rnnge T * rn
M B-'a tally.
Alliance , NebDec. . 6. A rar
rider named Cummins , in the e
ploy of Bartlett Richards , the
braska cattle king , was killed t
morning by a companion , Dem
Walker , at the Spade ranch m
Ellsworth. Sheridan county. T
story of the killing , as told
the ; a near .the two men when t
fij Kt blow was struck , is that Cii
. "
. '
. ' * " ri -
mins was sitting with his back 1
ward AValker , who crept up 1
hind 'his victim and dealt hin
heavy blow-"on. the hcaq1 with
club:1 ' " \Valken''Jthen mounted 1
horse and sought refuge in fligl
Whafc were the . incidents which 1
-'K-/ f
tJQ the ; murder are not. known hei
but it is presumed the men h
/Cummins , * > . was at once taken
Ellsworth and brought on a tra
to Alliance , where Drs. Bellwoi
* r
: md' Bettlclieim found that his ski
was broken , the fracture pressii
Joiwn upoa'tho brain1. Trepanii
ivas1 * resorted . to and the ski
raised. Although the operati <
vas successfully performed Cur
inns continued to grow weak
md h'nally passed away .at noon.
Men on. horseback are scourh
ihe country 'in' pursuit of Walke
> utrit is not knovpn here tonigi
vhether Ife 'has b'e'eVi * taken . Fro
vhat caq tbe iearfie f there is a po
ibility that sh'o'uld" Walker I
latight he will be-ly-nchecl.
' RaWchForeman DeFrance , wl :
arne't'd'4lliUhibe ! with Cummin
ays be is/not ableto. give any ii
oi'mation. concerning the afl'aii
s the spot where . .tlie 01
urred was , some distance from h
leadquarters and he did not hav
ime to investigate the case befoi
tarting for Alliance.
It is Iqarned tliat the dead ma
omes from' Virginia ; but little 'els
; known of him'
'Bartlett Richards , owner of th
pade ranch , is now at his Cal
3rnia home.-
Alliance , DecT , . 1903.-r Dcnni
i Woof o.rcl , alias..Dqums . , AYalkei
e ! cowboy who is , alleged Xo havi
illed .another , range Dicier name' '
lum.mins on . the Spade rancl :
vned by Bartlett Richards , nea
' ' , Sheridan county , Sun
iy moi'ning , is TIT the custody o
guard of cowboys at the Nortl
jade ranch. Hewas capturei
ssterday bjr a party of cowboy
5 miles from the. place where hi
aid to have struck Cummim
ie blow which ended his life
irhn taken into custody his horse
as completely played out. Woo
ird was making for Alkali lak <
illey. He is reticent and wil
, y nothing about the matter.
It developed tha'6'bofch ' Wooforc
id his alleged victim were goinf
ider assumed names. . The dfcat
iwboy , who wcnfcby ! the name oj
Limmins , was really named Rine-
iH. His home was in Akron , 0 ,
3 to his antecedents there islittle
10 wn at the ranct excepting1 thai
\ had beep : a soldier in the Philip-
nes. It is also- said that he was
desertsr from the army and thai
* * ? ?
Hiad taken the name Of Cum
ins in order to avoid detection.
f * . * * *
\Voorord ' is'said " ' to be a very
iiet > man. Manager Jamison says
at "lie has 'bfapn away from the
nch but twice since he went tc
} rl ? there in April. A peculiar-
r about him is that he seems to
oid meeting people. His home
in Texas.
Coroner Moore has impanlcd a
ry composed of James Mekiney ,
ed Molleing , Fred Moisten , C.
.New berry , B. 0. Lockwood and
iorge Clark. The evidence con-
rning the alleged killing of Rine-
rt is to the effect that Wooford
is not seen to strike the blow ,
t is said to have told John Ma
le that he struck Rinehart with
; lub and that it would be just
luck t6fiave "killed the man. "
The .sheriff of Sheridan county
rived from Rushville . this after-
v -
on and will take charge of Wo'o-
. funeral-
, . ' -
11 T i-
Id at the undei't-aking rooms o
F. Lqcfcwood , Rev -G. p. Clark
the Episcopal . .church pfficiat-
immediately atter tb6 inaues
' * "
Mt-als Lunches Short
i FirriL class meals at all hours ,
day ar.d light.Oysters in
i season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
JE. D. Cohota , Prop
Double Track
Itnilftunl iH'tt JIinaonri
ft nil C/iiv.ano.
Direct tinr to St I'atil-Jliniicaj ,
Direct line to ISlaeli Hills.
< * llfU to neari-fit aycitt fur rate
ami time eardti.
The Elite Restaurar.
. - and Chop House
Meals at all hours.
Fruits , Candies , Cigars
Good cooking and just as yc
want it.
MRS , C , L , WALKER , Prop :
"I was troubled with stem-
nch trouble. Thedford's Black-
Draught did mo mora good
In one week than all the doc
tor's medicine I took iu a
y ar. SIBS. . SAR.A.It B. '
flHlRFlELD.ElletthViilc.Irid. ' '
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases"of
indigestion ; If you' will
take a small dose of.Thed- :
ford'3 Black Draught occa
sionally you - willkeep your *
stomach and liver ir
feet condition.
' -MJ } '
_ More sickness is causedI by , / j
constipation than "by any
'otherdiseaseThisdf6fd'3 !
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular. " ' -
All druggists ecll ;
25-cent packagea.
Draught is the best medi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have ever used. " MRS. .
A. M. GRANT , Sneada"
Ferry , N. C. " '
9 %
t..w WORDS
i'lutl in | , liu las ( , edition of
lur'a lul.oniul.ional Diction-
' . The Inl.onuil.ional ia kepfc
i\M sihruasL of 1-lic times. It
> coiisi.iinl , work , expensive
? K ; ui l worry , liul , ifc is the only
i\ l-o keep l.ho dictionary the
iT l.liu ICiigliahspcaldng world.
Ol-her dictionaries follow. Wob-
lor losuls.
II. is the favorite with Judges ,
lisa and foreign countries.
A postal card will "bring you specimen pages , etc.
[ . ' . & C. fllERUmi COMPANY
The Valentine Bottling Works
i | - up eleven different kinds of
: inks. . IT
Rooms furnished for rent by the
onth > or beds by t'hd ni lifc.
orth of deirot.on Cherry'street. .
: 4
. .Th- I.Valley Hereford Jfiuirh. .
1'riiict' UIHI'- " !
< : it. ll-.i.l : t iM-iiI
l-l ll.T'i . . I'll lllt -l |
i.i r mr. . v.
Hales Ui iny hcr l
No stix 1. r ale nt jTrOsent. Hunch teur niilvs
u > , of Itnwnlee , > > eHr
C. 11. FACI.lIAKKlt ;
j , f.Ji& per cwt
Chert's bulk . 85 per QW { , $16.00 JOD
Screenings . 70c" " " - $13.00
hop Feed _ . . 1.Q5 , x * ' $20.01)- "
Corn . 95 " . . $48.00"
i 'hop corn. . . . . .1.00 . $19.00 "
1.20 ' $23.00"
John Nicholson , T :
Will be in Valentine on the 2021 ; , 22
and 23rd of each month. Reserve
your work for him. Office attJonoher
* : . >
ETTA BROWN , , , ;
Examination Third Saturday * of' each
' *
mouth and Friday preceding ; .
Dentist.i . ,
. . - . ; -i . . . . -
Office over the grocery .deia.r.ment
of T. C. Hornby'.s.'Store. . ,
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. . . 2nd ; and 'Jan.Vl pi. '
i. ; .v lirowiilee , JTebr.
Does general blacksmithingatliard
tinles prices 'for caSifr ' ' - . - . '
. ? / * , ' - * _ y * * _ . _ * , * - , „
City DeliyetyTnairu * .
s , vaWes afa'd 'pkck gt'a Ltruledf to aud
. Iroitf tlie jd pcH , and alt pjj-iB.yf.j ! e J 'lpf.
.ry Fo'mpeianafc'e ysaie'
' - j. ' " ; ; ; : / > ' < , : w\k \
'ffiee ' at Q
Drng Store.
oher residence , CUe
Edward 'S. 'Fiifaif
ysician idSBfi ]
i *
Office Fraternal Hall'Qr.El-
" " " *
' ' l" ' '
ott's Drug Store.
Valentine , J
aetiecs in District Court and U. S. Land
Oflice. Keal Estate and Itauch Property
Robert G. Easley ,
' Oilice over Red Front
Clothes , Cleaning !
I > yeing and Pres.Niiig
ats renovated and blocked.
W.1J. JOPJLI\ . .
s Leave orders at Duveuport & Tliac-hcr 'a.
) E , F. M , BLAKE ,
"Eooins at Mrs.Shore. . ' '
a I en tine . Nebraska.
If yoii need a g'un bt b'otne aiji-
oniiion call on tJie Ked